VXI TVS600A, TVS600 User Manual


TVS600 & TVS600A Series Waveform Analyzers
This document supports firmware version 1.5 and above.
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Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands

This manual provides an abbreviated reference to the commands of TVS600 and TVS600A Series Waveform Analyzers. Use this reference to find the correct syntax for the commands. The commands are grouped by subsystem node and listed in alphabetical order.
In general, the term TVS600A includes the TVS600A and the TVS600 models. Some commands apply only to TVS600A models; these commands appear in bold type.


Commands ending with “?” are queries only. Commands ending with “[?]” have command and query forms. All other commands do not have a query form. Items in brackets [] are optional.
Commands include the argument type for their command form, and their query form when applicable. The types are briefly defined as follows:
<bin–block> — binary data block <boolean> — ON or 1, OFF or 0 <expression> — algebraic expression <hex> — hexadecimal number: #HFF <none> — no command argument <NRf> — flexible number format: NR1, NR2 or NR3 <string> — quoted ASCII character string
TVS600 & TVS600A Series Waveform Analyzers Reference
Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands
Commands can also include the argument-type enumerated; for this type, the alternative argument forms are listed as follows:
Form: Example:
<arg1 | arg2 | argn> <BPASs | HPASs | LPASs |
<arg1–argn> <CHAN1–CHAN4>
Sometimes the forms are combined, for example:
which means:
(one of CHAN 1, CHAN 2 , CHAN 3, or CHAN 4) OR AATS OR (one of CALC1, CALC2, CALC3, or CALC4)
For detailed descriptions of the commands and argument types, refer to your TVS600 & TVS600A Series Command Reference manual.
TVS600 & TVS600A Series Waveform Analyzers Reference


Some commands in the following list apply only to TVS600A models; these commands appear in bold type.
Commands in the [SENSe:]AADVance subsystem control how auto-advance acquisition records are acquired and transferred to a VXIbus controller.
Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands
AADV ance
[:ST ATe][?] :COUNt[?] <NRf> :RECord
This command in the ABORt subsystem operates in combination with the ARM and TRIGger subsystems to stop signal acquisition.
Commands in the ARM subsystem operate in combination with the TRIGger, INIT iate, and ABORt subsystems to trigger acquisitions.
:DEFine? [:LA Yer[1]]
:COUNt[?] :ST ARt[?] <NRf>
:SOURce[?] <BUS | ECLTrg0-1 | IECLTrg0–1 | ITTLTrg0-7
| IMMediate | TTLTrg0-7>
TVS600 & TVS600A Series Waveform Analyzers Reference
Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands
Commands in the [SENSe:]AVERage subsystem control averaging (on incoming waveforms) in the SENSe block, which
occurs prior to processing of the waveforms by the CALCulate block.
[:ST ATe][?] :COUNt[?] <NRf> :TYPE[?] <ENVelope | SCALar | PEAKdetect>
CALCulage <n>
Commands in the CALCulate subsystem process and perform measurements on acquisition records. These calculations are typically performed immediately after the waveform analyzer completes acquisition of the source. You can use CALCulate:IM­Mediate to reprocess and measure an existing acquisition record.
:AAMList[?] <see page 22
:DA TA? <none>
:FEED[1][?] <string | CHAN1–CHAN4 | REF1–REF10> :FEED2[?] <string | CHAN1–CHAN4 | REF1–REF10>
:ST ATe[?] <boolean>
:PREamble? <none>
:ST ATe[?]
:FIL Ter
[:TYPE][?] <BPASs | HPASs | LPASs | NOTCh> :CENTer[?] <NRf>
TVS600 & TVS600A Series Waveform Analyzers Reference
Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands
:HP ASs[?] :LP ASs[?] <NRf> :SP AN[?] <NRf> :SREJection[?] <NRf> :ST ARt[?] <NRf> :ST ATe[?] <boolean> :STOP[?] <NRf> :TWIDth[?] <NRf>
:FORMat[?] <COMPlex | MLINear | MLOGarithmic | NONE
:IMMediate[?] <none> :INTegral
:ST ATe[?]
:PATH[?] <AAMList | DERivative | FILTer | FORMat | INTegral
| SMOothing | TRANsform1 | WMList>
:EXPRession[?] <expression>
| PHASe | POLar>
[:ST ATe][?] :POINts[?] <NRf>
:ST ATe[?] <boolean> :WINDow[?] <BHARris | BLACkman | HAMMing
| HANNing | RECTangular | TRIangular>
:WMList[?] See page 22>
:ST ATe[?]
TVS600 & TVS600A Series Waveform Analyzers Reference
Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands
:GA TE[?] <boolean>
:HIGH[?] :HMEThod[?] <ABSolute | AUTO | MODE | PEAK> :LOW[?] <NRf> :LMEThod[?] <ABSolute | AUTO | MODE | PEAK> :HREFerence
:METHod[?] ABSolute | RELative :ST ARt
[:ABSolute][?] <NRf> :RELative[?] <NRf>
[:ABSolute][?] <NRf> :RELative[?] <NRf>
[:ABSolute][?] :RELative[?] <NRf>
[:ABSolute][?] :RELative[?] <NRf>
[:ABSolute][?] :HYSTeresis[?] <NRf>
:RELative[?] <NRf> :RMEThod[?] <ABSolute | RELative> :SLOPe[?] <NRf>
TVS600 & TVS600A Series Waveform Analyzers Reference
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