Congratu lations, on the purc hase of your new Advanced Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment System. Treated with care and
regu lar maintenance, your new system will provide many years of service deliv er ing great tasting water to the tap .
By now, you have probably a lready opened the box to survey the contents. Please take a few moments to review this
manual before proceeding with the installation an d use of the system. So me important ite ms to review are as follows:
o Check all components for any da mage caused in shipment. Also, take a qu i ck inventory of all items suppl ied
to ensure none are missing. A che cklist in the next section wi l l assist you with ide ntifying these items.
o Ensure that the reverse osmosis system and storage tank wil l easily fit into th e desired lo cation. Th is reverse
osmosis system and tank needs to be re moved for regular ma intenanc e, so good a c cessibi l ity is an i mportant
tip to keep in mind.
o Read all CAUTIONS and NOTES c ontained within this manual. They prov ide valua b l e installation tips and
advice on how to properly install and maintain your Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System.
o For installation in Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Plumbing Code 248 CMR shall be adhered to.
Consult your licensed plumber for installation of this system. The use of saddle (piercing) valves is not
The water produced by the reverse osmosis (RO) process can b e used for many purposes arou nd the home.
o Drinking Water - keep a container of RO water in th e fridge to be able to enjoy the c leaner, fresher taste.
Alternat ive ly, take it directly from the tap.
o Ice Cubes - use RO water to fill ice cube trays. Ice cubes made from RO water are typ ically c learer and
better tasting than i c e made from tap water.
o Automatic Ice Makers - a water line from th e RO system can be plumb ed to refrigerators with automati c
icemakers. Addit ional ac cessories required to co mp lete this connection are no t inc l u ded. Please c onsult
the refrig erator’s owner’s manual on this installat ion.
o Kettles and Coffee Makers - tap water eventual ly causes fil ms and scale in these dev i c es that is d iffic u lt
to c lean. RO water is very low in d issolved minerals c ontent, greatly reducing the cha n c e of scale
o Cooking - use RO water for boiling pasta, rice or any other re c ipe that calls for water.
o Washing Fresh Fruit & Vegetables - prevent tap water m inerals from being de posited onto food to
ma i ntain freshness.
o Family Pets – A l l ow your pets to enjoy the same gre at tasting water you do.
o Irons & Steamers - preve nt minera l bu i ldup in h ousehold applianc es that use water and eventually bui l d
up with scale when using tap water.
Now you can enjoy all the benefits of great tasting water supplied by your reverse osmosis drinkin g water system.