Walkover Sprayers Yardmaster, Turfmaster, Gardener, Fieldmaster, Rambler Handbook

Rambler Sprayer
Operating Instructions
& Parts List
Tel: 0845 521 1209 Fax: 01269 844636
1 x Machine body complete 2 x Handle bars 1 x Spray Boom assembly
1 x Plastic bag containing:
4 x Handle bolts, wingnuts and washers 2 x Cable Clamps 1 x Instruction manual and Warranty
The RAMBLER sprayer has been factory tested prior to packing and only requires the handles and the spray boom assembly to be fitted. Fit the handlebars into position using the nuts, bolts and washers from the fixing bag. The boom assembly can be fitted to the main frame in two positions. The upper position should be suitable for most purposes. Take the boom assembly and attach it to the main frame by using the clamps. The boom is marked showing its centre position, and this should be carefully aligned into the centre of the fixing clamp. BEFORE tightening the clamp the machine should be lifted into its normal working position and the boom nozzles checked to ensure they are parallel to the ground. Adjust the boom position and rotation as necessary, re-check, then tighten the clamp fixings. Attach the inlet wing nut to the boom inlet housing. The machine is now ready for testing.
A trial run should be carried out on a dry concrete surface to check that the nozzles are in alignment. This should be carried out using clean water to ensure everything is in working order. Half fill the container with cold water, replace the filler cap & filter and move off at a steady working place similar to the speed of mowing.
This will prime the pump mechanism and water will spray from the nozzles, showing that all air has been bled from the system. If an airlock remains in the system, unscrew the two diaphragm check valve caps and
push the machine until water flows through the system. Tighten the two caps and then push. The machine will then start to spray. DO NOT over tighten the diaphragm caps. They are fitted in order to clear the spray system of air & other small blockages.
When filling the machine, add sufficient liquid treatment to cover the area needing treatment or a pro-rata amount if only part filling. Pay careful attention to which colour nozzle is fitted at the time of spraying to avoid any over or under application of chemical. Always follow the chemical manufacturers instructions relating to the specific area. In many instances dilution rates of chemicals are not critical, but in some cases where a greater volume of water is needed, then two x half strength applications are recommended, spraying where possible in a chequer board fashion in North to South and East to West directions.
The RAMBLER has a spray width of 40 inches (1016mm). In common with all Walkover sprayers, the spray pattern tails off on the extreme edge of the treated swath which is compensated for when treating the return track. You must therefore always ensure your return track is 40” (1016mm) from the datum point of your previous pass to achieve correct coverage. A set of red nozzles are provided with the machine. Nozzles giving alternative coverage areas for the 25 litre (5.5 gallons) loading as follows:
(a) With standard nozzle fitted, Red
ANDT 2.0, one full tank covers 825 sq. metres (1000 sq. yards) equivalent to 298.6 litres/hectare (26.6 gallons/acre)
(b) Alternative nozzle, Grey TF VP 3
delivers to one full tank 500 sq. metres (670 sq. yards) equivalent to 449 litres/ hectare (40 gallons/acre)
N.B The coverage areas for each nozzle
may vary plus or minus 5% depending on the speed of operation and variations of the terrain.
The diaphragm control valve assembly is fitted with a quick fit self- aligning cap. When fitting the cap and nozzle, the self­aligning cap will ensure that the nozzle remains in alignment. If the nozzle drips or the spray pattern is distorted, this may be caused by a minute blockage in the diaphragm valve or nozzle. To remove the nozzle tip, rotate the cap a half turn anticlockwise, when viewing from the front. Always ensure the nozzle seal is in place on reassembling. Treat all components with care, as they are precision made to give a long and accurate working life.
Should the pump at any stage during the machine’s working life cause trouble it can easily be removed and returned to Aztec for repair or replacement. Work on the inside of the pump can only be carried out by the manufacturer and NO attempt should be made to dismantle this unit otherwise the guarantee becomes invalid. If the tyre in the machine is punctured, the wheel and pump need to be removed as follows:
Remove the stainless steel elbow retaining the spring clip and then each of the pipe elbows from the pump. These elbows are a push fit and are detached by pulling at a slight angle. Remove the spring dome nuts from either side of the wheel. Pull the pump and axle assembly away from the bearing spacers, taking care to remember their respective positions for re-assembly. To reassemble the unit, reverse the foregoing operation ensuring that the wheel valve is mounted on the opposite side to the pump.
CLEANING AND STORAGE Always thoroughly clean the sprayer
after use. Flush through the whole system
with clean water using a small amount of mild household detergent when toxic chemicals have been used. It is very important not to allow chemicals to dry out in the pump mechanism that could granulate and score the interior surfaces. This could impair the performance of your machine. Where temperatures below zero degrees are likely to be experienced, ensure that all liquid has been drained from the machine
by removing the hose from the pump. This elbow is a snap fit and pulls out quite easily at a slight angle. Rotate the drive wheel to empty the pump and pipe work and reconnect the pipe into the pump. A small amount of car anti-freeze introduced into the pipe and pump system will give excellent protection.
DO NOT empty chemicals in areas where
contamination may occur.
A basket filter is located under the filler cap in the tank and should remain in position at all times, except when removing for cleaning. Clean as required.
The tyre pressure should be maintained at 20 to 22 p.s.i. DO NOT inflate over 25 p.s.i.
1. Add concentrated active ingredients to an empty tank, this will result in pure product entering the delivery pump and pipe lines.
2. Leave the sprayer in winter storage with liquid in the tank or pipe work. Severe frost could distort the pump and burst the pipes.
Ensure the container is half full of clean cold water at the outset of your spraying operation and the pump primed before adding concentrated chemical. In the case of highly viscous concentrates and soluble powders, pre-dilute the product to be applied in a watering can or bucket with sufficient water to ensure it is completely dissolved. Half fill the tank with clean cold water. Add the required amount of product and top up to the 20 litre (4.4 gallon) level with water and replace the cap. Rock the unit backwards and forwards a few times to ensure satisfactory mixing and then commence spraying, maintaining a steady pace. If a smaller are is to be treated fill the tank to the appropriate level.
The RAMBLER sprayer stops spraying
immediately it ceases to travel forward. To move the sprayer in a full condition (from
one area to another) without spraying, pull backwards, or switch the valve on the handle to the off position.
The manufacturer sets the pump mechanism. Any tampering with the pump setting may change the performance of your machine and will render your guarantee void.
Some of the chemicals that can be applied by this machine onto grass areas and driveways require special precautions for use. Protective clothing including boots, gloves and masks may be necessary and therefore individual manufacturer’s recommendations for the particular chemical must be closely adhered to.
WALKOVER Sprayers Ltd. disclaims any responsibility for misuse of any proprietary brand of chemical applied by a machine of their manufacture. All reasonable care is taken to ensure correct dosage application of known chemical formulations but Walkover do not guarantee either their efficiency or accept any responsibility or damage resulting from user’s mistakes in assessing dilution rates.
Experience has shown that combined mixes of chemicals, i.e. fungicides and weed killers, can often interact, resulting in the formation of gelatinous substance which can crystallise if left in the machine after use. This solidifies within the pump and nozzles and can in extreme instances completely destroy the pump mechanism. Many propriety brands of garden and horticultural chemical are sold in the form of Soluble powder or Crystals.
The RAMBLER sprayer will satisfactorily
apply these chemicals always providing that the crystals or powder are pre-mixed tank and assuming that the chemical in
question is entirely soluble. NEVER leave a soluble powder or a crystal
solution, or even an organic product, to stand in the machine for any period of time as sediment may form in the system and the concentration being applied may be too strong and cause scorching. It may also find it’s way into the pump mechanism
before adding to the sprayer
causing damage to the seals or internal components.
DO NOT mix proprietary brands of chemicals or treatments unless assured of their compatability.
Please Note. Powder or crystalline
substances which require diluting & mixing ( not liquid concentrates ) such as sulphate of iron should be used with caution.
Treatments that have not been thoroughly mixed or that have been allowed to settle in the tank can damage your sprayer because such materials are abrasive. Please exercise care and flush your sprayer thoroughly after use.
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