9 Data Transfer.............................................................................. 48
10 Operation of the MINI-PAM via a PC-Terminal and the
RS 232 Interface ......................................................................... 51
11 Maintenance................................................................................ 53
11.1 Internal battery and its replacement ........................................ 53
11.2 Halogen lamp and its replacement ..........................................54
11.3 Fuse replacement..................................................................... 55
11.4 EPROM and its replacement ................................................... 55
12 Chlorophyll Fluorescence Measurements with the
MINI-PAM.................................................................................. 57
12.1 Chlorophyl fluorescence as an indicator of photosynthesis ....58
12.2 The PAM measuring principle ................................................64
12.3 Assessment of photosynthesis with the MINI-PAM: Outline
of the most important functions in practical applications. ......67
12.3.1 Maximal photochemical yield Fv/Fm ............................... 67
12.3.2 ML-BURST (menu point 5).............................................. 68
12.3.3 AUTO-ZERO (menu point 2) ........................................... 69
12.3.4 Fo, Fm (menu point 25) ....................................................70
12.3.5 INT.TEMP (menu point 35).............................................. 71
12.3.6 qP, qN and NPQ (menu points 26 and 27)........................ 73
12.3.7 YIELD-measurements of illuminated samples .................75
12.3.8 ACT-LIGHT and ACT+YIELD (menu points 12 and 13) 76
12.3.9 LIGHT CURVE (menu point 17) and LIGHT-
CURVE+REC (menu point 18) ........................................79
12.3.10 YIELD- and ETR-averaging (menu point 11) .................. 82
12.3.11 INDUCTION CURVE (menu point 21) and
INDUCTION CURVE+RECOVERY (menu point 22).... 83
12.3.12 Repetition Clock (menu point 28: REP-CLOCK and
double key function ON+MEM)....................................... 85