Proven Capabilities
hermocouple wire and thermocouple extension wire
ince 1914, SERV-RITE
from Watlow
All SERV-RITE wire is manufactured under rigid quality control. It is
manufactured under ISO 9001 quality standards. Some wire can even be
shipped next day for your convenience.
All testing has National Institute of Standards Technology (NIST), formally
National Bureau of Standards (NBS), traceability. Unless otherwise specified, all
SERV-RITE thermocouple wire and extension wire are supplied to meet
standard tolerances of ASTM E 230. Special tolerances are also available.
have been known for premimum performance and reliability.
Watlow provides:
• Same day shipment on hundreds of stock items
• Temperature range capability from -328 to 2200°F
(-200 to 1205°C)
• Superior products and technical support delivered
• State-of-the-art, in-house laboratory services including;
calibration, end-to-end uniformity testing, drift testing, base
metal, platinum and standard platinum resistance
thermometer (SPRT) standards with traceability to NIST
• NIST certifications of conformance and calibration
• Multitude of overbraids, wraps and insulations available,
including electrical noise shields and wraps
• Full range of resistance temperature detector (RTD) wire
(not listed in this publication)
• ASTM E 230 tolerances from ±0.9°F (±0.5°C)
or ±0.4 percent
• ISO 17025 accredited lab
Features and Benefits
Type E, J, K, N and T
thermocouple wire
• Fits virtually all applications
Type EX, JX, KX, NX, TX
extension wire
• Matches thermocouple type
Compensation extension wire for
Type R and S thermocouples
• Permits fine tuning of
temperature measuring circuit
Solid or stranded wire
• Meets specific application
Wide selection of insulation types
• Meets temperature, chemical,
moisture and abrasion resistance
Color coding
• Allows compliance with United
States, United Kingdom, Germany,
Japan and IEC standards
Select metallic overbraids and
• Provides enhanced abrasion
Stock RTD lead wire
• Meets virtually all industrial RTD
SERV-RITE Wire and Cable
Nominal Resistance for Thermocouple Alloys in Ohms per Double Feet at 68°F (20°C)
B and S
2 0.258 (6.5) 0.011 0.006 0.009 0.012
4 0.204 (5.2) 0.017 0.009 0.014 0.019
6 0.162 (4.1) 0.028 0.014 0.023 0.030
8 0.129 (3.3) 0.044 0.023 0.036 0.048
10 0.102 (2.6) 0.070 0.036 0.058 0.077
12 0.081 (2.1) 0.111 0.057 0.092 0.123 0.006 0.048
14 0.064 (1.6) 0.177 0.091 0.147 0.195 0.010 0.076
16 0.051 (1.3) 0.281 0.145 0.233 0.310 0.016 0.120
18 0.040 (1.0) 0.453 0.234 0.376 0.500 0.025 0.194
20 0.032 (0.8) 0.709 0.367 0.589 0.783 0.040 0.304
22 0.025 (0.7) 1.129 0.584 0.937 1.245 0.063 0.483
24 0.020 (0.5) 1.795 0.928 1.490 1.980 0.100 0.768
26 0.016 (0.4) 2.853 1.476 2.369 3.148 0.159 1.221
28 0.013 (0.3) 4.537 2.347 3.767 5.006 0.253 1.942
30 0.010 (0.3) 7.214 3.731 5.990 7.960 0.402 3.088
32 0.008 (0.2) 11.470 5.933 9.524 12.656 0.639 4.910
34 0.006 (0.2) 18.239 9.434 15.145 20.126 1.016 7.808
36 0.005 (0.1) 29.000 15.000 24.080 32.000 1.615 12.415
14 Stranded 0.076 (1.9) 0.161 0.083 0.134 0.178 0.009 0.069
16 Stranded 0.060 (1.5) 0.256 0.133 0.213 0.283 0.014 0.110
18 Stranded 0.048 (1.2) 0.408 0.211 0.338 0.450 0.023 0.174
20 Stranded 0.038 (1.0) 0.648 0.335 0.538 0.715 0.036 0.277
22 Stranded 0.030 (0.8) 1.031 0.533 0.856 1.137 0.057 0.441
24 Stranded 0.024 (0.6) 1.639 0.848 1.361 1.808 0.091 0.701
in. (mm) E J K N RX, SX T
Conductor Size
B and S
14 0.064 (1.6) 0.076 (1.9) 7 22
16 0.051 (1.3) 0.060 (1.5) 7 24
18 0.040 (1.0) 0.048 (1.2) 7 26
20 0.032 (0.8) 0.038 (1.0) 7 28
22 0.025 (0.6) 0.030 (0.8) 7 30
24 0.020 (0.5) 0.024 (0.6) 7 32
26 0.016 (0.4)
28 0.013 (0.3)
30 0.010 (0.3)
32 0.008 (0.2)
34 0.006 (0.2)
36 0.005 (0.1)
Solid Diameter
in. (mm)
Stranded Diameter
in. (mm) Number of Strands Stranding Gauge