Application 7 allows you to program as many as six menu keys to control one temperature
channel, a fan and cooking time for an automatic convection oven.
Overview of Key Steps
1. Install the MINICHEF 2000.
2. Wire the controller.
3. Configure the controller.
4. Program the menus.
5. Set the controller security.
6. Set the Real-time Clock.
For instructions on Steps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, see the Hardware & Software Setup Guide.
7. Design, manufacture and apply faceplate overlay for end-users. (For a suggested design
to suit this application, see this section. For overlay dimensions and guidelines, see the
Hardware & Software Setup Guide.)
8. Operate the controller. (See this application guide.)
Key Functions in Configuration Mode
→Output 1 Heat
→Output 2 not used
→Event Output 1 Fan Low
→Event Output 2 Fan High
→Output 5 Audible Alarm
Menu 1
Menu 4
Menu 3
Menu 6
Menu 2
Menu 5
Your Company Logo
Input 1 Oven Temperature→
Input 2 not used →
Event Input 1 Door Open→
Event Input 2 not used →
Your Company Logo
Menu Key Indicator
Slow flash...Preheating
Rapid flash...Ready
Rapid flash...Done
Slow flash...Idle and
regulating temp to
previous set point
Not Lit...No menu selected
Heat Indicator Light Lit
when heat output is on.
Menu Keys Activate and
cancel menus, activate
cook cycle when
acknowledge alarms.
Display five-digit, sevensegment numeric LED
Indicator lights
(1 for each key, 2 for heat
Edit key (A) Access the
next level of parameters or
Enter key (B) Enter the
value and return to
previous level.
Home key (D) Move to
Operation Mode with a
two-second key press.
Up key (C) Move up the
Escape key (E) Return to
original value when editing
a parameter value.
Down key (F) Move down
the lists.
Key Functions in Operation Mode
Summary of Input/Output Functions
Note: For details, see wiring instructions in the
2 ■ Watlow MINIC HEF 2000Application 7
Hardware & Software Setup Guide.
Configuration Mode Quick Reference
These are the functions, parameters and values included in the Configuration Mode for
this application. You must select Application 7 to access them. For directions, see the
Hardware & Software Setup Guide. The Appendix of that guide includes an explanation
of all parameters and values.
[Sound] Audible Alarm0 - 5
[FAn``] Fan Speed1 spd, 2 spd
[delay] Fan Delay Time0 - 120
[SEtUP] Setup [`Ç_Ï`] Temperature Display Format°C or °F
[time] Time Display FormatMMM:SS, HH:MM, H:MM:SS
(H=Hours, M=Minutes, S=Seconds)
[Chirp] Key ChirpOn, Off
[loc``] Menu Security LockYes, No
[tc```] Thermocouple TypeJ, K (shown as [````H]), E
[rtd``] RTD CurveDIN, JIS
[tconp] WatCurveTMTemperature On, Off
[Ofst1] Temperature Offset, Channel 1 -99° to 99°F (-55° to 55°C)
[tr`lo] Temperature Range Low0ºF (-18ºC) for RTD inputs
32ºF (0ºC) for tc inputs to [tr`Hi]
[tr`Hi] Temperature Range High [tr`lo] to 1200°F (649°C)
[ready] Preheat Ready FeatureYes, No
[rband] Ready Band1 to 1200°F (649°C)
[Cloc`] Real Time Clock DisplayYes, No
[plOSS] Power Loss Menu ResumeYes, No
[al``1] Alarms for channel 1None, Dev, Proc, Both
[aL`P1] Absolute Process Alarm 1100 to 1200°F (38 to 649°C)
[aLdL1] Low Deviation Alarm 1-999 to 0°F (-555 to 0°C)
[aLdH1] High Deviation Alarm 10 to 999°F (0 to 555°C)
[tHErl] Thermal[tyPE`] Temperature Control TypePID, On-Off
[HYSt1] Hysteresis 11 to 99°F (1 to 55°C)
[Pid`U] PID UnitsSI, US
[tune1] Auto-tuning 1on, OFF
[ProP1] Proportional Band 11 to 999°F (1 to 555°C)
[rSEt1] Reset (integral) Gain 10.00 to 9.99 repeats/minute
[int`1] Integral Gain 10.00 to 99.99 minutes/repeat
[rAtE1] Rate (derivative) Gain 10.00 to 9.99 minutes
[dEr`1] Derivative Gain 10.00 to 9.99 minutes
[CYcL1] PID Cycle Time 11 to 60 seconds
[`diag] WatHelp Used for equipment troubleshooting and testing. Not used when programming. See the Hardware
Diagnostics& Software Setup Guide.
Application 7 Watlow MINICHEF 2000 ■ 3
Program Mode Quick Reference
These are the functions, parameters and values included in the Program Mode for this
application. You must select Application 7 to access them. For menu programming directions, see the Hardware & Software Setup Guide. The Appendix of that guide includes a
FunctionParameterValueYour Settings
[M`__][Stpt1] Set point 1Temperature range low
Menu Numbers 1 - 6Temperature of set point range high.
detailed explanation of all parameters and values.
[Tine1] Time 1Setting Time 1, Time 2, Time 3
Run time of set point 1.and Time 4 all to zero
invalidates selected menu.
Format varies based
on configuration.
[fan`1] Fan 1 SpeedSingle Speed: On, Off
Speed of fan during time 1.Two Speed: Off, Low, Hi
[Stpt2] Set point 2Temperature range low
Temperature of set point range high.
[Tine2] Time 2Setting Time 1, Time 2, Time 3
Run time of set point 2.and Time 4 all to zero
invalidates selected menu.
Format varies based
on configuration.
[fan`2] Fan 2Single Speed: On, Off
Speed of fan during time 2.Two Speed: Off, Low, Hi.
[Stpt3] Set point 3Temperature range low
Temperature of set point range high.
[Tine3] Time 3Setting Time 1, Time 2, Time 3
Run time of set point 3.and Time 4 all to zero
invalidates selected menu.
Format varies based
on configuration.
[fan`3] Fan 3Single Speed: On, Off
Speed of fan during time 3.Two Speed: Off, Low, Hi
[Stpt4] Set point 4Temperature range low
Temperature of set point range high.
[Tine4] Time 4Setting Time 1, Time 2, Time 3
Run time of set point 4.and Time 4 all to zero
invalidates selected menu.
Format varies based
on configuration.
[fan`4] Fan 4Single Speed: On, Off
Speed of fan during time 4.Two Speed: Off, Low, Hi
Auto-tuning Note:
Before auto-tuning Application 7, the Set Point 1 of Menu 1 must first be set to a value
that is typical of your application. (See Hardware & Software Setup Guide for information on programming menus.) Then set [tHerl] / [tunE1] to [```on]. After you accept
[```on], by pressing “Enter,” the controller will display [`tunE] while auto-tuning is
taking place.
The controller will cancel the auto-tuning process if it cannot be completed in 80 minutes. You can cancel the auto-tuning process at any time by pressing either key C or key
D and accepting [``Off], by pressing “Enter,” when it appears.
4 ■ Watlow MINIC HEF 2000Application 7
Step 7 Design a Faceplate Overlay
Your Company Logo
To complete the installation, you must apply a graphic membrane to the front panel of
the controller. The following artwork will help you design and create a membrane for
this application. For more dimensions and guidelines, see the Hardware & SoftwareSetup Guide.
Suggested End-user Overlay:
This Prototyping and Training Membrane Overlay will help you with the configuration and programming steps. To order it, see the Ordering Information
at the back of this guide.
Application 7 Watlow MINICHEF 2000 ■ 5
Step 8 Operate the Controller
[pre-`] [`Heat]
Summary of Key Functions in Operation Mode
AMenu 1
BMenu 2
CMenu 3
DMenu 4
EMenu 5
FMenu 6
Apply power to the oven.
[`idle] will appear on the display.
If the Real Time Clock Display option is installed and [setUp] / [time] is pro-
grammed, the time of day will appear on the display.
If the [Ready] parameter under the [SEtUP] function in the Configuration Mode is set
to yes, the controller will detect temperatures and preheat to operating temperature
(above the relative set point minus the ready band) as required.
•Press the key for the menu you want to run. Each key selects a different menu. You
can select from up to six menus that control temperature and cooking time. Only
one menu may be run at a time.
Note: The controller will not respond if you select an invalid menu (one for which the total of Time 1, Time 2, Time 3,
and Time 4 is set to 0).
The menu you have chosen becomes the current menu for controller operation. Until
the menu is completed or canceled, the indicator light above the menu key will light
up (flashing or steady) to indicate the active menu.
•If the oven is not at operating temperature, it will preheat. Meanwhile:
The word [pre-`] [`Heat] will appear on the display for a few moments. The
menu key indicator light will flash slowly. The temperature of Channel 1 will be displayed until the operating temperature is reached.
6 ■ Watlow MINIC HEF 2000Application 7
The heat output indicator light - G, just below the display- will light up whenever
Edit Accept
Edit Accept
Edit Accept
[pre-`] [`Heat]
the controller is calling for heat.
When the oven is at operating temperature (above the relative set point minus the
ready band) [ready] will appear on the display and the menu key indicator light
will flash rapidly. You are now ready to cook with the active menu.
•If the oven is at operating temperature, the display goes directly to [ready] without indicating preheat or temperature.
Note: you can skip preheat and go directly to the cooking sequence by pressing the menu key a second time.
Run a Menu (when preheat feature is active)
This procedure describes how to run an active menu when the preheat feature is active
- that is, when the [ready] parameter in the [setUp] function of the Configuration
mode is set to [``yes].
1. With [`idle] or time of day on the display, press the key for the menu you want to
If the preheat condition has not been met, the oven will preheat until [ready]
appears on the display.
Note: You can skip preheat and go directly to the cooking sequence by pressing the menu key a second time.
If the oven is already at operating temperature [ready] will appear on the display.
2. With [ready] on the display, place the food in the oven. Then press the active
menu key (indicated by the rapidly flashing indicator light).
The menu key indicator will light up. Time will count down on the display.
The unit will run the following four-step cooking sequence:
Countdown time is displayed. It is the total of the programmed Time 1 plus Time 2
plus Time 3 plus Time 4.
Set point 1 and Fan 1 will run until Time 1 expires.
Set point 2 and Fan 2 will run until Time 2 expires. You will not see the switch-over
from Time 1 to Time 2.
Set point 3 and Fan 3 will run until Time 3 expires. You will not see the switch-over
from Time 2 to Time 3.
Set point 4 and Fan 4 will run until Time 4 expires. You will not see the switch-over
from Time 3 to Time 4.
3. When the cooking sequence is finished, one of the following will happen, depending
on the way the controller was programmed at [Etype] / [sound]:
Application 7 Watlow MINICHEF 2000 ■ 7
With Sound set to 0, the controller automatically switches to idle in which the controller does not maintain temperature and does not run time. [`idle] or time of
day will appear on the display. The menu key indicator light will be off.
With Sound set to 1, 2, or 3, [``end] will appear on the display and an audible tone
will be emitted. The menu key indicator light will flash rapidly. You can acknowledge the tone by pressing the active menu key or it will time out in 1 to 20 seconds
and go into idle. The menu key indicator light will flash slowly.
With Sound set to 4 or 5, end will appear on the display and the menu key indicator
light will flash rapidly. You must acknowledge the audible signal by pressing the
active menu key. Once acknowledged the audible signal is silenced and the controller goes into idle. The menu key indicator light will flash slowly.
4. Once the controller goes into idle, the menu key indicator light and the heat outputs
will switch off. The controller will not regulate to any temperature.
5. To repeat cooking, repeat steps 1 through 2 or 3.
Run a Menu (when preheat feature is not active)
This procedure describes how to run an active menu when the preheat feature is inactive - in other words, when the [ready] parameter in the [setUp] function of the
Configuration mode is set to [```no].
1. With idle on the display, place the food in the oven.
2. Press the key for the menu you want to run.
The menu key indicator will light up. Time will count down on the display.
The unit will run the following four-step cooking sequence:
Countdown time is displayed. It is the total of the programmed Time 1 plus Time 2
plus Time 3 plus Time 4.
Set point 1 and Fan 1 will run until Time 1 expires.
Set point 2 and Fan 2 will run until Time 2 expires. You will not see the switch-over
from Time 1 to Time 2.
Set point 3 and Fan 3 will run until Time 3 expires. You will not see the switch-over
from Time 2 to Time 3.
Set point 4 and Fan 4 will run until Time 4 expires. You will not see the switch-over
from Time 3 to Time 4.
3. When the cooking sequence is finished, one of the following will happen, depending
on the way the controller was programmed at [Etype] / [sound]:
With Sound set to 0, the controller automatically switches to idle in which the controller does not maintain temperature and does not run time. [`idle] or time of
day will appear on the display. The menu key indicator light will be off.
With Sound set to 1, 2, or 3, [``end] will appear on the display and an audible tone
will be emitted. The menu key indicator light will flash rapidly. You can acknowledge the tone by pressing the active menu key or it will time out in 1 to 20 seconds
and go into idle. The menu key indicator light will flash slowly.
With Sound set to 4 or 5, end will appear on the display and the menu key indicator
light will flash rapidly. You must acknowledge the audible signal by pressing the
active menu key. Once acknowledged the audible signal is silenced and the controller goes into idle. The menu key indicator light will flash slowly.
8 ■ Watlow MINIC HEF 2000Application 7
4. Once the controller goes into idle, the menu key indicator light and the heat outputs
will switch off. The controller will not regulate to any temperature.
5. To repeat cooking, repeat steps 1 through 2 or 3.
Pause a Menu
While cooking, you can pause cooking time by pressing the active menu key once. The
menu key indicator light will flash rapidly. [PAUSE] will appear on the display.
Countdown time will resume when you press the active menu key again.
Cancel a menu
Canceling a menu stops the controller completely. The controller does not maintain set
point temperatures or run time. You cancel a menu to run another menu, stop menu
operation for any reason, or are preparing to shut off the oven.
•Press the active menu key for 2 seconds. Heat outputs will switch off. Heat output
indicator lights will switch off. [`idLE] or time of day will be on the display.
Change Menus or Restart
With the controller in idle press the key for the menu you want to run.
Door Opening
When you open the oven door (when the oven door is open, the switch is closed and
Event Input 1 is turned on) the unit will act as described below.
During the cooking sequence: time is paused - [`door] will appear on the display. The
heat and fan output signals will shut off.
During the preheat sequence: [`door] will appear on the display. The heat and fan output signals will be shut off.
During idle, the fan output signals will be shut off.
When you close the door the unit will operate normally.
Event Outputs
While running a menu when the Configuration Mode [EtYPE] / [FAn``] is set to
[````2] :
When Low fan speed is on, Event Output 1 is on.
When High fan speed is on, Event Output 2 is on.
While running a menu when the Configuration Mode [EtYPE] / [FAn``] is set to
[````1] :When the fan is on, Event Output 1 is on.
WARNING: Starting or initiating a menu can cause or initiate fan motion. Appropriate reasonable care should be
taken to prevent personal injury or machine damage as a result of operator initiated or unexpected fan motion.
Temperature Alarms
The controller will alert you to temperature alarm conditions if they occur. If an alarm
occurs, take action as determined by your supervisor. See the Appendix in the Hardware& Software Setup Guide for a Troubleshooting Chart and a summary of temperature
Application 7 Watlow MINICHEF 2000 ■ 9
The controller will alert you to errors if they occur. Errors are critical problems that
shut down the unit. If an error occurs, an error message will appear on the display. You
should switch off the power and call for service.
See the Appendix in the Hardware & Software Setup Guide for a Troubleshooting Chart
and a summary of errors.
10 ■ Watlow MINIC HEF 2000Application 7
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