Watlow QPAC-01, QPAC-33, QPAC-32, Q32-481-030-BV2, QPAC User Manual

User’s Manual
0600-0027-0001 Rev C
Modular SCR
Power Control
Tel: +1 (507) 454-5300, Fax: +1 (507) 452-4507 http://www.watow.com
Made in the U.S.A.
July 2003
Use The Manual
Starting Out
Starting Out
NOTE: Details of a "Note" appear here, in the narrow box on the outside of each page.

How to Use the Manual

This manual will make your job easier.
good way to become familiar with the QPAC. An overview:
Introduction, Chapter 1, Page 4.
Installation and Wiring, Chapter 2, Page 6.
Operation, Chapter 3, Page 25.
Troubleshooting, Page 28 Specifications Warranty
Reading it and applying the information is a
A bold text "NOTE" marks a short message in the margin to alert you to an important detail.
Safety Information
This user's manual also has boldface safety information notes to protect both you and your equipment. Please be attentive to them. Here are explanations:
CAUTION: Details of a "Caution" appear here, in the narrow box on the outside of each page.
WARNING: Details of a "Warning" appear here, in the narrow box on the outside of each page.
The CAUTION symbol (exclamation point) in the wide text column alerts you to a "CAUTION," a safety or functional hazard which could affect your performance. A full explanation is in the narrow column on the outside of the page.
or its
The WARNING symbol (lightning bolt) in the wide text column alerts you to a "WARN­ING," a safety hazard which could affect you and the equipment. A full explanation is in
the narrow column on the outside of the page.
Your Feedback
We welcome comments or suggestions on this manual, please contact: Technical Writer, Watlow Winona, 1241 Bundy Blvd, P.O. Box 5580, Winona, MN 55987-5580. Phone: 507-454-5300; Fax: 507-452-4507. The QPAC User's Manual is copyrighted by Watlow Winona, Inc. © July 2003 with all rights reserved. (2392)
Technical Assistance
If you encounter a problem with your Watlow controller, review your configuration information to verify that your selections are consistent with your application: inputs, outputs, alarms, limits, etc. If the problem persists, you can get technical assistance from your local Watlow representative (see back cover), by e-mailing your questions to wintechsupport@watlow.com or by dialing +1 (507) 494-5656 between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., Central Standard Time (CST). Ask for for an Applications Engineer. Please have the following information available when calling:
• Complete model number • All configuration information
• User’s Manual • Serial Number
The model, part number, and serial numbers can be found on the label on the outside of the case.
QPAC User's Manual
How to Use the Manual

How to Read the QPAC Model Number

The QPAC model number provides phase, supply voltage, amperage, and control type information, in that order. For example:
Fan Cooled 30Amp (30A @ 480Vac, 3Ø)
480Vac Supply Burst Fired, Variable Time Base
3 Phase 2-Leg Open Heater, Shorted SCR Detector
Refer to the model number breakdown on page 31 for a complete listing.

Table of Contents

Page Item
2 How to Use the Manual 3 How to Read the QPAC Model Number 3 Contents
4 Starting Out With The QPAC - Chapter 1 4 General Description 5 Steps To Put Your Power Control To Work
6 How To Install And Wire The QPAC - Chapter 2 6 System Planning 6 Mounting The QPAC 7 Case Style A Mounting: QPAC-01, 30-50A 8 Case Style B Mounting: QPAC-01, 75-100A; QPAC-32, 30-100A 9, 10 Fuse Templates 11, 12 Case Style C Mounting: QPAC-01, 150-300A; QPAC-32, 150-300A;
QPAC-33, 150-300A 13 Case Style E Mounting: See Addendum for 400 to 1,000 Amp QPAC 13 Case Style F Mounting: QPAC-33, 30-100A 14, 15 Power and Load Wiring, QPAC-01 16, 17 Power and Load Wiring, QPAC-32 17 Power and Load Wiring, QPAC-33 18 Input Signal Wiring 18 CA Control Card 19 CD Control Card dc Input 19 CD Control Card Contact Closure Input 20 AF, AL, BF and BV Control Cards 20 AF, AL, BF and BV Potentiometer Input 20 AF, AL, BF and BV dc Input Connections 21 AF, AL, BF and BV Auto/Manual Input 21 Interlock 21 Soft Start 21, 22 AL Control Card Current Transformer Connections 23 DH Option, Open Heater or Shorted SCR Detector 24 QPAC System Wiring Example
25 How to Operate The QPAC - Chapter 3 25 Setup Adjustments 25 Phase Rotation Adjustments 25, 26 Bias And Gain Adjustments 27 Current Limit Adjustments
28 Troubleshooting 29, 30 Specifications 31 Ordering Information 32 Accessories 33 Warranty, Returns 34 Index
Starting Out
QPAC User's ManualHow to Use the Manual
Starting Out
Starting Out
Figure 1 ­The QPAC-01 SCR Power Control

Chapter 1

Starting Out With The QPAC,
Modular SCR Power Control
QPAC User's Manual

General Description

The QPAC Power Controls are a family of solid state controls used for electric heating applications. A solid state power control provides output power that is proportional to the input command signal from a temperature control. This proportional output power helps to produce a closely controlled heater tem­perature, which saves energy and prolongs heater life by holding heater elements at a nearly constant temperature.
The QPAC has a modular construction with plug-in features for flexibility. The three modules of the QPAC are the Power Base, Transformer, and Control
Getting Started, Chapter 1
Plug-in transformers (50/60 Hz.)
• 120Vac
• 208/240Vac
• 380Vac
• 415Vac
• 480Vac
• 575Vac, consult factory
Power Bases With Motherboards
• QPAC-01: 1Ø, 30 - 300A
• QPAC-32: 3Ø, 2 leg, 30 - 300A
• QPAC-33: 3Ø, 3 wire, 30 - 300A
Control Cards
Solid state contactor, AC input, CA
Solid state contactor, DC input, CD
Burst firing (zero cross) fixed time base, BF
Burst firing (zero cross) variable time base, BV
Phase angle control, AF *
Phase angle control with current limiting, AL * * Note: For 1Ø and 3Ø, 3 wire controls
only; not for 3Ø, 2 leg controls.
QBF 08-5289
Starting Out
Starting Out
Figure 2 ­QPAC Modularity Overview
Card. See Figure 2. Power Bases are avaliable in 30 to 300A ratings with UL508 and C-UL listing and 400-1,000 amps non-agency approved in single phase, three phase-two leg and three phase-three wire configurations. A Transformer plugged into the Power Base allows the QPAC to operate on any voltage from 120 to 480Vac fan. 575Vac consult factory. The plug-in Control Card sets the QPAC’s firing mode. Control Cards are available in solid state contactor, burst firing (zero cross), or phase angle firing with a wide variety of options. This modular approach, using a standard Power Base with plug-in Transformers and Control Cards, allows power control users, distributors and OEMs to maintain minimum inventories while still providing rapid service.
The different QPACs provide the types of power control needed for different power sources and loads. The QPAC-01 is designed for all single phase power sources and loads. The QPAC-32 is for three phase zero cross applica­tions such as resistance heating elements, balanced or unbalanced. The QPAC-33 is best suited for balanced three phase, phase angle applications requiring soft start or current limiting, or with inductive loads.

Steps To Put Your Power Control To Work

To put your QPAC to work, we suggest the following steps:
Read the User's Manual.
Plan your installation and wiring.
Mount the QPAC.
Wire your QPAC to the system.
Start the system and, if applicable, adjust the bias and gain on the QPAC.
That's all there is to it!
QPAC User's ManualGetting Started, Chapter 1
Starting Out

Chapter 2

How to Install and Wire the QPAC

System Planning

This chapter tells you how to install the QPAC. All mounting and wiring infor­mation is right here. Watlow power controls are thoroughly tested before leaving the factory, so the QPAC is ready to install when you receive it.
This chapter is divided into three sections which describe the three steps you need to do to install the QPAC—mounting, power wiring and control card wiring. The first section lists the mounting information for each of the three types of QPACs, which, depending on amperage, use one of five case styles. The second section describes the power and load wiring of the QPACs and semiconductor fuses, if required. The last section describes the input signal wiring to the QPAC Control Card.
Before you begin working, read through this chapter to gain an understanding of the entire installation. Consider the installation carefully. Plan the power, load, and input signal wiring before mounting the QPAC. Also refer to any noise guidelines in the temperature control documentation before proceeding.
WARNING: To avoid potential electric shock and other hazards, all mounting and wiring for the QPAC must conform to the Na­tional Electric Code (NEC) and other lo­cally applicable codes.
Table 1 ­QPAC Wiring Data

Mounting the QPAC

The physical size and mounting dimensions of the QPACs are different for different current ratings. Find the "Case Style" photo on the next pages which match your QPAC. The table and figure accompanying each case style will give you corresponding physical dimensions and mounting footprint. The table also indicates if the units are equipped with fans and externally-mounted fuses. External fuse mounting templates also accompany the case style drawings. All QPACs must be mounted vertically, power connections on top, for proper cooling. Use the wiring data table below for wire sizes and bending radii.
Current Semi- Minimum Bending Radius Lugs QPAC Fuse
(Amps) conduc- Recom- Accept Model Mounting
tor Fuse mended inches (mm) # Wire Number
Rating Wire Size
30 2ea, 20 10 N/A 18 to 4 Q01 Onboard
2ea, 40 Q32 External
3ea, 40 Q33 External
50 2ea, 30 8 1.5 (38) 18 to 4 Q01 Onboard
2ea, 70 Q32 External
3ea, 70 Q33 External
75 100 4 2 (51) 8 to 0 All External
100 125 1 3 (76) 8 to 0 All External
150 200 3/0 4 (102) 4 to 3/0 All Onboard
200 250 250 MCM 4.5 (114) 6 to 350 MCM All Onboard
300 400 500 MCM 8 (203) 4 to 500 MCM All Onboard
QPAC User's Manual
Install and Wire, Chapter 2
Case Style A
Starting Out
Figure 3 ­QPAC Case Style A
Case Style A Dimensions Model Amps Height (H) Width Depth Fans Fuses
in (mm) in (mm) in (mm)
QPAC-01 30 7 178 See 6.5 165 None Two, Onboard QPAC-01 50 9 229 Below 6.5 165 None Two, Onboard
5.00 (127mm)
H less
2.00 (50.8mm)
Table 2 ­QPAC Case Style A Overall Dimensions
Figure 4 ­QPAC Case Style A Mounting Footprint
CAUTION: Mount the QPAC vertically (height dimension vertical) for proper cooling. Failure to do so could result in power control malfunction.
5.80 (147mm)
6.60 (168mm)
Mounting Clip
Hole 0.19 (5mm)
QPAC User's ManualInstall and Wire, Chapter 2
Case Style B
Starting Out
Figure 5 ­QPAC Case Style B
Table 3 ­QPAC Case Style B Overall Dimensions
Figure 6 ­QPAC Case Style B Mounting Footprint
CAUTION: Mount the QPAC vertically (height dimension vertical) for proper cooling. Failure to do so could result in power control malfunction.
Case Style B Dimensions Model Amps Height (H) Width Depth Fans Fuses Holder (max.)
in (mm) in (mm) in (mm) in (mm)
QPAC-32 30 10.5 267 5 127 8.5 208 One Two, External* 5.69 145 QPAC-01 75 10.5 267 5 127 8.5 208 One One, External** 4.90 124 QPAC-01 100 10.5 267 5 127 8.5 208 One One, External** 4.90 124 QPAC-32 50 10.5 267 5 127 8.5 165 One Two, External* 5.69 145 QPAC-32 75 14.5 368 5 127 8.5 229 One Two, External** 4.90 124 QPAC-32 100 14.5 368 5 127 8.5 208 One Two, External** 4.90 124 * Note: See external fuse mounting drawing, Figure 7, Page 9. **Note: See external fuse mounting drawing, Figure 8, Page 10.
QPAC User's Manual
4.50 (114mm)
5.07 (129mm)
Install and Wire, Chapter 2
Use the next two pages as templates for mounting your fuse holder kit. Choose the size that matches your kit and carefully punch out the template along the perforation.

Fuse Template

Starting Out
CAUTION: Spacing for multiple fuses must conform to the National Electric Code (NEC) and any other local electrical codes.
Drill & tap
hole "B"
for #10
Stud Size 5/16"
Fuse Holder
(side view)
Figure 7 ­Fuse Holder Kit Mounting Template for: QPAC-32, 30 & 50A (2 Fuse Kits) QPAC-33, 30 & 50A (3 Fuse Kits)
QPAC User's ManualInstall and Wire, Chapter 2
Fuse Template
Starting Out
CAUTION: Spacing for multiple fuses must conform to the National Electric Code (NEC) and any other local electrical codes.
Use this page as a template for mounting your fuse holder kit. Choose the size that matches your kit and carefully punch out the template along the perforation.
Figure 8 ­Fuse Holder Kit Mounting Template for: QPAC-01, 75 & 100A (1 Fuse Kit) QPAC-32, 75 & 100A (2 Fuse Kits) QPAC-33, 75 & 100A (3 Fuse Kits)
Drill & tap
hole "B"
for #10
Stud Size 5/16"
Fuse Holder
(side view)
QPAC User's Manual
Install and Wire, Chapter 2
Case Style C
Starting Out
Figure 9 ­QPAC Case Style C
Case Style C Dimensions Model Amps Height Width Depth Fans Fuses
in (mm) in (mm) in (mm)
QPAC-01 150 13 330 6.9 175 10.25 260 One On Heat Sink QPAC-01 200 13 330 6.9 175 10.25 260 One On Heat Sink QPAC-01 300 13 330 6.9 175 10.25 260 One On Heat Sink QPAC-32 150 13 330 14.0 348 10.25 260 Two On Heat Sink QPAC-32 200 13 330 14.0 348 10.25 260 Two On Heat Sink QPAC-32 300 13 330 14.0 348 10.25 260 Two On Heat Sink QPAC-33 150 13 330 21.0 533 10.25 260 Three On Heat Sink QPAC-33 200 13 330 21.0 533 10.25 260 Three On Heat Sink QPAC-33 300 13 330 21.0 533 10.25 260 Three On Heat Sink
Note: On 575 V~(ac) applications, the fuses are mounted external to the QPAC.
7.00 (178mm)
3.50 (89mm)
3.63 (92mm)
13.00 (330mm)
11.75 (299mm)
Table 4 ­QPAC Case Style C Overall Dimensions
CAUTION: Mount the QPAC vertically (height dimension vertical) for proper cooling. Failure to do so could result in power control malfunction.
WARNING: Style C heatsinks are electrically HOT.
0.38 (10mm) 2 PL
Figure 10 ­QPAC Case Style C, QPAC-01, 150, 200, 300A Single Phase Mounting Footprint
QPAC User's ManualInstall and Wire, Chapter 2
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