An instrument only made for
your passion to play music.
04 Preface
06 Features
10 Start
11 Sounds
13 Effects
18 Store + Plug
20 Facts
21 CE Declaration of Conformity

We are happy if you don’t read this
manual …
… because as with all Waldorf instruments, our goal during development of
Zarenbourg was to design the user
interface to be as intuitive and selfexplanatory as possible. In case you do
decide to read it, you may very likely
skip over this preface and jump straight
to the hard facts. However, if you decide – against all odds – to continue
reading here, you will be rewarded in
the end!
During conception of Zarenbourg piano, we wanted to create an instrument where playing is the primary
focus. Usually electronic keyboards
require a lot of accessories and addons like keyboard stands, amplifiers,
etc. that you have to assemble and
connect before you can even hear the
first note. We have tried to minimize
these often frustrating obstacles with
Zarenbourg so that you can approach it
as a true musical instrument.

One element that often adorns most
electronic keyboards nowadays is the
digital display or LCD. But with Zarenbourg, we deliberately decided to omit
it. An LCD demands so much attention
that it often steals the show. We think
you should instead stay focused on
playing music. Moreover, we also consider the LCD to be a aesthetic catastrophe. So instead, we made the sophisticated Zarenbourg architecture
easily accessible by extracting some
concepts not only from musical instru-
ments, but also from analog electric
devices like car radios and tape recorders that are surprisingly easy to navigate without a display. And of course
with its sounds, Zarenbourg recreates
archetypal keyboards with an emphasis on classic, vintage electro-mechanical instruments of the last century.
The fact that the underlying technology
is anything but vintage should not concern you while playing your Zarenbourg piano. You play the music, we’ll
handle the rest.
Since you made it through this preface,
you can now receive our promised
To get a full version of the Waldorf
Edition software suite for free, please
send us the serial number of your
Zarenbourg to:
And now it is time to throw this manual
away and play your Zarenbourg. We
wish you lots of fun with it! Your Waldorf Team 2011

04 05 06
Included Components
and Accessories
Zarenbourg Piano
Sustain pedal
Power cable
This manual
08 09 10

16 17
Front Connections and Controls
01 Headphone jack
02 Volume control with switch
03 Power indicator
04 Volume control for external signal
05 Tremolo Intensity control
06 Tremolo Speed control
07 Tremolo indicator
08 Tremolo stereo button
09 Transpose button
10 Preset bank button
11 Sound Selector
12 User Bank buttons
13 Effect Selector
14 Effect indicators
15 Effect Hold button
16 Effect Control 1
17 Effect Control 2
18 Effect button