AQUABIOME ------------------------------------------------- 01
Filtering Pond Water ------------------------------------ 01
A Typical Pond Filter System --------------------------- 02
The Benets Of Using An Aquabiome ---------------- 03
How Does The Aquabiome Filter Work? --------------- 04
Choosing The Correct Aquabiome For Your Pond ---- 05
Installation Instructions --------------------------------- 06
Starting Up the Aquabiome ----------------------------- 07
Backwashing Procedure for the Aquabiome ---------- 08
IMPORTANT NOTES ---------------------------------------- 09
Aquabiome ha s been engin eered specic ally for pon ds and wate r gardens. Aqu abiome provid es
mechanical a nd biologica l ltration in a single housing.
Its ability to sup port d ense p opulations of nitrifying bacteria, its reliability and easy mai ntenance,
makes Aquabi ome especial ly suitable for high de nsity recircula tion systems .
Excellent Ni trication a nd Mechanic al ltration
Hydraulicall y efcient lter design , balanced s lotted laterals to maxi mize water ow and ltration.
Corrosion resist ant and UV stabilised f or outdoor installation .
Air assisted hydraulic b ackwash, sa ving time an d water.
Superior Qua lity
Aquabiome b reglass lters embody the latest in breglass wind ing technolo gy.
Filtering Pond Water
To maintain good water clarity and a safe environment for sh, the pond water requires a combination
of the follo wing features:
1. Mechanic al Filtratio n
2. Biologic al ltration
3. U.V. Sterilisation
4. Good circu lation
5. Aeration
In simple terms, the ‘mechanical ltration’ is basically straining the water, se parating the s olids
from the liquid. The solid matter in a po nd is usually mad e up from different form s of debris, whic h
maybe f ound at any level in th e water. The presence of these solids and suspended particles will
make the p ond w ater appear murky or cloudy, mak ing i t dif cult for visual inspectio n of the sh.
The water clar ity may not ne cessarily be a problem to the sh, provided th e debris and s uspended
solids are of a non-harmful nature.
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