WARRIOR Stoves WSDAID User Manual

Congratulations on your decision to own an advanced high quality and desirable Multi-Fuel WARRIOR Stove. This Stove has been manufactured and designed in our factory from premium grade materials to give you many years of excellent service when correctly installed, operated and maintained. The main body is constructed from premium grade cast iron, this is sand cast the traditional time honoured way by experts from freshly mined pig iron. Cast Iron is the best material known for retaining and radiating heat, recycled scrap iron is not used for any part of a WARRIOR Stove.
Please carefully and thoroughly read this manual prior to any installation or lighting of your new stove. If you have any questions regarding this stove which are not mentioned in this manual then please contact the vendor of the stove or our head office, details below.
Manufactured by:
Chapel Road
UK. TR14 8QY
Tel: 01209 711115
Fax: 01209 612322
E-mail: info@warriorstoves.co.uk
Web: www.warriorstoves.co.uk
Please keep this manual for future reference. It has been produced for the WARRIOR Stoves Aidan stove and may not be copied in whole, part or be used for any purpose apart from which it is intended without express and written permission from a WARRIOR Stove employee.
WARRIOR Stoves Ltd.
Manual for:Aidan Multi-Fuel Stove
Model no: WSDAID
WARRIOR Stoves:Aidan WARRIOR Stoves Ltd. Model No:WSDAID Chapel Road, Tuckingmill Continuously rated Multi-Fuel Stove Camborne, Cornwall. Approved to EN13240 TR14 8QY.
This information is true.
Ricky MURRELL WARRIOR Stoves Ltd Authorised Signatory for this stove in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland
Useful Information: 1Kw 3412.14BTU’s (British Thermal Unit) 1cm 0.3937” / 25.4mm ≈ 1” 1Kg 2.2046 lbs.
Height (mm) 790
Width (mm) 620
Depth (mm) 600
Height to centre of rear flue (mm)
Depth from back to centre of flue (mm)
Flue Diameter Req. (mm)
Net weight (Kg) 210
Gross weight (Kg) [Packed]
Minimum distance to Combustible surfaces.
Top 800mm
Side 450mm
Rear 1200mm
Type of boiler and method of construction
Boiler maximum operating water temperature
Boiler maximum operating pressure in bar.
Boiler test pressure in bar
Test Type NOMINAL OUTPUT NOMINAL OUTPUT When fuelled with SOLID MINERAL WOOD Refuelled every 5Hrs 0.75Hrs Flue Gas Mass Flow 10.5g/s 9.2g/s With a flue draught of 12Pa 12Pa Output to room 8.8kW 11kW Output to water N./A. N./A. Mean Efficiency 67.8% 72.1% Mean Flue Temperature 343 C 386 C Mean CO concentration at 13% O 0.19% 0.37% Test by: GASTEC@CRE IN THE UK GASTEC@CRE IN THE UK
Safety is of paramount importance when deciding on locating, moving, installing, operating and maintaining the stove.
Ensure that this manual is read and understood prior to installation or commissioning the first fire.
This Stove must be installed in accordance with all local regulations including those referring to national and European standards. WARRIOR Stoves recommend that a competent person such as a HETAS approved installer is used for installation. HETAS details are listed near the back of this manual for further reference. Most stove retailers will be able to assist in advising a competent person for installation.
WARRIOR Stoves installation instructions cannot be taken as conforming to all standards in all areas and also cannot account for changes in legislation.
This Stove must not be modified without the express and written permission of a WARRIOR stoves employee. Alterations not authorised by WARRIOR Stoves Ltd. will terminate the guarantee and may also be potentially dangerous.
Numerous further safety procedures are listed throughout this manual specific to separate tasks of installation and usuage, etc. For your safety and others around you ensure these procedures are adhered to.
The floor which the stove is to be located on must have an adequate load-bearing capacity. If the floor does not meet this requirement then suitable measures in accordance with building control regulations need to be taken.
This stove has passed the requirements of building regulations so that it only requires a 12mm Thickness hearth.
The stove must be located on a solid non combustible hearth/surface with the minimum dimensions extending from the perimeter of the stove as shown below:
The stove surfaces must have a minimum distance away from any combustible materials as listed in the technical data section of this manual. Single wall fluepipes must be more than three times the diameter of the fluepipe away from combustible materials i.e. 125mm (5”) Fluepipe should be a minimum of 375mm (15”) away. For further assistance regarding flue pipe & liners please contact your stove dealer, approved installer, building control officer or Midtherm Flue Systems Ltd. (Details listed at rear of this manual). The complete range of Midtherm flues and ancillary components are available from your stove retailer. Further advice regarding chimney and flues for this stove is detailed in the Installation section of this manual.
This stove must have its own dedicated chimney or flueway. It is not suitable for installing into a shared flueway. The stove must always have a permanent free air supply into the room it is being installed into. For Stoves rated above 5KW a permanent unobstructed air vent is required. This vent should be in the same or adjoining room as the stove and must be connected directly to the outside air, where possible locate the vent close to the stove to confine draughts. The vent size should be a minimum of 550mm2 per KW over 5 KW, i.e. A stove rated at 11kw would need a minimum vent size of 3,300mm2 for modern properties (Generally only since 2008) with Design Air Permeability greater than or equal to 5.0Mtr3/ (h.m2) then 550mm2 is required per kW output. It is always advisable to install a vent if there is not one present for a stove rated under 5Kw and like wise it is better to install a vent larger than the minimum recommended size. This is to account for the possibility of operating the stove at more than its rated output. Extractor fans operating in the same room or air space as the stove may cause problems with the air supply to the stove which in turn may cause problems with chimney draw.
Your approved installer or building control officer should be familiar with all these aspects of where the stove may be installed.
A=150mm B=225mm C=150mm D=150mm
Front of stove
These distances may be reduced if the Hearth adjoins a non combustible wall.
Care should be taken when unpacking and assembling your stove. Stoves are heavy and therefore due consideration is required in lifting and moving into the final location. Where possible use a sack truck or trolley and obtain assistance rather than struggling or risking personal injury. You may find that it is easier to open the stove and remove loose items to reduce the weight of the stove. The following are useful techniques for manual lifting:
Keep the stove close to your waist with your head facing forwards and your back straight.
Do not twist at the waist, reposition your feet as necessary.
Bend both legs to maintain stability.
Avoid twisting your back, leaning forwards or sideways when handling the stove.
Smooth and controlled movement will help to keep the stove under control, avoid snatching or jerking when moving the stove.
Always grip with the palms of your hands preferably wearing gloves to provide additional grip, do not rely solely on fingertips for support.
Wear suitable clothing, avoid wearing ties and other loose items that could get caught in the stove. The use of protective footwear with steel toecaps is advisable.
This stove requires little assembly prior to moving into it’s final location. Firstly carefully unwrap the stove and the contents either on the original packing or onto a sheet of plyboard or similar in order to minimize the risk of damage to the furnishings below. After unpacking remove the loose items from the stove which require fixing, these parts should be: The Legs, the Stove Outlet and the Stove Outlet Blanking Plate and the Handles. These parts should be easily identifiable from the exploded parts diagram listed near the end of this manual. Attach the legs to the base of the stove with the bolts provided, these bolts are already attached at the base of the stove in the correct location. Tighten with firm pressure without over tightening. The Stove Outlet and the Stove Outlet Blanking Plate again require bolting into the correct position, (determined by flue exit, possible from the Top or the Rear of this stove) with the bolts provided. Prior to fixing a smear of fire cement and or heat resistant rope is recommended to ensure the join is airtight. See the note in the Stove Installation Section regarding the caustic nature of fire cement, again do not over-tighten the bolts. The handles simply bolt on.
Inside the Stove there should be the following:
Grate with Fuel Retainers.
Ashpan & Ashpan removal Tool.
Baffle/Throat Plate.
Side Cast/Refractory Brick Linings.
Rear Cast/Refractory Brick Linings, please note for Back-Boiler Model Stoves these will not be in the stove, they are replaced by the Back-Boiler.
All of these internal parts should be easily identifiable from the exploded parts diagram printed near the rear of this manual. If any parts have become dislodged during transit then it should be straightforward to re-locate in their respective places. Should parts need bolting back in place, do not over tighten. If you have any questions regarding the parts within the stove which are not mentioned above then please contact the vendor of the stove or our head office.
Prior to any installation being undertaken ensure that all intended work conforms to Building Regulations or Standards and any local laws including those referring to national and European Standards. The following are applicable:
England & Wales > Building Regulations (2001) > Document J particularly relevant. Scotland > Building Standards (2001) > Section F particularly relevant. Northern Ireland > Building Regulations (1990) Republic of Ireland > Building Regulations (1997) > Document J particularly relevant. Isle of Man > Building Regulations (2003) > Part J particularly relevant.
The above listed Regulations and Standards are subject to change and should be confirmed prior to installation.
Installation should be carried out avoiding any risk to yourself, the occupiers and any pets etc. Fire cement used during installation should be used in accordance with the instructions on the tub or cartridge. It is classed as an irritant so protective gloves are recommended. If the stove requires touching up/repainting then ensure adequate ventilation is available as most high temperature resistant paints release unpleasant odours. Always follow the stove paint manufacturers instructions. The stove must not be alight whilst re-painting. If the stove is being installed into an existing chimney ensure that protective eye ware is worn during inspection and whilst attending to any remedial work that may be required. In the case of installing into old Chimneys particular attention should be given to the possibility of disturbing asbestos. There are many types of asbestos, the three most common are white (chrysotile), brown (amosite) and blue (crocidolite). All three types are hazardous, particularly blue and brown, however asbestos cannot just be identified by its colour. Asbes­tos should only be removed by a registered specialist.
Chimney & Flue Guidance
Effective Chimneys require numerous considerations. The purpose of a chimney is to provide an up draught to ensure the safe removal of the products of combustion from the stove to the outside air. To maintain a safe and efficient up draught the chimney/flueway must conform to the following:
The Chimney/Flue should be totally free from defects and not leak at any point through to its terminal. A smoke test should be done to confirm this, a guide to smoke testing is listed further on in this section of the manual.
The Chimney/Flue must have a height of no less than 4.5 Meters from the top of the stove to a suitable Chimney terminal.
The Terminal of the Chimney/Flue must be in a position where the products of combustion can freely discharge without preventing a hazard whatever the wind conditions . See the diagram further on in this section regarding flue outlet positions.
The Chimney/Flue diameter must never be decreased in size from the stove. It is good practise to increase the chimney/flue diameter by 25 or 50mm, this will maintain a suitable draw in the event of the flue way becoming partially blocked due to possible tar build up in the chimney.
The Chimney diameter must be no less than 125mm diameter if only burning smokeless fuels, for any other fuel type this must be increased to a minimum of 150mm.
The Chimney/Flue should be kept as straight as possible. Offsets in the flue way should be kept to a minimum and should not exceed 45 degrees except when connecting to the rear off the stove, a 45 or 90 Degree Tee should be used for these installations completed by a soot box at the base.
No more than 4x45degree elbows should be installed, when using a 90 tee at the rear of the stove this would be classed as 2x45degree elbows.
90 degree elbows are not suitable for this stove.
When connecting the flue to the rear of the stove the maximum horizontal run should not exceed 150mm.
Provision must be made for cleaning the entire length of the chimney/flue other than through the stove.
The Flue way must be kept warm to ensure a suitable up draught.
There are numerous ways of installing this stove including situations where a chimney is not present in the building. The Chimney/Flue used should comply with the following:
Connecting Fluepipes (For connecting directly onto the stove outlet):
Vitreous Enamelled Steel Pipe> BS 6999: 1989 (1996)
Stainless Steel grades 1.4401, 14404, 14432 or 1.4436(Minimum flue wall thickness of 1mm)>BS EN10088-1:1995
Cast Iron Flue Pipes>BS41:1973 (1998)
Mild Steel Flue Pipes (Minimum flue wall thickness of 3mm)>BS 1449:Part1:1991
Fluepipe/Chimney Linings:
Concrete Chimney Blocks> BS EN 1858: 2003
Clay Chimney Blocks> BS EN 1806: 2000
Concrete Flue Linings> BS EN 1857: 2003
Clay Flue Linings> BS EN 1457: 1999
Factory Manufactured Metal Chimney> BS EN 1856-1: 2003
Tested Linings approved by a Notified Body.
Where applicable the Midtherm Flue Pipe available from WARRIOR Stoves dealers conforms to the above standards.
Stove Installation Continued.
All Installations:
Place the stove carefully on its hearth and ensure it is stable and level. The spigot (male) end of the Connecting Flue Pipe must fit inside the stove outlet and be sealed with fire cement. The socket (female) end faces away from the stove. This is to ensure that any condensate, etc. will run into the stove and dissipate rather than spoil the appearance of the final installation. See diagram below:
For connecting into existing Chimney:
The Chimney should be swept prior to installation and smoke tested to ensure it is sound. The Chimney must not have any hollow sections present, these should be filled to ensure that any soot or tar, etc. does not build up which may present problems when sweeping the chimney. Hollow sections within the chimney may also present problems with the chimney draw. The connecting flue pipe must be sealed to the chimney with fire cement and high temperature resistant rope as required. This is usually done into a register (Blanking) plate with an access door/hatch to enable chimney sweeping. Particularly large chimneys may require lining as the flue temperature may not get warm enough to provide a suitable up-draught.
Use fire cement and stove rope to ensure air tight seal.
Connecting Fluepipe Stove Outlet
Fire retardant Rope seal required
Build up opening
Soot/Access Door
Fill Void
Minimum diameter should be no less than the outlet size of the stove, 25to 50mm larger is ideal. Where the stove outlet is less than 150mm this diameter should be no less than 125mm when only burning smokeless fuels or a minimum of 150mm for any fuel types.
Maximum150mm Horizontal flue.
Stove Installation Continued.
Allow area for collecting soot build up. Minimum distance should be no less than The outlet diameter of the stove.
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