Walter Dittel FSG 90F, FSG 90F-H1 Installation & Operation Manual

6 Watt FSG 90F
10 Watt FSG 90F-H1
No. LBA.O.10.911/98 JTSO
DFS-No.: B-7850/97
6 Watt – 10 Watt Dual Mode
118.000 ... 136.975 MHz
Installation & Operation
applies for FSG 90F article no. F10194 applies for FSG 90F-H1 article no. F10306
Before installing and operating the transceiver,
read this manual thoroughly, please!
Please observe the Safety Information!
Keep for further use!
Document No.: IM 034.00 Article-No.: D10033 Date of Issue November 2000
Avionics Division
Erpftinger Strasse 36 « D-86899 Landsberg « GERMANY
Telephone +49 8191/ 3351-0 « Fax +49 8191/ 3351-49
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FSG 90F System
Airband Transceiver
Page 2 November 2000
W. Dittel GmbH
Warranty - Copyright - Service
The details and data in this operator's manual correspond to the respective state of technology on the day of printing. We reserve our right to change without prior notice due to new technological design or corresponding new production technology.
Walter Dittel GmbH takes no guarantee for these documents with respect to application and interpretation.
Walter Dittel GmbH ("Warrantor") warrants to the purchaser of new radio equipment of the warrantor's manufacture that such equipment shall be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of 24 month from the date of delivery. Equipment and accessory items not manufactured by the Warrantor carry the standard warranty (12 month) of the manufacturer thereof.
This warranty does not cover equipment which has been
1. damaged or not maintained as reasonable and necessary,
2. modified in any way,
3. improperly installed,
4. repaired by someone other than the warrantor or an authorized warranty avionics shop, or
5. used in a manner or purpose for which the equipment was not intended.
This warranty shall not extend to incidental or consequential damages arising from operation of the equipment or from any claimed breach of this warranty.
Copyright 1998 Walter Dittel GmbH
All rights reserved. This document contains proprietary information and such information may not be disclosed to others for any purpose nor used for manufacturing purposes without prior written permission of the manufacturer Walter Dittel GmbH, Luftfahrtgeraetebau, D-86899 Landsberg am Lech, Germany.
In this document no mention is made of patents, trademark rights, or other proprietary rights which may attach to certain words or entries. The absence of such mention, however, in no way implies that the words or entries in question are exempt from such rights.
The information in this Operator's Manual does not profess to include all the details of design, production, or variation of the equipment, or to cover all the possible contingencies which may arise during operation or maintenance.
Should any unusual problem arise or further information be desired, please contact the Walter Dittel GmbH Service Department, Erpftinger Strasse 36, D-86899 Landsberg am Lech, Germany.
Subject to technical changes Printed in Germany 14.09.01
FSG 90F System
Table of Content
November 2000 Page 3
W. Dittel GmbH
Table of Content
Warranty - Copyright - Service..................................................................................... 2
Table of Content............................................................................................................ 3
List of Illustrations........................................................................................................ 5
Abbreviations................................................................................................................ 6
Section 1, Safety Information....................................................................................... 7
1.1 Used Symbols.................................................................................................... 8
Section 2, General Description.................................................................................... 9
2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 9
2.2 Models of the FSG 90F System.......................................................................... 9
2.3 Application.......................................................................................................... 9
2.4 Brief Description............................................................................................... 10
2.5 System and Type Approval Information........................................................... 12
2.6 Operating License............................................................................................ 13
2.7 Equipment supplied.......................................................................................... 13
2.8 Optional Accessories ....................................................................................... 14
2.9 Accessories required, but not supplied ............................................................ 15
2.10 Microphone hints.............................................................................................. 15
Section 3, Installation................................................................................................. 17
3.1 General ............................................................................................................ 17
3.2 Unpacking and Inspecting Equipment .............................................................. 17
3.3 Pre-installation Test ......................................................................................... 17
3.3.1 Particular Remarks to FSG 90F(X) transmitter modulation .................................... 18
3.4 Mechanical Installation..................................................................................... 20
3.4.1 Transceiver installation......................................................................................... 20
3.4.2 Compass deviation ............................................................................................... 20
3.4.3 Antenna installation............................................................................................... 23
3.5 Airborne wiring................................................................................................. 24
3.5.1 General recommendations.................................................................................... 24
3.5.2 Microphone Connection........................................................................................ 28
3.5.3 Intercom (IC)......................................................................................................... 28
3.5.4 Loudspeaker / Headset interconnection ................................................................ 29
3.5.5 AF External Operation .......................................................................................... 29
3.5.6 Lighting the Frequency Display ............................................................................. 29
3.5.7 Connection to a 28 Vdc airborne system .............................................................. 30
3.6 Post-installation Check..................................................................................... 30
3.6.1 Testing on the Ground with Engine Off................................................................. 30
3.6.2 Ground checks with engine running...................................................................... 30
FSG 90F System
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Section 4, Functional Description .............................................................................33
4.1 Introduction....................................................................................................... 33
4.2 Operator's Controls ..........................................................................................33
4.3 Frequency Display, 5-digit or 6-digit Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). ..................36
4.4 Connectors at rear side....................................................................................37
Section 5, Set-up Procedure ...................................................................................... 39
5.1 Calling SET-UP without password.................................................................... 40
5.2 Calling SET-UP with password......................................................................... 40
5.3 Interrupt the SET-UP procedure....................................................................... 41
5.4 SET-UP procedure...........................................................................................41
5.4.1 Adjusting the automatic squelch threshold ............................................................41
5.4.2 Adjusting the microphone sensitivity (Dynamic or amplified/carbon microphones) 41
5.4.3 Adjusting the Intercom volume..............................................................................42
5.4.4 Adjusting the Sidetone volume..............................................................................43
5.4.5 Adjusting the headset volume ...............................................................................43
5.4.6 Selecting '25 kHz only' or combined 8.33/25 kHz channel spacing........................44
5.4.7 Deleting occupied channel memories....................................................................44
5.4.8 Selecting AF EXTERNAL (ON/OFF) .....................................................................45
5.4.9 Selecting 'CHANNEL MODE ONLY' or 'NO RESTRICTION'.................................45
5.4.10 Selecting 'Transmitter Blocking' during receive (ON/OFF).....................................45
5.4.11 Service (ON/OFF) .................................................................................................46
5.4.12 Optional module (ON/OFF) ...................................................................................46
5.4.13 Entering a password..............................................................................................46
5.4.14 Reset.....................................................................................................................47
Section 6, Operating Instruction................................................................................ 49
6.1 Introduction....................................................................................................... 49
6.2 Turning ON - Selecting Frequency/Channel Name - Volume...........................49
6.3 Receive (Listen) Operation ............................................................................... 50
6.4 Transmit (Talk) Operation ................................................................................51
6.5 Storing a new Frequency/Channel Name......................................................... 52
6.6 Recall of stored Frequency/Channel Name...................................................... 52
6.7 Squelch (SQ) Operation...................................................................................52
6.8 Intercom ...........................................................................................................53
6.9 AF External....................................................................................................... 53
6.10 Lighting.............................................................................................................53
6.11 Turning OFF.....................................................................................................53
6.12 Checking the A/C onboard supply.................................................................... 54
6.13 Operating times with radio supplied from 12 V battery only............................. 55
6.14 Emergency Operation ......................................................................................55
FSG 90F System
Table of Content
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W. Dittel GmbH
Table of Content
Appendix A, Technical Summary .............................................................................. 57
A1 General ............................................................................................................ 57
A2 Dimensions, Weight, Fuses ............................................................................. 58
A3 Approvals......................................................................................................... 58
A4 Receiver Characteristics .................................................................................. 59
A5 Transmitter Characteristics .............................................................................. 61
Appendix B, Environmental Performance Classification........................................ 62
Appendix C, ICAO Frequency-Channel pairing plan for combined
8.33 kHz /25 kHz Operation................................................................. 63
Appendix D, Certificates............................................................................................. 64
List of Illustrations
Fig. Page
3-1 Test Setup, Envelope Detector ................................................................................... 19
3-2 Deviation of a compass by an operating FSG 90F(X), dependent on
the distance between compass center and contour of transceiver.............................. 20
3-3 FSG 90F(X), Dimensions, Installation Drawing............................................................ 21
3-4 FSG 90F(X), Installation of the Fastener Strips ........................................................... 22
3-5 Hook-up Diagram using wire harness F10189, 1-2 dynamic microphone(s)............... 25
3-6 Hook-up Diagram using wire harness F10190,
1-2 dynamic microphone(s) and Intercom .................................................................. 26
3-7 Hook-up Diagram, 2 amplified/carbon microphones and Intercom ............................. 27
4-1 Operator's Controls and Indicators............................................................................. 33
FSG 90F System
Page 6 November 2000
W. Dittel GmbH
A/C Aircraft A/N Article Number (DITTEL) AGC Automatic Gain Control Ah Ampere hour AM Amplitude Modulation ANT Antenna Ass'y Assembly AWG American Wire Gauge ccw
Counterclockwise (turn left ?) CH Channel CTS Ready-to-Transmit cw
Clockwise (turn right ?) dB Decibel dia. Diameter EMF Electromotive Force (voltage of
an open circuit) F/CH Frequency/Channel FL Flight Level g Acceleration due to gravity GND Ground HI High Power Hz Hertz ICAO
International Civil Aviation Organization
IF Intermediate Frequency kHz Kilohertz LCD Liquid Crystal Display LED Light Emitting Diode LO Low Power LOS Line-Of-Sight m Modulation mA Milliamperes MD Mode MHz Megahertz MIC Microphone mW Milliwatt
NM Nautical miles nW Nanowatt (10-9) PEP Peak Envelope Power PLL Phase-Locked Loop ppm parts per million PTT Push-To-Talk pW Picowatt (10
) PWR Power RF Radio Frequency rms Effective value (root mean
square) RTS Invitation to send RX Receive RxD Receive data S+N/N Signal-to-Noise Ratio SINAD
Signal noise distortion
noise distortion
+ +
SPKR Loudspeaker SQ Squelch STBY Standby STO Store SWR Standing-Wave Ratio TOT Time out timer TX Transmit TxD Transmit data VCO Voltage-Controlled Oscillator Vdc Volts, direct current VHF Very-High Frequency VOL Volume VSWR Voltage Standing-Wave Ratio W Watt O Ohm °C Degrees Centigrade °F Degrees Fahrenheit
FSG 90F System
1. Safety Information
November 2000 Page 7
W. Dittel GmbH
Section 1 Safety Information
Every radio, when transmitting, radiates energy into the atmosphere that may, under certain conditions, cause the generation of sparks. All users of our radios should be aware of the following warning:
Do not operate this radio in an explosive atmosphere (petroleum fuels,
solvents, dust, etc.)!
During normal use, the radio will subject you to radio frequency energy substantially below the level where any kind of harm is reported.
TO ENSURE PERSONAL SAFETY, please observe the following simple rules:
DO NOT transmit when the antenna is very close to, or touching, exposed parts of the body, especially the face and eyes.
DO NOT transmit on a busy channel.
DO NOT press the transmit (PTT) key when not actually desiring to transmit.
DO NOT transmit in closed aircraft or vehicles with the antenna (or part of it) inside the
cabin. This may cause malfunction of the avionics or trigger the airbag! Always operate the radio FSG 90F(X) with a suitable outside / external antenna! Assure appropriate lightning protection where elevated outdoor antennas are used.
DO NOT operate the radio whilst driving. It should also be noticed that the use of a hand held microphone while driving could constitute an offence under the Road Traffic Regulations in certain countries.
DO NOT allow children to play with any radio equipment containing a transmitter.
DO NOT call radio’s SET-UP in flight or whilst driving a vehicle. Transmit and receive
are partially disabled!
After each SET-UP check all settings of the radio and cockpit instruments for correct function before the next flight or application!
Always switch OFF the radio first when installing the unit into vehicles or aircraft when removing from it!
Always switch OFF the radio first when starting an engine or vehicle!
When operating the FSG 90F(X) on a 24 Vdc source a suitable Voltage Converter
24 Vdc/12 Vdc of at least 4 Amps must be used!
The FSG 90F(X) may be used exclusively for communication on the airband frequencies.
Unauthorized modifications and changes of the system are forbidden.
When replacing defective parts use only original spare parts or standard parts
recommended by the manufacturer!
In aircraft or vehicles a suitable noise canceling microphone or headset for aircraft radios shall be used.
A backup microphone should always be carried during any flight. Even new microphones can fail.
Volume is very important. Increasing speaking levels while the lips are facing the microphone, but not straining or pushing to yelling levels will increase clarity.
FSG 90F System
1. Safety Information
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W. Dittel GmbH
Prior to any flight verify proper FSG 90F(X) functions by means of a short communications test. It has to be taken into account that with a faulty antenna or cable this COM test may absolutely turn out positive at the airfield or in short distance to the ground station. But at distances of 2 to 6 miles a faulty antenna and/or cable will cause communication breakdown!
Push-to-Talk keys may stick occasionally. Therefore, observe while transmitting the transmit (TX) symbol at the FSG 90F(X) display. This TX symbol must disappear when releasing the PTT key. After 2 minutes continuous TX the built-in transmit time out timer disables the transmitter in order to avoid continuous channel blocking. Then, the whole display warns by continuous flashing. Refer to appropriate hints in this manual.
Replace blown fuse only against correct type with specified nominal value. Investigate the cause.
1.1 Used Symbols
In this manual the following symbols are used:
describes an immediate threatening danger! Failing to observe the note may cause death or heavy injuries!
describes a special note for operation. Failing to observe the note may cause damage of the transceiver and/or stored data may be deleted (SET­UP or user programmed memory)!
describes explanations and other useful hints. Failing to observe the note may cause degraded performance and/or unsatisfying operation!
FSG 90F System
2. General Description
November 2000 Page 9
W. Dittel GmbH
Section 2 General Description
2.1 Introduction
This installation and operating manual IM 034.00 contains instructions and descriptions for application, installation, presetting operation and testing, as well as interconnecting diagrams of the multi-use FSG 90F / FSG 90F-H1 VHF/AM Transceiver System of Walter Dittel GmbH, Luftfahrtgeraetebau, D-86899 Landsberg, Germany.
The maintenance manual MRM 034.00 contains detailed circuit description, repair instructions, alignment procedures, testing instructions, and an illustrated parts list.
2.2 Models of the FSG 90F System
This manual refers to 2 out of 8 models available up to now.
F10194, VHF/AM Dual Mode Airband Transceiver FSG 90F
Frequency range: 118.000 to 136.975 MHz, channel spacing 8.33 kHz/25 kHz, results in 2,278 channels, or 118.000 to 136.975 MHz, channel spacing 25 kHz, results in 760 channels. 99 channel memories for combined 8.33/25 kHz mode, additional 99 memory channels for '25 kHz only' mode, 6 Watt RF output power, 10 - 16.5 Vdc supply. The radio fits a standard ARINC NORM rectangular opening.
F10306, VHF/AM Dual Mode Mode Airband Transceiver FSG 90F-H1
Frequency range: 118.000 to 136.975 MHz, channel spacing 8.33 kHz/25 kHz, results in 2,278 channels, or 118.000 to 136.975 MHz, channel spacing 25 kHz, results in 760 channels. 99 channel memories for combined 8.33/25 kHz mode, additional 99 memory channels for '25 kHz only' mode, 10 Watt RF output power, 10 - 16.5 Vdc supply. The radio fits a standard ARINC NORM rectangular opening.
2.3 Application
The equipment is well suited for operation in powered aircraft and helicopter with reciprocating turboprop and turbojet engine.
Ultra low power consumption in conjunction with extremely wide DC supply voltage range, small dimensions and wide scope of accessories allow universal FSG 90F(X) airborne applications in any powered aircraft, motor glider and Ultralight, and in glider and balloon, for primary or (also battery supplied) backup operation.
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