Wave Arts Master Restoration Suite Users Manual

Wave Arts
Master Restoration
User Manual
Copyright © 2007, Wave Arts, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Installation and Registration...............................................................5
1.1 Mac OS X Installation ...................................................................5
1.2 Windows Installation ....................................................................6
1.3 Registration ................................................................................7
1.4 Registration Troubleshooting .......................................................10
2. Plug-in Control Operation ................................................................13
2.1 Knobs.......................................................................................13
2.2 Text Entry................................................................................. 13
2.3 Selector button.......................................................................... 14
2.4 Sliders...................................................................................... 15
2.5 Buttons ....................................................................................15
2.6 Output Meters ...........................................................................15
3. Menu Bar and Preset Manager .......................................................... 17
3.1 Bypass .....................................................................................17
3.2 Undo ........................................................................................17
3.3 Copy ........................................................................................ 17
3.4 A/B buffers ...............................................................................17
3.5 Preset name and arrow controls ................................................... 18
3.6 Preset menu.............................................................................. 18
3.7 Factory Presets.......................................................................... 18
3.8 User Presets.............................................................................. 19
3.9 Save… ......................................................................................19
3.10 Import…..................................................................................19
3.11 Export… .................................................................................. 20
3.12 Reset… ...................................................................................20
3.13 Tools menu .............................................................................20
3.14 About… ...................................................................................20
3.15 Open User Manual….................................................................. 21
3.16 Unlock Plug-in… .......................................................................21
3.17 Check for Updates….................................................................. 22
3.18 Visit Website… .........................................................................22
4. MR Hum........................................................................................ 24
4.1 Overview ..................................................................................24
4.2 About Hum, Buzz, and Brickwall filtering .......................................25
4.3 Using MR Hum........................................................................... 28
4.4 Parameters ...............................................................................30
4.5 Presets .....................................................................................32
4.6 Specifications ............................................................................32
5. MR Click........................................................................................ 33
5.1 Overview ..................................................................................33
5.2 About Clicks and Crackle .............................................................34
5.3 Using MR Click........................................................................... 36
5.4 Parameters ...............................................................................38
5.5 Presets .....................................................................................39
5.6 Specifications ............................................................................39
Wave Arts Master Restoration Suite
6. MR Noise.......................................................................................41
6.1 Overview ..................................................................................41
6.2 About Noise Reduction ................................................................ 42
6.3 Using MR Noise..........................................................................45
6.4 Parameters ...............................................................................50
6.5 Presets .....................................................................................52
6.6 Specifications ............................................................................53
7. MR Gate........................................................................................ 55
7.1 Overview ..................................................................................55
7.2 About Gating .............................................................................56
7.3 Using MR Gate...........................................................................58
7.4 Parameters ...............................................................................58
7.5 Presets .....................................................................................59
7.6 Specifications ............................................................................59
8. Master Restoration .........................................................................61
8.1 Overview ..................................................................................61
8.2 Using Master Restoration ............................................................62
8.3 Presets .....................................................................................63
8.4 Specifications ............................................................................63
License Agreement .............................................................................65
Support ............................................................................................67
Index ...............................................................................................69
1. Installation and Registration
1. Installation and Registration
1.1 Mac OS X Installation
If you are Installing from the Master Restoration Suite CD-ROM, insert the CD-ROM and double click the Master Restoration Suite OSX folder. You will see the “Master Restoration Suite OSX.mpkg” file as shown below. If you are installing from a download, the download manager will create a file “MasterRestoration.dmg”. Double click on this file to create the file “Master Restoration.mpkg”. If you are downloading and installing an individual plug­in or another bundle, the procedure is similar, but the files will be named after the plug-in or bundle rather than named “Master Restoration”.
Now double click the “Master Restoration.mpkg” icon, and proceed though the installation process:
Wave Arts Master Restoration Suite
1.2 Windows Installation
If you are installing from a CD-ROM, insert the CD-ROM and double-click the file “MasterRestoration.exe” shown below. This will start the installation process as described below. If you are downloading Power Suite, the file “MasterRestoration.exe” will be created on your computer. Double-click this file to start the installation process. If you are downloading and installing an individual plug-in or another bundle, the installation process is similar, but the files will be named after the individual plug-in or bundle rather than named “Master Restoration”.
If you have downloaded the installer from the Wave Arts web site, when you run the installer you may get a warning message from Windows that the publisher could not be verified. Ignore the warning and click “Run” to continue.
1. Installation and Registration
The installer will guide you through the following screens:
1. Welcome. Click Next to continue.
2. Read Me File. Displays information about demo and registration procedure. Click Next to continue.
3. License Agreement. Read and click Yes if you agree to the terms of the agreement. The agreement is reprinted at the end of this user guide.
4. Select Components. Here you have the option to select DX, VST, and RTAS formats for installation. Click each box to toggle the checkmark on/off; boxes with checkmarks indicate the corresponding component (i.e., plug-in format) will be installed. By default, all three boxes are checked and thus all three formats will be installed. Click Next to continue.
5. Choose Destination Location. For each of the plug-in formats selected to install, choose the destination location on your file system. The first location is for DX format plugs, and also serves as the destination for the user manual. The second location is the folder where VST plug-ins are installed. The third location is the folder where RTAS plug-ins are installed. Click Next to continue.
6. Select Program Manager Group. Enter the name of the folder in the Windows start All Programs menu where the Wave Arts files can be accessed.
7. Start Installation. Click next to perform installation.
8. Installation complete. Click Finish to exit the installer. If you are attempting to install plug-ins that are currently in use, you may be asked to restart your computer.
1.3 Registration
After your plug-ins are installed, they will function in demo mode for 30 days. While in demo mode they will be fully functional, however you must register (i.e., unlock) your plug-ins or they will stop working after 30 days. You will be warned when you have 7 days remaining in your demo period.
To unlock the plugs after installation, go to http://www.wavearts.com/register.html You’ll need your Serial Number (either emailed to you or printed on a page in the product box), and your Machine ID, which can be determined by selecting the “About…” command in the Tools menu of any Wave Arts plug-in as shown in the figure below. The Machine ID is a number which identifies
and enter the required information.
Wave Arts Master Restoration Suite
the computer you are using. Different computers will have different machine IDs.
After selecting the About… item you’ll see an About dialog box like the one below. The About box shows the version number of the plug-in, the host plug-in format (e.g., DirectX, VST), the registration status of the plug-in, and the Machine ID of your computer. Make note of the Machine ID:
At our registration site (http://www.wavearts.com/register.html enter your Serial Number (the number that begins with “WA-“) and your Machine ID. If you purchased an electronic download, your Serial Number was emailed to you when you purchased the product. If you purchased the
) you will
1. Installation and Registration
software in a shrink-wrapped box, the Serial Number can be found in the box contents. The registration page has the following fields to fill out:
The registration page needs the following information: your name, your email address, your Serial Number, and your Machine ID. It’s very important to provide a working email address because your Key Code will be emailed to this address. Also be sure to enter the Serial Number and Machine ID correctly.
Once the required information is entered at the Register web page you will be emailed a reply containing your 10-digit Key Code. An example reply is shown below:
Your key code for Wave Arts Master Restoration Suite for Machine ID 18869 is below:
To activate your software, go to the Unlock Plug-In item in the Tools menu of the plug-in and enter this number. A bundle can be registered by entering this key code in any plug-in included with the bundle.
Please contact us if you have any problems.
Thank you! Wave Arts, Inc.
You then unlock the plug-ins be selecting the Unlock Plug-In command in the Tools menu:
Wave Arts Master Restoration Suite
Enter the Key Code in the dialog box:
You should see a dialog indicating that the registration was successful.
If you need to install the plug-ins on another machine, such as a laptop, you may repeat the procedure above. Our license policy permits up to three installations provided you are the only user. The registration web page keeps track of the number of machines on which you have installed your plugs. Each computer will have a different Machine ID.
When registering a bundle, such as Master Restoration Suite, you can obtain the Machine ID from any one of the plug-ins in the bundle, and you can enter the key code in any one of the plug-ins. If registration is successful, all the plug-ins in the bundle will be unlocked.
If you do not have web access, you can obtain a key code by calling Wave Arts customer support at 781-646-3794.
1.4 Registration Troubleshooting
Invalid key code message – make sure you are entering the 10-digit key code from the registration email, NOT the serial number that begins with “WA-“. All letters should be uppercase, and you must enter the ‘-‘ character.
Website says my number of registrations is used up - contact Wave Arts support (support@wavearts.com) and let us know the number of computer(s) the plug-ins are installed on. As a single user you can install the plug-ins on up to three computers, but additional users must purchase their own copies of the plug-ins.
Key code email not received - make sure the mail is not being filtered by a junk or SPAM mail program. The key code is mailed immediately and
1. Installation and Registration
should arrive in your email inbox within several minutes. Check your junk mail folder.
Machine ID changed - the Machine ID is based on your computer’s network hardware (specifically, the MAC address of the computer’s default internet adaptor). In normal circumstances this number will not change. However, if you change your network hardware or configuration, the Machine ID may change. If the Machine ID changes after the plug-ins have been unlocked, the plug-ins will display a message to this effect the next time they are opened. The plug-ins will then revert to 30-day demo mode to give you time to obtain a new unlock code based on the new Machine ID. In the case that the Machine ID is flipping between two values based upon two different network configurations, you can simply register both Machine IDs and the plug-ins will stay unlocked even if the Machine ID changes.
2. Plug-in Control Operation
2. Plug-in Control Operation
2.1 Knobs
Please refer to the following guide for information about the various ways you can use knobs:
Function Mac
Increase/Decrease a parameter value (rotate clockwise/counterclockwise)
Fine adjustment — increase/decrease
Reset knob to default value
Click on the knob +
drag up/down
Shift + click + drag
RTAS: Command +
Command + click
Click on the knob +
Right click + drag
Shift + click + drag
RTAS: Ctrl + click
drag up/down
Control + click
RTAS: Option +
RTAS: Alt + click
2.2 Text Entry
Many value displays are editable text. A text field is editable if your mouse cursor changes to an I-beam when moved over the text. Following is a table that fully describes how to use the text editing features:
Function Mac
Enter text entry mode Click in the display Click in the display Select text Click + drag Select entire text Double-click Delete character to left of cursor Delete Delete character to right of cursor Del
Click + drag
Wave Arts Master Restoration Suite
Move the cursor left/right
Extend the current selection
Exit text entry mode
Select next parameter to edit Tab Select previous parameter to edit Shift + Tab
Left/Right arrow
Shift + click + drag
Shift + left/right
arrow keys
Click outside value
Left/Right arrow
Shift + click + drag
Shift + left/right
arrow keys
Click outside value
Shift + Tab
*Typing ESC causes the text to revert its original value before editing.
You'll find that many parameters, such as frequency, will recognize units typed into the text field. The following values, when typed into a frequency value box, are equivalent:
2k = 2 kHz = 2000 = 2000 Hz
2.3 Selector button
The selector button cycles through a number of fixed values. Click on the button to go to the next value. Click on the text to display a pop-up menu of the available values. The table below describes the functionality of the selector button:
Function Mac
Go to next value Click on the knob Go to previous value Shift + click on knob Shift + click on knob Display pop-up menu of all choices Click on text
Click on the knob
Click on text
2. Plug-in Control Operation
2.4 Sliders
Function Mac
Increase/Decrease a parameter value
Fine adjustment — increase/decrease
Click on the slider
handle + drag
Shift + click + drag
Click on the slider
Right click + drag
Shift + click + drag
handle + drag
Reset slider to default value
2.5 Buttons
Lighted buttons show a toggle state. A green, orange or yellow light indicates "on" and a black (extinguished) light indicates "off." Click the button to toggle the state.
Buttons that do not light up are used to activate certain commands.
2.6 Output Meters
Output meters show the peak signal power in short time updates — in green from -96dB to -6dB, in yellow between ­6dB and 0dB, and in red above 0dB. Peak hold levels are also drawn. The meter also stores the overall peak value for each channel, and displays these values in the peak indicator boxes above the meter. If the detector finds a peak value above 0dB, the text color will turn red as a warning. Click on either indicator box to reset them back to -96dB. If the plug­in has an output gain knob, you can right click (PC) or Shift­click (Mac) on an indicator box to automatically increase or decrease the output gain so that the peak will be -0.1dB.
Command + click
Control + click
3. Menu Bar and Preset Manager
3. Menu Bar and Preset Manager
All Wave Arts plug-ins in the Master Restoration Suite have the following menu bar displayed at the top of the plug-in:
This section describes the operation of the menu bar, preset manager, and the other functions available in the menus.
3.1 Bypass
Clicking on the bypass button bypasses the effect, that is, audio will pass through the effect without alteration. The button is lit when the effect is bypassed.
3.2 Undo
Clicking the Undo button causes the parameters to revert to their settings prior to the last edit. Only one level of undo is available, so clicking the undo button again will restore the parameters after the edit. Both A and B buffers (described below) have their own undo buffers.
3.3 Copy
Clicking the Copy button copies the current set of effect parameters to the unused A/B buffer. Hence, if the A buffer is currently selected, the parameters are copied to B, and if the B buffer is selected, the parameters are copied to A. After clicking Copy, you can continue to make changes, and then revert to the original copied settings by clicking either the A or B buttons to switch buffers.
3.4 A/B buffers
The A/B edit buffers allow you to compare two different sets of parameters or presets. One of the A or B buttons is always lit; the button that is lit shows the current buffer. Clicking either the A or B button will switch to using the other buffer, thus changing the effect settings (assuming different settings are stored in A and B).
Here’s how to use the A/B buffers to compare two different presets. Select a preset from the Preset menu, then switch to the other buffer and select a different preset. Now switch between the two buffers to alternate between the two different presets.
Wave Arts Master Restoration Suite
3.5 Preset name and arrow controls
The currently selected preset name is displayed in the text field in the menu bar. Changing any parameters causes an asterisk (*) to be displayed at the end of the name. This indicates that changes have been made to the preset. In order to save the changes to a user preset you must select the “Save…” item in the Preset menu, described below.
The arrow controls to the left and right of the preset name cycle through the set of factory and user presets. Clicking the right arrow goes to the next preset, clicking the left arrow goes to the previous preset.
3.6 Preset menu
The Preset menu contains lists of factory and user presets for easy selection, and options for managing presets. The functions are described in the following sections.
3.7 Factory Presets
Factory presets are selected from a rolloff menu at the top of the Preset menu. Factory presets cannot be modified or deleted. The Default preset is always first in the list; it defines all default parameter settings.
3. Menu Bar and Preset Manager
3.8 User Presets
User presets are selected from a rolloff menu just below the Factory presets in the Preset menu. When you first run a Wave Arts plug-in, there will not be any user presets and the menu will be empty. When you save a preset using the “Save” option the preset is added to the User menu. All instances of a plug-in share the same set of user presets. So, after you save a preset with one instance of a plug-in, you can go to another instance and find that the preset can be found in its User preset menu too.
You can delete an individual user preset by holding down the SHIFT key while selecting the preset. The entire set of user presets can be deleted using the Reset option, described below.
User presets are stored in a text file called “Master Restoration Presets.txt”. On Macintosh, the presets are stored in the folder “/Library/Application Support/Wave Arts”. On Windows the presets are stored in the folder “C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Wave Arts”. If the preset file is deleted it will be created automatically by the plug-in. Note that all Master Restoration plug-ins share the same preset file; this is so presets created by the individual plug-ins are automatically shared with the Master Restoration plug-in.
3.9 Save…
When you have created an effect you want to save as a preset, select the “Save…” option. You will be asked to name the preset and the preset will be saved in the set of User presets. If you supply the same name as an existing user preset, the preset will be overwritten with the new preset without any warning notice.
3.10 Import…
User presets can be written to files using the “Export” function, and read from files using the “Import” function. Selecting the “Import…” option will first ask if you want to replace or merge the imported presets. Replacing causes your current set of user presets to be deleted and replaced with the presets read from the file, merging will add the presets read from the file to your set of User presets. Then you will be asked to choose a preset file for importing and the presets are read from the file.
Import can also be used to convert presets from an older version of the plug­in to the current version. If the plug-in detects presets from an older version and it knows how to convert them to the current version it will ask you if you want to convert the older presets to the current format.
Wave Arts Master Restoration Suite
3.11 Export…
Selecting the “Export…” option will first ask if you want to replace or merge the exported presets. Replacing causes the presets in the file to be deleted and replaced with the exported user presets, merging will add the user presets to the presets in the file. Then you will be asked to choose a preset file for exporting and the presets are written to the file.
Preset Export is also useful for making backup copies of your user presets. If you have a large set of user presets, be sure to export them to a backup file.
3.12 Reset…
Reset is used to delete all of your user presets. Selecting “Reset…” will first ask you if you really want to do this, and if you confirm, all the user presets are deleted.
3.13 Tools menu
The Tools menu contains various important options, described below.
3.14 About…
The About option displays important information about your plug-in. An example is shown below:
3. Menu Bar and Preset Manager
On the top line, the plug-in name and version are displayed, along with the current plug-in format (DirectX, VST, AU, RTAS, or MAS). This is useful if you aren’t sure which format of the plug you are running. The build date of the plug-in is displayed on the next line. The registration status is displayed on the next line. If the plug-in is operating in demo mode, the time remaining (if any) is displayed. If the plug-in has been successfully registered (unlocked), the key code and bundle name is displayed. The Machine ID of the computer is displayed on the next line. Finally, buttons are provided for opening the registration dialog and the user manual.
3.15 Open User Manual…
Select this option to open the user manual in a browser. If the manual isn’t found, you will be asked to navigate to it. Once the manual is opened successfully the plug-in remembers the location.
3.16 Unlock Plug-in…
This option is described in the Installation and Registration chapter of this manual.
Wave Arts Master Restoration Suite
3.17 Check for Updates…
If you are connected to the internet, selecting this option will launch a browser and will navigate to the Wave Arts Downloads page.
3.18 Visit Website…
If you are connected to the internet, selecting this option will launch a browser and will navigate to the Wave Arts home page.
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