Silicone Rubber Heaters
Improve Heat Transfer,
Speed Warm Ups and
Decrease Wattage
Rugged, yet thin, lightweight and flexible —the use of
imagination. With these heaters, heat can be placed where
it is needed. In the application process these heaters
improve heat transfer, speed warm ups and decrease
wattage requirements.
Fiberglass-reinforced silicone rubber gives the heater
dimensional stability without sacrificing flexibility. Because
very little material separates the element from the part, heat
transfer is rapid and efficient. The heaters are constructed
with a wire-wound element or an etched foil element.
The heater construction creates a very thin heater allowing
it to fit applications where space is limited.
Performance Capabilities
• Operating temperatures up to 500°F (260°C)
• Watt densities up to 80 W/in
• Wire-wound element thickness — 0.055 in. (1.4 mm)
• Etched foil element — 0.022 in. (0.56 mm)
• UR
Features and Benefits
Designed to the exact shape and size needed
• Conforms to your component and/or equipment
More than 80 designs available immediately from stock
• Reduces downtime
Constructed with wire-wound or etched foil elements
• Delivers a thin, lightweight heater
• Provides the desired flexibility for many dynamic
• Delivers low mass and easily repeatable distributed
Moisture- and chemical-resistant silicone rubber material
• Provides longer heater life
Vulcanizing adhesives or fasteners
• Allows heaters to be easily bonded to the part
silicone rubber heaters is limited only by the
(12.5 W/cm2), dependent
upon application temperature
, cUR®, VDE and CE recognitions are available on
many designs up to 428°F (220°C)
watt densities
0.055 in. (1.4 mm)
hick Heater with
Wire-Wound Element
0.022 in. (0.6 mm) Thick Heater
with Etched Foil Element
Element Vulcanized
Between Two Layers of
Silicone Rubber/Fiberglass
Teflon®or Silicone
eads Available
Typical Applications
• Freeze protection and condensation prevention for many
types of instrumentation and equipment
• Medical equipment such as blood analyzers and test
tube heaters
• Computer peripherals such as laser printers
• Curing of plastic laminates
• Photo processing equipment
• Semiconductor processing equipment
Mounting Methods
• Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Surface (PSAS)
• Silicone contact cement kit
• Field applied adhesive
• Mechanical fasteners
• Factory bonding
©2001, 2011 Watlow Electric Manufacturing Company, all rights reserved.

Termination Styles
Watlow offers many types of leads and terminations.
Leads can project from any position along the perimeter
f the unit. They will be centered on the short side width
of rectangular heaters unless otherwise specified.
180 CSA
Extended Capability Termination Style
HPN Cord and Plug Set
eads Shown Exiting End of
eater, Centered on Short Side
Watlow’s leads are 12 in. (305 mm) long, white, Teflon
insulated, flexible, plated copper UL®1180 CSA wire. They
are rated for 392°F (200°C)/300V. The lead connections
on or at the heater are insulated with a cap of sheath
material, vulcanized to the heater body.
eads Shown Exiting Middle
of Heater
Type E (MIL-W-16878) and Teflon®UL®1199 rated for
392°F (200°C)/600V are also available.
Silicone Insulated Leads
Leads Shown Exiting
Corner of Heater
For a better moisture seal, specify UL
silicone insulated lead
wires. This lead type is rated for 302°F (150°C)/ 600V. Any
lead length is available. Note: Silicone rubber heaters are not
designed to be waterproof. Excess exposure to moisture may
facilitate premature heater failure.
Molded Leads are Shown Exiting Edge of Heater.
apped Leads are also Available
For removable heaters, a 6 ft (1.8 m) HPN cord and plug set
provides convenience. It is rated for 194°F (90°C)/ 300V. HPN
cord without a plug is also available in any length.
Extended Capability Options
Formed Heaters
Many three-dimensional shapes, such as cylinders,
cones and boxes, can be factory formed. Semi-rigid
shapes can be self-gripping to the part. Special
tooling may be required for some designs.
Holes, Cutouts and Notches
Thermal Insulation
To increase the heating efficiency of
your application, silicone rubber
heaters can be thermally insulated
with silicone sponge rubber, bonded to
one side in the following thicknesses:
⁄16,1⁄8,1⁄4,3⁄8 or1⁄2 in. (1.6, 3.2, 6, 9.5 or
Watlow can provide flexible heaters with special holes,
cutouts and notches in nearly any position required for
your design. The resistance element can be brought to
⁄8 in. (3.2 mm) of all edges. Standard spacing is
⁄4 in. (6 mm) from all edges.
13 mm)
An aluminized surface can be added
to the back of the heater to reduce
radiated heat losses. This aluminized
surface, called “low loss treatment,”
adds very little to the unit thickness
and maintains a very clean appearance.
Watlow®is a registered trademark of Watlow Electric Manufacturing Company.
Teflon®is a registered trademark of E.I. duPont de Nemours & Company.
UR®and cUR®are registered trademarks of Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc.
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