Walrus Audio LUMINARY V2 User Manual

luminary v2
quad octave generator
The Luminary is a powerful polyphonic quad octave generator with many useful features for creating inspiring symphonic goodness. With the ability to dial in any combination of four separate octaves including -2, -1, +1, +2, you are able to craft many different complex sounds and textures.
The Luminary V2 now features:
- Rened octave volume knobs
- Lengthened attack time
- Revised envelope low-pass lter
- Tremolo effect on utter knob
- Added Smart Momentary Bypassing
The Luminary has three on board presets available for saving your go-to sounds, as well as live mode. This means you can have up to four unique sounds available at any moment.
Get epic steel-like sounds with the modulation parameters unengaged. You’ll nd more experimental options with the lter control or tremolo with the utter knob. Couple the
Luminary with an expression pedal to expand its creativity even more.
Power – 9-volt DC, Center Negative, 250ma
In – 1/4 inch cable to instrument. Out – 1/4 inch
cable to amplier.
Exp – TRS ¼” jack for connecting an expression
CONTROLS -2, -1, +1, +2
The four knobs across the top of the pedal control
the level of each octave. For example, turn up the
+2 knob to hear only +2 octave, the -1 knob to hear only -1 octave, or any combination of the four knobs
to mix the desired amount of each octave.
The Dry/Wet knob changes the ratio of dry to wet
signal sent to the output. At minimum, you will hear no effect. Set it to noon for equal parts dry and wet.
Set it to maximum for 100% wet – only the octave
signal will be heard. Explore the ground between
minimum and noon for keeping the octave signal
lower than unity gain.
The Attack knob controls how fast the octaves bloom in after your initial attack. At lower settings,
the octaves will be right on top of your playing. The
higher you set the Attack knob, the longer it will take for the octaves to swell in after your initial attack.
The Filter knob controls the cutoff of an envelope low-pass lter on the octave signals. Set this control
lower for clear, punchy octaves and higher for a more dramatic low-pass envelope effect.
The Flutter knob enables a tremolo effect that is
applied to the octaves. At zero, the tremolo effect is
off. Increasing this knob turns the tremolo effect on
and controls the rate of the effect.
Indicates what preset you are using (red, green, or blue), if you are in live mode (LED off), or
if you have modied a preset (LED blinking the color of the preset that has been modied).
Illuminates when in effect mode.
The Luminary has the ability to store three unique presets, as well as operate in live mode. The three presets are indicated by a red, green, or blue color on the preset LED. Live mode is indicated by the preset LED being off. Press this switch to scroll through the three available presets as well as live mode.
To save a preset, rst scroll to the color you would like to save a preset to. Next, set all knobs to the desired settings. Finally hold down the preset switch until the ashing LED
turns solid. Those settings are now saved to the color you started with.
Live mode reads the current position of all 8 knobs. Once you have saved three presets, you
can set the knobs to a 4th setting and access that sound by scrolling to live mode (preset LED off) with the preset switch. This essentially gives you four presets that can be recalled with the press of a button.
BYPASS SWITCH - Press switch to turn on (effect mode) and again to turn off
(bypass mode). When the switch is in off position, press and hold to temporarily activate the effect. Releasing the switch turns the effect off.
luminary v2
quad octave generator
To use the expression pedal, rst unplug the Luminary from power. Remove the four back plate screws. Use
a pen or small screwdriver to switch the dip switches
corresponding to the knobs you would like the expression pedal to control. Replace the back plate and
four screws. With the power still disconnected, plug in the expression pedal, and then plug in the power cord. You now have control via the expression pedal of the
knobs corresponding to the dip switches you turned on. The expression pedal will control the selected knobs regardless of which preset you are using. Never plug or
unplug the expression pedal with the power connected.
1/4 inch TRS jack for connecting a standard expression pedal. The Luminary has ve
internal dip switches that let you divert control
of certain knobs to an expression pedal. Each dip switch corresponds with a specic knob, or combination of knobs. You can turn on any combination of dip switches you like. The knobs
associated with each dip switch are listed below.
Switch 1: -1 and +1 Octave Volume
Switch 2: +1 Octave Volume
Switch 3: Attack Control
Switch 4: Flutter Control
Switch 5: Dry/Wet Control