English translation of original operating
It is imperative to read the operating instructions
This document as well as all documents included in
the appendix is not subject to any update service!
Subject to technical changes.
-- ZJ, ZJP Series
Roots Vacuum Pump
1 Important basic information...................................1
1.1 Statement ......................................................1
1.2 Warranty …………….......................................1
2 Survey .....................................................................2
2.1 Introduction.....................................................2
2.2 Features………………… ................................2
2.3 Usage and model explanation.........................2
3 Performance specification.......................................3
3.1 ZJ pu mp te chni c al data.. ..... . .... . ..... ..... ..... 3
3.2 ZJP pump performance curve ….....................3
3. 3 Pu m p p e r f o rm an c e c ur v e . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . 4
4 Operating principle …............................................4
5 Ins tal lation . ........... ............................... ........5
6 Operation...........................................................6
6.1 Prep a rations befor e starti ng.......................6
6. 2 Sta r ti n g.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... . .. . .. . .. . ... . .. . .. . .. . .. 6
6.3 Stopp ing……… ......... ..... . .... . ..... ......... . .... . 6
7 Maintenan ce & access ori es .........................6
7.1 Safety information ….....................................6
7.2 Oil change/gear…….....................................6
7.3 Oil change/shaft seal……………….…………..…7
7.4 Cleaning fan………..…………………………...….7
7.5 Cleaning pump chamber………………………….7
7.6 Disassembling & assembling procedure……......7
7.7 replace of mechanical seal..................................8
7.8 Accessories…………………………………………8
7.9 Troubleshooting …………………………………...9
8 Pump structure ................................................11
8.1 ZJ series pump structure………………………...11
8.2 ZJP series pump structure……………………....11
9. Installation drawing …………………………………12
9.1 ZJ series installation size……………………..…12
9.2 ZJP series installation size…………………..…..13
1Important basic information
These operating instructions form part of the
technical documentation of the system, and are
addressed to the person in charge of the plant,
who is obliged to provide them to the staff
responsible for the system set-up, connection,
operation and maintenance.
He must ensure that all information included in the
operating instructions and the enclosed
documents have been read and understood.
These operating instructions are the exclusive
Add: Rm.502 No.1295 Building 1, JINQIAO
Any company or personal can not duplicate,
transfer it to third party, or make illegal business
use. Any operation on the pump should be in
accordance with the instruction.
The manufacture does not accept liability for
damage to persons, animals, objects or
incomplete observance of the safety precautions
included in these operating instructions or by
modifications to the system or use of improper
Warning: Do not move and modify any safety and
insulating device, which may cause great danger.
Warning: The pump can only pump gas. However,
It can not pump any gas that is poisonous,
inflammable, explosive and corrosive, either gas
that reacts with vacuum gas. The pump cannot
used to transit gas. It could be used to pump gas
with few particles, however, it can not pump
Chemicals, condensates, powders and other
granules which will damage equipment, reduce
performance and shorten service life.
Warning: Do not put the pump in rain, steam and
humid air which may cause an electric shock, a
short circuit and the damage of the whole system.
Warning: Whenever changing the wire, please
Warning: Use suitable fuses to prevent short
Warning: Do not put hands or other stuff into the
pump when it operates. The behavior will cause
bodily injury and damage of pump parts.
Attention: (please ignore if the pump use air
cooling. This is for water cooling type only) The
pipe of the cooling water cannot be obstruct,
otherwise the temperature of pump will be too
Attention: The pump needs regular maintenance;
otherwise there will be damage, or even reduction
of its life. Cut down circuit before check and repair,
and only operate when power is off.
Attention: The temperature of operation
environment should be 5C-40C to prevent the
pump from damaging and shortening the life of
Attention: The pump should be put at safe places
with proper ventilation, solid and flat base , and
clean floor, without corrosive gas. Otherwise, the
pump will be damaged and the life of use will be
Attention: please ignore if the pump use air
cooling. This is for water cooling type only) In cold
area, the coolant jacket must be drained after car
stopped. Otherwise the coolant may freeze and
thus damage the pump shell.
ZJ/ZJP Series Roots Pump Operating Instruction
Roots pump have ZJ series and ZJP series. As
the input pressure is between 6.5-65 Pa, the
pumping speed is no less than 70L/s, 150L/s,
300L/s, 600L/s,1200L/s,1800L/s and 2500L/s. It is
a kind of roo t s va c u um pu m p in whic h a
co up le of lobed rotor s tur n lik e 8-s h a p e in
hi gh spee d syn c h ro n ou sl y.Tw o ro t o r s
ro ta t e a n d p r o du c e a s p ir a ti on and exhau s t
wh ic h pri n c i pl e is ju s t li ke a roots bl ow e r.
As it w o r ks in a l o w er pre s s u re , th e fre e
fl ow di st an ce of ga s mole c u l e is lon g e r
an d th e re s i st a nc e of ga s passi n g a sma l l
ga p is m u c h large r. Thus , a bi gg er
co mp re ss i o n ra ti o can be gaine d so tha t it
ca n also b e use d as a b l o we r pu m p . B u t it
ca n no t di s c ha r ge t h e g a s t o at m o sp h er e
di re c tl y and re q u ir e s to be u s e d with a
fo re vac u u m pum p in s e r ie s co n n e ct io n .
Th en th e su c k e d g a s i s disc h a rg e d t o
at mo sp h er e thr o u g h the fo r e vac u u m
(1 )T he r e are d e f in it e ga ps be t w ee n ro to r
an d pum p ' s cav i t y, r o t or an d rot o r wh ic h
ar e not in cont a c t . As a resul t :
a. No f r ic t io n , lo w er po w er co n s um pt io n
th at i s c o m p a re d w i t h an oi l sea l e d
me ch an i ca l v a c uu m p u m p o f t h e s a m e
b. No Oi l- s ea li ng and lubri c a t io n so as to
av oi d bein g pol l u t ed to the vacuu m pump
c. It is O K for pum p i ng the g a s with a li t t le
(2 ) As the ro t o r has a go od geome t r ic
sy m me tr y, i t s rotat i o na l spee d is high e r
th an a co m mo n o i l -s e al i ng me c h an ic al
va cu u m p u m p and at th e same pu mp in g
sp ee d i t has fea t u r es o f sma l l e r vo l u me
an d li gh te r we i g h t.
(3 ) When the p u m p is i n op e r a ti on , t h e re is
le ss v i b ra ti o n an d its vol u m e op e ra t in g
ra ti o is a b o ut kv ≈ 0. 5 .
(4 ) The r e is no com p r e ss io n in the pu m p
th an tha t prod u c ed in a m e c ha ni c al
va cu u m p u m p. So no di s c h ar ge valv e is
re qu i re d bu t ag g lu t in at i ve s t ea m ca n b e
(5 ) Th e pump ca n be star t e d qui c k l y an d a
li mi t va c u um c a n be r e ac h e d in a sh o r t
(6 ) Whe n the pump is in a co m p re ss io n
sc o pe of 1.3× 103-1 .3 p a
(1 0- 1 0-2to rr ), i t wi l l hav e a sta b l e pump i n g
sp ee d and qui c k ly disc h a r ge gas so as to
re me dy th e def e c t s o f di ff u si o n p u m p and
oi l- s ea le d me c h an i ca l p u m p wh i c h ar e in a
compre s s io n of 1. 3 ×1 03-1 .3 Pa and a l i t tl e
pu mp i ng s p ee d . So it is su it a bl e fo r a
Except the above features, ZJP series Roots
Pump has own a relief valve which function is to
control roots pump's differential pressure
between air-inlet and air-outlet. When the
differential pressure is over standard one the
relief valve opens automatically. Because the
pump's inlet-outlet is interlinked, some of gas
returns to the inlet. At this time, the pump
operates in a constant differential pressure.
When the differential pressure is lower than that
of a relief valve, the valve close automatically
2. 3 Us ag e and m o d e l ex pl an at io n :
Us ag e : v a c uu m de g a ss i ng , v a c uu m
sm e lt in g , vacu u m he a t trea t i ng et c , in
me ta l lu rg ic a l in d u st r y a n d ca n a l s o b e
us ed in chemical industry., foodstuff, medicine.
electrical manufacture etc. Especially when a
water-ring vacuum pump is used for its fore pump,
ZJ/ZJP Series Roots Pump Operating Instruction
it can extract the gas with large steam. So it is
much suitable for productive procedures of
distillation, evaporation, freezing and drying etc.
ZJ--roots vacuum pump; ZJP with relief valve
1200--pumping speed1200 L/S
3. Performance specification
3.1 ZJ model Technical data
1stage piston pump as
backing pump
2 stage piston pump as
backing pump
Max. allowable diff. pressure(Pa)
Ambient temperature for air cool
≤30℃ (please use water cool when ambient temperature over 30℃)
Cooling water consumption(L/h)
Weight(without motor)(kg)
3.2 ZJP model Technical data
1stage piston pump as
backing pump
2 stage piston pump as
backing pump
Diff. pressure at overflow valve (Pa)
Ambient temperature for air cooling
≤30℃(please use water cool when ambient temperature over 30℃)
Cooling water consumption(L/h)
Weight(without motor)(kg)
ZJ/ZJP Series Roots Pump Operating Instruction