The Brand Used By Professionals
Basic Clipping Guide

Before you start:
• Know the type of coat that your dog has
and be sure you are using the correct tools.
Thick, double or dense coats require a
more powerful clipper.
• The attachment combs offer various length
options. Decide on the length of coat you
wish to leave on the dog. The combs are
available in numbers 1 - 8, with 1 being the
TIP: If you are not sure what length you want, use a longer grade,
you can always go shorter if needed.
• If you are using a rechargeable product
ensure it is fully charged before you start.
• Have all your grooming tools to hand
so you dont have to leave your pet once
you have started.
TIP: Basic tools include Electric clipper, Brush, Comb,
Clipper oil, Electric trimmer, Round end scissors, Pin brush,
De-tangler, Blade cleaning brush.
• Check the clipper blades are sharp, free
from rust and have no broken teeth.
This will ensure the coat is cut evenly, not
snagged or pulled.