Watlow SD6 User Manual

0600-0041-0015 Rev D June 2005
Series SD6 PID with DeviceNet (Addendum)
Watlow’s Series SD6 with DeviceNet offers excellent con­trol and application flexibility in a 1/16th DIN panel mount package.
The Series SD6 with DeviceNet has successfully passed the rigorous testing requirements of ODVA and is also SEMI-SIG compliant.
This single-channel controller includes a universal sensor input with two outputs that can be configured as heat, cool, or alarm. The DeviceNet communications interface is supplied with either of two standard connectors, a closed style M12 (Semi-SIG compliant) or an open style connec­tor.
The Series SD6 with DeviceNet is only available with one or two outputs.
Ordering Information and Model Numbers
Control Type
C = PID Control L = Limit Control R = Ramping
Power Supply
H = 100 to 240VÅ (ac) L = 24 V(ac/dc)
Output 1
C = Switched dc K = SSR, Form A, 0.5 A F = Universal process J = Mechanical relay, Form A, 2 A
Output 2
A = None C = Switched dc K = SSR, Form A, 0.5 A J = Mechanical relay, Form A, 2 A
DeviceNet Communications
N = Open style connector S = Closed style M12 connector (Semi-SIG compliant)
Display Colors and Custom Options
RG= Red Green RR = Red Red XX = Custom options, special overlays, etc.
SD6__ __ __ __ A - D __ __ __
Table 1. Module Status (MOD) Indicator Light
Table 2. Network Status (NET) Indicator Light
Indicator Light Description
The device is not online.
The device has not completed the dupli­cate MAC ID test yet. The device may not be powered. Look at Table 1, Module Status Indicator Light.
The device is online and has connections in the established state.
For a Group 2 Only device it means that the device is allocated to a Master.
Failed communication device.
The device has detected an error that has rendered it incapable of communicating on the network (duplicate MAC ID or Bus-off).
Flashing Green
The device is online, but no connection has been allocated or an explicit connec­tion has timed out.
Flashing Red A poll connection has timed out.
Indicator Light Description
Off No power is applied to the device.
Flashing Green-Red The device is performing a self-test.
Flashing Red The controller is in Auto mode and an input
error condition [Er;in] exists. This indication does not occur if the controller is in the Manual mode when an input error occurs.
A checksum error [Er;CS] has occurred.
Green The device is operating normally.
This document is available as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file at www.watlow.com; search on “SD6 DeviceNet”.
Advance Key
Advances the lower display through parameter prompts.
Infinity Key
Returns to the Home Page.
Up and Down Keys
In the Home Page, adjusts the set point.
In other pages, changes the upper display to a higher or lower value.
Diagnostic Indicator Lights
Provide operating and diagnostic information about the module (MOD) and network (NET). SD6C-XXXA-DXXX shown.
Keys and Display
Series SD6 open style connector
Back Left Side
Series SD6 closed style M12 connector, (Semi-SIG compliant)
Back Left Side Switch Label
Open style
Closed (M12) style
Node Address Switches
Set the controller’s MAC ID with the top two rotary switches on the side of the case. Set the most significant digit (MSD) with the top switch and the least significant digit (LSD) with the middle switch. For example, to set the address to 23, set the MSD to 2 and the LSD to 3. If the switch is set to“PGM”, the last node address at power down is used.
Data Rate Switch
Set the Data Rate switch (below the address switches) to the network data rate. If the switch is set to “PGM”, the last baud rate at power down is used.
Communications Setup
Open style connector only (SD6X-XXXA-DNXX)
Baud Rate (125, 250, 500KB) and Node Address or MAC ID
(0 - 63) can be selected from the front panel (Setup Menu) or via the software. The factory default values are as follows:
Baud Rate = 125KB
Address = 63
Closed style (M12 connector) only (SD6X-XXXA-DSXX)
The three switches on the side of the unit define the address and baud rate (See picture above for closed style SD6). If the MSD switch is in the "P" (Program) position, the address will be software programmable. Likewise, if the Data Rate switch is set to "PGM" the data rate will be software programmable. On power down, the unit will always come back into the net­work with its last known baud rate and address. The factory default values are as follows:
Baud Rate = 500KB
Address = 63
Pin Open style
Pin M12 Closed style
Signal Function
Black 3 V- DeviceNet power return
CAN_L Negative side of the DeviceNet bus
Grey (bare)
Drain Shield interconnect
CAN_H Positive side of the DeviceNet bus
V+ DeviceNet power
Table 3. DeviceNet Connectors
Table 5. Descriptions of Elementary Data Types
Data Type Name Data Type Description
BOOL Logical Boolean with values TRUE and FALSE
BYTE Bit string — 8 bits
EPAT H DeviceNet path segments
INT Signed 16-bit integer value
SHORT_STRING Character string (1 byte per character, 1 byte length indicator)
UDINT Unsigned 32-bit integer value
UINT Unsigned 16-bit integer value
USINT Unsigned 8-bit integer value
WORD Bit string — 16 bits
This appendix describes the DeviceNet protocol as it is implemented in the Series SD6 controller. It primarily describes the objects and attributes accessible via the DeviceNet protocol. It may be necessary to refer to the DeviceNet specification as a compliment to the information found here.
DeviceNet Overview
The SD6 controller supports the object-based modeling used in the DeviceNet concepts. This product is configured as a Group 2 Only Slave device using the Predefined Master/Slave Connection Set.
There are two main categories of objects, DeviceNet Objects and Application Objects. DeviceNet objects handle what is necessary for networking and communications. Application Objects have access to the SD6 controller's parameters and data.
All data is referenced based upon a four-part definition: Node (MAC ID) + Class + Instance + Attribute.
Table 4. Four Components to an Address, with Ranges
Node Address (MAC ID) [0 to 63]
Class ID [1 to 255] Instance ID [0 to 255] Attribute ID [1 to 255]
Data Types
The descriptions of attributes in the following sections includes the data type for each. Table 5 lists and describes these data types.
DeviceNet Communications
Watlow Series SD6 PID with DeviceNet ■ 3 ■
Watlow Series SD6 PID with DeviceNet ■ 4 ■
Table 7. Identity Object Class Attributes
Number Access
Namer Name DeviceNet Data Type Description of
Semantics of Values
Group 2 Only Server
A slave (server) device that is UCMM incapable and must use the Predefined Master/Slave Connection Set to estab­lish communications (at a minimum, the Predefined Master/Slave Explicit Messaging Connection must be sup­ported). A Group 2 Only device can transmit and receive only those identifiers defined by the Predefined Master/Slave Connection Set (reference DeviceNet Spec., Vol. 1, Sec. 2).
Master/Slave Connections
The SD6 supports the Predefined Master/Slave Connection Set (refer to DeviceNet Specification, Vol. 1, Sec. 7). The
general model calls for the utilization of an Explicit Messaging Connection to manually create and configure Connection Objects within each connection end-point. This chapter uses the general model as a basis for the definition of a set of connections that facilitate communications typi­cally seen in a master-slave relationship. These Connections are referred to collectively as the Predefined Master/Slave Connection Set.
The master is the device that gathers and distributes I/O data for the process controller. Slaves are the devices from which the master gathers I/O data and to which the mas­ter distributes I/O data. The master “owns” the slaves whose MAC IDs appear in its scan list. To determine with what slaves it will communicate, the master examines its scan list and sends commands accordingly. Except for the Duplicate MAC ID Check, a slave cannot initiate any com­munication before being told by the master to do so.
Electronic Data Sheet (EDS)
The EDS allows a configuration tool to automate the device configuration process. The EDS specification provides an open standard for device configuration and compatibility among all DeviceNet products. (Refer to the DeviceNet Specification, Vol. 1, Chapter 4). You can obtain a copy of the EDS at www.watlow.com and search on keywords SD EDS, request a copy by sending an e-mail to wintechsup­port@watlow.com or by calling an Application Engineer at +1 (507) 494-5656 between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Central Standard Time (CST).
DeviceNet Objects
The following sections describe the standard DeviceNet objects and the SD6-specific application objects.
Identity Object
Class Code: 01hex
The Identity object provides identification information for the device. This includes the device manufacturer, product name, product type, serial number and revision.
Refer to the DeviceNet Specification (Vol. II, Sec. 6-2) for complete requirements.
Status Attribute – This is a bit field that represents the current status of the device. Two of the bits in the Status attribute, the Minor Recoverable Fault and Major Recoverable Fault bits, shall never be set. In accordance with the semiconductor industry standard, all module level faults are considered to be unrecoverable faults.
Table 6. Identity Object Revision History
Revision Description
01 Initial Release
Watlow Series SD6 PID with DeviceNet ■ 5 ■
Table 8. Identity Object Instance Attributes
Class Services: NONE
Instance Services:
DeviceNet Object
Class Code: 03hex
The DeviceNet Object is used to provide the configuration and status of a physical attachment to DeviceNet.
The MACID attribute provides the network address for the device. If the rotary switches used to specify the device MACID are set to a valid MACID, i.e. a value from 0 to 63, the MACID attribute shall have Get Only access. If the rotary switches are set to the programmable mode, the MACID attribute shall have Get and Set access.
The Baud Rate attribute specifies the data rate for the device. If the rotary switch used to set the data rate speci­fies a valid data rate, i.e. 125, 250, or 500K Baud, the Baud Rate attribute shall have Get Only access. If the rotary switches are set to the software programmable mode, the MACID shall have Get and Set access.
The Allocate Master/Slave Connection Set service of the DeviceNet object shall be a required service for all devices. This implies a requirement that all devices are Group 2 devices on the DeviceNet network. Additionally, all devices shall support, as a minimum, the Explicit connection and the I/O Poll connection in the Master/Slave connection set.
The Release Master/Slave Connection Set service of the DeviceNet object shall be a required service.
Refer to the DeviceNet Specification (Vol. I, Sec. 5-5) for complete requirements.
Table 9. DeviceNet Object Revision History
Revision Description
01 Initial Release
02 Modification of Baud Rate Attribute
Attribute # Access Rule Name DeviceNet Data
Description of Attribute
Semantics of Values
1 Get Vendor ID UNIT Identification of each
vendor by number. This is Vendor ID
See “Semantics” DeviceNet Spec, Vol. II, Sec. 6-2.2
2 Get Product Type UNIT Identification of gen-
eral type of product. This is Type 0.
See “Semantics” DeviceNet Spec, Vol. II, Sec. 6-2.2
3 Get Product Code UNIT WATLOW SD6-DN,
See “Semantics” DeviceNet Spec, Vol. II, Sec. 6-2.2
4 Get Revision STRUCT of: Revision of the item
the Identity Object represents
See “Semantics” DeviceNet Spec, Vol. II, Sec. 6-2.2
5 Get Status WORD Summary status of
See “Semantics” DeviceNet Spec, Vol. II, Sec. 6-2.2
6 Get Serial Number UDINT Serial number of
Set in accordance with a Watlow manu­facturing guidelines.
See “Semantics” DeviceNet Spec, Vol. II, Sec. 6-2.2
7 Get Product Name SHORT_STRING Human readable ID:
“Watlow Series SD6”
See “Semantics” DeviceNet Spec, Vol. II, Sec. 6-2.2
Watlow Series SD6 PID with DeviceNet ■ 6 ■
Table 10. DeviceNet Object Class Attributes
Table 11. DeviceNet Object Instance Attributes
Table 13. Assembly Object Instance Attributes
Instance # Access Rule Name DeviceNet Data
Description of Instance
Semantics of Values
100 Get/Set Poll Output LONG + USINT Poll Output See Poll output in
section 6.2.4
101 Get Poll Input USINT + LONG +
Poll Input See Poll input in
section 6.2.4
Attribute # Access Rule Name DeviceNet Data
Description of Instance
Semantics of Values
3 Get/Set Data Array of BYTES See description
See description below
Instance Services: *SET ATTRIBUTE SINGLE (when
Assembly Object – “Static”
Class Code: 04hex
The Assembly Object binds attributes of multiple objects, which allows data to or from each object to be sent or received over a single connection. Assembly objects can be used to bind input data or output data. The terms “input” and “output” are defined from the network’s point of view.
An input will produce data on the network and an output will consume data from the network.
The term “Static” implies: assemblies with member lists defined by the device profile or by the manufacturer of the product. The Instance number, number of Members, and member list are fixed.
Table 12. Assembly Object Revision History
Revision Description
01 Initial Release
02 Class-specific Service Code 4B
and 4C obsolete
Attribute # Access Rule Name DeviceNet Data
Description of Attribute
Semantics of Values
1 Get/Set* MACID USINT Node Address Range 0.. 63
2 Get/Set* Baud Rate USINT Baud Rate Range 0.. 2
4 Get Bus-Off Counter USINT Number of times CAN
went to the bus-off state
Range 0.. 255
5 Get Allocation Information
Allocation Choice Byte
Master’s MAC ID
See Vol. I, Section 5-5.4.2. MAC ID of Master (from Allocate)
Range 0.. 63, 255
Modified via Allocate only
Attribute # Access
Name DeviceNet Data
Description of Attribute
Semantics of Values
1 Get Revision UINT Revision of this object The revision level of this
object. This is now at 2.
Watlow Series SD6 PID with DeviceNet ■ 7 ■
Poll Connection
The poll connection allows the master to write set point and process value in one connection. It also allows the reading of all process value, set point and alarm status.
Table 14. Static Input – Instance 101 in the Assembly Object - 7 bytes
Table 15. Static Output – Instance 100 in the Assembly Object - 5 bytes
Byte(s) Parameter and Description Size of Data Range
0-3 Closed Loop Set Point - Control
set point used in the auto mode
DINT -1999.000 to 9999.000
4 Control Modes -
Breakdown of byte:
Bit 0: Selects whether the controller is in the auto or manual mode.
(0) Auto mode
(1) Manual mode
Bit 1: Selects whether the set point adjustment is done via the SD front panel or through DeviceNet
(0) DeviceNet
(1) SD front panel
Bit 2: Selects whether Auto/Manual mode selection is done via the SD front panel or through DeviceNet.
(0) DeviceNet
(1) SD front panel
Bit 3 to Bit 7: Not used N/A
Byte(s) Parameter and Description Size of Data Range
0 Exception Status Byte - Byte
reserved for future use.
USINT Always returns a value of
1-4 Process Value- Actual value of
process input
DINT -1999.000 to 9999.000
5 Alarm Status - Indicates when
alarm outputs are in alarm con­dition.
Breakdown of byte:
Bit 0: alarm low 1 status Bit 1: alarm high 1 status Bit 2: alarm low 2 status Bit 3: alarm high 2 status Bit 4 to bit 7: unused
USINT For each bit:
(0) None
(1) Alarm
6 Control Mode -
Breakdown of byte:
Bit 0: monitor the auto / manu-
al status.
Bit 1 to bit 7: unused
USINT (0) Auto mode
(1) Manual mode
Watlow Series SD6 PID with DeviceNet ■ 8 ■
Class Services: NONE
Instance Services:
Additional Poll Connection information:
• In the event of the input error, a valid process value reading is no longer available. The poll connection will return a value of 9999.999 for the process value while the error condition exists.
• Bit 1 and bit 2 of byte 4 in the output poll connection select whether set point and auto / manual mode values are changed from the SD’s front panel or else over DeviceNet through the poll connection. Setting the bit to “zero” will relin­quish control of the parameter to the DeviceNet master device (typically the master is a PLC). Setting the bit to “one” will retain control of the parameter locally at the front panel of the Series SD controller. If there is a loss of communications, control of auto / manual mode and adjustment of set point will automatically return to the Series SD front panel regardless of the settings of byte 4 in the output poll connection.
Connection Object
Class Code: 05hex
The Connection Class allocates and manages the internal resources associated with both I/O and Explicit Messaging Connections. The specific instance generated by the Connection Class is referred to as a Connection Instance or a Connection Object.
A Connection Object within a particular module actually represents one of the end-points of a Connection. It is possible for one of the Connection end-points to be configured and “active” (e.g., transmitting) without the other end-point(s) being present. Connection Objects are used to model the communication specific characteristics of a particular application-to­application relationship. A specific Connection Object Instance manages the communication-specific aspects related to an end-point.
Watlow Series SD6 PID with DeviceNet ■ 9 ■
Table 17. Connection Object Class Attributes
Attribute # Access
Name DeviceNet Data
Description of Attribute
Semantics of Values
Explicit Connection
The Explicit Connection Object defines the configuration for the Explicit connection to the device. The Explicit Connection object is an instance of the Connection Object defined in the DeviceNet Specification. All devices that are compliant with the DeviceNet Specification must support at least one instance of the Connection object with a connection type of Explicit.
I/O Connection
I/O Connection objects define the configuration for the I/O connections to the device. Each I/O Connection object is an instance of the Connection object defined in the DeviceNet Specification. All devices must be Group 2 devices and must sup­port, as a minimum, the I/O Poll connection in the Master/Slave connection set.
Watchdog Timeout Action Attribute defines the action performed by the I/O Connection object in the event the Inactivity/watchdog Timer for the connection expires. For the I/O Connection object, Auto Reset shall be an invalid value for the Watchdog Timeout Action attribute. (ref. SIG Specification sec.
Produced Connection Path Attribute defines the Application object class, instance, and attribute that produces data over the I/O connection. For all I/O connections, the Produced Connection Path shall be a Logical Segment, as defined in the DeviceNet Specification, and shall point to the Data Attribute of an Assembly object. The behavior of the device shall be such that, if the Produced Connection Path attribute is modified, the Produced Connection Size Attribute shall be modified internally to accurately reflect the size of the assembly produce by the I/O connection. For all I/O connection objects in the Master/Slave Connection Set, if the Produced Connection Path attribute is modified, the new attribute value shall be saved in Non-Volatile (NV) memory and shall be the default value when the connection is allocated. (ref. SIG Specification sec.
Produced Connection Size Attribute specifies the maximum number of data bytes produced over the I/O connection. The Produced Connection Size attribute shall have Get Only access for all I/O connection objects. The Produced Connection Size attribute shall accurately reflect the size of the assembly produced over the I/O connection. (ref. SIG Specification sec.
Consumed Connection Path Attribute defines the Application object class, instance, and, optionally, attribute that con­sumes data received over the I/O connection. For all I/O connections over which the device is the Server (as specified by the Direction field of the Transport Class Trigger attribute), then special requirements as defined in the Semi SIG specification shall be followed. (ref. SIG Specification sec.
Consumed Connection Size Attribute specifies the maximum number of data bytes consumed by the I/O connection objects. The Consumed Connection Size attribute shall accurately reflect the size of the assembly consumed by the I/O con­nection, as specified by the Consumed Connection Path attribute of the Data With ACK Path List attribute of the Acknowledge Handler object. (ref. SIG Specification sec.
Refer to the Semi SIG specification (Sec. 4.1.4/5) for Semi requirements.
Refer to the DeviceNet Specification (Vol. II, Sec. 6-3) for complete requirements.
Table 16. Connection Object Revision History
Revision Description
01 Initial Release
Watlow Series SD6 PID with DeviceNet 10
Table 18. Connection Object Instance Attributes
Name DeviceNet
Data Type
Description of Attribute Semantics of
1 Get State USINT State of the object
2 Get Instance Type USINT Indicates either I/O or Messaging
3 Get Transport Class
BYTE Defines behavior of the Connection
4 Get Produced
Connection ID
UINT Placed in CAN Identifier Field when
the Connection transmits
5 Get Consumed
Connection ID
UINT CAN Identifier Field value that
denotes message to be received
6 Get Initial Comm
BYTE Defines the Message Group(s)
across which productions and con­sumption associated with this Connection when it occurs
7 Get Produced
Connection Size
UNIT Maximum number of bytes transmit-
ted across this Connection
8 Get Consumed
Connection Size
UNIT Maximum number of bytes received
across this Connection
9 Get/Set Expected Packet
UNIT Will round up to the next 100 mSec.
12 Get/Set Watchdog Timeout
USINT Defines how to handle
Inactivity/Watchdog timeouts
For Explicit Connection only:
1 = Auto Delete 3 = Deferred Delete
13 Get Produced
Connection Path Length
UINT Number of bytes in the Produced
Connection Path Attribute
14 Get Produced
Connection Path
EPAT H Specifies the Application Object(s)
whose data is to be produced by this Connection Object. See Appendix I, DeviceNet Specification
15 Get Consumed
Connection Path Length
UINT Number of bytes in the Consumed
Connection Path Length
16 Get Consumed
Connection Path
EPAT H Specifies the Application Object(s)
that are to receive data consumed by this Connection Object. See Appendix I, DeviceNet Specification
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