Wagner Meters MMC 205, MMC 210, MMC 220 Instruction Manual

Moisture Meter Instruction Manual
for Wagner Meters Mo d e ls :
MMC 205
MMC 210
MMC 220
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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 3
INSTRUCTIONS – MMC 205 .................................................................................................... 4
INSTRUCTIONS – MMC 210 .................................................................................................... 5
INSTRUCTIONS – MMC 220 .................................................................................................... 6
TAKING MEASUREMENTS ..................................................................................................... 7
FEATURES ................................................................................................................................... 8
METER STORAGE ..................................................................................................................... 8
METER CALIBRATION ............................................................................................................ 8
METER SPECIFICATIONS ....................................................................................................... 9
FCC COMPLIANCE STATEMENT ....................................................................................... 10
WARRANTY ............................................................................................................................... 11
.................................................................................................................... 12
You have purchased one of the most accurate moisture measurement instruments for wood in the world. Using patented electromagnetic wave technology, hand-held moisture meters from W agner Meters have been proven by universities and institutes worldwide to provide superior measurement results.
With its electro-magnetic field, your Wagner moisture meter covers a relatively large cross-sectional area each time you take a reading, giving you a far better representation than other technologies of the true moisture content of your wood. Pin-type meters only m e a su re a very sma ll area, and on ly at a particu lar depth, giving you very limited insight into the true moisture content of the wood. Very short, non­insulated pins are especially p ro n e to ju st r ea d ing th e su rfa c e o f y o u r wood. Wagner moisture me te rs re a d IN the wood, not just on the wood.
The 11/2 inch wide by 21/2 inch long by 3/4 inch thick sensing area of your Wagner moisture m e ter closely approximates the full-th ic kn e ss cross-section method used when performing the ASTM D 4 442-92 oven­dry lab method. This ASTM standard (and its international counterparts) is the standard to which all moisture meters for wood are compared for accuracy.
The Wagner Meters MMC 200 Series Moisture Meters utilize the latest design features available in moisture measurement technology. They are designed to fit comfortably in a jacket pocket or toolbox, an d are ideal for anyone who needs a professional quality tool to inspect wood or wood products for accurate moisture content. They are popular with flooring installers, woodworkers, cabinet and furniture makers, contractors, and quality assurance inspectors.
Other important features of hand-held moisture meters from Wagner Meters include:
The "Wood-Friendly"™ MMC 200 series meters use advanced electromagnetic wave technology
to accu rate ly measure wood moisture co nte nt
to a depth of 3/4 inch. The MMC 205 c an read values from 5% to 20%, w hile the MM C 210 can read 5% to 30%. The MMC 220 can read 5% to 30% at settings up to .80 SG. Note: If the MMC 220 species s ettin g value selected is more than 80, the maximum moisture content reading attainable will be lower than 30%.
Useful for inspections on many types of materials, including solid and laminated wood products.
Selectable wood species setting eliminates complicated and time consuming wood species
adjustment corrections.
Easy to read digital display read-out scaled in 0.1% increments (1.0% for the MMC 205).
Virtually unaffected by wood temperature or surface moisture.2
Since 1966, Wagner Meters has been providing quality moisture measurement equipment. Wagner Meters is the leading supplier of moisture measurement equipment for the primary forest products industry. Wagner Meters’ technology has been proven to provide some of the most accurate results in the industry when compared to this worldwide standard. Closely scrutinized and approved by numerous university studies and use d for years by professional lumber-grading associations, moisture meters from Wagner Meters continue to provide reliable and consistent moisture measurements, with unsurpassed convenience and ease-of-use.
!!!!Confirmed in university study – information av aila b le u p o n req u e st.
!!!!Contact Wagner Meters technical support for guidelines when wood is frozen.!
Operational Instructions — MMC 205
On/Off/Species Button:
When the meter is Off, momentarily pressing and releasing this button will cause the meter to turn On, and briefly display the firmware version, then enter Measurement
mode. When the meter is in Measurement mode, an d the button is mom entarily pressed and released, it will display the species setting value. Press and release the button again to return to Measurement mode.
To turn Off the meter from Measurement mode only, press the On/Off/Species button for 3 seconds and then release. The meter will also turn itself off automatically when not in u se as described in the auto­shutdown section.
Species Setting:
The species setting can be changed to compensate for a variety of wood species. When measuring another species with a Spe cific Gravity (SG ) other than the factory default setting of 0.50 SG, the species setting needs to be changed. Refer to the Species Setting Tables included with your meter to locate the correct species setting for your wood. If your species setting is not listed, contact Wagner Meters. The values entered into the MMC 205 meter omit the decimal point, so for example the Douglas Fir value of 0.48 would be “48” when programming the Species Setting Value.
When the meter is in Measurement mode, momentarily pressing and releasing the On/Off/Species button will cause the displ ay to show the current specific gravity setting. Press the button a second time for 3 seconds and release to enter C HA NG E SPECIES MODE, or momentarily press a n d release the button to return to Measurement mode.
When CHANGE SPECIES MODE has been selected, a blinking colon symbol (:) will appear on the display. Momentarily pressing the O n/Off/Species button again will increment the selected specific gravity value by 01. The value will go as high as 70, then will wrap around to 30 and continue incrementing. When the desired setting has be en reached, press button for 3 seconds and re lea se to store the value and return to Me a su re m e n t mode.
Your comm only used species setting values can be written on the meter overlay decal in the space provided using a pencil or non-permanent marker, and erased with a swab dipped in isopropyl alcohol. Avoid using a permanent marker because staining of the decal may occur.
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