Of all the British amps that are famous for their roar, which is the most
distinctive and has the most personality?
The world famous Orange Ampliers have been part of the history of
great rock music for as long as we can remember - bringing a strong and
forcefull character that will make your tone as distrinctive as only one
amp can.
When looking at the tones available from these amazing amps, Brian took
several of their most famous tones worked tirelessly to replicate them
from this pedal. With a powerful 3 band active EQ and a gain sweep that
can give you everything from modern country crunch to all out screaming metal, the cataPulp is the ONLY pedal available that will give you that
from your rig.
If you terrors are tiny or dark, or anyone of your Verbs need to be Rocking,
the cataPulp is the pedal to take you there.
In order to get the best out of your new pedal, we recommend you spend some time getting to know the controls as
well as understand how they all work together. This pedal is one of the most versatile single channel distortion pedals
available today so please get familiar with it.
Bypass Switch – A true-bypass soft touch relay switching footswitch that completely bypasses the signal when the
pedal is o.
Volume – This control adjusts the output level of the cataPulp. There's plenty of volume on tap, so whether you want
to go farther than your input level or just make sure it can do unity volume (the same level of signal going out as you
feed it, when active), you're covered. Please be aware that when you increase the gain and/or the any of the EQ
controls it could aect the overall output level of the pedal, so you may have to balance the volume accordingly.

Gain - This controls how overdriven/distorted your guitar signal
is when it leaves the pedal. Fully counter clockwise will be no
“dirt” and full clockwise will turn your tone into a screaming
demon. We suggest that you start o around 9 o’clock and then
dial more in and listen to how it aects the tone and character
of the required distortion. You will probably nd that once you
balance the 3 band active EQ properly with your tone you won’t
need as much gain as you thought you would!
Bass - Controls the amount of bass you can take away or add to
the signal. We recommend you start this at noon and then see
where it takes you, adding low end can make your tone really
fat or muddy - half the fun is nding that ultimate sweet spot to
make your tone have that 4x12” roar!
Mid Range - Like the bass control, this control allows you to add
or takeaway mid range from the tone. You can make the pedal
sound really ‘scooped’ and heavy with this or really honking and
powerfull across the mids. Remember, if your natural tendancy
is to boost the bass and highs to give a scooped tone, trying
taking out some middle rst, you will get a much more of a pure
tone with all the character you want!
High - This, of course, allows you to add or take away the high
end from the signal. So, you can be as sparkly and sharp as you
want to be, and as unsparkly and unsharp also!
Getting Hairy...
Adding a bit of grit and fatness to your guitar’s natural tone...
Suggested Settings (volume to suit)
Whoa, that’s heavy!
Heavy crunch with modern scooped mids...
Visiting Beverly Hills
Full on gain, you might say it’ll make you sound like
your are Wheezering...
Power Requirements
The pedal can be powered by a 9V battery. The battery terminal is located inside the pedal. If
using a power supply, power needed for the pedal is 9V DC, regulated, center pin negative, as
supplied by most standard Boss™/Ibanez™/Etc. supplies. The pedal can be safely powered with a
multi-supply, like the Visual Sound 1SPOT™. The pedal was designed explicitly around the usage
of a 9V DC power source, and is intended to sound its best at 9V. To avoid damage to the pedal,
do not exceed 18V DC, do not use center pin positive adapters, and do not use AC power. Using
an incorrect power adapter can lead to damage and will void the warranty on the pedal. This
pedal draws 21mA at 9v, and 22mA at 18v.
Please note: If you are using a battery, it will drain when the input cord is plugged in.
Return and Warranty Policy
For direct sales, there is a 14-day “no questions asked” period where you may return the pedal for any reason, provided that it is in its original condition. Please retain
all packaging within this period in case you decide to return it! We only require that you pay shipping back. The 14 days start when you receive the pedal. This does
not apply to dealer or retailer sales – see their individual return policies for specic information.
All Wampler Pedals, Inc. pedals carry a 5-year, fully transferable warranty that covers defects due to parts and labor. The warranty begins at the point of purchase.
Please remember to register your pedal as soon as possible after purchase at the following web page to ensure quicker service if you should ever need to make a
warranty claim: www.wamplerpedals.com/warranty_registration
Man of Iron
Bassy and fuzzy, just perfect for those heavy ris.
Any trademarks attributed that are not owned by Wampler Pedals, Inc. are for
demonstrative purposes only, and are property of their respective owners
For warranty repairs or questions, please feel free to contact us at www.wamplerpedals.com/contact_us.html