Wadia Digital 581 Brochure

Wadia Digital . John W. Schaffer . 734.786.9611 x114 . jschaffer@wadia.com . www.wadia.com
Wadia Introduces New Multi-Format Audio Players
Wadia 581 and 581i Disc Players Feature Multi-Format Stereo Audio Playback, New Digital to Analog Technology and Other Sonic Enhancements for CD’s, SACD’s, and High-Sample Rate Sources
January 1, 2006 – Wadia introduces the sophisticated series 5, 581 and 581i ; the first entries in a new
family of multi-format Wadia Disc players.
The Wadia 581 and 581i(581i featuring digital inputs and outputs) Disc Players, built with the classic Wadia quality and aesthetic, advance the performance of the now legendary 861 decoding circuit and add multi-format stereo audio playback capabilities. The 581 and 581i Disc Players represent true innovation from Wadia and signal the company’s commitment to provide customers with expanded features and superior sound.
New and Updated Technology Throughout – New design features include a multi-format capable transport, an advanced proprietary software based DSD Processing Algorithm that generates bit corrected SACD playback and 6 new Circuit Topologies. Wadia SwiftCurrent™ 2 Discreet (SC-2D) allows for superior current to voltage (I/V) conversion. Traditional Wadia technologies such as DigiMaster™, ClockLink™, and DirectConnect™ with Digital Volume Control have been updated for the new players. Improvements to the main decoding circuit include a new master clocking scheme, time coherent analog filter array, and a superior grounding scheme. Greater current capacity and improved filtering provide improved power onboard the main decoding circuit.
New Multi-Format Disc Mechanism – Modified to allow ClockLink jitter reduction and pure data capture, this new multi-format mechanism provides state-of-the-art audio information extraction. No less than 6 patent worthy technologies ensure that data is accurately captured from audio discs regardless of format. The mechanism is further enhanced by a custom mounting and enclosure system that provides both mechanical and electrical isolation. Performance of this mechanism surpasses even the highly acclaimed 3.2 transport featured in previous players.
DigiMaster – The patented DigiMaster filter system is optimized to preserve the subtle time and phase information vital to musical realism. Dual digital processors running DigiMaster software (release 2.5) attain 24-bit resolution at sample rates in the millions.
SwiftCurrent 2 – SC-2D technology, a powerful proprietary circuit introduced in the Wadia PowerDAC Digital Amplifier, has now been re-invented. To exploit the extraordinary data rate generated in the digital section a discreet implementation of our patented current mirroring technology was created. Current exiting the D>A converters is now optimally loaded, in turn allowing each DAC to remain linier. Current is then mirrored and driven with a zero global feed back Class A throughput stage. The output feeds directly into a phase accurate filter that simultaneously creates voltage and removes unwanted high frequency noise.
Wadia DirectConnect Technology with Digital Volume Control – DirectConnect allows the Wadia 581, and 581i Disc Players to be connected directly to a power amplifier, bypassing the losses inherent in analog preamplifiers.
ClockLink Jitter Reduction – ClockLink eliminates jitter-inducing clock transmission by locating the master clock at the DAC instead of the transport. The result is significantly reduced jitter and markedly improved sonic performance.
High-Power Zero Noise Supply – 30x the reserve capacitance required is available for DC current supply from the all new switching power supply board. The switching frequency at .5 Mega-Hertz ensures that no noise approaches the pass band. Filtering was upgraded and the outputs fully isolated to insure no noise contamination.
Upgradeable Modular Design – Upgrade flexibility is a cornerstone of Wadia’s philosophy. Software-configured circuitry, along with modular design such as digital outputs, 24-bit digital inputs as featured on the 581i, ensure that the Wadia series 5 Disc Players can be upgraded to accommodate future technology.
Sonically – The Wadia 581 and 581i Disc Players draw the listener into the music with spacious 3-dimensional images, instantaneous transients, and remarkable liquidity of sound. The Wadia 581 Disc Players offers a higher level of musical realism than any Wadia disc player previously available.
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Wadia Digital . www.wadia.com
Digital Inputs:
1 glass fiber optic (ST) 1 S/PDIF (BNC) 1 plastic fiber (Toslink) 1 AES/EBU (XLR)
(All inputs accept any sample rate up to 96kHz)
Digital Outputs:
1 glass fiber optic (ST) 1 S/PDIF (BNC) 1 plastic fiber (Toslink) 1 AES/EBU (XLR)
581i Digital Preamp Inputs and Outputs