Technology or Art?
Countless hours of attentive listening, a passion to sonically recreate the original performance, a
love for music and engineering of minute details has resulted in Wadia’s flagship Compact Disc
Player, the Wadia 861. Combining musical sensibility with proven Wadia technology and
innovation achieved a design that delivers unprecedented musical power.
The Wadia 861b CD Player is sonically identical to the legendary performance of the Wadia
861. The only difference is that the digital inputs and outputs are not included. The 861b
can be upgraded to full digital pre-amplification capability by adding the digital inputs and
outputs at any time.
The Special Edition Wadia 861se CD Player — embodies markedly improved
engineering precision on all surfaces, including the surface onto which the disk is
pressed. The newly designed aluminum and brass hybrid turntable provides significant
sound reduction during disk rotation and has been stained green to absorb undesired
diffused reflections. The results? Blacker backgrounds, pinpoint three dimensional
images, and incredible resolution.
Much has been made of digital filtering, the process of increasing
a source sample rate to shift noise away from the audible band.
Some companies feature digital filters that will up the sample rate to
96 or even 192 kHz. At Wadia we have introduced an
“up sampling” technology that runs on powerful digital signal
processing (DSP) engines and literally increases source sample rates
to 705.6 kHz minimally* In fact this technology is so innovative
that we were awarded a patent for it. Of course we are talking about
DigiMaster™, the most coveted up sampling technology in the
industry. Developed from a mathematical understanding of how
music exists in the time domain, truly we can claim DigiMaster™
was the first up sampling technology developed specifically for music reproduction. Now with over a decade of continued advances and
refinement we can proudly say the up sampling algorithms on board each Wadia define State of the Art.
Special Edition hybrid turntable
No Negative Feedback - Wadia’s patented Swift Current™ IC performs sonically critical current-to-voltage conversion (I/V) with no
negative feedback.
Cleaner Signal Path - Wadia’s DirectConnect™ Technology with Digital Volume Control allows the Wadia 861 CD Player to be
connected directly to a power amplifier, bypassing the losses inherent in analog preamplifiers.
Eliminate Jitter - Wadia’s proprietary ClockLink™ eliminates jitter-inducing clock transmission by locating the master clock at
the D/A-C chips instead of the transport.
Transform your music system - the Wadia 861 CD Player will unveil the richness and magic that make music an essential form of
human communication.
Technical Information
Pickup Mechanism: TEAC CMK-3.2 Vibration-free Rigid Disc-clamping
System (VRDS) with Digital Servo
Power Supply: Dual transformers in internal isolation chamber, separate
power supply for transport
Decoding Software: 3 User Selectable Algorithms including DigiMaster v2.4.
Upsampling (*1.4112 MHz DAC sample rate)
Digital Volume Control Range: 50 dB in one-hundred 1/2 dB steps
Maximum Output Voltage: Can be adjusted via internal switches from
0.3V to 4.25V to match system sensitivity
Output Impedance: Less than 15 ohms
Digital Inputs: (standard and se model only)
1 glass fiber optic (ST); 1 S/PDIF (BNC);
1 plastic fiber (Toslink); 1 AES/EBU (XLR)
(All inputs accept any sample rate up to 96 kHz)
Digital Outputs: (standard and se model only)
1 glass fiber optic (ST); 1 S/PDIF (BNC);
1 plastic fiber (Toslink); 1 AES/EBU (XLR)
Analog Outputs:
1 pr. balanced (XLR); 1 pr. unbalanced (RCA)
Power Consumption: 25 watts
Dimensions: inches: 7 1/4 h 17 w 16 1/2 d
Weight: 48 lbs. 52 lbs. (se model)
795 Highland Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48108 • 734.975.4217 tel • 734.975.4299 fax • www.wadia.com