Vutec RR433 Instructions

The RR433 is a 433 MHz Radio Receiver module with plastic enclosure and
extending the effective range of a 433 MHz RF system.


RF antenna. The RR433 can pair with up to five transmitters. Each RF transmitter outputs a unique security code prior to sending an action command. The RR433 must “learn” each unique security code prior to use.
The RR433 listens to commands from a number of sources including: RF keypads, RF transmitters, and the RF Transmitter Module (RFTM 433) which sends commands from devices such as Sun and Wind sensors.
The RR433 is designed for 433 MHz RF control of an RP motor control system. One RR433, connected to an RP bus, can control up to 60 motors. If needed, multiple RR433 units can be installed on the RP bus, thereby

Pairing Instructions

VUTEC Corporation
11711 W.Sample Rd.
Coral Springs, FL 33065 U.S.A.
Tel: (954) 545-900
Ensure the RR433 has power.
If the Program Mode LED is on solid red,
skip to Step 4. Press and release the “Press to Learn
Transmitter” button.
NOTE: The Program Mode LED turns on solid red for approximately 8 seconds.
While the Program Mode LED is on solid
red, press and release the STOP button on an ESI 433 MHz RF transmitter.
NOTE: The Program Mode LED will turn off, to indicate that a valid pairing command was received, or that the 8 second “learni ng” window has expired.
— Valid modular connection s are to an E YE or BUS port on the RP bus. — Test for power: disconnect the m odul ar conn ect i on and reconnect.
The Program Mode LED blinks red on power up (se e the Specifications section below for number of blinks).
— If the RR433 has no paired transmitters, t he Program Mode LED turns on solid red until power is removed, or a t ransmi t ter is paired.
— If the RR433 has one or more paired transmitt ers, t he Program Mode LED will be off at the beginni ng of this S t ep.
— If the LED does not illum i nat e, t he RR433 has alread y “learned” five transmitters, and all 5 mem ory slots are f ull .
— Another button can be pressed on a transmitter, and the “learn” process will still work. However, undesired motor action may happen immediately after t he “learn” proc ess.
— IMPORTANT: the key fob has special pairing instructions. See the document: T1 RFV2 433 Appl i cati o n Notes.
— Subsequent presses of any butt on on a “pai red” t ransmitter (except SHIFT on the T24 transmitter) caus es t he P rogram M ode LED to blink.
— If no valid pairing command was received wit hi n 8 se conds, the Program Mode LED will turn off , blink on, and then turn off.
Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for additional
transmitters. On the paired transmitter, press a button
to test that the transmitter is working correctly.
October 2012, rev 1 © 2013 VUTEC Corporation Page 1 of 5
— Up to five total transmitters may be paired with the RR433.
— The Program Mode LED blinks on, then turns off, indicating the transmitted signal was recei ved and se nt.
Horizontal Orientation
Modular Connection
Program Mode LED
Press to Learn Transmitter

Reset to Fact ory Default

NOTE: The following sequence will clear all paired transmitter security codes from the RR433 memory.
1. While the Program Mode LED is off, press and hold the “Press to Learn Transmitter” button until the Program Mode LED blinks on, then off, then stays on (takes approximately 6 seconds).
2. Release the “Press to Learn Transmitter” button.
3. The Program Mode LED will stay on indefinitely until the first transmitter is paired.

Antenna Orientation

Mount the RR433 with the antenna pointing horizontally, parall el t o the floor or ground, to maximize reception.
Install in open area, outside of a metal enclosure, and at least 5 f eet (1.5 meters) above the floor or ground.
Ideally, the antenna should be at least 9 inches (23 cm) from any metal surface.
• Effective range is 50 feet (15 meters) unobstructed.
See the Optimum RF Reception Guide for additional information about ant enna
placement and the range of RF transmitters.


(at power up)
No paired transmitters. All five memory slots are cleared. Program Mode LED stays on solid until the first transmitter is paired.
version 2 = 2 red blinks version 5 = 5 red blinks version 5.1 = 5 short and 1 long, red blinks
433.92 MHz Supplied by +5VDC from modular connection to EYE or BUS port on RP bus motor
control or ESI accessory. Current Draw = 25mA
Length: 3.86 in. x Width: 3.83 in. x Height: 0.89 in. (98.1 mm x 97.4 mm x 22.8 mm) Can pair with a maximum of five (5) transmitters. © 2013 VUTEC Corporation Page 2 of 5
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