Walkera WK-0405 User Manual

Introduction Warning Cautions Transmitter Features Receiver Identification
Switch Between Left-Hand and Right-Hand Throttles Flybar Set Assembly Battery Mounting and Adjustment Swashplate Adjustment Main Rotor Blade Adjustment Flight Mode
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Thank you for your purchase of our product. In order to enjoy all the benefits of your helicopter, we recommend you carefully read the entire manual before you begin working with this model. After you have read the manual please store it in a safe place for future reference.
5. Before flying your helicopter, please undraw the upper and lower blades and make sure the left and right blades are in line.
Notice: please let the motors cool 10 minutes after your helicopter flies every one of fully cha rged batte ry packs, and then continu e your next fligh t; otherwise, the motors of your helicopter will take a high risk of burning or damage!
1. Walkera helicopters are not toys. They are a complex combination of electronics and mechanics which produce an aerodynamic rotorcraft. All models require proper setup and exacting adjustments to avoid accidents. We accept no liability for damage and/or consequent damage arising from the use or misuse of the products due to improper construction methods, use or operation, It is your responsibility to operate this highly
advanced model in a safe manner.
2. When charging the battery, do not overcharge. Overcharging may result in fire or explosion. When the battery is hot during charging, please
stop charging at once. Use specified charger only. Never short circuit! Proper disposal of the battery is your responsibility.
3. Children under 14 years old are strictly forbidden from flying the helicopter. Please do not allow children or adults in the designated flying area.
4. Any situations that occur during flight, that cause the rotor blades to stop spinning or that result in a serious ground strike and cause damge to the
helicopter could initiate a fire or explosion. If this type of situation occurs, IMMEDIAT ELY move the throttle stick to it’s lowest position.
Don't fly your helicopter at the places with these signs
1. Because the helicopter is operated by radio control, it is important to make sure you are always using fresh and/or fully charged batteries. Never allow the batteries to run low or you could lose control of the helicopter.
2. Do not allow any of the electrical components to get wet. Otherwise electrical damage may occur.
3. You should complete a successful range check of your radio equipment prior to each new day of flying, or prior to the first flight of a new or repaired model.
4. If the helicopter gets dirty, don’t use any solvents to clean it. Solvents will damage the plastic and composite parts.
5. Always turn on the transmitter before plugging in the flight battery and always unplug the flight battery before turning off the transmitter.
6. Never cut the receiver antenna shorter or you could lose control of the helicopter during flight.
7. When flying the helicopter, please make sure that the transmitter antenna is completely extended and is pointed up toward the sky, not down toward the ground.
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