Operati n g Instructions to Amplifier Electronics SD7
1General i n formation4
2Product description5
... . ......................................... ................................................................................. ................................................... 52.1 General
............................................. ................................................................................. ................................................... 52.2 Field of application
............................................. ................................................................................. ................................................... 52.4 Labeling of the product
... . ......................................... ................................................................................. ................................................... 62.5 Type code
... . ......................................... ................................................................................. ................................................... 72.6 Technical data
............................................. ................................................................................. ................................................... 194.2 Description of the Function
............................................. ................................................................................. ................................................... 264.11 M ode of operation
............................................. ................................................................................. ................................................... 284.12 Power reduction
5Operating and i n di cating elem ents30
... . ......................................... ................................................................................. ................................................... 305.1 General
............................................. ................................................................................. ................................................... 305.2 Screw terminator v iew
............................................. ................................................................................. ................................................... 345.3 Control elements
............................................. ................................................................................. ................................................... 467.2 Assignment of the inputs/outputs
............................................. ................................................................................. ................................................... 487.4 Tips for the first commissioning
.............................................................................................................................. ................................................... 497.5 Inputs/outputs according to Wandfluh standard
............................................. ................................................................................. ................................................... 497.6 Default setting of the parameters
... . ......................................... ................................................................................. ................................................... 717.8 Menu File
............................................. ................................................................................. ................................................... 757.9 Menu Communication
............................................. ................................................................................. ................................................... 767.10 M enu Configuration
............................................. ................................................................................. ................................................... 827.11 M enu Commands
... . ......................................... ................................................................................. ................................................... 887.13 M enu Analysis
... . ......................................... ................................................................................. ................................................... 987.14 M enu Help
............................................. ................................................................................. ................................................... 1039.4 Connection to the Wandfluh card
............................................. ................................................................................. ................................................... 1049.6 Communication start up
............................................. ................................................................................. ................................................... 1069.7 Communication interruption
............................................. ................................................................................. ................................................... 1079.8 Program description
............................................. ................................................................................. ................................................... 1089.9 Starting of PASO
............................................. ................................................................................. ................................................... 1109.10 St ore parameter
............................................. ................................................................................. ................................................... 1109.11 Limiting v alue error
.............................................................................................................................. ................................................... 1119.12 Used analog input not compatible to the selected signal type
Operati n g Instructions to Amplifier Electronics SD7
1General information
This operating instructions mak es i t possible to use the SD7-Electronics s afely and ac c ording t o specification. The
operating instructions includes instructions which Wandfluh as the manufacturer, or its resale organisations
(Wandfl uh sister companies or distributors), provide to users within their duty t o ins t ruct .
For this purpose, the operati ng inst ruct i ons m ainly inc l udes:
·information about use acc ording to specification, i ns t allat ion and commis sioning of t he SD7-Electronics
·information about safety in dealing with control.
Operati n g Instructions to Amplifier Electronics SD7
· Part number
· Serial number
· Software version
· Firmware versi on
· Card t ype
· Device configuration
2Product description
The SD7-Electronics is integrated in a case for top-hat rail fastening. The connections are provided by terminal
sc rew blocks .
2.2Field of appli cation
The field of applicati on of the SD6-E lec t ronics is s it uated in the industrial field.
The SD7-Electronics have been developed and tested in accordance wit h the lates t t echnic al s t andards . A pplied in
particular was the EU Guideline 2004/108/EG (EM C Guideline).
2.4Labeling of the product
Wit h the PC parameterisation software PASO SD7, the following information can be directly read-off the SD7Elect ronics (= elec t ronic t ype code):
Integrated in electronic case for top-hat rail cl amping
Basic amplifier
Enhanced amplifier
105 x 114 x 22.5
105 x 114 x 45mm
aufs chnappbar auf Hutschiene
Basic amplifier
Enhanced amplifier
amplifier with P rofibus
Terminal screw blocks, m ax dimensi on 2.5mm
1 USB interface (connector type B)
Protection cl ass
IP30 acc. t o E N 60 529
Supply vol ta g e
(dependin g on the type)
24 VDC
or 12 VDC
Voltage range
Supply voltage 24 VDC:
Supply voltage 12 VDC:
21 ... 30 VDC
10,5 ... 15 VDC
Ripple on supply voltage
< ±5 %
Customer must int egrate a slow fuse into his elec t ric al system
Tempe rature d ri ft
< 1% with DT = 40°C
No loa d current
40 ... 50 mA
Ma x. solenoi d current
24VDC vers ion
12VDC vers ion
1.8 A
2.3 A
The tot al s olenoid current of s i mult aneously powered solenoids
depends on the ambient temperature (refer to section "Solenoid
outputs and ambient temperat ure")
Analog ue i nputs
2 (Basic vers ion) resp. 4 (Enhanced version) different i al inputs
Inputs 1 and 2 = 10-Bit resolution
Inputs 3 and 4 = 16-Bit resolution
All inputs are not galvanically separat ed
Analogue i nputs 1:
Analogue i nputs 2:
Analogue i nputs 1:
Analogue i nputs 2:
Analogue i nputs 1:
Analogue i nputs 2:
Analogue i nputs 1:
Analogue i nputs 2:
Analogue i nputs 3:
Analogue i nputs 4:
Analogue i nputs 1:
Analogue i nputs 2:
Analogue i nputs 3:
Analogue i nputs 4:
Analogue i nputs 1:
Analogue i nputs 2:
0... 20mA, 4. . .20mA
0...±10VDC *
0... 20mA, 4. . .20mA
0... 20mA, 4. . .20mA
0... 20mA, 4. . .20mA
0... 20mA, 4. . .20mA
0...±10VDC *
0... 20mA, 4. . .20mA
0... 20mA, 4. . .20mA
2.6.1General specifica tio ns
2.6.2Electrical specifications
Operati n g Instructions to Amplifier Electronics SD7
Operati n g Instructions to Amplifier Electronics SD7
The module must be s t ored in the original packing
Temperature range:
-25 ... + 85° C
Resistanc e t o alkali and acid:
The module must be protected against alkalis and
In opera ti on
Temperature range:
-20 ... + 70° C
The tot al s olenoid current of s i mult aneously
powered solenoids depends on the ambient
temperature (refer to section "S olenoid outputs
and ambient t emperature")
Resistanc e t o alkali and acid:
The module must be protected against alkalis and
2.6.4Solenoi d outputs and am bie nt te m p era ture
If only one solenoid output is powered at a t im e, t hen there are no restric t ions and the single solenoid current may
reach the maximum current according to the Elect ric al S pecificat ions over the whole temperature range.
But t he total solenoid current of simult aneously powered s olenoids depends on the ambient t emperature.
Exceeding this current limit will t rip the overcurrent protecti on ci rcuit , the SD7 falls into the failure state and blocks
all function.
Solenoids can be powered simultaneously, i. e. with t wo channels with one solenoid eac h or with inverted solenoid
If s olenoids are powered with more vol t age than their nominal volt age and are so over-energized, then at fast
switc hing-on, the overcurrent protect ion may t rip and the SD7 may fall into fail ure stat e and block all function.
The following graphics s hows t he maxim um allowed total solenoid current over ambient t emperature when both
solenoids are powered at the same time.
Operati n g Instructions to Amplifier Electronics SD7
3Safety rules
3.1Installation / Commissi oning / Paramet eri sat i on
·These operating instructions have to be carefull y s tudied beforehand and the instructi ons are to be complied
·Prior to the installati on, all power supply voltages and any other energy s ources have to be disc onnected.
·The inst allat ion/as sembly m ust only be carried out by specialist personnel with electrical k nowledge.
·Take into account precautionary measures concerning components on the module, which are subject to
damage as a result of electrost ati c dis charge.
·Wrong manipulat i ons by t he personnel cannot be prevented by the SD7-Electronics.
·Before the s witching on of the s upply voltage, the fuse protec tion, the c orrect wiring and t he c onform it y of the
power supply volt age with the permissible s upply voltage range have to be verified.
·The SD7-Electronics m onit ors t he working conditions within the el ectr onics and
within the i nstal l at i on. Uncontrolled movements or f orce changes caused by
unforeseen errors of the SD7-Electronics cannot be prevented in any case.
·Danger for persons has to be avoided by installi ng an emergency stop device which
cuts off the power to the system.
(ref e r to section " E nable channel")
(ref e r to section " Command sc aling")
(ref e r to section " Command value fixed")
(ref e r to section " Ramp generator")
(ref e r to section "Monitoring")
(ref e r to section " Control value")
(ref e r to section " V alve type")
(ref e r to section " S olenoid driver")
(ref e r to section " E rror evaluation")
(ref e r to section "Function")
(ref e r to section " A nalog output", only E nhanced version)
Operati n g Instructions to Amplifier Electronics SD7
Ref er to section "Bloc k diagram".
· All inputs and outputs have to be contacted through t he terminal screw block
· At the device front panel, there is a USB interfac e, t hrough which t he parameterisation and t he diagnostic s c an
be made by using the PC-Parameterisation software PA S O
· In the fac tory , the S D7-Elect ronics are adjusted with t he default values. The adjustment to the valves being
used, has to performed by t he user.
· Wandfluh c an c reate application specific parameters files in acc ordance to cust omer wish.
4.2Description of the Function
T he SD7-Electronics has two channe ls.
Each channel has a command value input and one or two solenoid outputs. The adjustable parameters are
organiz ed in function blocks , which are displayed in PAS O as small boxes . The following settings can be made per
channel in these func t ion blocks:
Each channel is independent. Only the limits by the hardware are t o be c onsidered. For ex ample, if t he W andfluhElect ronic s has only two solenoid outputs . it's not possible to operat e two c hannels with each two s olenoids . In
this c as e the maximum is at t wo channels with one solenoid output per c hannel or one c hannels with t wo s olenoid
outputs per channel. The parameterisation software PASO automatically detects how many solenoids can be
select ed with the c urrent setti ngs.
The ass i gnment of the analog and digital in- and outputs c an freel y be made by the user. Regarding inputs it is also
possible to adjust a multiple allocation. That means digital and analogue inputs can be allocated to multiple
channels (refe r to section " A s s ignment of t he inputs/ outputs "). Digital in- and out puts which are set or reset by
softwar e (ref e r to section "Configuration - Digital E/A") will be displayed with blue text color in the main window.
Operati n g Instructions to Amplifier Electronics SD7
The comm and value can be a voltage-, a c urrent-, a frequency- or a PWM-s ignal. t he s ignals are individually
T he solenoid outputs includes a pulse-width-modulated current control with superimposed dither signal. These
outputs c an control either proportional or switching solenoids. The current measurement can be switc hed on or off.
The minimal and maximal solenoid currents or pulse widths can be adjusted separately. When using switching
solenoids a fully adjustable power reduction func tion is available.
Parameters are set by means of the parameterising s oftware P A S O. Changed parameters are stored in a nonvolatile memory in order to have t hem available after the Wandfluh-Electronics have been switched on again. The
paramet erising s oftware PAS O provides to s ave t he set t ings an values of the parameter in a file, which always
allows to do a download or an analysis.
Some function blocks are able to generate error messages. The function block "Error evaluation" (refer to sec tion
"Error evaluat ion") pick s up all error mes s ages. This function block manages the error handling of t he W andfluh-
The process data are displayed online (r efer to section " A naly sis_S how values"). This helps in c as e of support
and diagnost ics.
4.3Characteristic opti m i sat i on
The SD7 electronics are provided with a possibili ty to optimis e the c harac teristic “Preset value input – s olenoid
current out put”. The user is able to creat e a charac t eristi c (e.g. a l inearised characterist ic ) which matc hes his own
application. The characteristic optimis at ion c an be turned on or off (refer to “Parameters_Solenoid driver”).
Operati n g Instructions to Amplifier Electronics SD7
· The assi gned channel of the W andfluh-El ec t ronics is disabled, no solenoid
current will be active
· In this status, with t he command "Operation mode" (refer to section
"Commands_Valve operati on") the operating mode can be set
· The assi gned channel of the W andfluh-El ec t ronics is enabled
· The assi gned channel of the W andfluh-El ec t ronics c an be operat ed acc ording
to the selec t ed operating mode
· Changing the operating mode is not possible
Switc hing-on the supply voltage
This is made in the operati ng mode "Local" t hrough the funct ion "E nable
Chan ne l" (refe r to section " E nable channel") and in the operating mode
"Remote PASO" through the parameter "Control mode" (refer to section
"Commands_Valve operati on").
This is made in the operati ng mode "Local" t hrough the funct ion "E nable
Chan ne l" (refe r to section " E nable channel") and in the operating mode
"Remote PASO" through the parameter "Control mode" (refer to section
"Commands_Valve operati on").
4.4State machine
In t he following, with the help of a status diagram it is described, how t he start-up of the W andfluh-Electronics
takes plac e and which status es are reached when and how.
Impo rta nt: Each chan nel has its ow n state m achine. Th e state s of each channel can be set se parately.
The following t able describes t he poss ible s t at us es and what is done in these st atus es :
The following t able describes t he transit ions from one status t o t he next one:
Operati n g Instructions to Amplifier Electronics SD7
Operating m o de
Acti vating wi th
Menu point " Commands_Local Operat ing"
Operat ing via analogue and digital inputs on
the Wandfluh-El ec t ronics
Remote PASO
Menu point " Commands_PAS O Operating
Operat ing direct with t he PA S O
SD7 type
Analog ue i nput 1
Analog ue i nput 2
Analog ue i nput 3
(only Enhanced
Analog ue i nput 4
(only Enhanced
4.5Operati ng mode
The Wandfluh-El ect ronics have 2 operating modes. The following table describes, what c an be done in t he different
operati ng modes and how t hey c an be acti vat ed:
The current operating mode is displayed in the status line (refer t o section "Starting of P A S O").
4.6Analogue inputs
· The applied analogue signal is digit ised on analogue inputs 1 and 2 in the 10-Bit A / D c onverter and on analogue
3 and 4 (only E nhanced version) in the 16-Bi t A /D converter.
Attention:By t he input range 4 . . . 20mA, t he resolution is < 10-Bit resp. 16-Bit!!
· Differen tial i np uts
All analogue inputs are different i al inputs . Differential inputs are used if the ground potential of t he ext ernal
command value generator does not agree with the ground on the W andfluh-El ec t ronics . The differenti al inputs are
not galvanically s eparated; they are made for ground potential differences up to 1.5V between the – (minus)
connection of the different ial input and the 0V-ground of the Wandfluh-Elect ronics . If the different ial input is
intended to use like an analogue input against ground, t he - (minus) connection of the differenti al input mus t be
connected to the ground of the Wandfluh-Elec tronics. In this c as e please att end that t he solenoid current can
cause a voltage drop between the Wandfluh-Elec t ronics and the power supply. It is recommended to connect the
- (minus) connection as near as possible to the power supply.
· Filtering
Each analog input can be individuall y filtered (refer to "Configuration_Filter for analog i nputs"). Thereby analog
noise (e.g. voltage peaks) are attenuat ed. The filtering is done wit h t he function "exponential smoothing", where
the speed / response time of the fil t er can be determined wit h t he parameter "smoothing factor". A high value at
the smoothing factor results in a high degree of filtering, but a long response t im e, which will delayed the reading
of the analog input. A small value at t he sm oothing factor results in a sm all degree of filtering, but a fast
response time. So t he "smoothing factor" must be selec t ed as compromise between high degree of filtering and
fast response time.
Operati n g Instructions to Amplifier Electronics SD7
Until a cablebreak will be detected, a time delay of about 100ms will pass. During this time, the
cy li nder can make unintentional movements or unintent i onal force changes
4.7Cablebreak detecti on
The c ommand value input c an be det ected for a cablebreak (only if Signal ty pe = V oltage, Current, Frequency or
PWM). Therefore, a lower and an upper cablebreak limit c an be adjusted in the box Signal s c aling.A cablebreak
is detec t ed, if the input si gnal is smaller than the lower c ablebreak limit or higher than the upper c ablebreak limi t .
If an cablebreak is detected, the internal error "E-1" (for command value) resp. " E-6" (for feedback value) i s act ive
(refer to section "Error evaluat i on").
The following c onditions had to be performed:
· The parameter "Signal type" m ust be on "Voltage", "Current" , " F requency" or "PWM" (refer to section Signal
· The parameter "Cablebreak" must be on "On" (refer to section S i gnal sc aling)
· The parameters " Lower cablebreak limt " and "Upper cablebreak limit" mus t be adjusted (refer t o section Signal
· An acti on must be assigned to the error "E-1" (refer t o section "E rror evaluat ion")
Operati n g Instructions to Amplifier Electronics SD7
4.8Digital i nputs
The functin of the digital inputs and the assignment to the corresponding c hannel is free to choose (refer to secti on
"Assignment of the inputs/outputs ").
· Proportiona l solenoi d outputs A and B
T he solenoid outputs have a current output pulse-width-modulated at 1000Hz with s uperimposed dither. The
current measurem ent c an be switched on or off.
The assignment t o the corresponding channel is free to choose (refer to section "Assi gnment of the
· Digital ou tputs
The SD7-Electronics has two (Basic version) resp. four (Enhanced version) digit al outputs . The function of the
digital outputs and the as signment to the correspondi ng channel is free to choose (refer to section "Assignment
of the inputs/outputs ") or c an be s et fixed on 0 or 1 with the PASO (refer to sect i on "Configuration_Digital
· Analog output (only Enhanced ve rsion)
The analog out put can be assigned to the following signals via the PASO SD7 (depending on the control mode,
different signals are available):
- command value for the solenoid driver
- scaled comm and value
- scaled feedback value (only Controll er version and with clos ed loop control modes)
- scaled control deviation (only Controll er version and with closed loop control modes)
The si gnal at the analog output c an be used for driving a valve with integrated electronics which has a volt age
interfac e. The out put l evel c an be adjusted (refer to section "Analog output").
4.10Internal si gnals
Internal s ignals can be selected inst ead of digital inputs or outputs. They are not guided to the outside, t hey are
processed only internally.
This allows e.g. t o li nk a digital output t o a digital input without an external connection.
Operati n g Instructions to Amplifier Electronics SD7
Valve ty pe = S t andard 2-s olenoid
Valve ty pe = 4/3-W ege 1-solenoid
· Mode o f opera tion "Comm and un pol ar (2-sol mit DigI np)" (Mode o f opera tion 4)
With an input signal 0 ... + 100% an internal command from 0 ... + 100% (digital input not act i ve) resp. 0 ... 100% (digital input ac t ive) is generat ed.
The selection of the mode of operation is made in the box "V alve t ype"
4.12Power reduction
The power reduction c an be switc hed on with solenoid type "Switching solenoid without current measuring".
Once the solenoid has switc h on, t he full solenoid current (= nominal current of the solenoid) pas ses t hrough during
the adjusted time (Parameter "Reduc tion time"). Thereafter, the current is limi t ed to t he reduced value (Parameter
"Reduced value" ). The reduced value refers to t he nominal current of t he solenoid (100% = nominal c urrent, 50% =
half nominal c urrent).