9 volt DC, Center Neg, 100ma min*
Output Jack
Input Jack
filter switch
Filter Bypass LED
Filter Bypass Switch
*The use of an isolated power supply is recommended for powering all Walrus Audio Pedals.
Daisy chain power supplies are not recommended.
Mid Switch
Modern/Vintage Switch
Fuzz Bypass LED
Fuzz Bypass Switch
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Email repairs@walrusaudio.com should your pedal need a tune up, or
visit walrusaudio.com/pages/warranty-and-repair for more info.
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(a lter & fuzz effect pedal)
Designed alongside SNL Guitarist and fuzz fanatic, Jared Scharff, the
Kangra is a modern lter and fuzz inspired by his favorite vintage fuzz
pedal, the Kay Fuzz Tone. The Kangra Filter Fuzz is a true bypass, two-in-
one pedal that provides a thick and spatty octave fuzz, and a psychedelic
lter thats great for sweeps, frequency boost or even envelope lter
sounds. The lter can run independently, or with the fuzz feeding into it.
This is no rhythm player’s fuzz. Dig in and play dirty with aggressive fuzz
lead lines that’ll rip time and space apart at the seams.
SENS - Adjusts the sensitivity of the envelope applied to the filter cutoff.
Set lower for minimal cutoff frequency movement, and higher to really
open the filter wide when playing hard.
RES - Controls the resonance of the 2-pole low-pass filter circuit. Low
settings offer a smoother more bell like tone, and higher settings yield a
more pointed aggressive filter sweep.
ENV SWITCH - Engages the envelop applied to the filter cutof f frequency
(right), and disengages it (lef t). The envelope is driven by how hard you play,
opening the filter wider with a hard attack and less with a softer attack.
FREQ - Sets the filter cutoff frequency of the filter circuit. Use this control
to shape the fuzz signal, and/or signals from other pedals in your chain
to create unique filtered tones. This knob used in conjunction with the
resonance control can produce many unique filtered tones.
VOL - Controls the overall output volume of the pedal. Depending on how the
pedal is dialed in, where the switches are set and what effects are on etc., you
will need to adjust the output volume to match unit y gain.
MID SWITCH - This toggle changes the midrange contour of the fuzz circuit
from heavily scooped (left), to a flatter mid response (right).
M/V SWITCH - The M/V toggle switch lets you choose between a more modern
feel (lef t) and a more vintage fee ling fuzz (right). The modern p osition is a smooth
and more forgiving sound with longer, tighter sustain. The vintage position feels
starved, and offers chunky breakup for a more course sustaining grit.
BYPASS STOMP SWITCHES - The filter switch engages the filter circuit, and the
fuzz switch engages the fuzz circuit. When running both circuits at the same
time, the fuzz circuit feeds into the filter circuit.
EXPRESSION JACK - Plug an expression pedal in to the expression jack to
override the filter cutoff frequency pot and control it with your foot. At higher
resonance settings, this allows you to “talk ” the filter similar to playing a guitar
through a wah pedal.