Wallgate WDC100 Product Manual

Product Manual
WDC100 Electronic Control
For Basins/Baths, Showers and WCs
Revision 15
Product Manual Solid Surface WC Pans
Product Manual WDC100 Electronic Control
AS 1172
Certificate No
RCM Mark
Revision 15
Table of Contents
1. Disclaimer & Copyright Notice ......................................................................................................... 4
2. Conventions ..................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1. Warning ........................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2. Note ................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.3. Numbered procedures ..................................................................................................................... 5
2.4. Bullet lists ......................................................................................................................................... 5
2.4.1 Tick Bullet lists ......................................................................................................................... 5
2.5. Menu items ...................................................................................................................................... 5
3. Glossary ........................................................................................................................................... 6
4. Product Summary ............................................................................................................................ 8
5. Installation and Commissioning ....................................................................................................... 9
5.1. Package Contents ........................................................................................................................... 9
5.2. Site Preparation ............................................................................................................................... 9
5.2.1. Advice on attaching the unit .................................................................................................... 9
5.2.2. Electrical connections .............................................................................................................. 9
5.3. Attach the Controller Unit .............................................................................................................. 10
5.4. Connect the Input and Output Cables ........................................................................................... 11
5.4.1. Connect the 3 pin connector.................................................................................................. 12
5.4.2. Connect the 3.5 mm connector ............................................................................................. 12
5.5. Connect the Electrical Supply........................................................................................................ 13
5.6. Commission the Unit ..................................................................................................................... 14
5.6.1. Purge Cycle function ............................................................................................................. 14
5.6.2. Lockout function .................................................................................................................... 15
5.6.3. Piezo touch button and infrared sensor controls ................................................................... 16
5.6.4. System Test function ............................................................................................................. 17
5.6.5. Product Time Slots ................................................................................................................ 18
5.6.6. Hygiene Purge ....................................................................................................................... 18
5.6.7. Data Logging ......................................................................................................................... 18
5.6.8. Auto-Run ................................................................................................................................ 19
5.7. Technical Specifications ................................................................................................................ 19
6. User and Maintenance Instructions ............................................................................................... 20
6.1. Operation ....................................................................................................................................... 20
6.2. Maintenance .................................................................................................................................. 22
7. WDC100 Menu Settings ................................................................................................................ 23
8. Related Documentation ................................................................................................................. 29
Revision 15
1. Disclaimer & Copyright Notice
Every effort has been made to supply information within this manual which is correct. Wallgate Limited will not be liable for any damage or loss that arises if the person installing, operating or maintaining the unit has not read or not complied with the manual
In any event, and without prejudice to any warranties in Wallgate Limited’s terms and conditions of sale, Wallgate Limited’s liability for all damages and losses (including
negligence) shall not in any circumstances exceed the amount paid by the customer for the unit.
Wallgate reserves the right to alter, update or improve its product specification at any time without prior notice. This manual is specific to the product that it has been supplied with at the date of supply.
Without prejudice to any warranties in Wallgate Limited’s terms and conditions of
sale, any warranty will be invalidated if the equipment is installed or serviced by unqualified personnel.
No part of this publication and the information contained may be reproduced, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, used or disclosed wholly or partly without prior written permission from Wallgate Limited.
For full warranty details please see Wallgate Limited Terms and Conditions.
Please ensure this manual is passed to the end user. The manual forms an integral part of the product and should be kept for its working life. Additional copies of this and other supporting documents are available by contacting Wallgate Limited or by visiting www.wallgate.com
Revision 15
2. Conventions
Certain conventions are used in this manual to make it easier to read and understand. They are given in the sections below.
2.1. Warning
A warning with red text on a white background is used to give information about hazards that can cause injury or death. Read and understand the warnings before you install and commission the WDC100. Failure to heed these warnings can have serious consequences.
WARNING! This is a warning!
2.2. Note
A note with amber text on a white background is used to draw your attention to important and useful information.
This is a note.
2.3. Numbered procedures
Steps in procedures are numbered, starting from 1.
1. This is step 1.
2. This is step 2 etc.
2.4 Bullet lists
2.4. Bullet lists
A bullet list is used to give information that is not sequential.
2.4.1 Tick Bullet lists
A tick bullet list is used to imply a checklist of components or actions (not
2.5. Menu items
Menu items, submenu items and settings, where available, are given in bold
Revision 15
3. Glossary
The glossary lists all words, abbreviations and technical terminology used in this manual, along with a short description of these terms.
The outputs to the water valves for basin, shower and WC can be set to automatically operate at a set time every day. The water valve will operate for the cycle set run time as per a user activation. The Auto-run feature can be used for maintaining hygiene standards similar to the Hygiene Purge function detailed below, note that only the Auto-run or Hygiene Purge would be utilized, and not both together.
Building Management System BMS
A Building Management System is a computer­based control system installed in buildings that controls & monitors the building’s mechanical and electrical equipment such as ventilation, lighting, power systems, fire systems, and security systems.
The WDCMS Wallgate system is use for standalone networking of the WDC control units to a dedicated PC or laptop computer. You can manage the WDC units through the network. You can also adjust time cycle settings, lockout settings, remote water isolation on individual units or groups, RTC settings, etc. You can also view the unit status in real time and log data.
Data Logging
Activations of the Hygiene Purge function detailed below are logged in memory and then using additional software the logs can be downloaded from the WDC100 and imported into a spreadsheet report.
Dual Flush
This option is used when both full and half flush options must be provided, using either one or two piezo touch buttons.
This feature prevents more than one water outlet from being operated at a time.
Full Flush
This feature uses a 6 litre or 4.5 litre flush.
Reduced & Half Flush
The reduced flush is of a full flush and the half flush is ½ of a full flush.
Hygiene Purge
This feature operates the basin, shower and WC water services when they are unused for a specified number of days. This avoids water stagnation when the water services are unused for longer periods.
Revision 15
A latching switch is a switch that maintains its state after being activated.
The term Lockout refers to regulating services by restricting the number of usage cycles.
A momentary switch returns to its normal OFF position when released.
Piezo Touch button
A piezoelectric touch button converts the force applied to the face of the pushbutton into an electrical signal.
Power Rating
The power rating of a device is a guideline set by the manufacturer as a maximum power to be used with that device.
Purge Cycle
This feature is used to assist in removing air trapped in the plumbing system.
Remote Lockouts
The term Remote Lockout refers to isolating water services from a remote location.
RJ45 connection
The RJ-45 connectors are used to connect the WDC unit to a PC or laptop.
Real Time Clock. This is a 24 hour 7 day clock used by the WDC100 for program features such as Time Slots and Hygiene Purge.
System Test
The System Test is a feature that allows you to operate switches and piezo touch buttons and make sure that these operate the necessary outputs such as lights or valve solenoids.
Time Slots
Usage of services such as basins, showers and WC pans can be controlled using preset time slots. For example, this feature can be used to prevent all the showers in a facility being operated simultaneously during peak periods, straining the capacity of the water supply. The day is divided into 4 time slots, normally set at 00:00 to 06:00, 06:00 to 12:00, 12:00 to 18:00 and 18:00 to 00.00.
Toggle type switch
A toggle switch is a class of electrical switches that are actuated by a mechanical lever, handle, or rocking mechanism.
Water Lockouts
Water Lockout means regulating water services by restricting the number of usage cycles.
Revision 15
4. Product Summary
The WDC100 series electronic control units are designed to operate the water outlets (x1) (Hot and Cold), to a wash basin (or a bath model WDC100-1), a shower (x1) (premixed warm water) and the flush for toilet water closet pan (x1) (WC). The WDC100 therefore has the capacity to control one suite of products.
The WDC100-1 model is preset to operate the water outlets on a bath instead of a wash basin.
The WDCA100 model based upon the WDC100 is for 120V 60Hz electrical supply operation using an external power adapter (UL/CSA approved) to connect to the 12VDC input socket on the WDCA200 control unit.
The control unit comprises of a microprocessor that is programmed with a software program that has the following operational features:
User friendly Software menu system with security controlled access. Independent control of multiple outlets. Fully programmable precise time control of water valve operation that is fully
adjustable in situ by the installer / customer.
LOCKOUTfunction to prevent product misuse that is fully adjustable for the
number of user operations, operations period, lockout period, and the LOCKOUT” function can be ENABLED or DISABLED to suit the individual requirements.
Single or dual flush for WC control. Piezo touch button or infra-red sensor capable inputs. Auxiliary inputs for remote operation of:
Product lockouts.  WC remote flush.  WC reduced flush using a second touch button.  Clear lockouts.  Purge function.  Flow sensor for hygiene purge data logging.
Multiple shower control feature (COMMUNAL mode setting), so that one unit can
be used to operate up to four shower valves instead of basins and WC pans.
Diagnostic test routine to assist with fault finding Networking units to remotely control from a central PC desk position(s). Data logging of Hygiene Purges.
Revision 15
5. Installation and Commissioning
5.1. Package Contents
Before you begin the installation, make sure that you have the following items:
1 WDC100 Electronic control unit (or WDC100-1 bath model) 1 Product manual.
5.2. Site Preparation
5.2.1. Advice on attaching the unit
Attach the unit to a vertical surface that is able to support the weight of the unit. Attach the unit in dry surroundings above pipes carrying water, away from any
possible plumbing leaks.
Attach the electronic control unit where there is easy access. Attach the unit so
that the keypad and display on the unit are readily visible and accessible.
WARNING! Do not mount the unit upside down
The control box has four feet with holes for attaching the unit to the wall using four round head screws, No 8 x 30mm (1.25 inch). For the location of the mounting feet, refer to Figure 1 on page 10.
5.2.2. Electrical connections
All cables must be connected to the unit using the sockets at the bottom of the
unit enclosure.
The power cable must be connected to the unit through the cable gland. The control unit requires an electrical supply of 115-230V AC (Fuse 2 amp) 50Hz
60 Watts.
The mains supply cable from the unit must be terminated into a double pole fused
spur connection unit with a contact separation of at least 3mm. Use a 2 Amp fuse in the connection unit.
Place the connection unit near the controller unit. Position all electrical fittings such that water cannot drip on the electrical fittings if
a leak occurs, or a pipe bursts.
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