Wavecom G1800, G900, G1900 User manual

39 rue du Gouverneur Général Eboué 92130 Issy les Moulineaux Tél: 01 46 29 08 00 Fax: 01 46 29 08 08 www.wavecom.com
WMO2 G900 / G1800 / G1900 GSM MODEM
Friday 21 May 1999
WMO2 G900 / G1800 / G1900
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Document amendments
Issue Date Status Author Comments
1.1 21-05-99
C. Guillemin
N. Higelin
O. Capron
F. Desnoues
D. Martinez
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1 Introduction............................................................................1
1.1 Document scope ........................................................................... 1
1.2 Related documents........................................................................ 1
1.3 Definitions..................................................................................... 2
1.4 Acronyms and abbreviations......................................................... 2
2 Technical Data........................................................................ 3
2.1 Basic offer ..................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 Contents....................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 Packaging..................................................................................... 3
2.1.3 User manual ................................................................................. 3
2.2 Accessories ................................................................................... 3
2.2.1 Cordons........................................................................................ 3
2.2.2 Headset........................................................................................ 4
2.2.3 Antenna ....................................................................................... 4
2.2.4 Power supply................................................................................ 4
2.3 Options ......................................................................................... 4
2.3.1 Car Kit .......................................................................................... 4
2.4 Product references......................................................................... 4
2.4.1 Ordering references....................................................................... 4
2.4.2 Markings and Labels..................................................................... 4
2.5 Physical characteristics ................................................................. 6
2.5.1 Shape........................................................................................... 6
2.5.2 Mechanical philosophy.................................................................. 7
2.6 Conditions of use........................................................................... 8
2.6.1 Climatic and mechanical environment............................................ 8
2.6.2 Electrical environment................................................................... 9
2.7 Electrical characteristics .............................................................. 10
2.8 Connectors.................................................................................. 11
2.8.1 Connector location...................................................................... 11
2.8.2 Connectors description................................................................ 11
2.9 Capabilities.................................................................................. 13
2.10 Accessories description............................................................. 13
2.10.1 Headset...................................................................................... 13
2.10.2 Serial link.................................................................................... 13
2.10.3 Serial and audio link.................................................................... 14
2.10.4 Remote Modem Control Link ....................................................... 15
2.10.5 Power supply cordon .................................................................. 15
2.10.6 Cables pinning............................................................................ 16
3 AT Commands interface........................................................17
3.1 Command syntax ........................................................................ 17
3.1.1 Request syntax........................................................................... 18
3.1.2 Answer syntax............................................................................ 19
3.2 Default settings........................................................................... 20
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3.3 Global behaviour ......................................................................... 21
3.3.1 SIM Insertion, SIM Removal ........................................................ 21
3.3.2 Background initialisation ............................................................. 22
4 Commands set...................................................................... 23
4.1 General commands ..................................................................... 23
4.1.1 Manufacturer identification +CGMI.............................................. 23
4.1.2 Request model identification +CGMM.......................................... 23
4.1.3 Request revision identification +CGMR ........................................ 23
4.1.4 Product Serial Number +CGSN.................................................... 24
4.1.5 Select TE character set +CSCS .................................................... 24
4.1.6 Request IMSI +CIMI.................................................................... 24
4.1.7 Card Identification +CCID........................................................... 25
4.1.8 Capabilities list +GCAP................................................................ 25
4.1.9 Repeat last command A/ ............................................................. 25
4.1.10 Power off +CPOF........................................................................ 25
4.1.11 Set phone functionality +CFUN.................................................... 26
4.1.12 Phone activity status +CPAS ....................................................... 27
4.1.13 Report Mobile Equipement errors +CMEE .................................... 27
4.1.14 Extended error report +CEER....................................................... 27
4.2 Call Control commands ............................................................... 28
4.2.1 Dial command D......................................................................... 28
4.2.2 Hang-Up command H ................................................................. 29
4.2.3 Answer a call A........................................................................... 30
4.2.4 Remote disconnection................................................................. 30
4.2.5 DTMF signals +VTD, +VTS ......................................................... 30
4.2.6 Redial last number ATDL............................................................. 30
4.2.7 Automatic answer ATS0 ............................................................. 31
4.2.8 Incoming Call Bearer +CICB......................................................... 31
4.2.9 Gain control +VGR, +VGT............................................................ 32
4.2.10 Microphone Mute Control +CMUT.............................................. 32
4.2.11 Speaker & Microphone selection +SPEAKER ................................ 33
4.2.12 Echo Cancelation +ECHO ............................................................ 34
4.2.13 SideTone modification +SIDET .................................................... 34
4.3 Network service related commands............................................. 35
4.3.1 Signal Quality +CSQ ................................................................... 35
4.3.2 Operator selection +COPS........................................................... 36
4.3.3 Network registration +CREG........................................................ 37
4.3.4 Read operator name +WOPN....................................................... 37
4.3.5 Preferred operator list +CPOL ...................................................... 38
4.4 Security commands..................................................................... 39
4.4.1 Enter PIN +CPIN ........................................................................ 39
4.4.2 Enter PIN2 +CPIN2...................................................................... 41
4.4.3 PIN remaining attempt number +CPINC...................................... 41
4.4.4 Facility lock +CLCK...................................................................... 42
4.4.5 Change password +CPWD.......................................................... 43
4.5 Phonebook commands................................................................ 44
4.5.1 Select phonebook memory storage +CPBS................................... 44
4.5.2 Read phonebook entries +CPBR .................................................. 44
4.5.3 Find phonebook entries +CPBF.................................................... 44
4.5.4 Write phonebook entry +CPBW ................................................... 45
4.5.5 Phonebook phone search +CPBP................................................. 46
4.5.6 Move action in phonebook +CPBN............................................... 47
4.5.7 Subscriber number +CNUM ........................................................ 48
4.5.8 Avoid phonebook init +WAIP....................................................... 48
4.6 Short Message Service commands.............................................. 49
4.6.1 Parameters definition .................................................................. 49
4.6.2 Select message service +CSMS................................................... 50
4.6.3 Preferred Message Storage +CPMS............................................. 50
4.6.4 Preferred Message Format +CMGF.............................................. 51
4.6.5 Save Settings +CSAS.................................................................. 51
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4.6.6 Restore settings +CRES............................................................... 51
4.6.7 Show text mode parameters +CSDH ........................................... 52
4.6.8 New message indication +CNMI.................................................. 52
4.6.9 Read message +CMGR ............................................................... 53
4.6.10 List message +CMGL.................................................................. 54
4.6.11 Send message +CMGS ............................................................... 55
4.6.12 Write Message to Memory +CMGW............................................ 56
4.6.13 Send Message From Storage +CMSS .......................................... 57
4.6.14 Set Text Mode Parameters +CSMP.............................................. 58
4.6.15 Delete message +CMGD ............................................................. 58
4.6.16 Service center address +CSCA..................................................... 59
4.6.17 Select Cell Broadcast Message Types +CSCB............................... 59
4.6.18 Cell Broadcast Message Identifiers +WCBM................................. 59
4.7 Supplementary Services commands............................................ 60
4.7.1 Call forwarding +CCFC................................................................ 60
4.7.2 Call barring +CLCK...................................................................... 61
4.7.3 Modify SS password +CPWD...................................................... 61
4.7.4 Call waiting +CCWA ................................................................... 62
4.7.5 Calling line identification restriction +CLIR ................................... 63
4.7.6 Calling line identification presentation +CLIP................................ 63
4.7.7 Connected line identification presentation +COLP........................ 64
4.7.8 Advice of charge +CAOC............................................................. 65
4.7.9 Accumulated call meter +CACM.................................................. 65
4.7.10 Accumulated call meter maximum +CAMM................................. 66
4.7.11 Price per unit and currency table +CPUC...................................... 66
4.8 Data commands.......................................................................... 67
4.8.1 Bearer type selection +CBST ....................................................... 67
4.8.2 Service reporting control +CR...................................................... 67
4.8.3 Cellular result codes +CRC .......................................................... 68
4.8.4 Radio link protocol parameters +CRLP ......................................... 68
4.9 V24-V25 commands.................................................................... 69
4.9.1 Fixed DTE rate +IPR.................................................................... 69
4.9.2 DTE-DCE character framing +ICF................................................. 70
4.9.3 DTE-DCE local flow control +IFC.................................................. 71
4.9.4 Set DCD signal &C...................................................................... 71
4.9.5 Set DTR signal &D...................................................................... 71
4.9.6 Set DSR signal &S ...................................................................... 72
4.9.7 Back to online mode O ................................................................ 72
4.9.8 Result code suppression Q.......................................................... 72
4.9.9 DCE response format V ............................................................... 72
4.9.10 Default configuration Z................................................................ 72
4.9.11 Save configuration &W ............................................................... 72
4.9.12 Auto-tests &T............................................................................. 73
4.10 Specific AT commands ............................................................. 73
4.10.1 Cell environment description +CCED........................................... 73
4.10.2 Automatic RxLev indication +CCED ............................................. 74
4.10.3 General Indications +WIND ......................................................... 75
4.10.4 Data ciphering mode between ME and MSC +ALEA.................... 75
4.10.5 Data ciphering mode +CRYPT..................................................... 76
4.10.6 Key management +EXPKEY ......................................................... 76
4.10.7 Informations on PLMN +CPLMN.................................................. 76
4.10.8 Analog digital converters measurements +ADC........................... 76
4.10.9 Mobile Equipment event reporting +CMER................................... 76
4.10.10 Read Language Preference +WLPR.............................................. 77
4.10.11 Write Language Preference +WLPW ............................................ 77
4.10.12 Read GPIO value +WIOR ............................................................. 77
4.10.13 Write GPIO value +WIOW............................................................ 77
4.11 Other AT commands................................................................. 77
4.11.1 V.25 ter recommandation............................................................ 77
4.11.2 GSM 07.05 recommandation....................................................... 77
4.11.3 GSM 07.07 recommandation....................................................... 77
4.12 Fax Management commands.................................................... 78
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4.12.1 Setting up the module for fax ...................................................... 78
4.12.2 Setting up the PC fax application:................................................ 78
4.12.3 Restoring the module's default profile for data call........................ 78
5 Miscellaneous....................................................................... 79
5.1 Disclaimer ................................................................................... 79
5.2 Trademarks ................................................................................. 79
5.3 Copyright .................................................................................... 79
6 Appendices...........................................................................80
6.1 ME error result code: +CME ERROR: <error>.............................. 80
6.2 Message service failure result code: +CMS ERROR: <er> ........... 80
6.3 Specific error result codes ........................................................... 81
6.4 IE Cause values from GSM 04.08 recommendation..................... 82
6.5 GSM 04.11 Annex E-2: Mobile originating SM-transfer.............. 84
6.6 Unsolicited result codes............................................................... 85
6.7 Final result codes ........................................................................ 85
6.8 Intermediate result codes ............................................................ 86
6.9 Operator names........................................................................... 87
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1 Introduction
This document is intended for every person being brought to work with the modem WISMO WMO2 G900, G1800 or G1900.
1.1 Document scope
This document presents the technical characteristics of the connections, interfaces and power supply of the modem WISMO WMO2 in the G900, G1800 and G1900 terminal version. This document describes the AT commands allowing the user to issue communications in the voice, data or fax mode with the modem WISMO WMO2 G900, G1800 and G1900 and for SMS's reception and expedition.
1.2 Related documents
This interface document is based on the following recommendations and reference documents: [1] ETS 300 019 Environmental conditions and environmental tests
for telecommunications equipment.
[2] SAE J1113 Transients Voltage Suppression in Automotive
Vehicle. [3] WAVE Internal Qualification Plan version 1.1. [4] ETSI GSM 07.05 European digital cellular telecommunication
system (phase 2); Use of DTE-DCE interface for
Short message service and cell broadcast service [5] ETSI GSM 07.07 European digital cellular telecommunication
system (phase 2); AT command set for GSM
Mobile Equipment [6] ITU-T V.25 ter. Serial asynchronous automatic dialling and control [7] ETSI GSM 03.40 European digital cellular telecommunication
system (phase 2); Technical realisation of the
Short Message Service (SMS) Point-to-Point (PP) [8] ETSI GSM 03.38 European digital cellular telecommunication
system (phase 2); Alphabets and language-
specific information [9] WMO2sp14 Technical characteristics of the WMO2 modem
line. [10] SII015 v7.9 AT-Commands interface layer specification for the
phase 2 software of the WMO2 modem line.
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1.3 Definitions
For the purposes of the AT-commands interface description in this document, the following definitions apply:
Command mode: In Command mode, the modem is not
communicating with a remote station, and is ready to accept commands. When powering-up, the modem automatically enters this mode, and automatically returns to this mode when a call is disconnected.
Online mode: Also called data mode: In Online mode, the modem
is communicating with a remote station. Data coming through the RS232 serial link are treated as data and transmitted to the called part, and data received from the called part are transmitted to the terminal through the RS232 serial link. Online mode is activated by successful completion of a command, either manually or automatically, to originate or answer a call, or by receiving the ATO command to return to online mode from Command mode.
[...]: Items enclosed in square brackets are optional.
The square brackets themselves must not appear in the command line.
<...>: Some syntactical elements are mentioned enclosed
in angle brackets. Actually the meaning (values) for those elements must appear in the command and the angle brackets are omitted.
All other characters, including " " ", "&", "?", "==", parentheses, etc., shall appear in commands as written.
1.4 Acronyms and abbreviations
For the purposes of the AT-commands interface description in this document, the following abbreviations apply:
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2 Technical Data
This section deals with the specifications of the second generation of Wavecom's GSM modem. Under the generic reference WMO2-GXXXX are 3 different modems grouped: WMO2-G900 for GSM standard, WMO2-G1800 for DCS standard and WMO2-G1900 for PCS standard. All these modems are based on WISMO concept, it means each modem includes a WISMO1B-Gxxxx module. In this section you will find, on the one hand the description of the basic modem offer and, on the other hand several accessories description.
2.1 Basic offer
2.1.1 Contents
The basic offer comprises the following elements:
Mechanical fixation (holding bridle)
Power supply cable + fuse
User manual
2.1.2 Packaging
The Basic offer set is presented in a unique conditioning, Which external dimensions are close to the following values:
70mm (width) x 60mm (height) x135mm (length). This is a cardboard box. It is build-in small waves, which are covered with
a thin film of white ice-cold paper.
2.1.3 User manual
The user manual is realised in a size closed to the following values: 105mm (width) x 148,5 mm (height) (that is 1/2 A5). It contains twenty-two pages except the cover page.
2.2 Accessories
2.2.1 Cordons
Two cordons could be proposed:
serial link and audio cable (Y cordon) for a low power audio solution (for
example: headset, phone receiver, ...),
serial link and audio cable (Y cordon) for Car Kit option that is with a
higher power on the audio part.
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2.2.2 Headset
The headset allows audio hands free function. This feature implements a weak power speakerphone and a microphone.
TBD: standard products
2.2.3 Antenna
Two solutions could be proposed:
a standard deported cellular phone antenna,
a WAVECOM designed short antenna.
2.2.4 Power supply
An AC/DC converter (220V~ / 12V-2A) enables a direct powering on the power network.
2.3 Options
2.3.1 Car Kit
Thanks to an audio power amplifier, a microphone - that can be fixed on a vehicle's sun visor - and a loud speaker - that can be fixed on the vehicle dashboard -, one can obtain a hands free embedded solution.
Speaker (8) and directional microphone are supplied with this option.
2.4 Product references
2.4.1 Ordering references
The WMO2 modem product line references are set up using the WMO2-GXXXX base. The references respect the following syntax:
WMO2-G900 for the GSM 900 standard;
WMO2-G1800 for the DCS 1800 standard;
WMO2-G1900 for the PCS 1900 standard.
2.4.2 Markings and Labels Product labelProduct label
This label is built with anodise aluminium. It has a blue silk screen treatment (marking: aluminium colour) and is fitted on the upper convex mechanical side. It supports the WAVECOM logo. Dimension: 96x10 mm.
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This label is located on the bottom side of the product and contains CE marking (in order to improve the productivity on assembly line, this marking will be printed or silk screen treated in advance). Dimension: 60x9.5 mm. CE and IMEI stickerCE and IMEI sticker
This label is placed on the bottom of the product, it contains the following legible information
P/N (WMXXXXX) and IMEI number in barre code. This last one includes the product serial number. Dimensions: 60 x 9.5 mm. Label packagingLabel packaging
This label is put on the product box and defines the contents.
P/N: WMxxxxx
Made by Wavecom
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2.5 Physical characteristics
2.5.1 Shape
The physical shape is given as follow:
Physical characteristic Qualification Comments Dimension Absolute maximum dimension
98x54x25 mm 110x54x25 mm
Without the connectors quotations.
Weight < 140 g Volume 13.23 cm3 Case Aluminium profile
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2.5.2 Mechanical philosophy
The mechanical casing of the WMO2 modem line is built from an aluminium profile ended by two stoppers at each edge.
All input/output interfaces are realised through three connectors placed at the two extremities of the profile. No cordon is fixed to the casing.
The SIM card (micro-SIM) is put on an extractable drawer. A red LED indicates the functioning mode of the product.
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2.6 Conditions of use
2.6.1 Climatic and mechanical environment
The following figure shows environment standard constraints:
Class 1.2 Class 2.3 Class 7.3
Cold IEC 68-2.1 -25° C 72 h -40° C 72 h -20° C 16 h
Ab test
Dry heat IEC 68-2.2 +70° C 72 h +70° C 72 h +55° C 16 h
Bb test
Change of temperature IEC 68-2.14 -40° / +30° C 5 cycles -20° / +30° C 3 cycles
Na/Nb test t1 = 3 h t1 = 3 h
Damp heat IEC 68-2.30 +30° C 2 cycles +40° C 2 cycles +40° C 2 cycles
cyclic Db test
90% - 100% RH
90% - 100% RH
90% - 100% RH
variant 1 variant 1 variant 1
Damp heat IEC 68-2.56 +30° C 4 days +40° C 4 days +40° C 4 days
Cb test
Sinusoidal vibration IEC 68-2.6 5 - 62 Hz : 5 mm / s
Fc test 62 - 200Hz : 2 m / s2
3 x 5 sweep cycles
5 - 20 Hz : 0.96 m2 / s3 10 -12 Hz : 0.96 m2 / s3
Random vibration IEC 68-3.36 20 - 500Hz : - 3 dB / oct 12 - 150Hz : - 3 dB / oct
wide band Fdb test 3 x 10 min 3 x 30 min
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2.6.2 Electrical environment
The following table sums up electrical constraints in an automotive environment:
Length of transient Cause
frequency of
Steady state Failed Voltage Regulator oo
+ 18 V
3 - 5 minutes Jump start with 24 V
+/- 24 V
200ms to 400ms
Load dump - i.e.,
disconnection of battery
while at high charging
10 J
< 0.32 s Inductive Load
Switching Transient
<1 J
-300V to +80V
< 0.20 s Alternator Field Decay <1 J
-100V to -40V
Each Turn-Off
90ms Ignition Pulse, Battery
<0.5 J
<500Hz Several Times in vehicle
Mutual Coupling in
Harness (Note)
<1 J
15µs Ignition Pulse, Normal <0.001 J
Accessory Noise <1.5V 50 Hz to 10 kHz
Transceiver Feedback 20mV R.F.
Note: These transients may be present on any wire in the vehicle.
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2.7 Electrical characteristics
The following table summarises the electrical characteristics defined for the different input/output connections.
Parameters MIN TYP MAX UNIT Comments
Power supply: Input supply voltage Input supply voltage with Car Kit option Input peak supply current @5V*/ 6V
Input average supply current @5V*/ 6V** in communication mode
Input average supply current @5V*/ 6V
in idle mode (paging period 480ms) Input average supply current @5V* in idle
mode with auto-shutdown function
32 18
2,5*/ 0,9
Serial link: RS232 standard Audio (head set): microphone input current @2V/2K absolute microphone input voltage speaker output current 150 //1nF absolute speaker impedance
SIM 3 5 V
only GSM devices.
only DCS and PCS devices.
auto shutdown function could be activate if the serial link leads a non hardware flow-control (CTS/RTS non used). This hardware feature will not be available with the first products.
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2.8 Connectors
2.8.1 Connector location
2.8.2 Connectors description
We considered the following constraints in the connector choice:
Mechanical characteristics;
Electrical performances;
Industrialisation (surface assembly choice).
In order to extract or insert the Micro SIM card, it is strongly recommended to press with a sharp element (a pen for example) the SIM holder ejector. If this procedure is no respected, the SIM holder could be destroyed.
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Type Pining Drawing Ref. supplier Mating connector
RF connector SMA RADIALL:
RADIALL: R125073
Serial link
AUDIO link
SUB D High Density (15 pt.)
1 DCD (CT109) 2 TX (CT103) 6 RX (CT104) 7 DSR (CT107) 8 DTR (CT108/2) 9 GND 11 CTS (CT106) 12 RTS (CT105) 13 RI (CT125) 4 MICROPHONE (+) 5 MICROPHONE (-) 10 SPEAKER (+) 15 SPEAKER (-) 3 BOOT 14 RESET
JST: KSEY-15S-3B6L18-13
ITT CANNON: ZDEA-15P-SB or JST: KEC-15P with contact JK­SP2143
Power Supply connector
Micro-Fit (4pts)
MOLEX: 43045-0409
MOLEX: 43025-0400
SIM holder MOLEX:
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2.9 Capabilities
Functions of the WMO2 modem line are defined as follow:
900 MHz. Class 4 (2W). GSM phase 2.
1800 MHz or 1900 MHz Class 1 (1W) GSM phase 2.
Interface Serial interface RS232 V.24/V.28
AT command set based on V.25ter and GSM 07.05 & 07.07.
Auto-bauding function between baud rates 2400 and 19200
No auto-framing available
Serial interface RS232 V.24/V.28 AT command set based on V.25ter and
GSM 07.05 & 07.07. Auto-bauding function between baud rates
2400 and 19200 No auto-framing available
SMS Mobile Originated (MO) and Mobile
Terminated (MT). Text & PDU Mode point to point. Cell broad cast.
In accordance with GSM 07.05
Mobile Originated (MO) and Mobile Terminated (MT). Text & PDU Mode point to point. Cell broad cast.
In accordance with GSM 07.05
Data Asynchronous 2400, 4800, 9600 baud
rates. Transparent and Non Transparent mode In Non Transparent Mode: 300, 1200,
1200/75 baud. Mode 3.1 kHz (PSTN) and V110 (ISDN)
Asynchronous 2400, 4800, 9600 baud rates.
Transparent and Non Transparent mode In Non Transparent Mode: 300, 1200,
1200/75 baud. Mode 3.1 kHz (PSTN) and V110 (ISDN)
Fax 2400/4800/7200/9600 baud, GSM
teleservice 62 in Transparent Mode. Class 1. Group 3 compatible.
2400/4800/7200/9600 baud, GSM teleservice 62 in Transparent Mode.
Class 1. Group 3 compatible.
Audio FR and EFR operation
1: Head Set 2: Car Kit (in option)
FR and EFR operation 1: Head Set 2: Car Kit (in option)
2.10 Accessories description
2.10.1 Headset
To be defined.
2.10.2 Serial link
SUB-D High Density
15 points male + braid of shield soldered on SUB D
SUB-D 9 points
female + braid of shield soldered on SUB D body + cover.
Shielded cable 9 wires + braid of shield:
Wire constitution: tinned copper 7x0.2 mm Wire constitution: 7x 0.15 (26AWG) Operating temperature range: -20°C/+85°C.
Cable length: 1,5 m
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2.10.3 Serial and audio link Low power audioLow power audio High power audioHigh power audio
SUB-D High Density
15 points male + braid of shield soldered on SUB D
SUB-D 9 points
female + braid of shield soldered on SUB D body + cover.
Modular Jack
Shielded cable 9 wires + braid of shield:
Wire constitution: tinned copper 7x0.2 mm Wire constitution: 7x 0.15 (26AWG) Operating temperature range: -20°C/+85°C.
Flat cable 4 wires:
Wire constitution: tinned copper 7x0.15 mm (26AWG) Operating temperature range: -20°C/+85°C
Cable length: 1,5 m
Jack audio mono 2,5 mm
female (microphone)
Shielded cable 9 wires + braid of shield:
Wire constitution: tinned copper 7x0.2 mm Wire constitution: 7x0.15 (26AWG) Operating temperature range: -20°C/+85°C
Cable2x2 wires:
2 Wires constitution (speaker): tinned copper 7x0.2 mm (24AWG) 1 conductor with shield (microphone) Operating temperature range: -20°C/+85°C
Cable length: 1,5 m
Female RCA connector
SUB-D High Density 15
pts male + braid of shield soldered on SUB D body + cover
SUB-D 9 pts female + braid of shield soldered on SUB D
body + cover
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2.10.4 Remote Modem Control Link
Also called "Service cable".
2.10.5 Power supply cordon
Cable length: 1,5 m
Low power
audio cable as defined above
Cable length: 10 cm
Flat cable 4 wires:
Wire constitution: tinned copper 7x0.15 mm (26AWG)
2 push buttons or micro switches
MICRO FIT connector 4 pts (MOLEX: 43025-0400) Contacts (x2) (MOLEX: 43030-0007)
Side view
Fuse 5x20 mm. (2,5 A)
Cable: 1 wire.
Ame: tinned copper 24x0.2 mm Section: 0.75 mm² Operating temperature range: -20°C/+85°C
Tinned wires
Cable length: 1 m
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2.10.6 Cables pinning
Assembly example
SUB-D 9CTSSUB-D 9CTS ConnectionConnection SUB D 15CTS (RS232)SUB D 15CTS (RS232) Signal nameSignal name
1 (White)1 (White)
1 (White)1 (White) DCD (CT109)DCD (CT109)
2 (Grey)2 (Grey)
6 (Grey)6 (Grey) RX (CT104)RX (CT104)
3 (Purple)3 (Purple)
2 (Purple)2 (Purple) TX (CT103)TX (CT103)
4 (Blue)4 (Blue)
8 (Blue)8 (Blue) DTR (CT108/2)DTR (CT108/2)
5 (Black)5 (Black)
9 (Black)9 (Black) GNDGND
6 (Orange)6 (Orange)
7 (Orange)7 (Orange) DSR (CT107)DSR (CT107)
7 (Yellow)7 (Yellow)
12 (Yellow)12 (Yellow) RTS (CT105)RTS (CT105)
8 (Brown)8 (Brown)
11 (Brown)11 (Brown) CTS (CT106)CTS (CT106)
9 (Green)9 (Green)
13 (Green)13 (Green) RI (CT125)RI (CT125)
Modular Jack 4P/4CModular Jack 4P/4C ConnectionConnection SUB D 15CTS (AUDIO)SUB D 15CTS (AUDIO)
1 (Yellow/White)1 (Yellow/White)
4 (Yellow/White)4 (Yellow/White) microphone(+)microphone(+)
2 (Red/White)2 (Red/White)
10 (Red/ White)10 (Red/ White) speaker(+)speaker(+)
3 (Green/White)3 (Green/White)
15 (Green/White)15 (Green/White) speaker(-)speaker(-)
4 (Black/White)4 (Black/White)
5 (Black/White)5 (Black/White) microphone(-)microphone(-)
Flying wiresFlying wires ConnectionConnection SUB D 15CTSSUB D 15CTS
3 (Pink)3 (Pink) BOOTBOOT
14 (Blue/White)14 (Blue/White) RESETRESET
9 (Black)9 (Black) GNDGND
Top view
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3 AT Commands interface
This chapter describes the interface based on the Hayes protocol standard between the TE and the ME. The AT commands presented here in are intended to manage voice, data and fax communication as well as SMS sending and receiving.
3.1 Command syntax
There are 3 types of commands:
1. Set command: using the = (equal) character, it is possible to assign a value to a parameter.
2. Read command: using the ? (question mark) character, it is possible to read the current setting of a parameter.
3. Test command: using the character sequence =? (equal followed by question mark), it is possible to test if a parameter is supported by the modem and to read the supported values for that parameter.
Examples: AT+CPIN=#### ' to enter the PIN code of the SIM. ATS0? ' to determine the number of ring indicators
awaited before automatically answering.
AT+COPS=? ' to determine which PLMN are currently
The following only applies in command mode. All available commands for the WMO2 modem line are presented in
the chapter 4.
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3.1.1 Request syntax Basic syntaxBasic syntax
At fixed baud rate uppercase or lowercase letters can be used to type in the AT-Commands. But the use of both upper and lower­case characters in the same command is not permitted.
The end character, except in some cases for which it is indicated, is always the <CR> (Carriage Return) character.
The syntax is based on the nominal Hayes standard:
Each command begins with a 2 letters prefix "AT" (ATtention) except the "+++" and the "A/" commands;
The command's body is a single character or an & (ampersand) character immediately followed by a single character;
A + (plus) character may immediately follow the AT prefix to indicate it is an extended command format in that case, a letter (chosen among the following one: A, C, D, E, F, G, I, M, S, T, V or W) immediately follows the + character, then comes the command itself (the body);
The parameters (if any) of the command are placed at the end.
Examples: ATA ' to answer a call.
AT&W ' to store the profile in memory. ATQ1 ' to suppress the extended syntax result codes. ATS0=2 ' to automatically answer a call after 2 rings.
It is possible to concatenate several commands on the same command line, example: ATQ1S0=2;&W You must insert a ; (semicolon) straight after each command that use a = (equal) or ? (question mark) character and after each extended format command. There is no need of any special character for all other commands (i.e. there are no ; (semicolon) between the Q1 and S0=2 commands above, but there is one straight after the S0=2 command before the &W command. Special casesSpecial cases
If the serial link exchange baud rate is not fixed, case of the modem working in autobauding mode, it is not possible to type in the commands using lowercase characters.
When sending SMS messages, the end character is no longer the <CR> (carriage return), it is the <CTRL>Z character (Escape character).
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3.1.2 Answer syntax
There are 2 types of answers: information text and result codes. The answer of a command may be build of both an information text
and a result code. The answer may be transmitted in numeric form or alphabetic
(verbose) form depending upon the setting of the V parameter. The response, either in numeric form or in alphabetic form, consists
of a header, a body and a trailer. The header and the trailer are the same, there are build with 2 characters <CR> <LF> (Carriage return and Line Feed).
This applies for all commands except the V0 and the Q1 commands.
When the command syntax is wrong, the modem responds ERROR. When the command syntax is correct but with incomplete or
incorrect parameters, the modem responds +CME ERROR: <Err> or +CMS ERROR: <CMSErr> with the corresponding error code (<Err> respectively <CMSErr>).
If the command syntax is correct and all parameters are valid but the network refuses the command whatever the reason, the modem responds +CMS ERROR: <CMSErr>, where <CMSErr> is the reason (if any) given by the network.
The modem responds OK when the network accepted the command and both the syntax and the parameters where correct.
For some commands such as "AT+CPIN?" or "AT+EXPKEY?" or "ATQ1", the modem will not give the OK string at the end of the command execution.
Moreover there are 3 sub-types of answers. These sub-types describe answers that are return at different states of the modem.
Final result type : indicates the full completion of an AT
command and can be considered as a willingness to accept new commands from the TE. Example: "OK" or "ERROR".
Intermediate result type : is a report of the execution progress of
the currently being treated AT command. Example "CONNECT <speed>".
Unsolicited result type : indicates the happening of an event
not directly ensuing from a previous AT command. Example "RING".
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3.2 Default settings
The following table shows the different storable parameters, the command to store them and there default value.
CommandCommand AT&WAT&W (E2P) (E2P) AT+CSASAT+CSAS
(SIM, E2P)(SIM, E2P)
Default valueDefault value
+CSCS <char. set> "PCCP437"
ATS0 <# of Ring> 0 (no auto-answer)
+CICB X 2 (speech)
+VGR <n> 2 (all speakers)
+VGT <n> 2 (all microphones)
+SPEAKER X 0 (Speaker 0 & Micro 0)
+ECHO All 160, 12, 5, 512, 10 +SIDET X 1,1
+CREG <mode>,<form> 0
+CLCK X No SIM or Network lock
+CPWD <pwd> 00000000 (SIM & Net lock)
+WAIP <mode> 0
+CMGF <mode> 1 (text)
+CNMI All 0, 0, 0
+CSMP All 1, 67, 0, 0
+CSCA <sca> SIM dependant (phase 2)
+CCWA <n> 0
+CLIR <n> 0
+CLIP <n> 0 +COLP <n> 0 +CBST All 0, 0, 1
+CRLP All 61, 61, 48, 6
+CR <mode> 0
+CRC <mode> 0
+IPR X 0 (autobaud) +IFC X 2,2 +ICF X 3,4
E X 0 &C X 1 &D X 1
Q X 0
V X 1
&S X 1
The default setting of the RS232 serial link handler shown above in the table corresponds to the following setting:
Baud rate : Autobauding (admitting rates from 2400 to
19200 bps) Data length : 8 bits Parity : None Stop bit : 1 Flow control : Hardware (RTS/CTS)
To tune this settings please use the commands +IPR, +IFC and +ICF.
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3.3 Global behaviour
3.3.1 SIM Insertion, SIM Removal
SIM card Insertion and Removal procedures are supported. These are software functions based on the reading of the hardware SIM presence pin. This pin state (open/closed) is continuously watched.
When the SIM presence pin indicates a presence of "somewhat" in the SIM connector, the module tries to establish a SIM logical session. Depending if the "somewhat" is a SIM Card or not, the SIM logical session will be successfully established or not.
The AT+CPIN? command delivers the following answers:
If the SIM presence pin indicates "nothing", the answer to
AT+CPIN? is "+CME ERROR: 10" (SIM not inserted).
If the SIM presence pin indicates "something" and the
inserted Card is a valid SIM Card, the answer to AT+CPIN? is "+CPIN: xxx" depending of the SIM PIN state.
If the SIM presence pin indicates "something" and the
inserted Card is not a valid SIM Card, the answer to AT+CPIN? is "CME ERROR: 10".
These both last status are not immediately available after
powering-up due to the background initialisation. During this step and before the SIM presence pin indicates "somewhat", the AT+CPIN? command returns "+CME ERROR: 515" (Please wait, initialisation in progress).
When the SIM presence pin indicates "nothing" and the previously inserted SIM Card was removed, an IMSI detach procedure is executed, and all the user data corresponding to this previous SIM are removed from the memory (Phonebooks, SMS etc.). The modem can then still emit calls but only in the emergency mode (only emergency numbers can be dialled).
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3.3.2 Background initialisation
After a valid PIN entry, many SIM user data information are loaded in the modem memory (Phonebooks, SMS status…). This operation can last a long time when reading huge phonebooks.
The AT+CPIN? command answers just after verification of the PIN. User Data are loaded in background after the PIN checking.
This means, that some data of the SIM may not be available straight after the "OK" (if PIN is valid) of the PIN Entry function was received by the TE. Data that may be affected are particularly the phonebook's entries.
So that any access to phonebooks features will then be refused by the following error message "+CME ERROR: 515" or "+CMS ERROR: 515" meaning "please wait, service is not available, initialisation in progress".
Also this kind of answer may be returned by the modem in several circumstances:
when trying to execute another AT command before the
previous one was executed to the end.
when swapping from (or to) ADN to (or from) FDN and
trying to immediately read the concerned phonebook;
when giving the +CPIN? command (SIM Status) just after a
SIM insertion and before the modem could execute a valid SIM Card logical session.
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4 Commands set
For convenience the <CR> and <CR><LF> sequences are not indicated in the examples shown in the following description.
4.1 General commands
4.1.1 Manufacturer identification +CGMI
This command gives the manufacturer identification. It is only a read command.
There is no possibility to set a value or to test the parameters. Command Syntax: AT+CGMI Example:
Application to GSM AT+CGMI Get manufacturer
GSM to application WAVECOM MODEMOKCommand valid, Wavecom
4.1.2 Request model identification +CGMM
This command is used to get the supported bands (GSM 900, DCS 1800, PCS 1900).
The answer could be a combination of different bands in the case of multiband modem.
It is only a read command. There is no possibility to set a value or to test the parameters.
Command Syntax: AT+CGMM Example:
Application to GSM AT+CGMM Get hardware version GSM to application 900P
GSM 900 MHz primary band, or "900E" (extended band), "1800" (DCS), "1900" (PCS) or "MULTIBAND"
4.1.3 Request revision identification +CGMR
This command is used to read the software version. It is only a read command.
There is no possibility to set a value or to test the parameters. Command Syntax: AT+CGMR Example:
Application to GSM AT+CGMR get software version GSM to application 300_D250 641680 012099 18:10OKSoftware release 3.00 generated on the
20st of January 1999
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