WAR 626 – 627
1) Raise rear of your vehicle and securely place “Jack Stands” under frame in front of leaf spring.
Remove rear tires for ease of installation. Lower vehicle onto jack stands. Be sure vehicle is stable.
2) Place support jack under housing to support axle while you remove u-bolt nuts from one side
at a time. The rear bracket will go under the top of the u-bolt curve, on top of the leaf spring,
your u-bolts should point down. Reinstall u-bolt nuts and tighten to manufactures specifications.
3) If you have a bump stop, it may have to be relocated. You need to maintain clearance between
the bump stop and the top of the axle bracket of at least 2” or 3”. You may wish to cut part of
the rubber stop off with a hack saw to obtain proper clearance.
4) Install bushings and sleeves into your TORQUE BARS, both end both sides. Slide bars together
one inside the other.
5) Place TORQUE BARS into the mount over the axle you installed in #2 above with the small
tube end pointed forward. Use the _” x 4” bolt, nut, washer over axle and use _” x 4” bolt, nut,
and washer to mount front bar above forward leaf spring mount.
6) You have two choices for mounting the front of your TORQUE BARS: a. or b. :
a. As pictured below. The forward hole to be drilled above leaf spring is _”. The
location of the hole is not critical but should allow clearance for TORQUE BARS
tube above leaf spring. Drill hole approximately 1 _” above leaf spring and _” from
edge of bracket. Install small end of TORQUE
BARS with _” X 4” bolt, nut, and washer.
b. If A above does not fit, or if you wish, use the “chair style” brackets in the kit. Install
in front of the spring hanger using the three self tapping bolts, provided in kit, per
side. The bolts are 3/8” self tapping so drill holes with a 9/32” drill. Bracket should
be tight with the bottom of the frame.
7) Repeat steps 2 through 6 on opposite side.
9) Raise rear axle until vehicle is supported by leaf springs. This should be where the vehicle will
ride when you drive on the street with no unusual load. Drill a 7/16” hole through the main bar
completely through both bars both sides. SEE PICTURE. Place pin through bar, both sides.
10) Install rear tires and tighten lug nuts to manufactures specifications. Remove support stand and
lower vehicle to the ground.
With the pin installed the TORQUE BARZ will act as a true traction bar eliminating axle wrap up. When you need
additional travel in your suspension, i.e. off road adventures, simply remove the pin.
If you need further assistance installing your product, please contact us by email at or call us at (888) 220-6861.