Walker RB6650, IH6620, DB6680, DB6660, SB6670 User Manual

Safety, Assembly, Operating, and Maintenance Instructions
IH6620 Implement Hitch, RB6650 Rotary Broom, DB6660 Dozer Blade,
SB6670 Two-Stage Snowblower and DB6680 Debris Blower
Please Read and Save These Instructions Effective Date 06-01-01
For Safety, Read All Safety and Operation P/N I375 Instructions Prior to Operating Machine Price $5.00
Thank you. . .for purchasing a Walker implement. Every effort has been made to provide you with the most reliable product on the market, and we are sure you will be among our many satisfied cus­tomers. If for any rea son thi s produ ct d oes no t per fo rm to y our expectations, please contact u s at (970) 221-5614. Every customer is important to us. Your satisfaction is our goal.
Please. . .read thi s manual thoroughl y! This manual is to be use d in conjunction with the mo wer owner’s manual and the engine manufacturer's manual for the specific engine on the mower model you are using. Before you operate your new impl ement, please read this enti re manual. Some of the information is crucial for proper operation and maintenance of this product - it will help protect your investment and ensure that the implement performs to your satisfaction. Some of the information is important to yo ur safety and must be r ead and understo od to help prev ent possibl e injury to the operator or others. If anything in this manual is confusing or hard to understand, please call our service department, at (970) 221-5614, for clarification before operating or ser­vicing this product.
This manual cove rs the Model IH6620 Imple ment Hitch, RB6650 Rotary Broom, DB6660 Dozer Blade, SB6670 Two-Stage Snowblower, and DB6680 Debris Blower.
All shields and guards must be in place for the proper and saf e operation of these imple­ments. Where they are shown removed in this manu al , it i s for i ll ust ra tio n purpo ses only. Do not operate this product unless all shields and guards are in place.
Specifications given are based on the latest information available at the time this manual was produced.
Walker Mfg. Co. is continuall y str iv ing to improve the desi gn and per for ma nc e of its prod uc ts. We reserve the right t o m ake chan ges i n sp ecifi catio ns and desi gn wi thout th ereby i ncur ring an y obl i­gation relative to previously manufactured products.
Bob Walker, President

Table of Contents

Owner’s Manual

General Information ________________ 1

Implement Hitch _______________________ 3 Dozer Blade __________________________ 3 Rotary Broom _________________________ 3 Two-Stage Snowblower_________________ 3 Debris Blower_________________________ 3

Specifications _______________________ 4

IMPLEMENT HITCH ______________________ 4 DOZER BLADE__________________________ 4 ROTARY BROOM________________________ 4 TWO-STAGE SNOWBLOWER _____________ 5 DEBRIS BLOW ER _______________________ 6

Component Identification___________ 7

IMPLEMENT HITCH ______________________ 7 DOZER BLADE__________________________ 8 ROT ARY BROOM ________________________ 9 TWO-ST A GE SNOWB LOWER_____________ 10 DEBRIS BLOW ER ______________________ 12

Safety Instructions _________________ 14

BEFORE OPERATING___________________ 14 OPERATING ___________________________ 15 MAINTENANCE ________________________ 16 SAFETY, CONTROL, AND INSTRUCTION DECALS _____________ 17

Assembly Instructions _____________ 19

SETUP INSTRUCTIONS _________________ 19 IMPLEMENT HITCH_____________________ 19
Implement Hitch Installation ____________ 19 Implement Hitch Wiring________________ 20
DOZER BLADE_________________________ 23
Dozer Blade Assembly ________________ 23 Dozer Blade Installation _______________ 24
ROTARY BROOM_______________________ 24
Rotary Broom Installation______________ 24 Optional Gauge Wheel Installation_______ 26
TWO-STAGE SNOWBLOWER ____________ 27
Snowblower Assembly ________________ 27 Snowblower Installation _______________ 28
DEBRIS BLOWER ______________________ 31
Debris Blower Installation______________ 31
Implement Hitch______________________ 32 Dozer Blade _________________________ 32 Rotary Broom________________________ 32 Two-Stage Snowblower________________ 33 Debris Blower _______________________ 33

Operating Instructions_____________ 34

TRACTOR CONTROLS__________________ 34 STARTING THE MACHINE _______________ 34 IMPLEMENT HITCH CONTROLS __________ 34
Implement Lift Switch _________________ 34 Hitch Locking Lever __________________ 34
DOZER BLADE CONTROLS______________ 35
Angle Adjustment Pin _________________ 35 Trip Spring __________________________ 35
DOZER BLADE OPERATION _____________ 35
Raising and Lowering the Blade ________ 35 Normal Operation ____________________ 35 Rigid Blade Operation_________________ 36 Speed Recommendations______________ 36
Ground Contact Knob_________________ 36 Angle Adjustment Lever _______________ 37
Raising and Lowering the Broom _______ 37 Engaging the Rotary Broom____________ 37 General Sweeping ____________________ 37 Snow Removal_______________________ 38 Lawn Thatching and Leaf Raking _______ 38
Chute Rotation Handle ________________ 38 Deflector Position Control Knobs _______ 38
Raising and Lowering the Snowblower___ 38 Engaging the Snowblower _____________ 39 Recommendations For Snowblowing ____ 39 Removing Snow______________________ 40 Clogging Checklist ___________________ 40
Chute Rotation Handle ________________ 41 Deflector Position Control Knob ________ 41
Raising and Lowering the Debris Blower _41 Engaging the Debris Blower____________ 42 Recommendations for Operating the Debris Blower ___________ 42
STOPPING THE MACHINE _______________ 42
Table of Contents

Maintenance Instructions__________ 43

MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE CHART _______ 43 LUBRICATION _________________________ 44
Rotary Broom Gearbox ________________ 44 Rotary Broom Drive Chain _____________ 44 Two-Stage Snowblower Gearbox ________ 45 Two-Stage Snowblower Reduction Chain______________________ 45 Grease Fitting and Oil Point Lubrication__ 45
Implement HItch _____________________ 46 Dozer Blade ________________________ 48 Rotary Broom _______________________ 50 T wo-Stage Snowblower _______________ 52 Debris Blower _______________________ 54
REPLACING/REPAIRING ________________ 56
Dozer Blade Cutting Edge______________ 56 Rotary Broom Brush __________________ 56 Rotary Broom Gearbox ________________ 57 Rotary Broom Drive Chain _____________ 57 Rotary Broom Drive Shaft Sprocket______ 58 Two-Stage Snowblower Cutting Edge ____ 59 Two-Stage Snowblower Gearbox ________ 60 Two-Stage Snowblower Reduction Chain______________________ 60 Two-Stage Snowblower Reduction Sprocket___________________ 61 Debris Blower Drive Belt _______________ 61 Debris Blower Rotation Pinions _________ 62
ADJUSTMENTS ________________________ 62
Dozer Blade Skid Shoes _______________ 62 Rotary Broom Brush Leveling __________ 63 Rotary Broom Gauge Wheels ___________ 63 Rotary Broom Drive Chain Tension ______ 64 Two-Stage Snowblower Skid Shoes______ 64 Two-Stage Snowblower Reduction Chain Tension ______________ 64 Debris Blower Front Gauge Wheel_______ 65 Debris Blower Drive Chain Tension ______ 65 Debris Blower Rotation Pinions _________ 66 Debris Blower Rotation Handle _________ 66

Removal and Storage Instructions _68

REMOVAL ____________________________ 68
Removing Attachments From Implement Hitch_________________ 68
Dozer Blade ________________________ 68 Rotary Broom _______________________ 68 T wo-Stage Snowblower _______________ 69 Debris Blower_______________________ 69
Removing Implement Hitch From T ractor ___________________ 70
END OF SEASON STORAGE _____________ 70
Implement Hitch______________________ 70 Dozer Blade _________________________ 70 Rotary Broom________________________ 71 Two-Stage Snowblower________________ 71 Debris Blower _______________________ 71

Illustrated Parts Manual

Warranty___________________________ 91

General Information


Walker Manufacturing recommends that any ser­vice requiring special training or tools be performed by an authorized Walker Mower Dealer. There are several general practices to be aware of in the area of safety. Most accidents associated with the oper­ation or maintenance of a Walker product are caused by disregardi ng bas ic saf ety pr ecautio ns or specific warnings. Such accidents, in most cases, can be prevented by being aware of the dangers present.
Information of special importance has been high­lighted in bold type in this man ual. Refer to Safety
Instructions for the mean ing s of DANGE R, WARN­ING, CAUTION, IMPORTANT, and NOTE.


There are many ter ms th at ar e ei ther uni que to th is equipment or that ar e used as acronyms. T he fol­lowing terms and their defin iti ons wil l help whi le us­ing this manual.
the maximum forward speed of the tractor; func­tioning as a cruise control.


The implement hitch seri al number is affixed to the top of the male hitch assembly, underneath the PTO shield. The dozer blade serial num ber is af­fixed to the LH side of the hitch box on the back side of the blade. The rotary broom serial number is affixed on the RH side of the pivot bracket. The snowblower serial number is affixed on the RH side of the snowblower head frame. The de bris blower serial number is a ffixed to th e top RH side of the hitch. Model and serial numbers are helpful when obtaining replacement parts and maintenance as­sistance. For ready refere nce, please record thes e numbers in the space provided.
Implement Hitch Model No. _______________ Implement Hitch Serial No. _______________ Dozer Blade Model No. __________________ Dozer Blade Serial No. __________________ Rotary Broom Model No. _________________ Rotary Broom Serial No. _________________
IMPLEMENT r efers to the dozer blade, rotary
broom, two-stage snowblower, or debris blower used with the tractor with an implement hitch in­stalled.
LEFT HAND (LH) refers to the left-hand side of
the machine when the operator is seated facing forward in the tractor seat.
MACHINE consists of the implemen t installed
on the tractor, functioning as a single unit.
POWER TAKE-OFF (PTO) transmits engine
power to run the rotary broom, two-stage snow­blower, or debris blower.
RIGHT HAND (RH) refers to the right-hand side
of the machine when the operator is seated fac­ing forward in the tractor seat.
TRACTOR is the prime mover, including the en-
gine, drivetrain, o perator seat, and contr ols to operate the implement.
Two-Stage Snowblower Model No. _________ Two-Stage Snowblower Serial No. _________ Debris Blower Model No. _________________ Debris Blower Serial No. _________________ Date of Purchase _______________________
Fill In By Purchaser
General Information

Implement Hitch Serial Number Location

(Top View)
Serial Number
Serial Number

Two-Stage Snowblower Serial Number Location

(Rear View and RH View)
Serial Number

Dozer Blade Serial Number Location

(Rear View)
Serial Number
Serial Number

Debris Blower Serial Number Location

(Rear View and RH View)

Rotary Broom Serial Number Location

(Rear View)
General Information


Detailed servicing an d repair of the gearbox used on the implement attachments is not covered in this manual. Only routine maintenance and general service instructions are provided. For the service of the gearbox during the lim ited warranty period, i t is important to find a local, authorized servicing agent of the component manufacturer. Any unau- thorized work done on these components during the warranty period may void the warranty. If you have any difficulty finding an authorized outlet or obtaining warranty service, please contact our Ser­vice Department for assistance:
Walker Manufacturing Company
5925 E. Harmony Road
Fort Collins, CO 80528
A service manual is available for the gearbox from:
Tecumseh Products Co.
900 North Street
Grafton, Wl 53024

Rotary Broom

The rotary broom has a 47- inch (119 cm) sweeping path and five-position RH/LH ang le head . It is su it­able for light snow removal, lawn dethatching/rak­ing and general hard surfa ce sweep ing. It is raised and lowered automatically with the lift control switch. The rotary broom is powered by the tractor PTO through the PTO shaft, gearbox and chain fi ­nal drive to brush drive shaft. Tire chains and a soft cab are available as optional equipment.

Two-Stage Snowblower

The 42-inch (107 cm) two-stage snowblower throws snow up to 40 ft (12 m). It is raised and low­ered automatically with the l ift control switch. The blower spout is controlled with a simple position control handle. The snowbl ower is pow ered by the tractor PTO through the PTO shaft, snowblower drive shaft, and gearbox. Tire chains and a soft cab are available as optional equipment.

Debris Blower


Implement Hitch

The implement hi tch is required to mount each of the implements to the tra ctor. It clips on the tractor in place of the mower dec k in less than a minute. Each implement slides on the male hitch and easily locks in place. The mount assembly also includes operator footrests and an electric power lift. The lift control switch is mounted on the FSC lever for con­venient operator use , and is powered by th e linear actuator on the implement hitch.

Dozer Blade

The 46-inch (117 cm) dozer blade has a five-posi­tion RH/LH angle adjustment. It is used for removal of snow, loose dirt, and gravel, and is raised and lowered automatically with the lift control switch. The dozer blade is d esigned to “trip” forward when striking a large object, eliminating shock to the trac­tor and operator. Tire chains and a soft cab are available as optional equipment.
The debris blower is us ed for parking lot cleaning and leaf control. It is raise d and lowered autom ati­cally with the lift control switch. The directional spout adjusts manually. The debris blower is pow­ered by the tractor PTO through the PTO shaft. Tire chains and a soft cab are availabl e as opt ional equipment.
IMPORTANT: These imp lements are not intended for use with Model MS tractors.




Height 10 in. (25 cm) Width 33-1/2 in. (85 cm) Length 30 in. (76 cm) Overall Length Installed on Tractor 69-3/4 in. (177 cm) Weight 70 lb (32 kg) Lift 12 Volt DC Electric Ram Linear Actuator, Operated by Toggle Switch
Mounted on FSC Lever


Height 17-1/2 in. (44 cm) Width 46 in. (117 cm) Length Standard Hitch: 22-1/2 in. (57 cm)
Long Hitch: 28-1/2 in. (72 cm)
Longest Hitch: 35 in. (89 cm) Overall Length Installed on Tractor 87 in. (221 cm), Typical Weight (minimum) 102 lb (46 kg) Lift 12 Volt DC Electric Ram Linear Actuator, Operated by Toggle Switch
Mounted on FSC Lever Hitch System Patented Quick Hitch Syste m Type Blade Multi-Purpose Blade with Reversible and Replaceable Cutting Edge,
Spring Forward Trip Action with Lock Out Angle Adjustment Five Positions, 0° (Straight Ahead), 15° and 30° LH or RH Body Construction Blade Thickness: 11 Gauge Steel
Frame Thickness: 3/8 in. (10 mm)
Cutting Edge Thickness: 1/4 in. (6 mm) Depth Guide Two Adjustable, Replaceable Skid Shoes,
Adjustable from 1/4 to 3/4 in. (6 to 19 mm)


Height With Broom: 18-3/8 in. (47 cm)
Without Broom: 11-3/8 in. (29 cm) Overall Width 47-3/8 in. (120 cm) Sweeping Path Width (Brush Length) 43-1/4 in. (110 cm) Length (With Female Hitch) Approx. 45 in. (114 cm) Overall Length Installed on Tractor 105-1/2 in. (268 cm) Weight (With Female Hitch) 205 lb (93 kg) Lift 12 Volt DC Electric Ram Linear Actuator, Operated by Toggle Switch
Mounted on FSC Lever
ROTARY BROOM (continued)
Hitch System Patented Quick Hitch Syste m Type Brush 18 in. (46 cm) Diameter Polypropylene or Steel, Clockwise Rotation Brush Drive PTO Shaft Driving Center Mounted Gearbox Primary Reduction Gearbox, 2.78:1 Ratio Secondary Reduction #40 Chain and Sprockets, 3.27:1 Ratio Maximum Brush Speed 260 RPM Broom Angle Adjustment Five Positions, 0° (Straight Ahead), 12.5° and 25° LH or RH Working Width At Maximum Angle (25°) 39-3/16 in. (100 cm) Ground Contact Pressure Screw Adjustment with Viscous Damper Body Construction 14 Gauge Steel Capacity Clears up to 4 in. (10 cm) snow


Height (Without Chute) 20-3/4 in. (53 cm) Width 42 in. (107 cm) Clearing Width 42 in. (107 cm) Length (With Female Hitch) 22-1/2 in. (57 cm) Overall Length Installed on Tractor 95 in. (241 cm) Weight (With Female Hitch) 210 lb (95 kg) Lift 12 Volt DC Electric Ram Linear Actuator, Operated by Toggle
Switch Mounted on FSC Lever Hitch System Patented Quick Hitch Syste m Type Blower Two-Stage with 12-7/8 in. (33 cm) Diameter Auger and
15-3/4 in. (40 cm) Diameter, 3-Blade Impeller, Clockwise Rotation Snowblower Drive PTO Shaft Driving Blower Wheel Impeller Drive Chain, #40
Driving Sprocket: H40C11
Driven Sprocket: H40B32 Auger Drive Worm Gearbox, 5:1 Ratio Discharge Angle Adjustment Chute Direction Rotation 228° by Crank, Adjustable Spout
Deflector, Adjustable from Operator Seat, Up to 40 ft (12 m)
Discharge Distance Body Construction Frame Thickness: 14 Gauge Steel
Side Thickness: 11 Gauge Steel
Impeller Housing Thickness: 14 Gauge Steel Cutting Height 19 in. (48 cm) Depth Guide Two Adjustable, Replaceable Skid Shoes,
Adjustable from 1/4 to 3/4 in. (6 to 19 mm)


Height 28-1/2 in. (72 cm) Width 26 in. (66 cm) Length 34-3/4 in. (88 cm) Overall Length Installed on Tractor 102-1/2 in. (260 cm) Weight (With Female Hitch) 130 lb (59 kg) Lift 12 Volt DC Electric Ram Linear Actuator, Operated by Toggle
Switch Mounted on FSC Lever Hitch System Patented Quick Hitch Syste m Type Blower 13-1/2 in. (34 cm) Diameter, 8-blade Aluminum Impeller,
Counterclockwise Rotation Blower Drive PTO Shaft Driving Blower Wheel Recommended RPM 3600 RPM (4000 RPM Maximum) Airflow at 4000 RPM 2000 cfm Noise Level at 4000 RPM Approx. 90 Dba Approximate Required Horsepower 14 HP (10.4 kw) Air Velocity Mean: 125 mph (201 km/h)
Maximum: 160 mph (257 km/h) Discharge Angle Adjustment Chute Direction Rotation 230° by Crank,
Adjustable from Operator Seat Outlet Area 25 in.² (161 cm²)
NOTE: The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes in specifications shown herein at any time without notice or obligation.

Component Identification

Male Hitch
Safety Chain
PTO Shie ld
NOTE:Control Identification shown in
Operating Instructions section and in
Illustrated Parts Manual.
Male Quick Hitch Latch
Linear Actuator
Linear Actuator
Electrical Connector
Hitch Locking
Jam Nut
Implement Hitch Top View (Not Installed)
Component Identification
Welded Blade
Adjustment Pin
Trip Spring
Trip Spring
Lockout Pin
Quick Hitch
Trip Spring
Lockout Bracket
Skid Shoe
Skid Shoe
Skid Shoe
Dozer Blade Rear View and Right Side View (Not Installed)
Component Identification
Tension Spring
Ground Contact
Rotary Broom
Pivot Bracket
PTO Shaft
Female Hitch
Plastic Wheel
Broom Angle
Adjustment Lever
Rotary Broom Rear View and Right Side View (Not Installed)
Component Identification
Deflector Position
Chute Rotation
Control Knob
Hand Guard
Gearbox Support
Two-Stage Snowblower Front View and Right Side View (Not Installed)
Component Identification
Deflector Position
Control Knob
Rotation Handle
Box Cover
Skid Shoe
Skid Shoe
Two-Stage Snowblower Rear View (Not Inst alled)
Parallel Bar
Female Quick Hitch
PTO Drive Shaft
Component Identification
Blower Motor
Chute Rotation Handle
Belt Guard
Pivot Wheel
Parking Stand
PTO Drive Shaft
Female Quick
Debris Blower Front View and Left Side View (Not Installed)
Component Identification
Chute Rotation Handle
Belt Guard
Parking Stand
Driveline Guard
PTO Drive Shaft
Deflector Position
Control Knob
Rotation Pinions
Parking Stand
Female Quick
Debris Blower Rear View and Right Side View (Not Installed)

Safety Instructions

Pay particular attentio n to any information labeled DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION, IMPORTANT, and NOTE in this manual.
When you see the Safety Alert Symbol ( ), read, understand, and follow the instr uctions. Fail­ure to comply with safety instructions may result in personal injury.
The seriousness or degree of imp ortance of each type of information is defined as follows:
An IMMEDIATE hazard that WILL result in severe personal injury or DEATH, if warn­ing is ignored and proper safety precau­tions are not taken.
A POTENTIAL hazard that COULD result in severe personal injury or DEATH, if warn­ing is ignored and proper safety precau­tions are not taken.
Walker Manufacturing cannot pred ict every poten­tially dangerous situat ion . The re fore, i tem s la bel ed as such in th is m anu al do n ot cover all conc eiv ab le situations. Any pe rson using procedure s, tools, or control techniques not recommended by Walker Manufacturing must take full responsibility for safety.
The Walker Tractor and Implement attachments have been designed wi th many safety features to protect the operator from personal harm or injury. However, it is necessary for the operator to use safe operating procedures at all times. Failure to follow
safety instructions contained in this manual may result in personal injury or damage to equipment or property.
If you have any questions concerning setup, opera­tion, maintenance, or safety, please contact your authorized Walker Mower Dealer or call Walker Manufacturing Company at (970) 221-5614.


1. Read and understand the contents of this
OWNER'S MANUAL before operating the machine. Become thoro ughly familiar with all
controls and how to stop the machine and disen­gage the controls quickly. Replacement Owner's Manuals are available by sending the Model and Serial Number to:
Possible hazards or unsafe practices that MAY result in MODERATE personal injury or property damage, or machine damage, if warning is ignored and proper safet y pre­cautions are not taken.
IMPORTANT: Identifies mechanical information de-
manding special attention, since it deals with the pos­sibility of damaging a part or parts of the machine.
NOTE: Identifies information worthy of s pecial at­tention.
Walker Manufacturing Company
5925 E. Harmony Road
Fort Collins, CO 80528
2. Never allow children to operate or give rides on the machine. Do not allow adults to operate without proper instruction.
3. Do not allow anyone other than the operator on the machine.
4. Keep everyone, especially children and pets, a safe distance away from the area being cleaned.
Do not operate with bystanders in the area.
5. Do not ope rate the mac hine wearing sneakers, tennis shoes, or similar lightweight footwear.
Wear substantial protective footwear that will improve footing on slippery surfaces.
6. The snow or leaves can sometimes hide objects that might clog the snowblower or debris blower chute, or other wise cause damage . Clear the ar­ea of doormats, sle ds, boards, wires an d other debris.
Safety Instructions
7. Do not wear loose fitting clothing that could get caught in moving par ts. Always wear ade- quate protective clothing including long pants. Wearing safety glasses, safety shoes, and a helmet is advisable and required by some local ordinances and insurance regulations.
8. Prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause impairment or loss of he aring. Oper ator hear- ing protection is recommended. Wear a suit­able hearing pro tective devi ce, such as e armuffs or earplugs.
9. K eep all prote cti ve shiel ds and safety devic - es in place. If a protective shield, safety device, or decal is da maged, unusabl e, or missing, re ­pair or replace it before operating the machine.
10. Be sure any interlock switches are function- ing correctly so th e engine canno t be started unless the Forward Speed Control lever is in the NEUTRAL position and the PTO clutch is in the DISENGAGED position. Also, the engin e should stop if the operator lifts off the seat wit h the PTO clutch in the ENGAGED position.


NOTE: Refer to the Walker Rider Lawnmowers
OWNER’S MANUAL for safety instructions for operating the tractor.
1. O per ate th e machi ne onl y in dayl ight or in goo d artificial light with good visibility of areas being cleaned.
2. Sit on the seat when starting the engine and op­erating the ma chine. Keep feet on footrests at all times when the tracto r is moving and/ or the im­plement is operating.
3. An inexpe rienced opera tor should learn to steer
(maneuver) the tractor with a slow engine speed before attempting any operating. Be
aware that, with the front mounted implement configuration, the back of t he ma chine s wing s to the outside during turns.
4. Re memb er, for an emerg enc y st op, th e for ward motion of the tractor can always be stopped by pulling the Forward Speed Control (FSC) into the NEUTRAL-PARK position.
11. Never attempt to make any adjustments while the engine is running, except where spe­cifically instructed to do so.
12. Handle gasoline or diesel fuel with care. Gasoline is highly flammable and its vapors are explosive:
a. Use an approved fuel container. b. Never add fuel to a run ning engine or ho t
engine (allow hot engine to cool several minutes).
c. Keep matches, cigarettes, cigars, pipes,
open flames, or sparks away from the fuel tank and fuel container.
d. Always fill the fuel tank outdoors using
care. Fill to about one inch from the top of the tank. Use a funnel or spout to preven t spilling.
e. Replace the machine fuel cap and contain-
er cap securely and clean up any spilled fuel before starting the engine.
5. Di sengage the PTO clutch and put the FSC in the NEUTRAL-PARK position before starting the engine (an ig nition inter lock swi tch norm ally prevents starting of the tr actor if these controls are in the OPERATING position).
6. Do not run the engine in a confined area with- out adequate ventilation. Exhaust fumes are hazardous and can be deadly.
7. Do not carry passengers - maximum seating capacity is one (1) person.
8. Make sure the au ger, brush, or debris blower is clear of snow, ice, or debris before engaging the PTO clutch .
9. Be careful never to throw snow or blow debris to­wards people or cars, and never allow anyone in front of the implement.
10. Watch out for hazards hidden under snow or leaves that coul d enter t he chute or blower w hile operating.
11. Avoid sudden start s or stops. Before backing the machine up, look to the rear to be sure no one is behind the machine . Watch carefully for traffic wh en cr oss ing or w ork i ng ne ar ro ad wa ys.
Safety Instructions
12. Disengage the PTO clutch when transporting the machine.
13. Do not operate across the face of slopes. Use extreme caution when changing direction on slopes. Do not attempt to clear steep slopes.
14. Never adjust gauge wheels or skid shoes with the engine running. Before adjusting height or se rvicing, disengage the PTO clu tch, stop the engine, and remove the ignition key. Wait for all movement to stop before getting off the seat.
NOTE: The PTO brake should normally stop drive line rotation within 5 seconds of disengag­ing the PTO clutch.
15. D o not operate the snow blower with the blower spout assembly rem oved.
16. If snowblower clogs: a. Disengage the PTO clutch, stop the en-
gine, and remove the ignition key before leaving the seat.
b. LOOK to make sure PTO shaft and auger
movement has stopped before trying to un­clog the snowblower.
c. Disconnect the fuel solenoid wire [diesel
engines] or spark plug wire(s) [gasoline engines].
d. Do not use hands or feet to unclog the
snowblower - use a stick or similar tool.
17. If the implement strikes a solid object or the ma­chine begins to vi brate abnorma lly , immediately
disengage the PTO clutch, stop the engine, and wait for all moving parts to stop. Dis-
connect the fuel so lenoid wire [die sel engines] or the spark plug wire(s) [gasoline engines] to pre­vent accidental starting. Thoroughly inspect the implement and repair any damage before re­starting the engine and operating the machine. Make sure imp lement compon ents are in good condition and al l bo lts are tight.
18. D o not touch the engine or muffler while the engine is running or immediately after stopping the engine. These areas may be hot enough to cause serious burns.
19. When leaving the machine unattended, disen­gage the PTO clutch , stop the engine, and re­move the ignition key.


NOTE: Refer to the Walker Rider Lawnmowers
OWNER’S MANUAL for proper tractor mainte­nance procedures.
1. To prevent accidental starting of the engine when servicing or adjusting the machine, re­move the key from the ignition switch and dis­connect the fuel solenoid wire [diesel engines] or the spark plug wire(s) [gasoline engines].
2. To re duce fire hazards, keep the engine free of grass, leaves, exc essi ve g rea se , an d di rt .
3. K eep al l nuts, bo lts, an d scr ews ti ght to ensure
the machine is in a safe, working condition.
4. Perform only maintenance instructions de­scribed in this manual. Unauthorized mainte-
nance operations or machine modifications may result in unsafe operating conditions.
5. If the engine must be running to perform a main­tenance adjustment, keep hands, feet, and
clothing away from moving parts. Do not wear jewelry or loose clothing.
6. Always use proper engine service manuals when working on the engine. Unauthorized
maintenance operations or modifications to the engine may result in unsafe operating condi­tions.
7. Alt ering the machine in any m anner which ad­versely affects its operation, performance, dura­bility, or use will VOID the wa rranty and may cause hazardous cond it ions.
8. Never attempt to disconnect any safety devices or defeat the pur p ose of th ese safet y d evi ces.
9. Do not chan ge the eng ine gov ernor set ting s or overspeed the engine. The governor has been factory-set for ma ximum-safe engine operating speed.
10. Use genuine factory replacement parts. Sub­stitute parts may result in product malfunction and possible in jury to the o perator and/or othe rs.
IMPORTANT: Keep all applicable manuals immediately accessible to anyone who may operate or service this machine.
Safety Instructions
Implement Hitch
(Walker P/N 6632)


Safety, Control, and Instruction Decals are installed on the machine. If any are missing, illegible, or damaged, a replacement should be ordered and installed before putting the machine into operation. The Decal Part Number i s listed below and in the Parts Manual; the Decal Location is shown in the Parts Manual.
PTO Shield (Walker P/N 7822)
Attaching Hitch
(Walker P/N I393)
(RAD P/N 657364)
Hitch Mount Adjust
(Walker P/N 6618)
Brush Height (RAD P/N 661521)
Rotating Driveline
(Walker P/N I395)
(RAD P/N 657763)
Important - A void Damage
(RAD P/N 660328)
Brush Ground Contact
(RAD P/N 661052)
Safety Procedures
(RAD P/N 660988)
Rotating Auger
(Walker P/N I394)
(RAD P/N 657762)
Safety Instructions
Lubricate Chain
(RAD P/N 657804)


Safety, Control, and Instruction Decals are installed on the machine. If any are missing, illegible, or damaged, a replacement should be ordered and installed before putting the machine into operation. The Decal Part Number is listed below and in the Parts Manual; the Decal Location is shown in the Parts Manual.
Stay Clear Blade
(RAD P/N 657524)
Use Shear Bolts (RAD P/N 657346)
Danger, High Velocity (RAD P/N 661248)
Trip Spring Lockout
(RAD P/N 657503)
Keep Hands Out
(Walker P/N I396)
(RAD P/N 657761)
Avoid Serious Injury
(RAD P/N 661247)
Grease All Points (RAD P/N 6586708)
Check Oil Level (RAD P/N 655683)
Drive Belt Injury
(RAD P/N 660265)

Assembly Instructions


Walker Implements are shipped partially assem­bled. After uncrati ng t he imp le men t ad apto r and /or implement(s), initial setup is required.
NOTE: During the process of unpacking, any dam­aged or missing parts should be noted and reported to the delivering ca rrier immediately (put in wri ting within 15 days). The carrier will provide directions for proceeding with a claim to receive compensation for damage.


Implement Hitch Installation

1. Remove the mower deck from the tractor if nec­essary. Refer to the appropriate Tractor Own­er’s Manual.
2. Lightly grease each tractor support arm (2) on the tractor. Refer to Implement Hitch Installa-
tion photo for location of tractor support arms.
IMPORTANT: If the tractor body needs to be raised, the PTO shield must be in the closed or down po­sition and the implement must be in the lowered position. The only time the PTO shield needs to be
open or raised is when connecting or disconnecting the driveline for the rotary broom, snowblower, or debris blower.
Hitch Pins Lock Hitch on Support Arms
PTO Shield

PTO Shield in CLOSED Position

3. Engage the hitch frame tube sockets on the tractor support arms. Slide the implement hitch onto the support arms approxim ately 3 in. (76 mm).
4. Install the hitch pin through the hole on the end of each support arm to loc k the hitch in place. Two (2) hitch pins are included i n the owner’s packet of materials.
Grease Tractor
Support Arms
Hitch Frame
Tube Sockets

Implement Hitch Installation

5. Loosen the 3/4-10 jam nut on the end of the im­plement Hitch. Adjust the 3/4-10 x 2 in. hex bolt until it contacts the cross-member of the tractor frame. Securely tighten the 3/4-10 jam nut to prevent the bolt from moving.
3/4 - 10 x 2"
Hex Bolt

Implement Hitch Jam Nut Adjustment

IMPORTANT: This adjustment will need to be
made only once if the same tractor and hitch are used together. If the hitch will be used on more than one tractor , this adjustment will be required every time the hitch is mounted on a different tractor.
3/4 - 10
Jam Nut
Assembly Instructions

Implement Hitch Wiring

1. Drill five (5) 13/64 in. (5 m m) diame ter holes in the tractor, two in the FSC lever and three in the body, as shown in the illustration.

Drill Holes for Implement Hitch Wiring

2. Attach the toggle switch mounting bracket on the FSC lever using two (2) 10-24 x 1/2 in. bolts and Keps nuts. Connect the green ground wire from the actuator wir ing harness to one o f the bolts of the switch mounting bracket.
4. Attach the toggle switch to the mounting brack­et, placing the switch terminals toward the front of the mower.
Mounting Bracket
Wiring Clamps

Attach Wiring Harness and Toggle Switch

5. On Models MC, MDD/MDG, and MT, connect the harness red wire to the load side of the ci r­cuit breaker mounted on the bracket behind the battery.

Attach Toggle Switch Mounting Bracket

3. Install the wiring harness to the tractor body us­ing the three wiring clamps, three 10-24 x 3/8 in. bolts and Keps nuts.
Red Wire
Circuit Breaker

Connect Harness Wire to Circuit Breaker

IMPORTANT: For all 1987-1997 Model MC
tractors (with Kohler Magnum engine), connect the harness red wire to the free connector of the PTO clutch switch red wire. Refer to Implement Hitch Wiring Diagram illustration.
Assembly Instructions
6. Complete the wiring by connecting the wiring harness ends to the toggle switch and to the ac­tuator motor of the implement hitch.
Wire Harness

Complete Implement Hitch Wiring

7. Move the implement lift switch backward to raise the implement hitch to the UP position .
8. Move the implement lift switch forward to lower the implement hitch to the DOWN position.
9. Raise and lower the hitch a few times to check the operation and make sure it moves smoothly. If not, make sure the wiring harne ss ends are connected properly and sec urely. Refer to Im- plement Hitch Wiring Diagram illustration.
Actuator Motor
Assembly Instructions

Implement Hitch Wiring Diagram

Assembly Instructions


Dozer Blade Assembly

1. Insert the female quick hitch in to the hitch box on the blade attachment.
2. Align the single hole at the end of the female quick hitch with the single hole in the hitch box and insert the pivot pin through both holes. Se­cure the pivot pin on the underside with a 1/4 x 1 in. roll pin.
Hitch Box
Pivot Pin
Quick Hitch
Align Holes
Roll Pin
Welded Tab

Attach Spring to Blade Assembly

5. Insert a 3/16 x 1 in. split spring pin into the angle adjustment pin.
6. Rotate the female quick hitch to ob tain the re­quired blade angle. Align the hole in the center of the female quick hitch with one of the five (5) holes in the hitch box, and insert t he angle ad­justment pin thro ugh the to p an d b otto m h ole s. Refer to Angle Adjustment Pin in Operating

Insert Female Hitch into Blade Attachment

3. Hook one end of the spring onto the welded tab on the hitch box. Hook the eyebolt onto the free end of the spr ing.
4. Insert the eyebolt up through the hole in the up­per bend of the blade and secure it with a flat washer and nu t. Adju st the le ngth of t he eyeb olt according to the amount of sp ring tension re­quired for safe operation. Refer to Trip Spring in Operating Instructions.
Angle Adjustment Hole(s)Angle Adjustment
Female Quick
Rotate Female Quick Hitch
For Required Blade Angle

Insert Adjustment Pin and Set Blade Angle

7. Install the two (2) skid shoes in the two brackets on the rear outer edges of the blade.
Assembly Instructions
8. Adjust the skid shoes to allow the required clearance under the blade. Install a skid shoe pin in each shoe and lock in place with a 4 mm x 80 mm hairpin. Refer to ADJUSTMENTS of
Dozer Blade Skid Shoes in Maintenance In- structions.
Skid Shoe
Skid Shoe
Skid Shoe

Install Skid Shoes

Male Quick
Hitch Locking

Attach Blade to Tractor

2. To install the optional tire chains: a. Remove the tractor wheels. b. Attach the tire chains to the wheels.
9. Install the trip spring lockout bracket in the up­per hole behind the blade using the lockout pin and hairpin.
Trip Spring
Lockout Bracket

Install Trip Spring Lockout Bracket

Dozer Blade Installation

1. Insert the male quick hitch section of the imple­ment hitch into the female hitch of the blade. Lock in place by moving the hitch locking lever fully forward to the LOCKED position. Secure the male qu ick hit ch la tch wi th th e linc hpi n. Re­fer to Hitch Locking Lever in Operating In-
Lockout Pin
in Upper Hole
c. Place the wh eel spacer plates on the lug
bolts. The wheel spacer plates provide clearance for the chains bet ween the tires
and the tractor body. d. Place the wheels back on the tractor. e. Reinstall and tighten the lug bolts.


Rotary Boom Installation

1. Insert a parking stand into each stand su pport bracket from the underside. Install a 5/32 x 1-1/ 4 in. cotter pin in the upper hole of each parking stand. Set the parking stands in their most ex- tended position and secure each stand with a 4 mm x 80 mm hairpin.
2. Check the pivot lock pin and mak e sure it is in the innermost position to prevent bulking of the female hitch member, and to facilitate quick hitch attachment.
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