7. Product r eturned without va lid proof o f purchas e (see 2 below); or
8. Charges fo r installation or se t up, adjust ment of cus tomer con trols, an d install ation or repair of syste ms outsid e the unit.
How do you ge t warrant y service?
• To obtain warranty ser vice in the United States of America, call 1(800)59 5-9511 for instruction s regarding where to return the Produc t. Before calling for servi ce, please check the user’s manua l.
A check of t he Produc t controls and featu res may save you a s ervic e call.
• Except as provid ed by applic able law, you assume the risk of l oss or damag e during tra nsit and tran sportation and ar e respons ible for deli very or handling char ges incurred in the tra nspor t of
Product (s) to the ser vice locatio n. VTech will retur n repaire d or replaced pr oduct under th is limite d warranty to you , transp ortation, del ivery or handling charg es prepa id. VTech a ssumes n o
risk for da mage or los s of the Product in tra nsit.
• If the Produc t failure i s not covered by thi s limited warrant y, or proof o f purcha se does not meet th e terms of this lim ited warranty, Vtec h will not ify you and will r equest t hat you authorize t he
cost of rep air and return shipp ing cost s for the rep air of Produ cts that ar e not covere d by this limi ted warranty.
What mus t you retur n with the Pr oduct to get warra nty service?
1. Return the e ntire original pac kage and contents in cluding the Produ ct to the Vtech serv ice location alo ng with a descripti on of the malfuncti on or difcult y;
2. Includ e “valid pr oof or purchase” (sal es receipt) identi fying th e Product purchas ed (Product model ) and the date o f purchase or recei pt; and
3. Provide yo ur name, com plete and correct m ailing ad dress, an d telepho ne number.
Other Li mitations
• This warranty is the complete and exclusive agreeme nt between you and Vtech. It supersedes all other written or oral communi cations relate d to this Product. Vtech provides no other warranti es
for this pr oduct. T he warranty exclusi vely describes al l of Vtech’s responsib ilities regardi ng the prod uct.
There are no o ther expre ss warranties. No on e is author ized to make mo dications to thi s limited warranty a nd you shou ld not rely o n any such mo dication.
State L aw Rights : This warra nty gives you speci c legal rights, a nd you may also h ave other rights, whi ch vary fr om state to st ate.
Limitat ions: Implied warrant ies, inclu ding those of tness for a par ticular pur pose and merchanta bility (an wri tten warran ty that the product is t for ordi nary use) are limited to one year from dat e
of purcha se, Some st ates do not al low limit ations on h ow long an im plied warr anty lasts, so the a bove limit ation may not apply to you .
• In no event shall Vtech be l iable for any in direct, specia l, incide ntal, con sequent ial, or simil ar damages (includi ng, but not limited to lost pr ots or revenue, inabili ty to use the product , or other
associ ated equipmen t, the cost of s ubstitute equ ipment, and claims by t hird partie s) resul ting f rom t he use of this p roduct , some state s do not a llow exc lusion or l imitation of incidental or
conseq uential d amages, s o the above li mitatio n or exclusi on may not app ly to you.
FCC, ACTA and IC regulations
This device com plies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operatio n is subject to the following two con ditions: (1) this device may not cause inter ference, and (2) this device mus t accept any interfer ence
receive d, inclu ding inter ference that may cau se undesired oper ation. It al so complies with re gulations RSS213 and CS -03 of Ind ustry and Scien ce Canada .
A label is located on the undersid e of th e base u nit containin g either the FCC regis tration number and Rin ger Equivalence Number (REN) or the IC registr ation number a nd Load Number. You
must, upo n request, provid e this infor mation to your local t elephon e company.
This equi pment is compatib le with ind uctively coupl ed hearin g aids.
Should yo u experien ce trouble with th is teleph one equip ment, please cont act:
VTech Com municat ions Inc.
CUSTOMER SERVI CE at 1(800)595 -9511. In Canada, call V tech Telecommunica tions Cana da Ltd. at 1(800)267-7377.
For repair/ warranty informa tion. The te lephone company m ay ask you to dis connect this equ ipment from the lin e network u ntil the problem ha s been cor rected.

FCC, ACTA and IC regulations
FCC Part 15
Warning: Cha nges or modicat ions to thi s unit not exp ressly ap proved by the party r esponsible for co mpliance could vo id the user’s author ity to ope rate the equ ipment.
The equi pment has been tes ted and found to co mply with the li mits for a Class B digital device, p ursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. Th ese limi ts are des igned to provide reasona ble prote ction
against har mful interferenc e in a residentia l install ation. This eq uipment generates, us es and can radiate radio frequ ency energy and, if not insta lled and used in accorda nce with the in struct ions,
may cause ha rmful inte rferen ce to radio communi cations .
However, there is no guarantee that inter ference will not occu r in a particular instal lation. If this equipm ent does cause harmf ul interfere nce to radio or television rec eption, whic h can be determined
by turning t he equipment off a nd on, the us er is encou raged to try and cor rect the i nterfer ence by one o r more of the f ollowing m easures:
• Reorient or relo cate the receivi ng antenna .
• Increase the se paration between t he equipment and re ceiver.
• Connect the eq uipment into an outl et or on a circ uit different fro m that to whic h the receiver is con nected.
• Consult the dea ler or an experience d radio/TV tec hnician for help.
To ensure safe ty of users, th e FCC has establ ished criteria for the amount o f radio f requenc y energy that c an be saf ely abso rbed by a user o r bystand er according t o the int ended u sage of t he
produc t. This product has been tested and found to comply with the criteri a. Use of other accessories may not ensure compli ance with FCC RF exposure guideli nes. It may be safely held against the
ear of the us er. The base uni t shall be in stalled & used suc h that part s of the user’s body oth er than the hands sho uld be main tained at a c omfort able distance of a pproxima tely 20c m or more.
FCC Part 68 a nd ACTA
If this equ ipment wa s approved f or connec tion to the telepho ne network prior to J uly 23, 2001, it c omplies w ith Part 6 8 of the Feder al Communicatio ns Commission (FCC) r ules. If th e equipme nt
was approve d after that date, it co mplies wit h the Part 68 rul es and with Technic al Require ments for Conn ection of Equipment to the Teleph one Network adopted by the Ad ministr ative Counc il for
Terminal Atta chments (ACTA). We are required to p rovide you w ith the following i nformati on.
1. Produc t identi er and REN inform ation
The lab el on the bac k or bottom o f this equipment con tains, among other t hings, an iden tier indicat ing pro duct approval and the Ringe r Equivalence Number (REN). This infor mation must be
provide d to y our lo cal te lephone company upo n request. F or equi pment approve d prio r to J uly 23 , 2001, t he product identier is preceded by the phrase “FCC Reg No.” and the REN is listed
separate ly. For equipme nt approved after that d ate, the prod uct iden tier is pre ceded by “US” and a col on (:), and the REN is enco ded in the pr oduct id entier w ithout a de cimal poi nt as the six th
and seven th characters following the colon. For example, the product iden tier US: AAAEQ 3T123XYZ wo uld ind icate an REN of 0.3. Th e REN is used to determi ne how many dev ices yo u may
connec t to your telephon e line and still have them rin g when you are called . In most, but not all areas, th e sum of all RENs should be ve (5.0) or less. You may want to contact you r local telep hone
company f or more info rmation.
2. Connec tion and use with th e nationwide tel ephone networ k
The plug and jack use d to connect th is equipme nt to the premises wir ing and the telephone netwo rk must comp ly with the appli cable Part 68 rules and techn ical requi rements ado pted by ACTA. A
compli ant telepho ne cord and modular plug is pro vided wit h this produc t. It is designed to be connec ted to a compati ble modular jack that is als o complian t. An RJ11 jack should norm ally be used
for conne cting to a single lin e and an RJ14 jack for t wo lines. See Instal lation Instruct ions in the u ser’s manual. This eq uipment m ay not be used with Coin Telep hone Lines or with Par ty Lines. If
you have spec ially wire d alarm dia ling equipment con nected to your teleph one line, ens ure the connectio n of this equi pment does not disab le your alarm equipme nt. If you have que stions ab out
what will di sable alarm equip ment, consult your t elephon e company or a qualie d installer.
3. Repair i nstruc tions
If this equ ipment is ma lfunctioning, i t must be unp lugged fr om the modu lar jack until the pro blem has be en correc ted. Repairs to this tel ephone equipmen t can only be m ade by the man ufacture r
or its auth orized age nts. For rep air proce dures, follow the in struct ions outl ined under the Limi ted Warrant y.
4. Rights of t he telephone co mpany
If this eq uipment i s causing harm to th e telepho ne networ k, the telephone c ompany may tempora rily dis continu e your tele phone ser vice. The telep hone com pany is req uired to no tify you b efore
interrup ting service. I f advanc e notice i s not practical, you will be notied as soon a s possible. You will be given th e oppor tunity to corre ct the pr oblem an d the telephone c ompany is require d to
inform you o f your right to le a com pliant with the FCC. Your tel ephone company may m ake changes in its fac ilities, equipm ent, oper ation, or procedu res that co uld affe ct the pro per functioning
of this pro duct. Th e telephone compa ny is required to notif y you if such change s are planne d.
5. Hearin g aid comp atibili ty