9 volt DC, Center Neg.
100ma min*
Output Jack
Bypass LED
Input Jack
Rate LED
Bypass Switch
*The use of an isolated power supply is recommended for powering all Walrus Audio Pedals.
Daisy chain power supplies are not recommended.
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The Julia is a fully analog, feature-rich chorus/
vibrato packed with a wide array of tonal
landscapes begging to be explored. Julia is
able to produce mild smooth chorus, to seasick
vibrato and everywhere in between. With
controls like Lag, Dry-Chorus-Vibrato Blend,
and selectable analog LFO wave shapes, you
are able to dial in all types of classic and unique
chorus/vibrato sounds not found on traditional
chorus pedals.
RATE – The Rate knob allows you to set the speed at which the LFO sweeps.
From little to no movement at lower settings, to wild wackiness at max.
DEPTH – The Depth knob allows you to change the amplitude of the LFO.
From no movement to deep sweeping modulation.
LAG – The Lag knob lets you set the center delay time that the LFO modulates
around. From smooth tight modulation at lower settings, to noisy nauseating
detune at maximum, the Lag knob adds a new dimension to the traditional
Chorus/Vibrato landscape.
WAVE SWITCH – The Wave switch lets you select either sine or
triangle LFO waveforms. The sharper corners of the triangle
wave generally sound more appealing for chorus type effects,
and the more round shape of the sine wave generally
sound better with vibrato type effects.
D-C-V BLEND – The Dry-Chorus-Vibrato Blend
changes the ratio of dry to wet signal sent to the
output. At minimum, you will hear no effect.
Set it to noon for equal parts dry and wet –
the traditional chorus setting. Set it to
maximum for 100% wet – the
traditional vibrato setting.
In 1999, spectrographs picked up an unexplained sound
emanating from dark ocean depths. The source of the
sound was untracable. While most scientists attributed it
to an iceberg draging the ocean floor, some skeptics began
to understand the true source of the sound. Julia, the water
demigoddess. Crying from the deep in a chorus of melancholy
hymns, she remains to be uncaught but the pursuit for her is
unceasing. Walrus has captured a fraction of her powers in the
Julia Analog Chorus/Vibrato.