Wampler Low Blow User Manual

Low Blow Bass Overdrive / Distortion / Notch Filter
For many years now Wampler Pedals have become synonymous with overdrive and distortion pedals - so much so, we’ve heard it say on demo videos that Brian is the king of dirt!
Working closely with in house engineer and bass player, Jake Stees, Brian worked to bring everything you’d expect from a Wampler dirt pedal but specically voiced for the bass - there is no guitar pedal with a dier­ent label, this is a ‘from the ground up’ circuit that is designed purely for bass players.
Featuring a full 3 band active EQ (so frequencies can be added as well as taken away), two gain voicings, a blend control and a notch lter, we think this will be the pedal that bass players have been requesting for years...
To get the most out of your new pedal, you'll want to become very familiar with the controls. The Low Blow features two gain voicings (Smooth and Jagged), a notch lter and a full three band active EQ. We advise you spend some time playing with these controls to see how each aects the overall tone of the pedal and also how each reacts to the other controls.
The Low Blow features top jacks - plug your guitar into the jack marked q and then out to your amp via the jack marked p.
Bypass Switch – Simple enough, this is relay based soft footswitch that is wired up for true bypass switching to ensure that you don't have anything in the way when you disable the pedal. When you stomp on the switch, the LED will light up and you’re o!
Level – This controls the overall output of the pedal. We recommend that you nd the “unity” position ASAP (where the pedal is the same volume/output is the same when the pedal is bypassed) and work from there. Many players like to have the pedal provide a volume boost, other like it to remain the same. Find the place that works for you!
Gain - This is the control that applies overdrive/distortion to the eected tone.
Bass – This controls the amount of bass applied to the circuit. With the control set to noon there is none added and none taken away. With this being an active EQ stack, you can actually add bass with this control. Small movements are the key here, you can nd that sweet spot with careful positioning!
Mid – As you may guess, this adds and takes away mid range from circuit. Mid range is hugely important to your tone and can be the dierence between being heard properly in the mix and becoming a low end swamp! Find that perfect place that allows your sound to punch through the mix and give you the clarity you need!
Treble – Like the other two EQ controls, the treble control is active so can add or take away the high end frequencies. High end is important when your playing has a lot of attack and can really make your notes stand out in the mix... If you prefer a more subtle tone, something that walks around underneath, drop the tone and you will sound so full and warm that even the guitar player will be impressed!
Blend - Allows you to blend back in the clean and uneected signal. Once you have your EQ and gain set, bleeding in a little of the dry signal will bring your notes to the front of the mix without taking over.
Gain Structure – This changes the character of the gain. Smooth is more of an overdrive and jagged is more distortion. The dierences are quite subtle, but when you are pushing the gain control you will really hear the dierence between the two styles!
Modern Clean
Giving you that extra punch and extra EQ clarity
Suggested Settings
Smooth Drive
For when you need that extra grit and warmth, but don’t want it to be pushed too far.
Notch Filter - The secret of the Low Blow’s success is the notch lter. This is a EQ lter that can take away the frequency that is responsible for muddying up so many bass tones, applying this will give you the kind of clarity you have only dreamed of in the past.
Power Requirements
The pedal can be powered by a 9V battery. The battery terminal is located inside the pedal. If using a power supply, power needed for the pedal is 9V DC, regulated, center pin negative, as supplied by most standard Boss™/Ibanez™/Etc. supplies. The pedal can be safely powered with a multi-supply, like the Visual Sound 1SPOT™. The pedal was designed explicitly around the usage of a 9V DC power source, and is intended to sound its best at 9V. To avoid damage to the pedal, do not exceed 18v DC, do not use center pin positive adapters, and do not use AC power. Using an incorrect power adapter can lead to damage and will void the warranty on the pedal. This pedal draws 35mA at 9v.
Heavy Drive
For the times when you need to show the rest of the band who is exactly holding everything together!
Please note: If you are using a battery, it will drain when the input cord is plugged in.
Return and Warranty Policy
For direct sales, there is a 14-day “no questions asked” period where you may return the pedal for any reason, provided that it is in its original condition. Please retain all packaging within this period in case you decide to return it! We only require that you pay shipping back. The 14 days start when you receive the pedal.
This does not apply to dealer or retailer sales – see their individual return policies for specic information.
All Wampler Pedals, Inc. pedals carry a 5-year, fully transferable warranty that covers defects due to parts and labor. The warranty begins at the point of purchase. Please remember to register your pedal as soon as possible after purchase at the following web page to ensure quicker service if you should ever need to make a warranty claim: www.wamplerpedals.com/warranty_registration
For warranty repairs or questions, please feel free to contact us at www.wamplerpedals.com/contact-us/form
Any trademarks attributed that are not owned by Wampler Pedals, Inc. are for
demonstrative purposes only, and are property of their respective owners