The first in the Mako series, the D1 is a powerful multifunction delay with five, studio-grade, high-fidelity,
custom tuned programs. The programs are Digital,
Mod, Vintage, Dual and Reverse. Each can be tuned
and tweaked with modulation, tone, age, and
subdivisions. The attack knob adds another
dynamic to each program, opening up a new
world for creating soundscapes. The D1 boasts
stereo in and out, MIDI control and on-board
presets. A workhorse of a delay that is just as
ready for the road as it is the studio.
9 volt DC, Center Neg.
300ma min*
Output Left
Output Right
Bypass LED
Bypass Switch
*The use of an isolated power supply is recommended for powering all Walrus Audio Pedals.
Daisy chain power supplies are not recommended.
Input Left
Input Right
Rate LED
Tap Switch

Time - The Time knob allows adjustment of the delay time from approximately 60ms at minimum to
2000ms at maximum and overrides any tap or MIDI tempo for manual time control.
Repeats - The Repeats knob controls the amount of feedback within each delay program. At
minimum, only one repeat is allowed. At maximum, there will be a near infinite number of repeats –
on the verge of self-oscillation.
Mix - The Mix knob sets the ratio of dry to repeated signal. At minimum, no repeats are heard. Unity
gain can be found between 12 and 2 o’clock. And at maximum, only repeats will be heard.
As you dial in different sounds using the Tweak and Attack controls, you will find the Mix knob
helpful for maintaining a healthy delay level. Simply turn the knob to dial in the desired level of the
repeated signal.
Tweak - The Tweak knob offers creative control over three different parameters that allow you to
shape each delay program to taste. Simply move the toggle to select the effect you want to control,
then use the Tweak knob to dial in the right amount of modulation, filtering, or “age” for the delay.
Tweak Switch - The Tweak switch selects one of three effects for the Tweak knob to control. The Mod,
Tone and Age effects are key to shaping the fidelity and character of the repeats allowing the user to
dial in unique sounds.
• Mod: Set the switch to the Mod position and use the Tweak knob to adjust the desired amount of
modulation applied to the repeats. The modulation type varies on some programs. See the Program
section for more detail.
• Tone: Set the switch to the Tone position and use the Tweak knob to adjust the tonal characteristic
of the delay. The EQ type varies on some programs. See the Program section for more detail.
• Age: Set the switch to the Age position and use the Tweak knob to adjust the desired amount
of grit through the delay. The idea for the “age” effect is to simulate the signal passing through
bucket brigade ICs or other analog circuits and in turn, losing fidelity. This is a desired sound that has
charmed guitar players for decades.
Prog (Program) - The Prog knob selects the desired D1 delay program. See the Program section for
more detail about each one.
Attack - The Attack knob offers dedicated control over a volume envelope applied to the audio
being fed into the delay line. This will soften the attack of the echoes if desired. The higher the Attack
setting, the longer it takes the signal feeding the delay line to fade up in volume. It can allow for
higher mix levels while keeping the attack of the delay out of the way of the dry signal. With high
Repeats and Attack settings, you can achieve dreamy soundscapes and ethereal sounds. For more
traditional delay sounds, set the attack to lower settings.
A | B | C Bank Switch - The D1 offers three banks for storing presets. Each bank holds three presets
for a total of nine that the user can access without using MIDI. The Bank switch selects which bank
of presets the pedal will access. Bank A is presets 0-2, Bank B is 3-5, and Bank C is 6-8. The presets in
each bank correspond to the Red, Green, and Blue LED, so the first preset in each bank is Red, the
second is Green and the third is Blue.
Division Switch - The Division switch lets you select quarter (1/4), eighth (1/8), or dotted eighth (.1/8)
delay multiplier when tapping a tempo or when the tempo is set via MIDI clock.
Bypass Switch - Used to turn the pedal on and off. Click to turn the pedal on and click again to turn
the pedal off.
Bypass LED - Indicates if the pedal is on or off by illuminating solid when on, and off when the pedal
is off.