WarmlyYours FeelsWarm® Countertop Heater
Installation Instructions
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Thank you for purchasing a WarmlyYours FeelsWarm® Countertop Heater! Please read
the following information to learn how to install and operate your countertop heater.
Heater Model: Custom Adhesive-Backed Heater Standard Adhesive-Backed Heater Other
Electrical Information (please retain for future reference):
Wattage (household)
Current draw (amps)
Current draw on household at stated voltage 120V line
Serial Number:
Your heater is specically designed to gently raise the temperature of the heated area an additional 20 to 25 degrees
Fahrenheit. WarmlyYours FeelsWarm® Countertop Heaters utilize slow-rise heating elements so that the heating element
does not become excessively hot or unsafe. Consequently, the temperature of the stone countertop may take 1 to 1 1/2
hours to warm to the stable heat level that the heater delivers. With the Thermal Control Unit, the maximum temperature
of the countertop can be lowered if needed and the heater can be quickly turned on or off.
Safety: WarmlyYours FeelsWarm® Countertop Heaters are designed for indoor use only. All WarmlyYours FeelsWarm®
heaters utilize low voltage (9-24 volts dc) for home safety. These adhesive-backed heating elements are designed
with ultra-high bonding adhesive to help prevent the edges of the heater from being peeled or delaminated. They are
fabricated with an impact- and scratch-resistant cover shield to protect the heating element from damage. However, the
heater should be inspected periodically for damage or peeling. If either is present, immediately disconnect the power
supply and contact WarmlyYours for technical support. Do not pull on the electrical cord connecting the heater to the
power supply.
Warranty: WarmlyYours FeelsWarm® Countertop Heaters come with a two-tier warranty against manufacturer defects.
The warranty does NOT cover damage due to tampering, improper wiring or installation, use of incorrect power, or other
• Heating element: 3 years from date of purchase.
• Power supply and supplemental accessories: 2 years from date of purchase.
Customer Support: For questions or support, contact WarmlyYours at (800) 875-5285 or go to WamlyYours.com.
*FeelsWarm® technology is a registered trademark of Heated Stone Products, patent pending.

Before You Begin
Package Contents:
• Adhesive-backed heating element
• Thermal Control Unit
• Transformer (with power cord)
• Velcro packet
• Hole plug
• Peel test strip
• Thermal Control Unit mounting tape
• Instruction manual
• Surface Prep Kit
• 2 cans of epoxy (Part A and Part B)
• Small brush
• Tongue depressor
• Programmable timer (optional)
Recommended Tools and Supplies:
• Handheld electric drill with 3/4” spade bit (an extended length bit may be needed if running the cabling into a double-
wall cabinet)
• Several dry cotton rags
• Isopropyl alcohol
• Quart-sized container that can be discarded after use
• 1/16” drill bit
If Surface Prep Kit is used:
• Protective eyewear --REQUIRED
• Gloves and appropriate clothing
• Pencil
• Dropcloth or other material to protect carpet or ooring under the countertop
For large heating elements, WarmlyYours recommends having two people perform the installation.

Installation Instructions
Read these instructions completely before starting assembly and installation.
A. Evaluate the lower surface of the countertop to determine if the Surface Prep Kit must be used to securely bond the
heater. Use the peel test strip included in this package to evaluate whether the surface of the stone needs the Surface
Prep Coating. If the counter is “rough cut” natural stone, the WarmlyYours FeelsWarm® Surface Prep Coating will
be necessary.
B. To determine whether or not the stone surface will be acceptable as is (without the Surface Prep Coating), attach the peel
test strip to the underside of the counter and press with fairly hard pressure. Let the strip remain on the stone for 12
hours, then peel the strip off by hand. If the strip bonds extremely well, then applying the Surface Prep Coating is
not necessary.
• If there is support wood on the bottom surface of the stone (common for thinner stone countertops), the heater
can be attached to the wood instead of directly to the stone. HOWEVER, the wood must be prepared with the
Surface Prep Coating to ensure the heater bonds sufciently.
• Man-made stone countertops, such as Quartz, Silestone, and similar products DO NOT NEED the Surface Prep
C. If it is determined that the coating is needed, apply the Surface Prep Coating onto the area where the heater is to
be attached. Follow the instructions below, labeled “Surface Prep Instructions”. The coating must cure completely—
approximately 90 min.
D. Clean the surface where the heater will be attached. Perform this step whether the surface has been coated or not.
Clean with a rag and isopropyl alcohol. This will remove dirt, dust, and other debris. Let dry completely (approximately
10 minutes).
E. If your heater is larger than 4 square feet or is an unusual shape or conguration, you will need another person to help
attach the heater to the countertop.
Surface Prep Instructions (If needed)
Kit Contents:
• 2 cans of epoxy (Part A and Part B)
• Small brush
• Tongue depressor
Recommended Tools and Supplies:
• Protective eyewear REQUIRED
• Gloves and appropriate clothing
• Pencil
• Drop cloth or other material to protect carpet or ooring under the countertop
If the surface is not suitable for bonding, then WarmlyYours FeelsWarm® Surface Prep Coating will need to be applied to
the surface prior to installing the heater.