Watlow Electric D8 User Manual

The Watlow SERIES D8 is a powerful line of controllers that combines performance and flexibility with compact design. Compliance with the
Open DeviceNet™ Vendors Association
ODVA) and Semiconductor Special Interest Group (SIG) standards means this controller is easy to integrate into systems with DeviceNet™ networks on Controller Area Network (CAN).
The four and eight loop versions of SERIES D8 controllers provide complete control solutions for a broad range of applications. Support for multiple types of sensor inputs including thermocouples, RTDs, linear voltage and current is also available.
Each loop can be individually configured for on-off control or PID control. Loops can also be combined to achieve cascade, ratio or differential control. Process variable retransmit and remote analog set point are included.
The SERIES D8 controllers are UL
and C-UL®listed, meet the requirements of the European Community EMC Directive and carry the CE mark.
Full Featured Controller in a
8 DIN Package
with DeviceNet™
Features and Benefits
PID control of up to eight loops
Minimizes panel space per loop
Reduces installation time
Increases reliability, fewer parts mean fewer failures
Complies with ODVA and Semiconductor SIG specifications for DeviceNet™ on CAN
Integrates with other DeviceNet™ nodes and software
Provides sealed micro connector for minimal installation
time and footprint and maximum reliability
Simplifies setup with rotary switches for baud rate and
node address
Simplifies commissioning and troubleshooting a network
with network and module status LEDs
Menu-guided operation with full text prompts
Allows quick setup of the controller
Simplifies operation
Context-sensitive, on-screen help
Saves time
Reduces learning curve
Advanced control utilities
Auto-tune optimizes control with minimal effort and
Cascade minimizes overshoot and improves control in
systems with excessive thermal lag
Ratio and differential enhance control in areas where the
relationship between two or more loops is paramount
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DeviceNet™ is a trademark of the Open DeviceNet Vendors Association
and C-UL®are registered trademark of Underwriter's
Laboratories, Inc.
1241 Bundy Boulevard Winona, Minnesota 55987-5580 USA Phone: +1 (507) 454-5300 Fax: +1 (507) 452-4507 Internet: www.watlow.com E-mail: info@watlow.com

DAC and SDAC Modules

The optional DAC and SDAC modules are available for Watlow SERIES D8 controllers.
The DAC (digital to analog converter) converts one or two of the controller’s distributed zero crossing (DZC) output signals to analog signals. Each output is field configurable for 4-20mAÎ(dc), 0-5VÎ(dc), or 0-10VÎ(dc).
The SDAC (serial digital to analog converter) converts one controller output to a precise analog voltage or current signal. The unit is typically used for process variable retransmit, open-loop, motor or belt speed control, or phase-angle fired SCR power controllers. The SDAC bears the CE mark and is UL
and C-UL®listed.
Because the SERIES D8 has no onboard analog outputs, applications that use process variable retransmit typically require one SDAC module per retransmitted signal.
Data Rate
500 Kb 250 Kb 125 Kb
25 mm (1.0 in.)
41 mm to 53 mm (1.6 in. to 2.1 in.) for cables and clearance
188 mm (7.4 in.)

Figure 1 - Front View

Figure 2 - Side View

96 mm (3.8 in.)
50 mm (2.0 in.)

Figure 3 - D8 with TB18 Option for Digital I/O

Figure 4 - D8 with SCSI/TB50 Option for Digital I/O

Connect digital I/O here with TB18 option
SCSI cable
TB50 terminal board option: digital I/O connects here
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