WatchGuard Technologies Firebox X User Manual

WatchGuard User Guide
WatchGuard System Manager v8.0
System Manager
Notice to Users
Information in this guide is subject to change without notice. Companies, names, and data used in examples herein are fictitious unless otherwise noted. No part of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of WatchGuard Technologies, Inc.
Copyright, Trademark, and Patent Information
Copyright© 1998 - 2005 WatchGuard Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Complete copyright, trademark, patent, and licensing information can be found in the appendix of this User Guide.
All trademarks or trade names mentioned herein, if any, are the property of their respective owners.
Management Software: 8.0 Appliance Software: WFS 7.4 and Fireware Pro 8.0 Document Version: 8.0-050411
505 Fifth Avenue South Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98104
SUPPORT: U.S. and Canada +877.232.3531 All Other Countries +1.206.613.0456
U.S. and Canada +1.800.734.9905 All Other Countries +1.206.521.8340
WatchGuard is a leading provider of network security solutions for small- to mid­sized enterprises worldwide, delivering integrated products and services that are robust as well as easy to buy, deploy and manage. The company’s Firebox X family of expandable integrated security appliances is designed to be fully upgradeable as an organization grows and to deliver the industry’s best combination of security, performance, intuitive interface and value. WatchGuard Intelligent Layered Security architecture protects against emerging threats effectively and efficiently and provides the flexibility to integrate additional security functionality and services offered through WatchGuard. Every WatchGuard product comes with an initial LiveSecurity Service subscription to help customers stay on top of the security landscape with vulnerability alerts, software updates, expert security instruction and superior customer care. For more information, please call (206) 521-8340 or visit
ii WatchGuard System Manager


CHAPTER 1 Getting Started ......................................................................1
About WatchGuard System Manager ......................................................1
About Hardware and Appliance Software ................................................2
Upgrading the appliance software ..........................................................2
Installing WatchGuard System Manager .................................................2
Installation requirements .....................................................................3
Collecting network information ..............................................................3
Selecting a firewall configuration mode ...................................................4
Selecting where to install server software ................................................5
Setting up the management station ........................................................5
Backing up your previous configuration ...................................................6
Using the Quick Setup Wizard ................................................................6
Putting the Firebox into operation on your network ....................................6
Setting Up Your Management Server .....................................................6
Management Ser ver passwords .............................................................7
Using the Management Server Setup Wizard ............................................7
After Your Installation ...........................................................................8
Align your security policy ......................................................................8
Features of the LiveSecurity Service .......................................................8
Installation Topics ................................................................................8
Installing WatchGuard Servers on computers with desktop firewalls ..............8
WFS appliance software configuration modes ...........................................9
Adding secondary networks to your configuration ....................................11
Dynamic IP support on the external interface .........................................11
Entering IP addresses ........................................................................12
Installing the Firebox cables ................................................................13
CHAPTER 2 Service and Support ............................................................15
LiveSecurity Service Solutions ............................................................15
User Guide iii
LiveSecurity Service Broadcasts ..........................................................16
Activating the LiveSecurity Service .......................................................17
LiveSecurity Service Self Help Tools ....................................................17
WatchGuard Users Forum ...................................................................19
WatchGuard Users Group ...................................................................19
Online Help .......................................................................................19
Starting WatchGuard Online Help .........................................................19
Searching for information ...................................................................20
Copy the online help system to more computers .....................................20
Product Documentation ......................................................................20
Technical Support ..............................................................................20
LiveSecurity Service Technical Support ..................................................21
LiveSecurity Gold ..............................................................................21
Firebox Installation Service .................................................................21
VPN Installation Service .....................................................................22
Training and Certification ....................................................................22
CHAPTER 3 Monitoring Your Network .....................................................23
Starting WatchGuard System Manager .................................................23
About the WatchGuard System Manager Window ..................................23
Connecting to a Firebox ......................................................................24
Connecting to a Server .......................................................................25
Seeing Information about Devices .......................................................25
Connection status .............................................................................27
Seeing Information on Log Servers ......................................................27
Monitoring VPNs ................................................................................28
About the WatchGuard Toolbar ............................................................29
Starting Security Applications .............................................................29
CHAPTER 4 Setting Up Logging and Notification ....................................31
Setting Up the Log Server ...................................................................31
Changing the Log Server encryption key ................................................33
Setting Global Logging and Notification Preferences .............................33
Log file size and rollover frequency .......................................................33
Setting the interval for log rollover ........................................................34
Scheduling log reports .......................................................................34
Controlling notification .......................................................................35
Starting and stopping the Log Server ....................................................35
CHAPTER 5 Reviewing and Working with Log Files .................................37
Types of Log Messages ......................................................................37
Log File Names and Locations ............................................................38
Starting LogViewer .............................................................................38
iv WatchGuard System Manager
LogViewer Settings ............................................................................40
Changing LogViewer settings with Fireware appliance software ...................40
Changing LogViewer settings with WFS appliance software ........................41
Using LogViewer ................................................................................42
Creating a Search Rule ......................................................................42
Searching in LogViewer ......................................................................43
Viewing the current log file in LogViewer ................................................43
Copying LogViewer data .....................................................................43
Consolidating log files ........................................................................44
Updating .wgl log files to .xml format ....................................................44
CHAPTER 6 Generating Reports of Network Activity ...............................47
Creating and Editing Reports ..............................................................47
Starting a new report ........................................................................48
Editing an existing report ...................................................................49
Deleting a report ..............................................................................49
Viewing the reports list ......................................................................49
Specifying a Report Time Interval ........................................................49
Specifying Report Sections .................................................................50
Consolidating Report Sections .............................................................50
Setting Report Properties ...................................................................51
Exporting Reports ..............................................................................52
Exporting reports to HTML format ........................................................52
Exporting reports to NetIQ format ........................................................52
Using Report Filters ...........................................................................53
Creating a new report filter .................................................................53
Editing a report filter .........................................................................54
Deleting a report filter .......................................................................54
Applying a report filter .......................................................................54
Running Reports ................................................................................54
Report Sections and Consolidated Sections .........................................54
Report sections ................................................................................55
Consolidated sections ........................................................................57
CHAPTER 7 Managing Certificates and the Certificate Authority ............59
Public Key Cryptography and Digital Certificates ...................................59
PKI in a WatchGuard VPN ....................................................................59
MUVPN and certificates .....................................................................60
Managing the Certificate Authority .......................................................60
Managing certificates with the CA Manager ............................................61
CHAPTER 8 Managing the Firebox X Edge and Firebox SOHO 6 .............63
Importing Certificates .........................................................................63
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 and 6.0 .................................................63
User Guide v
Netscape Communicator 4.79 .............................................................64
Netscape 6 ......................................................................................64
Managing the Firebox X Edge or SOHO Device ......................................65
Removing Certificates ........................................................................66
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 and 6.0 .................................................67
Netscape Navigator 4.79 ....................................................................67
Netscape 6 ......................................................................................67
APPENDIX A Copyright and Licensing ......................................................69
Licenses ...........................................................................................72
SSL Licenses ...................................................................................72
Apache Software License, Version 2.0, January 2004 ...............................74
PCRE License ..................................................................................76
GNU Lesser General Public License ......................................................77
GNU General Public License ................................................................81
Sleepycat License .............................................................................85
APPENDIX B WatchGuard File Locations .................................................87
General File Locations ........................................................................87
Default File Locations .........................................................................88
Index ................................................................................................. 97
vi WatchGuard System Manager

CHAPTER 1 Getting Started

Historically, organizations used many tools, systems, and personnel to control the security of their net­works. Different computer systems controlled access, authentication, virtual private networking, and net­work control. These expensive systems are not easy to use together or to keep up-to-date. WatchGuard® System Manager (WSM) supplies an integrated solution to manage your network and control security
problems. This chapter tells you how to install WatchGuard System Manager into your network.

About WatchGuard System Manager

WatchGuard® System Manager (WSM) gives you an easy and efficient way to manage your network secu­rity. Use one computer as a management station to show, manage, and monitor all the Fireboxes in your network.
WSM gives support for mixed environments. You can manage Firebox® III and Firebox X devices that use different versions of appliance software. You can also manage Firebox X Edge devices.
WSM has three servers that do Firebox management functions:
WatchGuard Management Server
The WatchGuard Management Server operates on a Windows computer. With this server, you can manage all Firewall devices and create VPN tunnels using a simple drag-and-drop function. The basic functions of the Management Server are:
- Centralized management of VPN tunnel configurations
- The certificate authority for distributing certificates for IPSec tunnels
- Protocol translation in support of the WatchGuard SOHO and Firebox X Edge products
Log Server
The Log Server collects logs from each WatchGuard Firebox. The native storage format is XML (plain text) for easy troubleshooting and reporting. Among the information collected from firewall devices are traffic logs, event logs, alarms, and diagnostic messages.
WebBlocker Server
The WebBlocker Server operates with the Firebox HTTP proxy to deny user access to applicable Web sites. The administrator sets the categories of permitted Web sites during
User Guide 1

About Hardware and Appliance Software

Firebox configuration. The HTTP proxy on the Firebox then works with the WebBlocker Server to find if a Web site is in a category that is not allowed.
About Hardware and Appliance Software
Appliance software
The Firebox® uses the appliance software with the configuration file to operate. When you upgrade your Firebox device, you write a new version of the appliance software to its memory. Although each Firebox model is loaded with a default appliance software type, you can upgrade the appliance software indepen­dently of the hardware.
Two types of appliance software are available to WatchGuard® customers:
• WatchGuard Firebox System (WFS) — This is the default appliance software on Firebox III and Firebox X Core devices. It is the standard version of the appliance software successfully used by WatchGuard customers since 1998, with several new enhancements added.
• Fireware Pro — This is the default appliance software on Firebox X Peak devices. If you have a Firebox X Core, you can purchase a Fireware upgrade. This software has the following advanced features for more complex networks:
is a software program or operating system that is permanently kept on your hardware.
-Signature-based IDP
- Gateway AntiVirus for E-Mail
- Advanced networking options including QoS, dynamic routing, and support for multiple
WAN interfaces
When you install WatchGuard System Manager, it automatically installs the software tools you must have to configure and manage a Firebox with any type of appliance software. These include:
• Firebox System Manager
•Policy Manager
• HostWatch
When you add a Firebox to be managed by WSM, the software automatically identifies which appliance
software the Firebox uses. If you select the Firebox and then click an icon on the toolbar, it automatically
starts the correct management tool. For example, if you add a Firebox X700 operating with WFS appliance software to the Devices tab of WFS
and then click the Policy Manager icon on the WSM toolbar, Policy Manager for WFS automatically starts and opens the configuration file. However, if you add a Firebox X700 operating with Fireware appliance software and click the Policy Manager icon, Policy Manager for Fireware starts instead.

Upgrading the appliance software

If you have a Firebox X Core, the WFS appliance software is loaded on the box. Or, you can purchase an upgrade to Fireware Pro. See the Pro.
Migration Guide
for information on upgrading from WFS to Fireware

Installing WatchGuard System Manager

This installation procedure is for new installations only. If you have an earlier version of WatchGuard® System Manager, use the upgrade procedure in the Migration Guide.
2 WatchGuard System Manager
Installing WatchGuard System Manager
WatchGuard System Manager includes firewall appliance software and management software to protect your network from attack. You put the Firebox® between the Internet and your trusted computers. You then use the software installed on the management station to configure and to monitor your Firebox.
To install the WatchGuard System Manager software, you must:
• Collect your network addresses and information
• Select a network configuration mode, if you are using WFS appliance software only. This step is not necessary if you use Fireware appliance software.
• Select to install the Management Server, Log Server, and WebBlocker Server on the same computer as your management software, or on a different computer.
• Configure the management station
• Use the Quick Setup Wizard to make a basic configuration file
• Put the Firebox into operation on your network
This chapter gives the default information for a Firebox with a three-interface configuration. If your Firebox has more interfaces, use the same configuration tools and procedures as the instructions for the optional interface to configure the other interfaces.

Installation requirements

Before you install WatchGuard System Manager, make sure that you have these items:
• WatchGuard Firebox security device
• WatchGuard System Manager CD-ROM
• A serial cable (blue)
• Three crossover Ethernet cables (red)
• Three straight Ethernet cables (green)
• Power cable
• LiveSecurity Service license key

Collecting network information

License Keys
Collect your license key certificates. WatchGuard System Manager comes with a LiveSecurity Service key that enables your subscription to the LiveSecurity service. For more information about this service, see the “Service and Support” chapter in this guide,
You get the license keys for any optional products when you purchase them. For more information about optional products, see the
Network addresses
We recommend that you make two tables when you configure your Firebox. Use the first table for your network IP addresses before you put the Firebox into operation.
WatchGuard uses slash notation to show the subnet mask.
Configuration Guide
for your version of appliance software.
User Guide 3
Installing WatchGuard System Manager
1Network IP Addresses Without the Firebox
Wide Area Network _____._____._____._____ / ____
Default Gateway _____._____._____._____
Local Area Network _____._____._____._____ / ____
Secondary Network
(if applicable)
_____._____._____._____ / ____
Public Server(s)
(if applicable)
Use the second table for your network IP addresses after you put the Firebox into operation.
External interface
Connects to the external network (typically the Internet) that is the security problem.
Trusted interface
Connects to the private LAN or internal network that it is necessary to protect.
Optional interface(s)
Usually connects to the DMZ or the mixed trust area of your network. The number of optional interfaces on your Firebox depend on the model you have purchased. Use optional interfaces to create zones in your network with different levels of access. Usually, you install the Web, e-mail, and FTP servers on an optional interface.
2Network IP Address With the Firebox
Default Gateway _____._____._____._____
External Network _____._____._____._____ / ____
Trusted Network _____._____._____._____ / ____
Optional Network _____._____._____._____ / ____
Secondary Network
(if applicable)
_____._____._____._____ / ____

Selecting a firewall configuration mode

Fireware appliance software users must use a routed firewall configuration mode. If you use WFS appli­ance software, you must make a decision on how to install the Firebox into your network before you install WatchGuard System Manager. This decision controls the configuration of the Firebox interfaces. To install the Firebox into your network, select the configuration mode—routed or drop-in—that matches the needs of your current network.
For more information on finding which configuration mode to use with WFS appliance software, see “WFS appliance software configuration modes” on page 9.
4 WatchGuard System Manager
Installing WatchGuard System Manager

Selecting where to install server software

During installation, you can select to install the management station and three WatchGuard System Man­ager Server components on the same computer. Or you can use the same installation procedure to install the server components on other computers. To decide, you must examine the capacity of your manage­ment station and select the installation method that best matches your needs.
If you install the Management Server, Log Server, or WebBlocker Server on a computer with an active desktop firewall other than Windows Firewall, you must open the ports necessary for the servers to con­nect through the firewall. Windows Firewall users do not have to change their desktop firewall configura­tion. See “Installing WatchGuard Servers on computers with desktop firewalls” on page 8 for more information.

Setting up the management station

The management station runs the System Manager software. This software shows the traffic through the firewall. System Manager also shows connection and tunnel status. The WatchGuard Log Server records information it receives from the Firebox. You can get access to this data using tools on the management station.
Select one computer on your network as the management station and install the management software:
1 Insert the WatchGuard System Manager CD-ROM in the CD drive of your computer. If the installation
wizard does not appear automatically, double-click
2 Click Connect to LiveSecurity on the WatchGuard System Manager Installation screen. This
starts your Web browser and connects your computer to the WatchGuard Web site.
If you do not have an Internet connection, install the software from the CD-ROM. If you use this procedure, you cannot get support, strong encryption, or VPN functions until you enable the LiveSecurity Service.
3 Use the instructions on the screen to start your LiveSecurity Service subscription.
4 Download the WatchGuard System Manager software. The speed of your Internet connection
controls the time to download the software.
Make sure that you write down the name and the path of the file when you save it to your hard drive.
5 When the download is complete, open the file and use the instructions on the screens to help
you through the installation.
The Setup program includes a screen in which you select the components of the software or the upgrades to install. A different license is necessary when you install some software components.
If your management station is already operating with a Windows toolbar, some users can find it necessary to stop and restart the toolbar before you can see the new toolbar components installed for the WatchGuard Management System.
install.exe in the root directory of the CD.
6 At the end of the installation wizard, a check box appears that you can select to start the Quick
Setup Wizard. Make sure you install the cables to your Firebox before you start the Quick Setup Wizard.
Software encryption levels
The management station software is available in two encryption levels.
Uses 40-bit encryption
Uses 128-bit 3DES encryption
A minimum of 56-bit encryption is necessary for the IPSec standard. To use virtual private networking with IPSec you must download the strong encryption software.
User Guide 5

Setting Up Your Management Server

Strong export limits apply to the strong encryption software. It is possible that it is not available for download.

Backing up your previous configuration

If you have an earlier version of WatchGuard System Manager, you must make a backup of your security policy configuration before you install a new version. For instructions on creating a backup of your con­figuration:
• If you are upgrading to a newer version of the WFS appliance software, refer to the
• If you are moving from WFS to Fireware appliance software, refer to the

Using the Quick Setup Wizard

After you configure the management station, install the Firebox cables, and (if applicable) make a back up of your previous configuration, use the Quick Setup Wizard to make a basic configuration file. The Fire­box uses this basic configuration file when it starts for the first time. This enables the Firebox to operate as a basic firewall.
After the Firebox is configured with this basic configuration, you can use Policy Manager to expand or change the Firebox configuration.
The Quick Setup Wizard uses a device discovery procedure to find the Firebox X model you are configur­ing. This procedure uses a UDP broadcast. Software firewalls, including the firewall in Microsoft Windows XP SP2, can cause problems with the discovery procedure.
You can start the Quick Setup Wizard from the Windows desktop or from System Manager. The instruc­tions in the wizard help you through the procedure.
From the desktop, select Start > Programs > WatchGuard System Manager 8 > Quick Setup Wizard. Or, from System Manager, select Resources > Quick Setup Wizard.
Upgrade Guide
Migration Guide

Putting the Firebox into operation on your network

You have completed the installation of your Firebox. You can use the Firebox as a basic firewall that allows all outgoing traffic.
Complete these steps to put the Firebox into operation on your network:
• Put the Firebox in its permanent physical location.
• In WatchGuard System Manager, use File > Connect To to connect the management station to the Firebox.
• If you use a routed configuration, change the default gateway on all computers that you connect to the Firebox trusted IP address.
• Configure the Log Server to start recording log messages.
• Open Policy Manager to change the basic configuration to meet your security needs.
Setting Up Your Management Server
You can select to install the Management Server on the your management station during installation. Or, you can use the same installation procedure to install the Management Server on a different computer. You must install the Management Server software on a computer that is behind a Firebox with a static external IP address. The Management Server does not operate correctly if it is behind a Firebox with a dynamic IP address on its external interface.
You use this server to:
• Start and stop the Management Server
• Set the server passphrases and license key
6 WatchGuard System Manager
Setting Up Your Management Server
• Set the CRL distribution point and publication period
• Set the client and root certificate lifetime
• Launch the CA Web GUI
For information on how to set up the other WatchGuard System Manager servers—Log Server and Web­Blocker server, see the “Working with Log Files” chapter in this guide, and the respectively.
If you install the Management Server, Log Server, or WebBlocker Server on a computer with an active desktop firewall other than Windows Firewall, you must open the ports necessary for the servers to connect through the firewall. Windows Firewall users do not have to change their configuration. See the section “Installing WatchGuard Servers on computers with desktop firewalls” on page 8 for more information.
Configuration Guide

Management Server passwords

The WatchGuard Management Server uses passwords to protect sensitive information kept on disk or to secure communications with client systems.
Master password
This password is used to protect all the passwords that are kept in the password file. You must use it when you move the Management Server data to a new system or when you restore a lost or corrupt master key file. Because you do not frequently use the master password, we recommend that you write it down and lock it in a secure location.
The master password is not stored in the password file. An encryption key is derived from the master pass­word and the key data is kept on disk. The default locations for the password file and encryption key are:
• C:\Documents and Settings\WatchGuard\wgauth\wgauth.ini
• C:\Documents and Settings\WatchGuard\wgauth\wgauth.key
Because these files are used by the Management Server software, you must never change them manually.
Admin password
The administrator uses the admin password frequently because it is necessary to use it to connect to the Management Server using WatchGuard System Manager.

Using the Management Ser ver Setup Wizard

1 Right-click the Management Server icon in the WatchGuard toolbar at the bottom of the screen.
2Select Start Service.
The Management Server setup wizard starts. The instructions in the wizard help you through the proce­dure.
User Guide 7

After Your Installation

Note the following:
• When an interface whose IP address is bound to the Management Server goes down and then restarts, we recommend that you restart the Management Server.
• If you change the computer’s IP address, you must remove the Management Server and install it again.
After Your Installation
You have satisfactorily installed, configured, and put your new WatchGuard® System Manager into opera­tion on your network. Here is some more information to think about.

Align your security policy

Your security policy controls who can get in to your network, where they can go, and who can get out. The configuration file of your Firebox® makes the security policy.
The configuration file that you make with the Quick Setup Wizard is only a basic configuration. You can make a configuration file that aligns your security policy with your requirements. To do this, add filtered and proxied policies, in addition to the basic policies you are told about in the sections before. These pol­icies expand what you let in and out of your network. Each policy can have an effect on your network. The policies that increase your network security can decrease access to your network. The policies that increase access to your network can decrease your network security. When you select these policies, you must select a range of balanced policies. Your organization and the computer equipment to which you give protection will control your selection. Some policies that organizations usually add are HTTP and SMTP. Usually, for a new installation, we recommend that you use only packet filter policies until all your systems operate correctly. Then, as necessary, you can add proxied policies when you know more about them.
For more information about policies, see the
Configuration Guide
for your version of appliance software.

Features of the LiveSecurity Service

Your Firebox includes a subscription to our LiveSecurity® Service. Your subscription:
• Makes sure that you get the newest network protection with the newest software upgrades
• Gives solutions to your problems with full technical support resources
• Prevents downtime with messages and configuration help to prevent the newest network security problems
• Helps you to find out more about network security through training resources
• Extends your network security with included software and other features

Installation Topics

The following sections give information that you can use while setting up your Firebox®.

Installing WatchGuard Servers on computers with desktop firewalls

Desktop firewalls can block the ports necessary for WatchGuard® Server components to operate. Before installing the Management Server, Log Server, or WebBlocker Server on a computer with an active desktop firewall, other than Windows Firewall, you might need to open the necessary ports on the desktop fire­wall. Windows Firewall users do not need to change their configuration.
8 WatchGuard System Manager
Installation Topics
This table shows you the ports you must open on a desktop firewall.
Server Type/Appliance Software Protocol/Port
Management Server TCP 4109, TCP 4110, TCP 4112, TCP 4113
Log Server with Fireware appliance software with WFS appliance software
WebBlocker Ser ver TCP 5003, UDP 5003
TCP 4115 TCP 4107

WFS appliance software configuration modes

There are two configuration modes available for users with WFS appliance software: a routed configura­tion or a drop-in configuration. (If you are using Fireware appliance software, drop-in mode is not avail­able.) Many networks operate the best with a routed configuration. But we recommend the drop-in mode if:
• You have a large number of public IP addresses
• You have a static external IP address
• You cannot configure the computers on your trusted and optional networks that have public IP addresses with private IP addresses
The table below shows three conditions that can help you to select a firewall configuration mode. We then give more information about each mode.
Routed Configuration Drop-in Configuration
Condition 1 All interfaces of the Firebox are on
different networks. The minimum configured interfaces are external and trusted.
Condition 2 Trusted and optional interfaces must be
on different networks. The two interfaces must have an IP address on their respective network.
Condition 3 Use static NAT to map public addresses
to private addresses behind the trusted or optional interfaces.
All interfaces of the Firebox are on the same network and have the same IP address (Proxy ARP).
The computers on the trusted or optional interfaces can have a public IP address.
The machines that have public access have public IP addresses. Thus, no static NAT is necessary.
Routed configuration
You use the routed configuration when you have a small number of public IP addresses or when your Firebox gets its external IP address using PPPoE or DHCP. This configuration also makes it easier to con­figure virtual private networks.
User Guide 9
Installation Topics
In a routed configuration, you install the Firebox with different logical networks and network addresses on each of its interfaces. The public servers behind the Firebox use private IP addresses. The Firebox uses network address translation (NAT) to route traffic from the external network to the public servers.
The requirements for a routed configuration are:
• All interfaces of the Firebox must be on different logical networks. The minimum configuration includes the external and trusted interfaces. You can also configure one or more optional interfaces.
• All computers behind the trusted and optional interfaces must have an IP address from that network. For example, a computer on a trusted interface in the previous figure could have an IP address of but not, which is on the optional interface.
Drop-in configuration
With a drop-in configuration, the Firebox uses the same network for all of its interfaces. You must config­ure all of the interfaces. When you install the Firebox between the router and the LAN, it is not necessary to change the configuration of the local computers. The public servers behind the Firebox continue to use public IP addresses. The Firebox does not use network address translation to route traffic from the exter­nal to your public servers.
The properties of a drop-in configuration are:
10 WatchGuard System Manager
Installation Topics
• You use one logical network for all three interfaces.
• The Firebox uses proxy ARP. The trusted interface ARP address replaces the ARP address of the router. It then resolves the ARP data for those devices behind the Firebox that cannot receive the transmitted data.
• During installation, it is not necessary to change the TCP/IP properties of computers on the trusted and optional interfaces. The router cannot receive the transmitted ARP data from the trusted host, but the Firebox continues to control ARP data for the router.
• Usually, the Firebox is the default gateway as an alternative to the router.
• You must flush the ARP cache of each computer on the trusted network.
• A large part of a LAN is on the trusted interface because there is a secondary network for the LAN.
With a drop-in configuration you do not have to change the configuration of each computer on the trusted network that has a public IP address. But, a drop-in configuration is not easy to manage. It can also be more difficult to troubleshoot problems.

Adding secondary networks to your configuration

A secondary network is a different network that connects to a Firebox interface with a switch or hub.
When you add a secondary network, you map an IP address from the secondary network to the IP address of the Firebox interface. Thus, you make (or add) an IP alias to the network interface. This IP alias is the default gateway for all the computers on the secondary network. The secondary network also tells the Firebox that there is one more network on the Firebox interface.
To add a secondary networks, do one of these procedures:
Use the Quick Setup Wizard during installation
Enter an IP address for the secondary network in the Quick Setup Wizard, as described in “Using the Quick Setup Wizard” on page 6. This is the default gateway for your secondary private network.
Add the secondary network after the Firebox installation is complete
Use Policy Manager to add secondary networks to an interface. For information on how to use Policy Manager, see the
Configuration Guide

Dynamic IP support on the external interface

If you use dynamic IP addressing, you must select routed configuration.
User Guide 11
Installation Topics
If you select the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), the Firebox tells a DHCP server controlled by your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to give the Firebox its IP address, gateway, and netmask. This server can also give WINS and DNS server information for your Firebox. If it does not give you that information, you must add it manually to your configuration. If necessary, you can change the WINS and DNS values that your ISP gives you.
Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) is also available. As with DHCP, the Firebox makes a PPPoE protocol connection to the PPPoE server of your ISP. This connection automatically configures your IP address, gateway, and netmask. But, PPPoE does not supply you with DNS and WINS server information as DHCP does.
If you use PPPoE on the external interface, you must have the PPP user name and password when you configure your network. The user name and password each have a 256-byte capacity.
When you configure the Firebox to receive dynamic IP addresses, the Firebox cannot use these functions (for which a static IP address is necessary):
• High Availability (not available on Firebox 500)
• Drop-in mode (if you are using WFS appliance software)
• 1-to-1 NAT
If your ISP uses a DHCP or PPPoE connection to give out static IP address, the Firebox will allow you to enable MUVPN and RUVPN with PPTP because the IP address is static.
External aliases and 1-to-1 NAT are not available when the Firebox is a PPPoE client.

Entering IP addresses

When you enter IP addresses in the Quick Setup Wizard or WSM dialog boxes, type the digits and periods in the correct sequence. Do not use the TAB key, arrow key, spacebar, or mouse to put your cursor after the periods. For example, if you type the IP address, do not type a space after you type “16.” Do not try to put your cursor after the subsequent period to type “1.” Type a period directly after “16,” and then type “1.10.” Push the slash (/) key to move to the netmask.
About slash notation
Use slash notation to enter the netmask. In slash notation, one number shows how many bits of the IP address identify the network that the host is on. A netmask of has a slash equivalent of 8+8+8=24. For example, an IP address is equivalent to an IP address of with a netmask of
This table shows the network masks and their slash equivalents:
Network mask Slash equivalent /8 /16 /24 /25 /26
12 WatchGuard System Manager
Installation Topics /27 /28 /29 /30

Installing the Firebox cables

Connect the power cable to the Firebox power input and to a power source. The Quick Setup Wizard recommends that you use a straight ethernet cable (green) to connect your man-
agement station to a hub or switch. Use another straight ethernet cable (green) to connect your Firebox to the same hub or switch. Then, use the instructions in the Quick Setup Wizard to connect to the Fire­box.
You can also use a red crossover cable to connect the Firebox trusted interface to the management station Ethernet port.
User Guide 13
Installation Topics
14 WatchGuard System Manager

CHAPTER 2 Service and Support

No Internet security solution is complete without regular updates and security information. New threats appear each day — from the newest hacker to the newest bug in an operating system — and each can cause damage to your network systems. The LiveSecurity® Service sends security solutions directly to you to keep your security system in the best condition. Training and technical support are available on the WatchGuard® Web site to help you learn more about network security and your WatchGuard products.

LiveSecurity Service Solutions

The number of new security problems and the volume of information about network security continues to increase. We know that a firewall is only the first component in a full security solution. The Watch­Guard® Rapid Response Team is a dedicated group of network security personnel who can help you to control this problem of too much information. They monitor the Internet security Web sites for you, to identify new security problems as they start.

Threat responses, alerts, and expert advice

After a new threat is identified, the WatchGuard Rapid Response Team sends you an e-mail to tell you about the problem. Each message gives full information about the type of security problem and the pro­cedure you must use to make sure that your network is safe from attack.

Easy software updates

LiveSecurity® Service saves you time because you receive an e-mail when we release a new version of the WatchGuard System Manager software. Installation wizards, release notes, and a link to the software update make for a fast and easy installation. These continued updates make sure that you do not have to use your time to find new software.

Access to technical support and training

You can find information about your WatchGuard products quickly with our many online resources. You can also speak directly to one of the WatchGuard technical support personnel. Use our online training to learn more about the WatchGuard System Manager software, Firebox, and network security.
User Guide 15

LiveSecurity Ser vice Broadcasts

LiveSecurity Service Broadcasts
The WatchGuard® Rapid Response Team regularly sends messages and software information directly to your computer desktop by e-mail. We divide the messages into categories to help you to identify and make use of incoming information immediately.
Information Alert
Information Alerts give you a fast view of the newest information and threats to Internet security. The WatchGuard Rapid Response Team frequently recommends that you make a security policy change to protect against the new threat. When necessary, the Information Alert includes instructions on the procedure.
Threat Response
If a new security threat makes it necessary, the WatchGuard Rapid Response Team transmits a software update for your Firebox®. The Threat Response includes information about the security threat and instructions on how to download a software update and install it on your Firebox and management station.
Software Update
When necessary, WatchGuard updates the WatchGuard System Manager software. Product upgrades can include new features and patches. When we release a software update, you get an e-mail with instructions on how to download and install your upgrade.
Each week, top network security personnel come together with the WatchGuard Rapid Response Team to write about network security. This continuous supply of information can help you to keep your network safe and secure.
The WatchGuard Rapid Response Team also writes information specially for security administrators, employees, and other personnel that are new to this technology.
At the end of each month LiveSecurity® Service sends you an e-mail with a summary of the information sent that month.
Support Flash
These short training messages can help you to operate WatchGuard System Manager. They are an added resource to the other online resources:
- Online Help
- Known Issues pages on the Technical Support Web site
Virus Alert
WatchGuard has come together with antivirus vendor McAfee to give you the most current information about computer viruses. Each week, we send you a message with a summary of the virus traffic on the Internet. When a hacker releases a dangerous virus on the Internet, we send a special virus alert to help you protect your network.
16 WatchGuard System Manager

LiveSecurity Service Self Help Tools

New from WatchGuard
When WatchGuard releases a new product, we first tell you — our customers. You can learn more about new features and services, product upgrades, hardware releases, and customer promotions.

Activating the LiveSecurity Service

You can activate the LiveSecurity® Service through the Quick Setup Wizard on the CD-ROM. Or, you can activate it through the activation section of the LiveSecurity Web pages. There is information about the Quick Setup Wizard in the QuickStart Guide and in the “Getting Started” chapter of this book.
To activate the LiveSecurity Service, you must enable JavaScript on your browser.
To activate the LiveSecurity Service through the Web:
1 Make sure that you have the LiveSecurity license key and the Firebox serial number. These are
necessary during the LiveSecurity activation procedure.
- You can find the Firebox serial number in two locations. First, on a small silver label on the
outer side of the Firebox package. Second, on a label on the rear side of the Firebox, below the Universal Product Code (UPC) symbol.
- The license key number is on the WatchGuard LiveSecurity License Key certificate. Make
sure that you type it the same as it is shown on the key. Include the hyphens.
2 Using your Web browser, go to:
The Account page appears.
3 Complete the LiveSecurity Activation page. Use the TAB key or the mouse to move through the
fields on the page.
You must complete all the fields to activate correctly. This information helps WatchGuard to send you the information and software updates that are applicable to your products.
4 Make sure that your e-mail address is correct. After you complete the procedure, you get an e-
mail message that tells you that you activated the LiveSecurity Service satisfactorily. All your LiveSecurity e-mail will come to this address.
5 Click Register.
LiveSecurity Service Self Help Tools
Online Self Help Tools enable you to get the best performance from your WatchGuard® products.
You must activate the LiveSecurity® Service before you can access online resources.
Basic FAQs
The Basic FAQs (frequently asked questions) give general information about the Firebox® and the WatchGuard System Manager software. They are written for the customer who is new to network security and to WatchGuard products.
User Guide 17
LiveSecurity Service Self Help Tools
Advanced FAQs
The Advanced FAQs (frequently asked questions) give you important information about configuration options and operation of systems or products. They add to the information you can find in this User Guide and in the Online Help system.
Known Issues
We know that software products can have bugs. We keep a list of Known Issues to help you find and to configure around these problems in our products until a software update repairs them.
Interactive Support Forum
The WatchGuard Technical Support team operates a Web site where our customers can send messages about WatchGuard products. Technical Support monitors this Web site and writes messages when it is necessary to answer customer problems.
Online Training
Browse to the online training section to learn more about network security and WatchGuard products. You can read training materials and get a certification in our products. The training includes links to a wide range of documents and Web sites about network security. The training is divided into parts which lets you use only the materials you feel necessary. To learn more about online training, browse to:
Learn About
This is a list of all resources available for a specified product or feature. It is a site map for the feature.
Online Help
There is a copy of the online help system for all WatchGuard products on our Technical Support Web site. You install a copy of the online help when you install WatchGuard System Manager software. The version of online help on our Web site is the most current and includes corrections of errors we find.
Product Documentation
We keep a copy of each user guide we release to customers on our Web site. This includes user guides for versions of software which we do not continue to give technical support. The user guides are in PDF format.
General Firebox X Edge and Firebox SOHO Resources
This section of our Web site shows basic information and links for Firebox X Edge and Firebox SOHO customers. It can help you to install and use the Firebox X Edge and SOHO 6 hardware.
To get access to the LiveSecurity Service Self Help Tools:
1 Start your Web browser. In the address bar, type:
2 Click Support.
3 Log in to the LiveSecurity Service.
4In the Self Help Tools section, click your selection.
18 WatchGuard System Manager

WatchGuard Users For um

The WatchGuard® Users Forum is an online group. It lets the users of WatchGuard products interchange ideas, questions, and information about the product, for example:
• Configuration
• Connecting WatchGuard products and those of other companies
• Network policies
This forum has different categories that you can use to look for information. The WatchGuard Technical Support team controls the forum during regular work hours. Do not use the forum to tell the WatchGuard Technical Support team about problems you have with your Firebox®. You must use the Web interface or the telephone to tell WatchGuard Technical Support directly.

Using the WatchGuard Users Forum

To use the WatchGuard Users Forum you must first create an account:
1 Browse to: Click Support. Log in to the LiveSecurity Service.
2Below Self Help Tools, click Interactive Support Forum.
3 Click Create a User Forum account.
WatchGuard Users Forum
4 Type your information in the page. Click Create.
You must select a user name and password. They must be different from the user name and password for your LiveSecurity Service.

WatchGuard Users Group

The WatchGuard® Users Group is an e-mail discussion list. It lets the users of WatchGuard products send and receive messages from other users. Because WatchGuard does not control the group, you cannot use the group to tell the WatchGuard Technical Support team about problems you have with your Firebox®. You must use the Web interface or the telephone to tell WatchGuard Technical Support directly. To learn more about the WatchGuard Users Group, browse to:

Online Help

WatchGuard® Online Help is a Web system that can operate on most computer operating systems. We release each version of our software products with a full online help system. You can find these online help systems at:
A static version of the online help system is installed automatically with the WatchGuard System Manager software. You can find it in a subdirectory of the installation folder with the name of the online help on the Web site includes corrections to all errors found since we released the software.
Help. The live version

Starting WatchGuard Online Help

There are two methods to start the online help system:
• From the WatchGuard System Manager software, press F1. Your browser opens and an Online Help page appears. The page has information about the feature you are using.
User Guide 19

Product Documentation

• Use Windows Explorer or the Run command to open the WatchGuard installation folder. Open the Help folder. Double-click WFSHelp.htm. Your browser opens and the Online Help home page
appears. The default folder is:
C:\Program Files\WatchGuard\Help

Searching for information

There are three methods to search for information in the WatchGuard Online Help system:
The Contents tab shows a list of categories in the help system. Double-click a book to expand a category. Click a page title to look at the contents of that category.
The index shows a list of the words that are in the help system. Type the word, and the list automatically goes to those words that start with the typed letters. Click a page title to look at the contents.
The Search feature is a full text search of the help system. Type a word and press ENTER. A list shows the categories that contain the word. The Search feature does not operate with AND, OR, or NOT operators.

Copy the online help system to more computers

You can copy WatchGuard Online Help from the management station to a second computer. When you do this, copy the full online help folder from the WatchGuard installation directory on the management station. You must include all subdirectories.
Software requirements
• Internet Explorer 4.0 or a subsequent version
• Netscape Navigator 4.7 or a subsequent version
Operating system
• Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, or Windows XP
•Sun Solaris
Product Documentation
We copy all the user guides we release to our Web site at:

Technical Support

Your LiveSecurity Service subscription includes technical support for the WatchGuard® System Manager software and Firebox® hardware. To learn more about WatchGuard Technical Support, browse to the WatchGuard Web site at:
20 WatchGuard System Manager
Technical Support
You must activate the LiveSecurity Service before you can get technical support.

LiveSecurity Service Technical Support

All new Firebox products include the WatchGuard LiveSecurity® Technical Support Service. You can speak with the WatchGuard Technical Support team when you have a problem with the installation, man­agement, or configuration of your Firebox.
WatchGuard LiveSecurity Technical Support operates from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM in your local time zone, Monday through Friday.
Telephone Number
877.232.3531 in United States and Canada +1.206.613.0456 in all other countries
Web Site
Service Time
We try to supply a solution in a maximum time of four hours.
Type of Service
There is technical support available for special problems with the installation and continued maintenance of the Firebox and SOHO systems.
Single Incident Priority Response Upgrade (SIPRU) and Single Incident After Hours Upgrade (SIAU) are also available. For more data about these upgrades, refer to the WatchGuard Web site at:

LiveSecurity Gold

WatchGuard Gold LiveSecurity Technical Support adds to your standard LiveSecurity Service. We recom­mend that you buy this upgrade if your company uses the Internet or VPN tunnels for most of your work.
With WatchGuard Gold LiveSecurity Technical Support you get:
• Live technical support 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
• The Priority Technical Support Team operates our support center continuously from 7 PM Sunday to 7 PM Friday (Pacific Time).
• We try to supply a solution to your problem in a maximum time of one hour.
• If a technician is not immediately available to help you, an administrator records your problem. The administrator gives you an incident number. The Priority Technical Support team will speak to you when they become available.

Firebox Installation Ser vice

WatchGuard Remote Firebox Installation Service helps you to install and configure your Firebox. You can schedule a two-hour time with one of our WatchGuard Technical Support team. During this time, the technician helps you to:
• Do an analysis of your network and security policy
• Install the WatchGuard System Manager software and Firebox hardware
• Align your configuration with your company security policy
This service does not include VPN installation.
User Guide 21

Training and Certific ation

VPN Installation Service

WatchGuard Remote VPN Installation Service helps you through a full VPN installation. You can schedule a two-hour time with one of the WatchGuard Technical Support team. During this time, the technician helps you to:
• Do an analysis of your VPN policy
• Configure your VPN tunnels
• Do a test of your VPN configuration
You can use this service after you correctly install and configure your Fireboxes.
Training and Certification
WatchGuard® product training is available online to help you learn more about network security and WatchGuard products. You can find training materials on our Technical Support Web site and prepare for a certification exam. The training materials include links to books and Web sites with more information about network security.
WatchGuard product training is also available at a location near you through a large group of Watch­Guard Certified Training Partners (WCTPs). Training partners give training using certified training materi­als and with WatchGuard hardware. You can install and configure our products with an advanced instructor and system administrator to help you learn.
22 WatchGuard System Manager

CHAPTER 3 Monitoring Your Network

To monitor a network, you must have real-time information on all the components of the network. The current status of all VPN devices and tunnels appears in the WatchGuard® System Manager window. You can use these tools to quickly find and troubleshoot problems with your network.
This chapter describes the procedures you can do directly from the WatchGuard System Manager window.

Starting WatchGuard System Manager

From the Windows Desktop:
• Select Start > Programs > WatchGuard® System Manager 8 > WatchGuard System Manager.
The WatchGuard System Manager window appears.

About the WatchGuard System Manager Window

The WatchGuard® System Manager window has three tabs at the bottom of the screen:
User Guide 23

Connecting to a Firebox

A status page for all the devices in System Manager. The information that appears includes the log host, MAC address, and IP address for the interfaces for each device. It also includes the status of all VPN tunnels that are configured in System Manager.
Shows status information, endpoints, and security parameters for any VPN tunnels created and managed with the WatchGuard Management Server.
Shows the log status for devices managed by System Manager.
The WatchGuard System Manager window also has menus and icons you can use to start other tools, as described in “Starting Security Applications” on page 29.
Connecting to a Firebox
1 Select File > Connect to > Device.
or Click the Connect to Device icon on the WatchGuard® System Manager toolbar. The icon is shown at left.
2From the Firebox drop-down list, select a Firebox
You can also type the IP address or host name. When you type an IP address, type all the numbers and the periods. Do not use the TAB or arrow key.
® by its IP address or host name.
3 Type the Firebox status (read-only) passphrase.
Use the status passphrase to monitor traffic and Firebox condition. You must use the configuration passphrase to save a new configuration to the Firebox.
4 If necessary, change the value in the Timeout field. This value sets the time (in seconds) that the
management station listens for data from the Firebox, before it sends a message that shows that
it cannot get data from the device.
If you have a slow network or Internet connection to the device, you can increase the timeout value. Decreasing the value decreases the time you must wait for a timeout message if you are connecting to a Firebox that is not accessible.
5 Click OK. The Firebox appears in the WatchGuard System Manager window.
Disconnecting from a Firebox
To disconnect, click on the first line of information for the Firebox to disconnect from and select File > Disconnect. Or select the Firebox and then click the Disconnect icon shown at left.
24 WatchGuard System Manager
+ 76 hidden pages