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REMOTE DOWNLOAD APPLICATION VIA M2MPOWER IDE ................................................ 19
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1 Introduction
The GR64 has been designed so that scripts embedded within the device can be
updated either through a serial interface on UART1 or where this is not feasible, due
to location, remotely using the air interface. The script resident in the device must
be written in a way that makes remote access permissible and preferably with some
form of authentication of the calling party.
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2 Overview
2.1 General
The remote script download is dependant on the currently active script within the
GR64 having the remote control (RC/IPRC) intrinsic function capability written in
such a way that once a connection is made (circuit switch data call or IP connection),
the remote control (RC/IPRC) intrinsic function is called and the remote script
download takes place. Once the script is downloaded into GR64 memory and all
checksums are verified, the GR64 is reset, and on completion of the power up
routine, the new downloaded script is activated.
It is imperative that the new script downloaded using the over the air routine also
has the RC/IPRC functionality written into it. If not, once this new script is activated
and running, this script cannot be updated again.
The remote download process takes care of script number allocation and will use
whatever script number is not being used by the activated script. This ensures that
the original script is not lost and can be activated again if the new script is not
functioning as expected.
Note: It is very important that the new script to be downloaded using the remote
download facility has been checked thoroughly for possible bugs or run time errors.
As once the script is downloaded and activated, it is not possible to gain remote
access again if the script has crashed and is not running.
2.2 Control PC setup
The user has two alternative methods available to assist in the remote download of
embedded application scripts. Firstly they can access the functionality via the
power IDE (Directions for its use can be found in Appendix C), secondly the
user can use the Remote Download Application.
If using the Remote Download Application, the host PC requires Microsoft .NET
framework 2.0 to run the application. This Remote Download Application provides
connectivity to the remote module either through TCP/IP in the form of a host PC
Winsock or CSD using a GSM modem connected to a serial port. The Download
Sequence is as follows:
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1. Select connection type, TCP/IP or CSD (serial).
2. Establish connection to remote module.
3. Select download slot.
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4. Select script file to download.
5. Initiate download.
6. Set new script to be active.
7. Set script to run from start. Normally this setting will already be in force in
which case this step can be omitted.
8. Reset remote module so that new script will be run.
2.3 Remote GR64 Setup
The GR64 that is to have its script updated by using the RC/IPRC function must have
a script with the RC/IPRC functionality active as part of the main loop within the
script structure (example Section 3.1.1/3.1.2). The remote GR64 must also have a
SIM card with a data number to allow the setup of a CSD call when using RC, or a
SIM card which allows for GPRS connections to be made when using IPRC.
The RC embedded application in section 3.1.1 relies upon a data call being received
before switching the RC function on. This can also be done in reverse i.e. the
embedded application can be made to dial a target server and then switch on the RC
function. Likewise, the IPRC embedded application in section 3.1.2 waits for an IP
connection to be made, however, the IP connection could also have been initiated
from the IPRC script.
2.4 Security aspects
When implementing the code, some thought should be given to ensuring that no
unauthorized entity can dial into the module and perform an unauthorized
Some methods are described below which are easy to implement and secure in their
2.4.1 SMS Method
The download operation could be triggered by an incoming SMS, the format of
which is recognised by the script i.e. the text of the SMS could be
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‘Update required: code 1234 call service centre’.
This should be sent from a known number, and could also include a number to dial
for RC, or an IP address to connect to for IPRC.
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