Watlow Optimizing Your Process System User Manual

Optimizing Your Process System
with the Series 988 Controller

Watlow Mission Statement

Industrial Heaters, Sensors and
Controls by Totally Satisfying Our
Customers with Superior Products,
Quick Delivery on Specials, as well as
Standards, and Intelligent Sales
Copyright Watlow Winona, Inc., © 1994, with all rights reserved.


Welcome to the Watlow Series 988 application guide: Optimizing Your Process System with the WATLOW Series 988. This application guide describes all the
features of the Series 988 and how they can be applied to your system. In addition, this guide will walk you through the process of determining the op­timal Series 988 for your application. Once you have purchased the control­ler, the Series 988 Users Manual will guide you through installation and setup of the controller.
Start with Chapter One of this book, where “test drives” show the thought process used for determining the correct Series 988 feature set for a specific application. Chapter Two consists of a glossary and a question-and-answer section that provides more details to help choose the right control. Chapters Three through Five describe the features of the controller with a sample appli­cation for each feature. Chapter Six outlines the controllers’ specifications. Use this chapter to ensure that the controller interfaces correctly with other system components. Finally, Chapter Seven walks you through the feature set selection for your specific application. Once you have used the guide a few times, you will be able to skip to Chapter Seven and use the previous chapters for reference.
The purpose of this technical guide is to assist you in the system design pro­cess. The final responsibility for the system design must remain with the sys­tem design engineer.
Watlow manufactures heaters, sensors and controls. We can provide a com­plete thermal system. For more information concerning the Series 988, con­tact your local sales representative listed on the back cover. Literature on the Series 988 includes:
Series 988/989 Users Manual
Calibrating Watlow Process Controls
How to Use Data Communications with the Watlow Series 988/989 or How to Use Data Communications with the Watlow Process Controls

Disclaimer of Warranty

The information presented here is of a general nature. Because of the diver­sity of conditions and hazards under which control products may be applied and because of the differences in components and methods of installation, representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, is hereby made, that the applications discussed herein will be effective in any particular appli­cation or set of circumstances, or that additional or different precautions will not be reasonably necessary for a particular application.
We will be pleased to consult with you regarding a specific application, upon request.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Watlow Mission
Chapter 1 Test Drives 1.1
Controlling an Extruder 1.2 Drying Grain 1.4 Melting Aluminum 1.6 Mixing Urethane 1.8
Chapter 2 Basic Control Strategies and Terms 2.1
Glossary 2.2 Questions and Answers 2.5 Control Strategies 2.8
Chapter 3 General Software Features 3.1
Auto-tune 3.2 Burst fire 3.3 Communications 3.4 Dead band 3.5 Digital event 3.6 Heater current 3.7 Input filter 3.8 Input linearization 3.9 Ramp to set point 3.10 Remote set point 3.11 Retransmit (master/remote) 3.12 Slidewire feedback 3.13
Chapter 4 Enhanced Software Features 4.1
Cascade 4.2 Differential 4.4 Dual PID sets 4.5 Duplex 4.6 Ratio 4.7
Optimizing Your Process System with the WATLOW Series 988
Table of Contents
Chapter 5 Standard Features 5.1
Alarms 5.2 Auto/Manual 5.4 Diagnostics 5.5 Input errors 5.6 Lockout 5.7 Transmitter power supply 5.8
Chapter 6 Specifications 6.1
Input Table 6.2 Output Table 6.3 Dimensions 6.4 Displays and Keys Chart 6.5 Setup Requirements 6.6 User's Manual 6.7 Product Specifications 6.8 Warranty 6.9
Chapter 7 Select the 988 That Fits Your Application 7.1
Overview 7.2 Input 7.3 Output 7.4 Software 7.5 Standard Features 7.6 Hardware 7.7 Review and Optimize 7.8 Application Worksheet 7.10 Series 988 Model Number Worksheet 7.11
Index 8.1
Prompts, parameters and menus 8.4
Watlow Sales Offices back cover
Optimizing Your Process System with the WATLOW Series 988
Test Drives
Chapter One
Test Drives
Controlling an Extruder 1.2 Drying Grain 1.4 Melting Aluminum 1.6 Mixing Urethane 1.8
How to use this chapter:
This chapter describes four actual appli­cations in which processes are optimized by using Watlow Series 988 controllers.
Optimizing Your Process System with the WATLOW Series 988
Basic Control Strategies and Terms
Chapter Two
Basic Control Strategies and Terms
Control Strategies 2.2 Questions and Answers 2.5 Glossary 2.8
How to use this chapter:
This chapter explains control terms and strategies, especially as they apply to the Watlow Series 988 family of controllers. It will help you identify issues specific to your application, and allow you to imple­ment the Series 988 controller in the most cost effective manner, giving you optimal control of your specific system.
Many of the decisions for system compo­nents are limited by factors not associ­ated with the Series 988. The strategy presented here is designed to get you thinking of all the different parameters associated with your system and how the Series 988 fits in.
Optimizing Your Process System with the WATLOW Series 988
Basic Control Strategies and Terms

Control Strategies

Process Control
Process controls are of two basic types: open loop and closed-loop. An open-loop control device has no self-correcting feedback informa­tion. The closed loop system uses feedback information from a sensor to adjust the system. As the process changes, the feedback loop provides up-to-date status information that the controlling device uses to make self-correcting adjustments. The closed-loop control device provides much better process control.
Control Modes
A variety of control modes offer various degrees of controllability. The most common modes are on-off and PID control. The PID control cat­egory includes varying degrees of complexity that provide accurate, stable control under a variety of conditions.
ON/OFF Control
The operation of the ON/OFF control, as the name implies, turns the output device full ON or full OFF. Temperature or process sensitivity (hysterisis) is designed into the control action between the ON and OFF switching points to prevent switching the output device ON and OFF within a span that is too narrow. Switch­ing repeatedly within such a narrow span will create a condition of intermittent, rapid switch­ing, known as output “chattering.” The process is always controlled “about set point,” dictated by the switching hysterisis of the ON/OFF control. This form of control action further dictates that there will always be a certain amount of overshoot and undershoot. The
degree of overshoot and undershoot will be dependent on the characteristics of the entire system.
Time Proportioning
Time-proportioning control provides more precise control of a process. A time-proportion­ing control operates in the same way as an ON/ OFF control, when the process is far enough away from set point to be outside the propor­tional band. When the process approaches set point and enters the proportional band, the output device is switched ON and OFF at the established cycle time. At the lower limit of the band, the ON time is considerably greater than the off time. As the process more closely approaches set point, the ratio of ON to OFF time changes: the amount of ON time decreases as the OFF time increases. This change in effective power to the load provides a throttling­back effect, resulting in less overshoot.
The ON and OFF cyclic action continues until a stable relationship is achieved. At that time, the system will be stabilized such that the
Time Proportioning
Set Point
On - Off
Switching Sensitivity
Set Point
Profile produced by ON-OFF control
Optimizing Your Process System with the WATLOW Series 9882.2
Profile developed by proportioning control
process is controlled at a point below set point. The process stabilizes with a resultant droop. This condition will remain providing there are no work-load changes in the system.
If the droop cannot be tolerated, there are ways to compensate for it. Integral (automatic reset) is an automatic adjustment to compensate for
Basic Control Strategies and Terms
a droop condition before it exists. An integra­tion function takes place that automatically compensates for the difference between set point and the actual process. This integration automatically drives the process toward set point. Integration action is prevented until the process enters the proportional band. If it was
Time Proportioning
With Automatic Reset
Set Point
Profile developed by a proportional plus integral control
allowed to take place at any point, it would cause a condition of extreme overshoot. This function of eliminating the integration outside of the proportional band is referred to as “anti­reset windup.”
As all of the graphs have illustrated, overshoot occurs with any of the previous control meth­ods. Overshoot may be hazardous to certain processes. It is preventable with a control function known as “derivative” (rate).
Derivative is an anticipatory function in a process control that measures the rate of change of the process and forces the control into a proportioning action on an accelerated basis to slow that change. This action prevents a large degree of overshoot on start-up and also functions to prevent overshoot when system disturbances would tend to drive the process up or down. A proportioning control with integral and derivative (PID) control provides the type of control required for difficult pro­cesses with frequent system disturbances or applications that need precision control.
PID -Time Proportioning
With Auto Reset & Rate
Set Point
Profile developed by a proportional plus integral plus derivative (PID) control
Reduced Overshoot
Control System Tuning
In this phase of making the system work, we will focus on the process controller as the primary component of a closed-loop system that must be adjusted for optimum perfor­mance. These adjustments provide a means to compensate for system problems. For instance, when the sensor cannot be placed in the most desirable location because of physical limita­tions, a PID controller can compensate for the sensor’s resulting thermal lag problem.
Tuning Methods
Process controls are tuned manually or auto­matically. Manual tuning requires manually setting each of the controller’s operating pa­rameters. Automatic tuning, or auto-tuning, is accomplished by the 988’s digital, microproces­sor-based, electronic circuitry. The controller uses a program inside its memory that will calculate the correct setting for each of the controller parameters. For more information on auto-tuning with the Series 988 refer to page
Manual Tuning
The following steps are generally applicable to most manually set process controllers. Please take note of a few precautions:
• Take your time in tuning the control system. If you do it right, it will work a long time without further attention.
• Do not change more than one control adjust­ment at a time, allowing the system to settle
Optimizing Your Process System with the WATLOW Series 988
Basic Control Strategies and Terms
down to a state of equilibrium before making another change.
• Remember that the time you need to spend tuning the electronic controller system is relative to the precision of control you need.
Proportional Band
The proportional band adjustment is the means of selecting the response speed (gain) or sensi­tivity of a proportioned controller to achieve stability in the system. The proportional band — whether measured in degrees, percent of range or other units — must be wider than the natural oscillations of the system and yet not wide enough to dampen the system response. The time proportioning output must be set to switch faster than the natural oscillation of the system, sometimes called, “system cycle time.” The tuning procedure is very simple, if you can use a recorder to monitor the actual process variable. If a recorder is not available, observe the process response and record readings over a defined time period.
If the system oscillates when the proportional band is at its narrowest setting (not zero), the adjustment of the proportional band should be increased in small increments until the oscilla­tion stops. Because the proportional band has been tuned (adjusted) to have the controller seek stability of the system, very often an offset (droop) from the set point occurs. At this point in tuning the system, the process variable should be in a state of equilibrium, but not right on the desired set point.
Integral (Reset)
The reset adjustment is tuned at this point to correct for the droop caused by the propor­tional output. While it does automatically correct for offset errors, automatic reset has to be tuned to each system. Each system has its own characteristic response time (system cycle time), thus, the auto reset time constant (repeats per minute) must be tuned to match the overall system response time.
small increments, allowing the system to settle down (stabilize) before making additional changes, until the system just starts to oscil­late. Then back the setting off enough to re­establish system equilibrium.
Derivative (Rate)
Rate is the last control parameter adjustment to be made. Rate’s function is to reduce or eliminate overshoot (excursions above or below set point). It has a time base (measured in minutes) that must be tuned to work with the overall system response time (system cycle time). The initial setting for rate should be at the smallest integer of minutes possible (least corrective action). Increase the integer in small increment, then after each adjustment increase the set point moderately. Observe the approach of the actual process to set point. If it over­shoots, continue to increase the rate integer in small increments. Then increase the set point moderately until optimum approach to set point is achieved. If at some point the system becomes very sluggish or cannot reach the new set point at all, too much rate (corrective action) has been adjusted into the control system. To reduce this “damping” effect, decrease the number of minutes of rate.
Recommended Tuning Reference
There are many reference books on the art of tuning electronic controllers to the systems they control. If you are not an instrument technician qualified to tune thermal systems, we suggest that you become familiar with the following reference before attempting to tune your system:
Tuning of Industrial Control Systems
by Armando B. Corripio Published by the Instrument Society of America (ISA) Member $48.00, list $60.00 (approx.). Phone: (919) 549-8411
Initially auto reset should be set at the lowest number of repeats per minute (least corrective action). Increase the repeats per minute in
Optimizing Your Process System with the WATLOW Series 9882.4
Basic Control Strategies and Terms

Questions and Answers

System Diagram
No matter what your application, you must start with an accurate system diagram. A blueprint of the system wiring is typically not a faxable document. When consulting the factory, it’s helpful to be able to fax a system diagram similar to the hand drawings shown in the Test Drives in Chapter One. This diagram should include all inputs, outputs, the controller, the load, any alarms and any connections to other systems or equipment. This diagram should show the expected signal types and ranges at each interface point to allow you to properly order and set up your 988 controller. For the advanced user of the Series 988 this will be second nature. For the less experienced opera­tor, putting together a diagram including all system components will allow a Watlow sales rep or factory applications engineer to review the system for correctness.
The 988 controller accepts a wide variety of input signals and ranges, covering most tem­perature and process applications. Ask yourself the following questions about your inputs:
What accuracy is required for each input?
(page 6.8)
• RTD’s will provide the most accurate measure­ment in a temperature-related system.
• The accuracy of a process sensor for flow, level, pressure, etc. will depend strictly on the sensor manufacturers specifications.
• The Series 988 measures the input and updates the output 10 times per second with one input. With 2 inputs, each input is measured five times per second.
What is the wire length required to reach controller? (page 6.8)
• When designing a system using thermocouple or RTD sensors, if the lead length is excessive, errors may be introduced into the system. By using a signal transmitter to convert the thermocouple or RTD signal to a process signal the errors can be avoided.
RTD sensor. However, it almost never pays to spend less on a sensor, which is arguably the most important part of the thermal system.
• Process sensors can vary widely in cost. Other factors, such as accuracy, response time and durability, must be weighed.
Will this be a grounded or ungrounded applica­tion? (page 5.8)
• Although inputs are electrically isolated from outputs in the 988, you must determine if other sources of ground loops in the system may affect the sensor. This can occur, in the Series 988, if there are two grounded inputs or if an output is tied to an input, such as using a transmitter power supply output to power a thermocouple transmitter.
Is the process relatively fixed or widely vary­ing — what is the range? (page 6.8)
• Make sure you check (and re-check) the ranges of the input options available in the 988. Although the 988 can operate outside the ANSI ranges for specific thermocouples and RTD’s, it is not recommended and will shorten the life of the sensor.
Are there concerns over electrical noise immunity?
• Although the Series 988 is thoroughly tested for electrical noise immunity, it is paramount that you follow good engineering practices when designing the placement of the sensor and power wires. Refer to the Series 988 Users Manual and the Watlow Catalog.
The outputs command the system to heat, cool, turn ON and OFF, and also trigger other actions in this system or related systems.
It is very important that you maintain total control over the process. External limits or other devices to disable the outputs can protect system components and provide an added layer of safety. Consider the following:
Is cost a factor in the sensor selection?
• Typically, a thermocouple costs less than an
Optimizing Your Process System with the WATLOW Series 988
How frequently will the output need to cycle to control the process? (page 6.8)
Basic Control Strategies and Terms
• What is frequent? In order to tightly control a process, the more frequent the better. Unless absolutely necessary, mechanical relays should not be used as the control output. A typical mechanical relay application cycles ON and OFF 86,400 times over a period of one month (30 second cycle time, 24 hours per day). The mechanical relay option is only warranted for 100,000 cycles.
• With a solid-state output a variable-time-base burst fire option can provide the tightest load control. Make sure the power control is com­patible with the burst-fire output. (page 3.3)
What actuator interfaces are required? (page
• Typically the output of the Series 988 does not directly control the load. Instead it acts as a pilot-duty output interfacing with another device that actually controls the load. If this is the case in your application, make sure that the output of the Series 988 is compatible with the input of the external device.
What alarm or annunciation outputs are required? (page 5.1)
• The alarm options in the Series 988 can be used to alert an operator to a system malfunc­tion. These outputs should not be used as safety limits to protect system components or personnel. A separate safety limit device should be used in any system where damage or injury could occur due to a system component failure.
How should the alarms operate? (page 5.1)
• The alarm options can be field-configured to function in any fashion. A process alarm can be used to warn the operator of impending equipment damage. A deviation alarm can be used to warn that the system is operating outside of the desired specifications. Each alarm can be set for latching or non-latching, silencing and reverse or normal logic.
process output (4-20mA, 0-5VDC, etc.). Also, it limits the minimum on-time of the output.
Does the process require a retransmit output?
(page 3.12)
• Output 3 can be used as either a 4-20 or 0­20mA output or as a 0-5, 1-5 or 0-10VDC output to retransmit the process value of either of the inputs or the set point value. It allows the controller to function as a master controller in a master-remote application or to retransmit a process value to a chart recorder.
What types of monitoring of the outputs is required? (page 3.4)
• The retransmit option is one way to monitor the system status.
• A serial communications option can be used to monitor and/or change all the parameters in the controller. With the EIA-485 option up to 32 controllers can be monitored from a single communications port on a personal computer, over distances of 4000 feet. The RS-422 option can address up to 10 controllers over 4000 feet, and the RS-232 option can address a single control over a distance of 50 feet. Make sure the computer or other monitoring device is equipped with the correct serial communica­tions card and that the baud rate and other capabilities are compatable.
Controller Environment
There are several factors to consider concern­ing the environment that the Series 988 con­troller operates in:
What are the physical dimensions of the enclosure? (page 6.4)
• The Series 988 family of controls has a behind­panel depth of 4.06 inches, allowing the control to fit an enclosure with a depth of 6.0 inches. When mounting more than one controller in a panel we recommend a minimum spacing of
1.66 inches between controllers.
Should you monitor the load current? (page
• While this option is available as an input, it is important to note that this feature in the Series 988 is not currently available when using a
Optimizing Your Process System with the WATLOW Series 9882.6
What is the ambient temperature inside the enclosure? (page 6.8)
• The Series 988 can operate in ambient tem­peratures as low as 32°F (0°C) and as high as 150°F (65°C). The enclosure requires a non-
Basic Control Strategies and Terms
condensing atmosphere, because the vented case is susceptible to dripping water. If neces­sary, include an enclosure heater in your system to maintain the proper environment.
Is the front panel subject to spray or hose­down conditions? (page 6.8)
• The Series 988 has a NEMA 4X-rated front panel. This rating allows the controller to be hosed down directly without damaging the controller. Two gaskets protect the controller: one seals the bezel of the control while the other seals the controller face plate and the panel cutout. When installing the controller be sure that these gaskets are not twisted.
What are the agency requirements for the controller and the system? (page 6.8)
• The Series 988 has a UL 873 and UL 508 recognition. CSA recognition is pending. Also, the NEMA 4X rating was certified indepen­dently by UL under UL 50X.
Controller Operation
Operation of the Series 988 can be broken down into three concerns: setup; operation; and maintenance. The questions you ask yourself should examine each of these areas.
Does the system have any interactive process variables? (Chapter 4)
• Interactive process variables include ratio, differential or cascade control or slidewire feedback of valve position. Also, heater current measurements can be used to detect system faults.
Is an event input useful in this application?
(page 3.6)
• Before finalizing the design check out this basic option. The event input can expand the user­friendliness and/or security of your system.
Is ramp to set point required? On start up? On set point change? (page 3.10)
• Many systems are susceptible to damage if the process changes too rapidly. The ramp to set point feature can minimize system stress.
How should the controller respond to an
error? (page 5.6)
• In the event of an error, system response is critical. Some systems might require that the control output turn full ON to provide cooling. Other systems would require that the control outputs be turned OFF. The design of some systems might allow the control to continue operating in the manual mode without operator action. All of these options are available with the Series 988.
Are you shipping products overseas? (page 2.3)
• In some countries and in certain markets in the U.S. the default units may be either degrees C or degrees F and the PID parameters might use proportional (in percent of span), integral and derivative or proportional (in degrees), reset and rate. The 988 can switch between these default sets to suit the user's preference.
What level of operator security do you need?
(page 5.7)
• The Series 988 provides numerous levels of both software and hardware lockout. Refer to page 4.5 for more information on lockout.
What do you do if a system component fails?
(page 5.5)
• When investigating a system failure, the Series 988’s Diagnostics menu can be used to monitor inputs and selectively activate outputs. The menu also shows the software revision and the I/O types.
What about field calibration?
• All Watlow microprocessor-based controls can be field calibrated with the right equipment. The calibration manual for the Series 988 family of controllers is available upon request.
Putting It All Together
You should now have a good idea of what types of questions to ask when designing your system with the Series 988. We suggest that you read through the rest of this chapter and Chapters Three through Seven for more detailed informa­tion on the features available in the Series 988. If you are already familiar with the 988, skip to Chapter Seven to select the 988 that fits your application.
Optimizing Your Process System with the WATLOW Series 988
Basic Control Strategies and Terms


annunciator — a device that uses pilot lamps to
indicate the former or existing condition of a system being monitored.
ANSI — American National Standards Institute.
burst fire — output that switches full AC cycles
ON and OFF repeatedly. Zero-cross burst fire switches only at the zero-voltage point of the AC sine wave. Variable-time-base burst fire would switch ON and OFF 30 times a second to achieve a 50-percent power level with a 60­cycle AC power supply. Also see “zero switch­ing.”
calibration offset — adjustment to the actual
process input and to the process values the Series 988 uses for display and control.
cascade — control algorithm in which the output
of an outer control loop is the set point for an inner loop. The inner loop, in turn, determines the control action.
closed loop — control system that uses a sens-
ing device for process variable feedback.
derivative — anticipatory action that senses the
rate of change of the process, and compensates to minimize overshoot and undershoot. Also see “rate.”
differential control — With enhanced software,
the Series 988 controller can control one process in relation to the difference of a second process. A set point is added to the measured value of the second process. This sum is used as the set point for the input 1 process value.
DIN — Deutsche Industrial Norms, a widely
recognized German standard for engineering units.
droop — difference between the set point and
stabilized process value.
duplex control — With enhanced software,
duplex control splits a single process output into two individual outputs. For example, a 4­20mA output is split into a 4-12mA direct acting (cooling) output and a 12-20mA reverse acting (heating) output, thus allowing one control output to function as two.
cold junction — point of connection between
thermocouple metals and the electronic instru­ment.
cold junction compensation — electronic
means to compensate for the effective tempera­ture at the cold junction.
current transformer — a transformer, designed
for measuring electrical current, with its primary winding connected in series with a circuit carrying the current to be measured.
dead band — The dead band setting determines
the amount of interaction between heat (reverse acting) and cool (direct acting) control outputs.
default parameters — the parameters, or pro-
grammed instructions, permanently stored in the microprocessor software.
Optimizing Your Process System with the WATLOW Series 9882.8
duty cycle — percentage of load-ON time relative
to total-cycle time.
external transmitter power supply — a DC
voltage source of power for external devices.
filter — as applied to the Series 988, a low-pass
filter designed to minimize display or process input fluctuations.
form A — single-pole, single-throw relay that
only utilizes the normally open (N.O.) and common contacts. These contacts close when the relay coil is energized. The contacts open when power is removed from the coil.
form B — single-pole, single-throw relay that
only utilizes the normally closed (N.C.) and common contacts. These contacts will open when the relay coil is energized. The contacts will close when power is removed from the coil.
Basic Control Strategies and Terms
form C — single-pole, double-throw relay that
utilizes the normally open (N.O.), normally closed (N.C.) and common contacts. The user has the option of wiring for a form A or form B contact. Refer to the form A and form B above for more information.
hunting — oscillation or fluctuation of the
process between the set point and process variable.
hysteresis — in ON/OFF control, the process
change necessary to change the output from full on to full off.
input linearization — For thermocouple and
RTD inputs, the process variable is automati­cally linearized. Certain flow transmitters generate a non-linear signal corresponding to the flow being measured. The square root of the signal is calculated to generate a linear signal.
integral — control action that automatically
eliminates the offset, or “droop,” between the set point and actual process value. Also see “reset.”
isolation — Electrical separation of sensor from
high voltage circuitry. Allows use of grounded or ungrounded sensing element.
JIS — Joint Industrial Standards. Also Japanese
Industrial Standards Committee (JISC). Estab­lishes standards for equipment and compo­nents.
open loop — control system without sensory
output — action in response to difference be-
tween the set point and process variable.
overshoot — condition in which the process
exceeds set point due to initial power up or process changes.
P control — proportioning control.
PD control — proportioning control with deriva-
tive (rate) action.
PDR control — proportional derivative control
with manual reset is used in fast responding systems where the reset causes instabilities. With PDR control, an operator can enter a manual reset value that will eliminate any droop in the system. The option requires enhanced software.
PI control — proportioning control with integral
(auto-reset) action.
PID control — proportioning control with inte-
gral (auto-reset) and derivative (rate) action.
process variable — regulated system parameter,
such as time, temperature, flow, humidity, etc.
proportional band — span of the process from
the set point within which time proportional control action takes place.
linearization — the extraction of a linear signal
from the non-linear signal of a flow transmitter. Also see “input linearization.”
NEMA 4X — a front-panel rating that certifies
the control as washdown capable and corrosion resistant.
ON/OFF control — control of a process by
turning the output full ON below set point and full off above set point.
Optimizing Your Process System with the WATLOW Series 988
proportioning control — See "time proportion-
ing control."
rate band
where the rate (derivative) function begins. The Series 988 rate band centers on the set point and is twice the width of the proportional band.
ratio — application in which the flow of an
uncontrolled stream is measured and used to maintain the flow of a controlled stream at a ratio to the uncontrolled stream.
a thermal control band that defines
Basic Control Strategies and Terms
reference junction — synonymous with cold
junction. Also see “cold junction.”
retransmit — an analog signal representing a
control variable, either the process values or the set point values.
RTD — resistance temperature detector. Resistive
temperature-sensing device that displays a positive temperature coefficient.
slidewire feedback — closed-loop, valve-actuator
control using a potentiometer to indicate valve position.
switching sensitivity — in ON/OFF control, the
process value change necessary to change the output from full on to full off.
thermal system — a regulated environment
consisting of a heat source, heat transfer medium, sensing device and a process variable control instrument.
thermocouple — temperature-sensing device
constructed of two dissimilar metals that generates a measurable, predictable voltage that corresponds to its temperature.
supply power to external signal conditioners, transducers or transmitters. With internal DIP switches, the user selects between 5, 12 or 20VDC at 30mA ratings.
zero-cross — Action that provides output switch-
ing only at the zero-voltage crossing points of the AC sine wave. Also see “burst fire.”
thermocouple break protection — fail-safe
operation that assures output shutdown upon an open thermocouple condition.
three-mode control — proportioning control
with integral (reset) and derivative (rate). Also see “PID.”
time proportioning control — action that varies
the amount of on and off time when “close” to the set point, i.e., in the proportional band. This variance is proportional to the difference between the set point and the actual process. In other words, the amount of time the output relay is energized depends on the system process value.
transmitter power supply — When Option “T” is
ordered for output 2, 3 or 4, the Series 988 can
Optimizing Your Process System with the WATLOW Series 9882.10
General Software Features
Chapter Three
General Software Features
Auto-tune 3.2 Burst fire 3.3 Communications 3.4 Dead band 3.5 Digital event 3.6 Heater current 3.7 Input filter 3.8 Input linearization 3.9 Ramp to set point 3.10 Remote set point 3.11 Retransmit (master/remote) 3.12 Slidewire feedback 3.13
How to use this chapter:
This chapter describes the software features that are available in Watlow Series 988 controllers. Enhanced soft­ware options provide additional features that are described in Chapter Four.
3.1Optimizing Your Process System with the WATLOW Series 988
General Software Features
The auto-tune feature allows the controller to manipulate the process and calculate PID values based on the process response. This relieves the operator from the tedious task of manually tuning the PID parameters to match the characteristics of the thermal system.


During an auto-tune the controller monitors how fast the process increases and decreases, and from this information calculates propor­tional band, reset and rate values and auto­matically enters them into non-volatile memory.
The point at which the auto-tune takes place is determined by the auto-tune set point parameter. It is adjustable from 50 percent to 150 percent of the current set point, with 90 percent being the factory default setting. If the auto-tune set point is 90 and the current setpoint is 300 degrees, the control goes into ON/OFF mode of control at 270 degrees (300 deg. x 0.9). The displayed setpoint is un­changed and the bottom display information alternates with tune
at a one-second rate until the auto-tune is completed. Any changes to the set point during an auto-tune will cause the auto-tune sequence to start over, based on the new set point.
To abort an auto-tune, set the auto-tune prompt
to or press the AUTO/MAN key twice, or cycle the power OFF and ON. The previous PID parameters will be restored.
The Series 988 can be ordered with two com­plete sets of heat/cool PID sets. This requires the enhanced software option. A single set of PID parameters is available with the standard software option.
auto-tune complete
input 1
L1 L2 L3 L4
output 1
limit sensor
Sample Application:
In this example the oven needs to hold at 350 degrees F. To complete the tuning sequence set the set point for 350 degrees and auto-tune by setting the auto-tune prompt to
Optimizing Your Process System with the WATLOW Series 988
temperature sensor
General Software Features
Variable, time-base burst firing from the 988 provides a command signal to an SSR or SCR firing card that translates into a burst of AC cycles. The output is zero-cross fired and always allows at least one AC cycle to pass within the variable time base. The fact that we are zero-cross switching the power device means we enjoy the benefits of low radio frequency (RFI) noise. Burst firing is the pre­ferred mode to control resistive loads.
The burst fire time base in the 988 varies from a maximum 1.66-second time base (1-percent output) down to a 33.3-millisecond time base (50-percent output). The examples below show how the time base varies depending on the percent output.

Burst Fire

The 988 family has built in zero-cross detection circuitry. Therefore special firing circuitry is normally not required for triggering SCR’s. To enable burst fire the 988 must have an open collector or solid-state relay output. The feature is enabled by selecting burst fire cycle time prompt for the appropriate output.
You should note that the short time bases used by burst fire makes it incompatible with the heater current feature (see page 3.7). The heater current option requires a minimum of 300 msec. ON-time to get a reading.
Only the 988 and 989 can use the burst fire feature. cannot use burst firing.
at the
The low-voltage units (986 and 987)
50% Output100% Output
10 ON, 0 OFF 1 ON, 1 0FF
10% Output
1 ON, 9 OFF 2 ON, 1 OFF
input 1
L1 L2 L3 L4
output 1
66% Output
Semiconductor Oven
limit sensor
Sample Application
The 988 is being used to control a heated platen in a semiconductor oven. Previously it required a power control requiring a 4-20mA signal to implement burst-fire control. We have replaced the power control with a Watlow Loyola QPAC with a QCD card that accepts a signal directly from an open-collector output of the 988. This gives smooth control at a lower overall system cost.
temperature sensor
heated platen
3.3Optimizing Your Process System with the WATLOW Series 988
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