sympHony™ Meter User Guide
Setup Menu Table
The following table is for the complete line of sympHony meters. Some sympHony
meters may not include all of the options listed in this table. Refer to Appendix A
for additional information on the special setup menu features.
Top Line Middle Line Bottom Line Setup Menu Description (default setting, method specific)
PH rES 0.1, 0.01, 0.001 pH measurement resolution (0.01, yes)
PH bUF USA, EUr0 pH buffer set for automatic buffer recognition during calibration,
USA buffers are 1.68, 4.01, 7.00, 10.01, 12.46 and EUrO buffers are
1.68, 4.01, 6.86, 9.18 (USA, yes)
ISE rES 1, 2, 3 ISE measurement resolution in significant figures (1, yes)
ISE UnIt m, mgL, PEr, PPb, n0nE ISE measurement units (PPb, yes)
ISE rAng L0w, HIgH ISE concentration range for calibration stability criteria (HIgH, yes)
ISE nLIn AUt0, 0FF ISE automatic blank correction for low-level calibration (AUt0, yes)
C0nd tC 0FF, LIn, nLF Conductivity temperature compensation type, LIn is for linear, nLF is
for non-linear pure water samples (LIn, yes)
C0nd C0EF 0.0 to 10.0 Conductivity temperature compensation coefficient in % change in
conductivity per °C, appears if LIn was selected for tC (2.1, yes)
C0nd tdSF 0.00 to 10.0 Conductivity TDS factor value (0.49, yes)
C0nd CELL 0.001 to 199.0 Conductivity default cell constant value for automatic conductivity
calibration mode (0.475, yes)
C0nd trEF 15, 20, 25 Conductivity reference temperature (25, yes)
C0nd tyPE Std, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Conductivity cell type and selectable range (Std, yes)
d0 rES 0.1, 1 % sat DO % saturation measurement resolution (0.1, yes)
d0 rES 0.01, 0.1 mg/L DO mg/L measurement resolution (0.01, yes)
d0 bAr AUt0, mAn DO barometric pressure compensation type (AUt0, yes)
d0 PrES 450.0 to 850.0 DO manual barometric pressure compensation value, appears if
mAn was selected for bAr (760.0, yes)
d0 SAL AUt0, mAn DO salinity correction type (AUt0, yes)
d0 SALF 0 to 45 DO manual salinity correction value, appears if mAn was selected
for SAL or a DO meter without a conductivity mode is used (0, yes)
d0 CALt AIr, H20, mAn, SEt0 DO calibration type (AIr, yes)
dUE PH 0 to 9999 pH calibration alarm value in hours, 0 is off (0, yes)
dUE 0rP 0 to 9999 ORP calibration alarm value in hours, 0 is off (0, yes)
dUE ISE 0 to 9999 ISE calibration alarm value in hours, 0 is off (0, yes)
dUE C0nd 0 to 9999 Conductivity calibration alarm value in hours, 0 is off (0, yes)
dUE d0 0 to 9999 DO calibration alarm value in hours, 0 is off (0, yes)
Meter Setup