Dead Level™ DLP-GF
6" Wide Polypropylene
Trench Grate & Frame
SPECIFICATION: Watts Dead Level DLP-GF 6"(152) wide x 48"(1219) long (standard) UV stabilized glass-filled
polypropylene frame, and (specify) grating to suit DIN Class (specify) load rating. System to include frame connectors,
grate lockdowns, and construction covers.
Suffix Description
-BR Decorative Bronze** Class B
-DI Ductile Iron Class C*
-DI-ADA Ductile Iron ADA Class C*
-GDI Galvanized Ductile Iron** Class C*
-PP Polypropylene** Class A
-GP Galvanized Perforated Class A
-GS Galvanized Slotted Class A
-RGP Reinforced Galvanized Perforated Class C*
-RGS Reinforced Galvanized Slotted Class C*
-SP Stainless Steel Perforated Class A
-SS Stainless Steel Slotted Class A
-RSP Reinforced Stainless Steel Perforated Class C*
-RSS Reinforced Stainless Steel Slotted Class C*
-SCI Solid Cast Iron*** Class C*
*Load Class E with Frame Guards
Suffix Description
-FG Galvanized Steel Frame Guard
-FS Stainless Steel Frame Guard
-US Buy American Compliant
**Not Available With -US
Grate Options:
ES-WD-DeadLevel-DLP-GF 1405 WD-DeadLevel-DLP-GF