Wacker Neuson EZ38 Operator's Manual

5200016122 1.1
Track Excavator
Language Order no.
Operator's Manual
Service Booklet
Spare parts list
Original Operator‘s Manual
Translation of original Operator‘s Manual x
Edition 1.1
Date 08/2014
Document OM EZ38 us
us 5200016122
de 1000146850
en 1000148392
fr 1000148394
it 1000148395
es 1000148393
de/en/fr 1000304453
de/it/es 1000304454
Copyright © 2014 Wacker Neuson Baumaschinen GmbH, Hörsching Printed in Michigan, USA All rights reserved, in particular the globally applicable copyright, right of reproduction and right of distribution.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, taping or information storage or retrieval systems – without prior permission in writing from the manufacturer.
No reproduction or translation of this publication, in whole or part, without the written consent of Wacker Neuson Linz GmbH.
Violations of legal regulations, in particular of the copyright protection, will be subject to civil and criminal prosecu­tion.
Wacker Neuson Linz GmbH keep abreast of the latest technical developments and constantly improve their prod­ucts. For this reason, we may from time to time need to make changes to diagrams and descriptions in this docu­mentation which do not reflect products which have already been delivered and which will not be implemented on these machines.
Technical data, dimensions and weights are given as an indication only. Responsibility for errors or omissions not accepted. Non-metric weights and measurements are approximate.
The cover features the machine with possible optional equipment
Pictures and graphics are symbolic representations and can differ from the actual product.
Wacker Neuson Linz GmbH Flughafenstraße 7 A-4063 Hörsching
Document: OM EZ38 us Order no.: 5200016122

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
EC Declaration of Conformity (Tier IV interim) .................................................................................... EG-1
Declaration of conformity without CE mark on type label (Tier IV interim) .......................................... EG-2
1.1 Operator’s Manual ................................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Warranty and liability ............................................................................................................................ 1-5
2 Safety Information
2.1 Safety Symbols Found in this Manual .................................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Warranty ............................................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.3 Designated Use .................................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.4 Preparing to use the machine............................................................................................................... 2-3
2.5 Operator and Technician Qualifications and Basic Responsibilities..................................................... 2-6
2.6 Safety instructions Regarding Operation .............................................................................................. 2-6
2.7 Applications with Lifting Gear ............................................................................................................... 2-9
2.8 Attachments........................................................................................................................................ 2-10
2.9 Transport and Towing......................................................................................................................... 2-11
2.10 Safety Guidelines for Maintenance..................................................................................................... 2-11
2.11 Safety Guidelines during using Internal Combustion Engines............................................................ 2-16
3 Introduction
3.1 Machine overview................................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.2 Brief description of the machine ........................................................................................................... 3-2
3.3 Notices and regulations on use ............................................................................................................ 3-4
3.4 Labels ................................................................................................................................................... 3-7
4 Putting into operation
4.1 Cabin/control stand............................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Overview of control elements ............................................................................................................. 4-31
4.3 Indicator lights and warning lights (overview) ..................................................................................... 4-36
4.4 Preparatory work ................................................................................................................................ 4-39
4.5 Starting and stopping the engine........................................................................................................ 4-43
5.1 Steering system.................................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Accelerator actuation............................................................................................................................ 5-1
5.3 Brakes .................................................................................................................................................. 5-2
5.4 Travel operation.................................................................................................................................... 5-3
5.5 Differential lock ..................................................................................................................................... 5-8
5.6 Lights/signalling system........................................................................................................................ 5-8
5.7 Wiper/wash system ............................................................................................................................ 5-10
5.8 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning system................................................................................. 5-11
5.9 Operating hydraulics........................................................................................................................... 5-13
5.10 Attachments........................................................................................................................................ 5-38
5.11 Work operation ................................................................................................................................... 5-42
5.12 Emergency lowering ........................................................................................................................... 5-47
5.13 Options ............................................................................................................................................... 5-48
5.14 Decommissioning and putting the machine back into operation......................................................... 5-57
5.15 Final decommissioning of machine..................................................................................................... 5-59
6 Transport
6.1 Towing the machine ............................................................................................................................. 6-1
6.2 Loading the machine ............................................................................................................................ 6-3
6.3 Transporting the machine..................................................................................................................... 6-6
OM EZ38 us 1.1 * ez38us1_1IVZ.fm I-1
7 Maintenance
7.1 Important information on maintenance ................................................................................................. 7-1
7.2 Maintenance overview .......................................................................................................................... 7-2
7.3 Fluids and lubricants........................................................................................................................... 7-10
7.4 Maintenance accesses ....................................................................................................................... 7-14
7.5 Cleaning and maintenance on or with the machine............................................................................ 7-19
7.6 Lubrication work.................................................................................................................................. 7-22
7.7 Fuel system ........................................................................................................................................ 7-27
7.8 Engine lubrication system................................................................................................................... 7-33
7.9 Cooling system ................................................................................................................................... 7-35
7.10 Air filter................................................................................................................................................ 7-38
7.11 V-belt/toothed belt............................................................................................................................... 7-41
7.12 Hydraulic system ................................................................................................................................ 7-42
7.13 Electrical system................................................................................................................................. 7-47
7.14 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning system................................................................................. 7-49
7.15 Washer system ................................................................................................................................... 7-49
7.16 Axles/Traveling drive .......................................................................................................................... 7-50
7.17 Brake system ...................................................................................................................................... 7-50
7.18 Tires/Tracks ........................................................................................................................................ 7-50
7.19 Maintenance of attachments............................................................................................................... 7-53
7.20 Maintenance of options....................................................................................................................... 7-53
7.21 Exhaust gas treatment........................................................................................................................ 7-54
7.22 Machine preservation ......................................................................................................................... 7-54
8 Troubleshooting
8.1 Diesel engine malfunctions................................................................................................................... 8-1
8.2 Malfunctions of the traveling drive ........................................................................................................ 8-2
8.3 Malfunctions of the hydraulic system.................................................................................................... 8-2
8.4 Malfunctions of the electrical system .................................................................................................... 8-3
8.5 Troubleshooting the air conditioning..................................................................................................... 8-4
8.6 Malfunctions of attachments ................................................................................................................. 8-4
9 Specifications
9.1 Models and trade names ...................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.2 Engine................................................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.3 Traveling drive/axles............................................................................................................................. 9-2
9.4 Brakes................................................................................................................................................... 9-2
9.5 Tracks ................................................................................................................................................... 9-2
9.6 Steering system .................................................................................................................................... 9-2
9.7 Operating hydraulics............................................................................................................................. 9-3
9.8 Electrical system................................................................................................................................... 9-4
9.9 Tightening torques ................................................................................................................................ 9-6
9.10 Coolant ................................................................................................................................................. 9-7
9.11 Noise emissions.................................................................................................................................... 9-7
9.12 Vibration................................................................................................................................................ 9-8
9.13 Weight................................................................................................................................................. 9-11
9.14 Payload/stability.................................................................................................................................. 9-13
Index ..............................................................................................................................................................S-1
I-2 OM EZ38 us 1.1 * ez38us1_1IVZ.fm
EC Declaration of Conformity According to Machine Directive 2006/42/EC, appendix II A
Manufacturer Wacker Neuson Linz GmbH Flughafenstr. 7 A-4063 Hörsching
Product Machine designation: Hydraulic excavator Machine model: EZ38 Serial no.: ______________ Output (kW): 21.4 kW Measured sound power level: 94 dB (A) Guaranteed sound power level: 95 dB (A)
Conformity assessment procedure Notified body according to Directive 2006/42/EC, appendix XI: DGUV Test Prüf- und Zertifizierungsstelle Fachbereich Bauwesen Landsberger Str. 309 D-80687 Munich Distinguishing EU number 0515
Notified body according to Directive 2000/14/EC, appendix VI: TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH Westendstr. 199 D-80686 Munich
Directives and standards We hereby declare that this product corresponds to the relevant regulations and requirements of the
following Directives and standards: 2006/42/EC, 2004/108/EC, 2002/44/EC, 2005/88/EC, 2000/14/EC; DIN EN ISO 12100:2010, DIN EN 474-1:2006+A1:2009, DIN EN 474-5:2012, DIN EN ISO 3471:2010, DIN EN ISO 3744:2010, DIN EN ISO 3449:2008, DIN EN ISO 13849-2:2012
Technical director
Responsible for documentation
Hörsching, Place, date
Declaration of conformity
Declaration of conformity
EC Declaration of Conformity (Tier IV interim)
OM EZ38 us 1.1 * ez38konf.fm EG-1
Declaration of conformity without CE mark on type label
Declaration of conformity
Manufacturer Wacker Neuson Linz GmbH Flughafenstr. 7 A-4063 Hörsching
Product Machine designation: Hydraulic excavator Machine model: EZ38 Serial no.: ______________ Output (kW): 21.4 kW Measured sound power level: 94 dB (A) Guaranteed sound power level: 95 dB (A)
Directives and standards We hereby declare that this product corresponds to the relevant regulations and requirements of the
following Directives and standards: 2006/42/EC, 2004/108/EC, 2002/44/EC, 2005/88/EC, 2000/14/EC; DIN EN ISO 12100:2010, DIN EN 474-1:2006+A1:2009 (except 7.3), DIN EN 474-5:2012, DIN EN ISO 3471:2010, DIN EN ISO 3744:2010, DIN EN ISO 3449:2008, DIN EN ISO 13849-2:2012
Technical directorResponsible for documentation
Hörsching, Place, date
(Tier IV interim)
EG-2 OM EZ38 us 1.1 * ez38konf.fm
Table of Contents

1 Foreword

1.1 Operator’s Manual

Notices on this Operator’s Manual
If the machine is equipped with a cabin, the compartment behind the seat is used for storing the Operator’s Manual.
If the machine is equipped with a canopy, the compartment under the seat is used for storing the Operator’s Manual.
A document box on the headliner is available as an option for the cabin. This Operator’s Manual contains important information on how to work
safely, correctly and economically with the machine. Therefore, it aims not only at new personnel, but it also serves as a reference for experienced personnel.
Furthermore, the reliability and the service life of the machine will be increased by following the instructions in the Operator’s Manual. This is why the Operator’s Manual must be kept at hand in the machine.
The operator must carefully read and understand the Operator’s Manual before starting up, servicing or repairing the machine.
This Operator’s Manual will help to familiarize yourself more easily with the machine, thereby enabling you to use it more safely and efficiently.
This Operator’s Manual does not include special superstructures. Please contact your dealer if you require more information on the machine
or the Operator’s Manual.
OM EZ38 us 1.1 * ez38v100.fm 1-1
Explanation of symbols and abbreviations
Explanation of symbols
Identifies a list
- Identifies a subdivision of a list Description of a result
1. Identifies an activity Follow the order of the activity!
2. Continuation of an activity Follow the order of the activity!
A Identifies an alphabetical list B Continuation of an alphabetical list
Cross references: see page 1-1 (page) Cross references: 7 (pos. no. or table no.) Cross references: Fig. 5 (fig. no. 1) Cross references: – see chapter “5 Operation” on page 5-1
(see chapter) Cross references: – see “Operation” on page 5-1 (-see text)
Identifies an information that, when followed, provides for a more efficient and economical use of the machine.
Failure to observe the instructions identified by this symbol can cause damage to the environment.
1-2 OM EZ38 us 1.1 * ez38v100.fm
TOPS = Tip Over Protective Structure
FOPS = Falling Objects Protective Structure
FGPS = Front Guard Protective Structure
AUX = Auxiliary hydraulic circuit
NE = Nominal width
PS = Stabilizer blade
LS = Stick
VDS = Vertical Digging System
HSWS = Hydraulic Easy Lock quickhitch
s/h = Service hours
Pos. = Position
Fig. = Figure
e.g. = for example
Roll Over Protective Structure (without losing contact with the ground)
Exhaust gas standards
approx. = approximately
max. = maximum
min. = minimum
The machine can be equipped with an American Tier IV interim or Tier IV final engine, depending on the destination country. Both engine variants are described separately if there are engine-specific differences (regarding operation, for example).
OM EZ38 us 1.1 * ez38v100.fm 1-3
Conversion table
The rounded imperial values are indicated in brackets, for example 1060 cm³ (64.7 in³).
Volume unit
1 cm³ (0.061 in³)
1 m³ (35.31 ft³)
1 ml (0.034 US fl.oz.)
1 l (0.26 gal)
1 l/min (0.26 gal/min)
Unit of length
1 mm (0.039 in)
1 m (3.28 ft)
1 kg (2.2 lbs)
1 g (0.035 oz)
1 bar (14.5 psi)
1 kg/cm² (14.22 lbs/in²)
1 kN (224.81 lbf) 1 kW (1.34 hp) 1 PS (0.986 hp)
1 Nm (0.74 ft.lbs.)
1 kph (0.62 mph)
1 m/s² (3.28 ft/s²)
1-4 OM EZ38 us 1.1 * ez38v100.fm

1.2 Warranty and liability

Exemption from warranty and liability
Warranty claims can be made only if the conditions of warranty have been observed. They are included in the General Conditions of Sales and Delivery for new machines and spare parts sold by the dealers of Wacker Neuson Linz GmbH. Furthermore, all instructions in this Operator’s Manual must be observed.
Have the maintenance on or with the machine, delivery inspection and the entries in the service booklet performed by an Wacker Neuson service center, otherwise warranty claims will not be acknowledged.
Modifying Wacker Neuson products and fitting them with additional equipment and attachments that are not included in our delivery program requires Wacker Neuson’s written authorization, otherwise warranty and product liability for possible damage caused by these modifications shall not be applicable.
The safety of the machine can be negatively affected by performing machine modifications without proper authority and by using spare parts, equipment, attachments and optional equipment that have not been checked and released by Wacker Neuson GmbH. Warranty and product liability for possible damage caused by these modifications shall not be applicable.
Wacker Neuson Linz GmbH shall not be liable for injury and/or damage to property caused by failure to observe the safety instructions and the Operator’s Manual, and by the negligence of the duty to exercise due care when:
- handling
- operating
- servicing and performing maintenance on or with the machine and
- repairing the machine. This is also applicable in those cases in which
special attention has not been drawn to the duty to exercise due care, in the safety instructions as well as in the Operator’s and maintenance manuals.
- Read and understand the Operator’s Manual before starting up,
servicing or repairing the machine. Observe all safety instructions.
OM EZ38 us 1.1 * ez38v100.fm 1-5
1-6 OM EZ38 us 1.1 * ez38v100.fm

2 Safety Information


2.1 Safety Symbols Found in this Manual

This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential personal hazards.
Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol.
DANGER indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Consequences in case of non-observance. Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid injury or
WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Consequences in case of non-observance. Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible
injury or death
CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
Consequences in case of non-observance Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible
minor or moderate injury.
NOTICE indicates a situation which, if not avoided, could result in property damage.
Note: Contains additional information important to a procedure.
OM EZ38 us – 1.1* * Sicherheit(us).fm 2-1

2.2 Warranty

2.3 Designated Use

Information identifies an instruction that, when followed, provides for a
more efficient and economical use of the machine.
Failure to observe the instructions identified by this symbol can result in damage to the environment. The environment is in danger if environmentally hazardous material, such as waste oil, is not subject to proper use or disposal.
Warranty claims must be submitted to your Wacker Neuson dealer only.
1. In accordance with its designated use, the machine may be used ONLY for moving earth, gravel, coarse gravel or ballast and rubble. It may also be used for working with the attachments approved in the “Fields of Application” chapter.
2. No other applications are designated for the use of the machine. Wacker Neuson will not be liable for damage resulting from use other than mentioned above. The operator alone will bear the risk.
3. “Designated use” also includes observing the instructions set forth in this Operator’s Manual and observing the maintenance schedule.
4. Machine safety can be negatively affected by performing machine modifications without proper authority and by using spare parts, equipment, attachments and optional equipment which have not been checked and released by Wacker Neuson. Wacker Neuson will not be liable for damage resulting from unapproved parts or unauthorized modifications.
5. Wacker Neuson shall not be liable for personal injury and/or damage to property caused by failure to observe the safety instructions on labels and in this Operator’s Manual, and by the negligence of the duty to exercise due care when:
transporting the machine
operating the machine
servicing the machine and performing maintenance on or with the machine
repairing the machine
This is also applicable when special attention has not been drawn to the duty to exercise due care.
1. Read and understand this Operator’s Manual before starting, moving, operating, servicing or repairing the machine. Observe all safety instructions.
2. The machine shall NOT be used for transport jobs on public roads!
2-2 OM EZ38 us – 1.1* * Sicherheit(us).fm

2.4 Preparing to use the machine

Conditions for use
The machine has been designed and built in accordance with state-of-
the-art standards and recognized safety regulations. Nevertheless, its use can constitute a risk to the operator or to third parties, or cause damage to the machine and to other material property.
Read and follow this Operator’s Manual and other manuals that
accompany the machine.
The machine must only be used in accordance with its designated use
and the instructions set forth in this Operator’s Manual.
The machine must only be used by qualified operators who are fully
aware of the risks involved in operating the machine.
Do not start, move or operate a damaged or malfunctioning machine.
Any mechanical dysfunctions, especially those affecting the safety of the machine, must be repaired immediately. Only qualified technicians shall determine how to move a damaged or malfunctioning machine to a safe place for diagnoses and repair.
The operator/machine owner commits himself to operate and keep the
machine in serviceable condition and, if necessary or required by law, to require the operating or servicing persons to wear protective clothing and safety equipment
Operator training and knowledge
Always keep this Operator’s Manual and other manuals that
accompany the machine in their storage compartment provided in the operator station on the machine. Immediately replace an incomplete or illegible Operator’s Manual.
All persons working on or with the machine must read and understand
the safety information in this Manual before beginning work. This applies especially to persons working only occasionally on the machine, such as performing set-up or maintenance tasks.
Follow, and instruct the operator in, legal and other mandatory regula-
tions relevant to accident prevention and environmental protection.These may include handling hazardous substances, issuing and/or wearing personal protective equipment, or obeying traffic regulations.
The operator/machine owner must regularly ensure that all persons
entrusted with operation or maintenance of the machine are working in compliance with this Operator's Manual and are aware of the risks and safety factors of the machine.
Preparing for use
Before starting up the machine, ALWAYS inspect the machine to make
sure that it is ready for safe work and travel operation.
Wear close-fitting work clothes that do not hinder movement. Tie back
long hair and remove all jewelry (including rings).
OM EZ38 us – 1.1* * Sicherheit(us).fm 2-3
Modifications and spare parts
Fig. 1Lifting gear – joint rod
Lifting gear (joint rod)
Fig. 2Load hook
Lifting gear
Load hook
NEVER make any modifications, additions or conversions to the
Spare parts must comply with the technical requirements specified by
The operator/machine owner commits himself to operate and keep the
In the event of safety-relevant modifications or changes on the
Safety-relevant damage or malfunctions of the machine must be
Applications with lifting gear
Lifting gear applications are procedures involving raising, transporting and lowering loads with the help of slings and load-securing devices (e.g. ropes, chains).
No applications with lifting gear under any circumstances! Machines with a maximum authorized lifting capacity of over 1000 kg
(2,205 lbs.) or an overturning moment of over 40,000 Nm (29,500 ft.lbs.) may be used for lifting gear applications if the following conditions are fulfilled:
Acoustic and optical warning device
Load holding control valve – see chapter 3.17 “Load holding control
Proper equipment for slinging and securing the load must be available
The lift capacity table must be observed – see chapter 6 Specifications
machine and its superstructures (for example, cab, etc.), or the machine’s attachments, without the approval of Wacker Neuson! Such modifications may affect safety and/or machine performance. This also applies to the installation and adjustment of safety devices and valves, as well as to welding work on load-bearing elements.
Wacker Neuson. Contact your Wacker Neuson dealer for assistance.
machine in perfect condition, and, if necessary or required by law, to require the operating or servicing persons to wear protective clothing etc.
machine or of its behavior, stop the machine immediately and report the malfunction to the competent authority/person.
rectified immediately.
– see chapter 3.20 Safe load indicator (option) on page 3-72
valve” safety feature (option) on page 3-65
(joint rod enabling loads to be picked up, Powertilt unit with load hook).
on page 6-1.
- Get informed on and follow the legal regulations of your country.
2-4 OM EZ38 us – 1.1* * Sicherheit(us).fm
Instructions on fastening loads
The help of an accompanying person is necessary for securing and detaching the load.
The load must be secured so as to prevent it from falling or slipping.
Fasten the lifting gear so that it is not possible to unhook the sling unintentionally.
Position the lifting gear ensuring the sling is not deflected by other parts.
Do not use any lifting gear and slings that are damaged or not suffi­ciently dimensioned.
The lifting gear must be designed to withstand the loads that can arise in the different positions of the work equipment or parts of the boom. Lateral loads and diagonal tensile forces must also be taken into account.
The lifting gear must be checked regularly by a technician, at least
once a year.
Replace damaged lifting gear immediately.
Fasten lifting gear and slings avoiding danger (rotating parts, crushing
or shearing) for the person securing the load. Furthermore, neither must the work equipment be affected by the lifting gear, nor must the functions of the lifting gear be affected by external influences (e.g. dirt that cannot be removed by simple means).
Do not place slings over sharp edges.
Always wear protective gloves and a hard hat when working with lifting
gear and slings.
The persons attaching or securing loads may approach the boom from
the side only, and only after the machine operator has given his permission. The machine operator may give his permission only after the machine is at a standstill and the work attachment no longer moves!
General instructions
Staying under suspended loads, in the danger zone or under the
machine's attachment is prohibited.
The machine operator and the person attaching or securing the load
must have visual contact.
Persons guiding the load or securing it must stay in visual contact with
the machine operator! Should this not be possible, ask another person to guide.
The machine operator must guide the load the nearest possible to the
ground and avoid any oscillating or swinging movements!
The machine may be traveled with a raised load only if the path of the
machine is level!
The machine operator must not raise loads over persons.
The machine operator may not leave his seat as long as the load is
OM EZ38 us – 1.1* * Sicherheit(us).fm 2-5
2.5 Operator and Technician Qualifications and Basic Responsibili­ties
Operator/machine owner responsibility
Only allow trained and experienced individuals to travel, maintain, or repair the machine. NEVER let unauthorized or underaged persons operate with the machine.
Clearly and unequivocally define the individual responsibilities of the operator and technician for operation, maintenance, and repair.
Define the machine operator’s responsibilities on the job site and for observing traffic rules. Give the operator the authority to refuse instruc­tions by third parties that are contrary to safety.
Do not allow persons to be trained or instructed by anyone other than an experienced person. Also, NEVER allow persons taking part in a general training course to work on or with the machine without being supervised by an experienced person.
Before working on or with the machine, remove jewelery, such as rings, wristwatches, bracelets etc., and tie back long hair and do not wear loose-fitting garments, such as unbuttoned or unzipped jackets, ties or scarves.
Injury can result from being caught up in the machinery or from rings catching on moving parts!
Repair person qualifications
Work on the electric system and equipment, on the undercarriage and the steering and brake systems can be performed only by skilled individuals who have been specially trained for such work.
Work on the hydraulic system of the machine must be performed only by a technician with special knowledge and experience in hydraulic equipment.

2.6 Safety instructions Regarding Operation

Preparing for use
The machine must only be used in technically perfect condition in accordance with its designated use and the instructions set forth in the Operator's Manual, and only by safety-conscious persons who are fully aware of the risks involved in operating the machine. Any functional disorders, especially those affecting the safety of the machine, must therefore be rectified immediately!
Before starting up the machine, inspect the machine for safety in work and road operation!
In addition to the Operator's Manual, observe and instruct the operator in all other generally applicable legal and other mandatory regulations relevant to accident prevention and environmental protection.
These compulsory regulations may also deal with handling hazardous substances, issuing and/or wearing personal protective equipment, or traffic regulations.
With regard to specific operational features, e.g. those relevant to job organization, work sequences or the persons entrusted with the work, supplement the Operator's Manual by corresponding instructions, including those relevant to supervising and reporting duties.
2-6 OM EZ38 us – 1.1* * Sicherheit(us).fm
Starting and stopping
Careful and prudent working is the best way to avoid accidents!Keep
the machine clean. This reduces the risk of fire hazards (such as from combustible materials like rags), and reduces the risk of injury or operational accidents that can be caused by dirt build-up on the travel pedals or foot rests and steps.
Observe all safety, warning, and informational signs and labels on the
Start and operate the machine from the seat only.
The operator must sit in the seat, fasten and adjust the seat belt before
putting the machine into operation.
Always adjust the seat position before starting work. Never change the
seat position when traveling or working!
Make sure that all safety devices are properly installed and functional
before starting work.
Before putting the machine/attachment into operation (startup/moving),
make sure that no one in the immediate vicinity will be at risk.
Perform starting and stopping procedures according to this Operator’s
Observe all indicator lights.
Do not use starting fluid (for example, ether) especially in those cases
in which a heater plug (intake air pre-heating) is used at the same time.
Make sure the control levers, the signaling and the light systems are
functional before operating the machine, and also before restarting after an interruption of work.
Fold up the control lever base before releasing the seat belt in order to
avoid unintentional operation.
Job site awareness
Familiarize yourself with the surroundings and circumstances of the
work site before beginning work. Be aware of:
- obstacles in the working and traveling area
- the soil bearing capacity
- any necessary barriers separating the work site from public roads
Always keep at a safe distance from the edges of building pits and
Look out for the following when working in buildings or in enclosed
- height of the ceiling/clearances
- width of entrances
- maximum load of ceilings and floors
- sufficient room ventilation—risk of carbon monoxide poisoning!
Observe the danger zone. See “Danger zone awareness”.
Use the rearview mirror to stay aware of job site obstacles and
Always switch on the work lights in conditions of poor visibility and after
dark. However, make sure that motorists of public roads will not be temporarily blinded by the work lights.
Provide additional lighting on the job site if the lights of the machine are
not sufficient for performing work safely.
OM EZ38 us – 1.1* * Sicherheit(us).fm 2-7
Danger zone awareness
Operating the machine
The danger zone is the area in which persons are in danger due to the movements of the machine, work equipment, additional equipment, or material.
The danger zone also includes the area affected by falling material, equipment or construction debris. The danger zone must be extended by 0.5 m (20 inches) in the immediate vicinity of buildings, scaffolds, or other elements of construction.
Seal off the danger zone if it is not possible to keep a safe distance. Stop work immediately if persons do not leave the danger zone in spite of warnings!
Never operate the machine if you are standing on the ground.
Operate the machine ONLY when you are seated and you have fastened your seat belt. Stop the engine before releasing the seat belt.
During operation on slopes, travel or work uphill or downhill. If traveling across a slope cannot be avoided, bear in mind the tilting limit of the machine. Always keep the attachments/work equipment close to the ground. This also applies to traveling downhill. During traveling or working across a slope, the load must be on the uphill side of the machine.
On sloping terrain, adapt your travel speed to the prevailing ground conditions.
Never get on or off a moving machine, and do not jump off the machine.
The travel control levers require practice before an operator becomes familiar with the control response. Therefore, adjust the travel speed to your abilities and the surroundings.
During traveling across a slope with the telescopic undercarriage extended, position the boom facing down the slope, and the bucket about 10–20 cm (4–8’’) above the ground. This will help to minimize the possibility of personal injuries and equipment damage caused by a hydraulic hose/connector failure in the telescopic undercarriage actuation system. The weight of the machine will cause the undercar­riage to retract to the narrow configuration if hydraulic system pressure decreases due to lost fluid.
Install a front guard when working in areas with a risk of objects falling from the front (e.g. demolition work).
On sloping terrain always adapt your travel speed to the prevailing ground conditions! Never change to lower gear on a slope but always before reaching it!
Carrying passengers
Do not transport people on the machine or in the attachment.
Never install a man basket or a working platform to the machine.
Mechanical integrity
Take the necessary precautions to make sure the machine is used only when in a safe and serviceable state.
2-8 OM EZ38 us – 1.1* * Sicherheit(us).fm
Operate the machine ONLY if all protective and safety-oriented
devices (ROPS, removable safety devices, soundproofing elements, mufflers, etc.) are in place and fully functional.
Check the machine before entering the cab to operate the machine for
visible damage and defects. Report any changes, including changes in the machine’s function and response, to your supervisor immediately!
If the machine is functioning unpredictably, stop the machine immedi-
ately, lock it, and report the malfunction to a qualified tecnician or supervisor. Safety-relevant damage or malfunctions of the machine must be rectified immediately.
During traveling on or in public areas, observe all applicable regula-
tions. Make sure beforehand that the machine is in compliance with these regulations.
Installed work lights must NOT be used for travel.
During crossing underpasses, gates, bridges and tunnels, or when
passing under overhead lines, make sure the clearance height and width are sufficient to avoid contact.
Empty the bucket before traveling on public roads.

2.7 Applications with Lifting Gear

General information
Craning applications are procedures involving raising, transporting and
The excavator may be used for applications with lifting gear ONLY if
Safety criteria
When used for craning applications, the machine must meet the
In addition, a safe load indicator is required for machines bearing loads
Conditions for safe operation
Secure the load to prevent it from falling or slipping. Install an OSHA-
Have loads fastened, and crane operators instructed, by a qualified
lowering loads with the help of slings and load-securing devices (for example, ropes and tracks). In doing so, the help of persons is necessary for securing and detaching the load. This applies, for example, to lifting and lowering pipes, shaft rings or containers.
the prescribed safety devices are in place and functional.
following criteria:
- Proper equipment for slinging and securing the load
- Proper lift capacity per tables in this Operator’s Manual
of over 1000 kg (2,205 lbs.) or an overturning moment of over 40000 Nm (29,477 ft.lbs.).
approved load hook after removing the bucket or other approved attachment to provide a secure attachment point for the lifting sling, track, or cable.
person competent in raning operation and standard hand signals. The person giving instructions to the operator must be within sight of the operator during load attachment and load disconnection.
OM EZ38 us – 1.1* * Sicherheit(us).fm 2-9
The load shall be kept as close to the surface as practical to accom­plish the craning operation. The operator shall gently move the controls and machine to avoid swing or oscillating motion of the load. A tether line is recommended to dampen the tendency of the load to swing or oscillate during the craning operation.
Machine travel with a raised load must be done very carefully on a level surface moving very slowly to avoid sudden motion that can cause swinging or oscillating motion of the load.
The person(s) attaching the load to the excavator shall approach only if the operator is in visual contact with them. No one shall approach the machine or attempt to attach the load until the excavator has stopped and the operator has signaled for the attachment.

2.8 Attachments

General information regarding attachments
Prior to traveling remove all attachments which cannot be secured in compliance with the legal regulations of your country.
The machine operating characteristics including steering vary with different option attachments and counter weights. The operator shall be familiar with the variations and act accordingly.
Use only approved attachments and connecting hardware.
Attach and remove attachments carefully to avoid damage and potential injury.
Attach and remove attachments carefully to avoid damage and potential injury.
Confirm that the attachment has been properly and securely attached to the machine according to the instructions. Before using the attachment, the operator shall confirm that the attachment performs correctly in response to control actuation.
Do not attach the attachment with the engine running and the machine moving.
Before putting the machine/attachment into operation (startup/moving), make sure that no one in the immediate vicinity will be at risk.
Before leaving the seat, always secure the machine against uninten­tional movement and unauthorized use. Lower the attachments to the ground.
Mount the attachments only if the engine and the traveling drive have been stopped.
Especially when traveling or operating machines equipped with a quickhitch for the attachments, make sure the attachment is securely locked in the quickhitch. The lock pin must be visible on either side of the bores on the attachment. Check before starting work.
Installation notes
• Couple and uncouple hydraulic hoses/lines (hydraulic quick couplers) only if the engine
is stopped and the controls actuated to release the hydraulic pressure remaining in the circuit. Follow the operating instructions for releasing the pressure.
• Operate the machine only if all protective devices for the attachments have been
installed and are functional, and if all brake, light and hydraulic connections have been connected.
• If an optional attachment is installed, make sure that all lights and associated indicator
lights are installed and functional.
2-10 OM EZ38 us – 1.1* * Sicherheit(us).fm
• The lock pin of the quick hitch attachment shall be visible at each end of the pin to
confirm that the attachment is securely locked in place. The operator shall perform a check operation to confirm the latching integrity before operating at a production pace.
• Prior to fitting attachments to the stick (the mobile extension of the boom), secure the
control lever of the hydraulic control unit against unintentional movement. Raise the left arm rest to avoid unintentional activation for the ISO/SAE operating mode. Avoid actuating the right hand control if the alternative control mode is selected.

2.9 Transport and Towing

Towin g
The machine must be towed, loaded and transported according to the procedures described within this Operator’s Manual.
The transporting vehicle must have sufficient load capacity and
platform size to safely transport the machine. Refer to section 6 of this manual to determine the physical characteristics of the machine before loading and transporting.
Use OSHA-approved straps, chains or cables to securely fastened the
machine to the surface of the transport.
Use the tie down points provided on the load surface of the transport.
Attach the tie down devices to the excavator at the designated tie down
Confirm that the excavator tie down procedures will prevent sideways,
forward, rearward and upward motion of the excavator in the event the transport vehicle is involved in an incident or sudden avoidance maneuver.

2.10 Safety Guidelines for Maintenance

General maintenance notes
Adhere to prescribed intervals or those specified in this Operator’s
Manual for routine checks/inspections and maintenance on or with the machine.
For inspection and maintenance on or with the machine, ensure that all
tools and workshop equipment are capable of performing the tasks prescribed. Do not use malfunctioning or broken tools. Use certified measuring devices that are routinely calibrated for accuracy (torque wrench, pressure gauge, ammeter, etc.).
Replace hydraulic hoses within stipulated and appropriate intervals
even if no safety-relevant defects have been detected.
Recycle scrapped parts and drained fluids according to environmental
and hazardous material requirements. To avoid fire and health hazards, dispose of soiled shop towels by approved methods.
Always tighten any screws, electrical connections, or hose connections
that may have been loosened during maintenance.
Upon completion of the maintenance and repair work, immediately refit
and check any safety devices removed for set-up or maintenance purposes.
Personal safety measures
Brief the technician and the operator before beginning maintenance or
repair work. Appoint someone to supervise the activities.
OM EZ38 us – 1.1* * Sicherheit(us).fm 2-11
Always work in groups of two when diagnosing a machine problem requiring the engine to be running. Both persons must be trained on the machine—one person must be seated on the seat and maintain visual contact with the other person.
Observe the specific safety instructions in the Maintenance section of this Operator’s Manual.
Always keep a safe distance from all rotating and moving parts, for example, fan blades, V-belt drives, PTO shaft drives, fans, etc.
Before starting work on the machine, always ensure safe blocking/ support.
Apply special care when working on the fuel system due to the increased risk of fire.
Engine and muffler system become very hot during operation and require cool-down time after machine is shut off. Avoid contact with hot parts. Wait for the machine to cool before touching components.
Retainer pins can fly out or splinter when struck with force. Avoid striking the pins during operation, repair, or maintenance.
Do not use starting fluid (for example, ether), especially in those cases in which a heater plug (intake air pre-heating) is used at the same time.
Preparing for maintenance and repair work
Prior to performing repair and maintenance on or with the machine, always attach a warning label such as “Repair work—do not start machine!” to the control elements as a precautionary measure.
Observe the startup and shutdown procedures set forth in this Operator’s Manual. This applies to any work concerning the operation, conversion or adjustment of the machine and its safety-oriented devices, or any work related to inspection and maintenance.
Prior to performing assembly work on the machine, stabilize the area under repair and use proper lifting and support devices to change parts weighing more than 9 kg (20 lbs.).
Perform maintenance on or with the machine ONLY if:
- the machine is positioned on firm and level ground
- secured against unintentional movement
- all hydraulically movable attachments and working equipment have
been lowered to the ground
- if the engine is stopped
- if the starting key has been removed
- the pressure accumulator is discharged
Perform maintenance on or with the machine beneath a raised machine, attachments or additional equipment ONLY if a safe and secure support has been provided. The use of hydraulic hydraulic cylinders or jacks as the sole method of support does NOT sufficiently secure raised machines or equipment/attachments!
Performing maintenance and repairs
Observe the adjustment, maintenance and inspection activities and intervals set forth in this Operator’s Manual, including information on the replacement of parts and partial equipment. These activities must be performed only by qualified personnel.
2-12 OM EZ38 us – 1.1* * Sicherheit(us).fm
Disconnect the negative battery terminal when working on the
electrical system.
Do not allow the machine to be serviced, repaired, or test-driven by
unauthorized personnel.
If maintenance with the engine running cannot be avoided, lower the
stabilizer blade and raise the control lever base.
Wear a safety harness when performing elevated maintenance on or
with the machine. Keep all handles, steps, handrails, platforms, landings, and ladders free from dirt, snow and ice.
Always use specially designed or otherwise safety-oriented ladders
and working platforms to perform overhead assembly work. NEVER use machine parts or attachments/superstructures as a climbing aid!
Do not use the work equipment as lifting platforms for persons.
In accordance with this Operator’s Manual and instructions for the
respective assembly, release the pressure in all system sections and pressure lines (hydraulic system) before performing any maintenance on or with the machine.
Prior to performing assembly work on the machine, make sure no
movable parts will roll away or start moving.
To avoid the risk of accidents, parts and large assemblies being moved
for replacement purposes must be carefully attached and secured to lifting gear.
Use only suitable lifting gear and suspension systems in a technically
perfect state with adequate load-bearing capacity! Stay clear of suspended loads!
Clean the machine, especially connections and threaded unions, of
any traces of oil, fuel or preservatives before performed maintenance/ repair work!
Do not use aggressive detergents!
Use lint-free cleaning rags!
Before cleaning the machine with water, steam jet (high-pressure
cleaner) or detergents, cover or tape up all openings which – for safety and functional reasons – must be protected against water, steam or detergent penetration. Special care must be taken with the electrical system.
After cleaning, remove all covers and tapes applied for that purpose!
After cleaning, examine all fuel, lubricant and hydraulic oil lines for
leaks, chafe marks and damage!
Rectify all defects without delay!
Always tighten any screw connections that have been loosened during
maintenance and repair!
Any safety devices removed for set-up, maintenance or repair
purposes must be refitted and checked immediately upon completion of the maintenance and repair work
Make sure all consumables and replaced parts are disposed of safely
and with minimum environmental impact!
Special Hazards
In case of a frozen battery or of an insufficient electrolyte level, do not
try starting the machine with battery jumper cables. The battery can burst or explode.
OM EZ38 us – 1.1* * Sicherheit(us).fm 2-13
Batteries contain caustic sulphuric acid. When handling the battery, observe the specific safety instructions and regulations relative to accident prevention.
A volatile oxyhydrogen mixture forms in batteries during normal operation and especially when charging. Always wear gloves and eye protection when working with batteries.
Starting the machine with a battery jumper cable can be hazardous if performed improperly. Observe the safety instructions regarding the battery.
Before taking up work on machine parts hazardous for life and limb (bruising, cutting), always ensure safe blocking/support of these areas
Perform maintenance and repair work beneath a raised machine, attachments or additional equipment only if a safe and secure support has been provided for (the sole use of hydraulic cylinders, jacks etc. does not sufficiently secure raised machines or equipment/attach­ments)
Avoid contact with hot parts, such as the engine block or the exhaust system during the operation of the machine and for some time after­wards – burn hazard!
Retainer pins can fly out or splinter when struck with force – risk of personal injury!
Do not use starting fuel! This especially applies to those cases in which a heater plug (intake-air preheating) is used at the same time – risk of explosions!
Apply special care when working on the fuel system – increased risk of fire!
Electric energy
Repair work on the tracks must be performed only by trained technical staff or by a Wacker Neuson service center.
Malfunctioning tracks reduce the machine's operational safety. Therefore, check the tracks regularly for cracks, cuts or other damage.
Check track tension at regular intervals.
Use only original fuses with the specified current rating.
In case of electrical system malfunctions, switch off the machine immediately, disconnect the battery (by using the battery master switch), and perform troubleshooting procedures.
During operating the machine, maintain a safe distance from overhead electric lines! If work must be performed close to overhead lines, the equipment and attachments must be kept well away from them.
If the machine comes into contact with a live wire:
Immediately travel the machine out of the danger zone.
Warn others against approaching and touching the machine.
Do not leave the machine until the line that has been touched or damaged has been safely de-energized!
Make sure that work on the electric system is performed only by a technician with appropriate training, in accordance with applicable electrical engineering codes.
Inspect and check the electrical equipment of the machine at regular intervals. Defects such as loose connections or scorched cables must be repaired immediately.
2-14 OM EZ38 us – 1.1* * Sicherheit(us).fm
Observe the operating voltage of the machine/attachments. The
voltages must be compatible (12 volts) and confirm that an appropriate fuse or circuit breaker is incorporated in the system to prevent damage from malfunction or short circuit.
Always remove the grounding strap from the battery when working on
the electric system.
Check all lines, hoses, and threaded couplers and fittings regularly for
leaks and obvious damage. Repair any damage and leaks immedi­ately. Splashed oil can cause injury and fire!
In accordance with the Operator's Manual/instructions for the
respective assembly, release the pressure in all system sections and pressure lines (hydraulic system) to be opened before perform any implementing/repair work!
Hydraulic and compressed-air lines must be laid and fitted properly.
Make sure no connections are interchanged. The fittings, lengths and quality of the hoses must comply with the technical requirements
Close all doors and windows if practical.
Wear ear protection. This is especially important when performing
hammer operations or working in enclosed areas.
Gas, dust, steam, smoke
When handling oil, grease, and other chemical substances such as
battery electrolyte or hydraulic fluid, observe the product-related safety regulations (Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
Operate the machine only on adequately ventilated premises! Before
starting internal combustion engines or operating fuel-operated heating systems on enclosed premises, make sure there is sufficient venti­lation!
Observe the regulations in force at the respective site!
Perform welding, flame-cutting and grinding work on the machine only
if this has been expressly authorized. There can be a risk of explosion and fire, for example!
Before performing welding, flame-cutting and grinding work, clean the
machine and its surroundings from dust and other flammable substances, and make sure the premises are adequately ventilated – risk of explosions!
OM EZ38 us – 1.1* * Sicherheit(us).fm 2-15

2.11 Safety Guidelines during using Internal Combustion Engines

Internal combustion engines present special hazards during operation and fueling.
Failure to follow the warnings and safety guidelines could result in severe injury or death.
Read and follow the warning instructions in the engine owner’s manual
and the safety guidelines below.
Running the engine
While running the engine:
Keep the area around muffler pipe free of flammable materials.
Check the fuel lines and the fuel tank for leaks and cracks before starting the engine. Do not run the machine if fuel leaks are present or the fuel lines are loose.
Engine exhaust CAN KILL YOU IN MINUTES. Engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide. This is a poison you cannot see or smell. Never run the machine indoors or in an enclosed area such as a deep trench unless adequate ventilation, through such items as muffler fans or hoses, is provided.
Do not smoke during operating the machine.
Do not run the engine near open flames.
Do not touch the engine or muffler during the engine is running or immediately after it has been turned off.
Do not operate a machine when its fuel cap is loose or missing.
Do not remove the radiator cap when the engine is running or hot. The radiator fluid is hot and under pressure, and may cause severe burns!
Fueling the engine
While fueling the engine:
Clean up any spilled fuel immediately.
Refill the fuel tank in a well-ventilated area.
Replace the fuel tank cap after refueling.
Do not smoke.
Do not refuel a hot or running engine.
Do not refuel the engine near an open flame.
2-16 OM EZ38 us – 1.1* * Sicherheit(us).fm
Fig. 3
1 Working light on boom 2
Roof lights (option)
Lifting eye
Rotating beacon (option)
Door arrester
Engine cover
Fuel tank filler inlet
Exhaust pipe
Eye hook for tying down the machine
Stabilizer blade
Travel gear
Auxiliary hydraulics
Door handle and lock
Tank cover


3.1 Machine overview

OM EZ38 us 1.1 * ez38e300.fm 3-1
Overview of models and trade names
Machine model/machine designation Trade name
E07-02 EZ38

3.2 Brief description of the machine

The machine model EZ38 is a self-propelled work machine. Get informed on and follow the legal regulations of your country. This machine is a versatile and powerful helper for moving earth, gravel
and debris on construction sites and elsewhere. A wide range of attachments accounts for the numerous applications of the machine, among others hammer and grab applications. During using these attachments, observe the legal regulations of your country and equip the machine with all the safety equipment required. See chapter 1.4 Fields of
application and use of attachments on page 3-5 for further applications.
The main components of the machine are:
Travel gear
- Travel gear
- Stabilizer blade
- Live ring
Upper carriage
- Cabin
- Water-cooled Diesel engine
- Hydraulic and electrical components
The machine can be equipped with the “Telematic” option (for transmitting operating data, location, etc. via satellite)!
The Diesel engine permanently drives a variable displacement pump whose oil flow is sent to the control valve. Depending on actuation, the pump supplies the hydraulic motors or the operating hydraulics with oil.
Schock cartridges for auxiliary hydraulics (option)
The auxiliary hydraulics are equipped with Schock cartridges to compensate pressure peaks in the hydraulic system.
Zero tail
The upper carriage (without counterweight/option) does not protrude beyond the width of the machine during rotation.
Cooling system
Coolant temperature is monitored with the indicator light on the machine’s instrument panel.
3-2 OM EZ38 us 1.1 * ez38e300.fm
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