MIX Mode
This is the classic pipette mode (forward pipetting) followed by a mixing phase, composed of
repeatedly aspirating and dispensing, as well as an optional forward pipetting step.
• Press the Mode-button to access menu, where you can choose between different pipette modes.
Select “MIX Mode” by turning the Push-button, to confirm your selection click on the Push-button.
• Set the first volume, named “VOLUME 1”: click the Push-button, set the volume by turning the
Push-button and click to confirm your selection. This is the first volume you will aspirate and
Set the second volume, named “VOLUME 2”: click the Push-button, you can now set the second
volume by turning the Push-button. Click again to confirm your settings.
If you set “VOLUME 1” or “VOLUME 2”= 0 μL, the step will not appear. If you set
“VOLUME 1” and “VOLUME 2” = 0 μL the cycle will start directly with the MIX step.
• Set the MIX volume: click the Push-button, set the volume by turning the Push-button. Confirm
your settings with a simple click. This is the volume which will be aspirated and dispensed
repeatedly. “MIX” as long as you press the push-button.
• Set the additional pipetting volume, named “VOLUME 3”: You can choose a volume to be
aspirated and dispensed after the mixing step, so you can continue routine pipetting.
Click the Push-button, set the volume by turning the Push-button. Confirm your settings by a
simple click.
If you set the “VOLUME 3 “= 0 μL the cycle will stop after the MIX step.
You are ready to mix!
1/ Fit a suitable tip
2/ To aspirate “VOLUME 1” press the Push-button
3/ To dispense: Click (press and release) the Push-button: three things happen: sample dispense,
automatic purge and piston reset to zero
Keep your thumb pressing the Push-button until the end of the dispense cycle: the piston reset
takes place after you release the Push-button again. This feature enables you to remove the tip
from the liquid, without aspirating anything.
4/ To aspirate and dispense the second volume “VOLUME 2”, repeat steps 2 and 3.
5/ To mix: press the Push-button; as long as you keep your thumb pressing the button, the pipette
continues mixing. Release the Push-button to complete the current mixing cycle.
6/ To purge: press push-button, “PURGE” appears on the screen, click again to purge and reset
the piston.
7/ To pipette: if you have chosen a “VOLUME 3” > 0, you can now aspirate and dispense this
volume by repeating steps 2 and 3.