Thank you for choosing the AubeTH115 a programmable
thermostat that provides both energy savings and comfort
TH115 -F-120GA
Owners Guide
Control Module Installation
Align the bracket tabs on the control module with the
holes located on top of the power base.
Control module
TH115 Description
Buttons and symbols
On/Stand By Switch
Use this switch to put the thermostat in sleep mode
when its use is no longer required (e.g. summer).
This will not affect the clock programming.
GFCI Warning Light and Test Button
Day & Clock Settings
Programming Mode
Mode Selection/Exit Programming
Floor/Ambient (Amb. only with B)
Current Mode Auto, Manual, Vacation
Current Program Number
Setpoint definition/Pre-defined Setpoints
Increase/Decrease Temperature
Power base
NOTE: Keep the thermostat’s air vents clean and free
from obstructions.
NOTE: The screw cannot be removed completely.
First Power ON
When power is applied for the first
time, the LCD dispays: 0:00, MO
(Monday), and temperature of the
floor .
Press HOUR - MIN to set the
current time.
Press DAY to set current day.
For AF and F models: one of the two
following messages may be displayed
if the installation is incorrect:
LO: The floor temperature is below
32ºF (0ºC), or the temperature
sensor is defective, or not connected.
The heating indicator i is displayed and the relay is closed
HI: The floor temperature is above
140°F (60°C), or the tempeature sensor is defective.
10103-A 04/08
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GFCI Test (GA & GB power baseonly)
Operating Modes
The GFCI monitors the electrical flow for
any loss of current; if there is one, the
thermostat will cut off power to the heating
system. We recommend you test the GFCI
immediately after installing the control
module, and once a month thereafter to
ensure it is operating properly. To test:
Increase the temperature until the
heating indicator is displayed.
Press TEST:
• Successful: the TEST warning light is ON and
power to heating system is cut off.
• Unsucessful: the TEST warning light is OFF. Cut
power to heating system from the main power
panel and call customer service.
When successful, reset thermostat (Stand By/On) to
power the heating system.
NOTE: If the test warning light comes ON during normal
operation, cut power to heating system from the main
power panel and have an electrician verify the installation.
Executes the schedule.
Press MODE until is displayed. The current program number is displayed.
You can temporary bypass the current program by setting a specific temperature or
by pressing on a pre-defined setpoint button ( ) .
The new setpoint will be maintained until the beginning of the next program.
Manual —Maintains a constant temperature.
Press MODE until is displayed.
Set temperature or press ( ) to use
pre-defined setpoint.
Vacation —Maintains the Vacation setpoint
during a prolonged absence.
Press until the icon is displayed.
Temperature Setpoint
The following temperature setpoints are pre-programmed:
Symbol Description
Comfort (when at home) 70°F 82°F
Economy (
Vacation (
prolonged absence
when asleep/
away from home
To modify a setpoint:
Set the desired temperature using .
Press and Hold the or or
button until symbol is displayed.
Press RET to exit.
64°F 68°F
50°F 50°F
Pre-programed Schedule
The TH115 programmable thermostat is pre-programmed
with the following schedule:
Time you
wake up and
Time you
leave and
during your
6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00
8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 --:-- --:--
Time you
return home
and desired
Time you go
to bed and
16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 --:-- --:--
23:00 23:00 23:00 23:00 23:00 23:00 23:00