VR3 RS525 User Manual

Frequently Asked Questions
• Nail Set/Center Punch
• Marker/Pen
• Safety Glasses
• Electrical Tape
• Phillips Screwdriver
• Hammer
• Wire Cutter
The small hole of the spring nut is on this side of panel
Spring Nut
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For Information and Technical Assistance,
Call Toll-Free in U.S.A. and Canada.
One Pair 51/4”
Three-Way Speakers
Dear Customer, CONGRATULATIONS. The RS525 51/4” 3-way speakers, when u sed as described, w ill give you years of de­pendable service in your car, truck, RV or mini-van. We have taken numerous measures in quality control to e nsure that your produc t arrives in top conditio n, and will perfor m to your satisfaction. I n the rare event that your RS 525 51/4” 3-way speakers conta in a damaged or missi ng item, does not per form as speci ed, requires warranty service, or you have an installation problem, DO NOT RETURN THIS PRODUCT TO THE STORE.
PLEASE CALL OUR TOLL FREE NUMBER FR OM THE U.S.A. AND CAN ADA 1-800­445-1797 and ask to speak wit h a member of our technical servi ce team, or submit your
questions by E-Mail to cu stomerserv ice@vr-3.com.com and a mem ber of our technical service team will r espond by e-mail to your q uestions. Our in- house technical se rvice team will expedite delivery of your part, advise you on installation, or help troubleshoot a problem with you. If your prod uct needs warrant y service, our technical servic e team representative will h elp you obtain the fastest remedy possi ble under the warranty.
Before You Install
We understand that au tomotive audio equipmen t installations ca n be challenging at times, even to the most exper ienced of install ation technicians. If yo u are not confi - dent working with ele ctrical wiring, re moving and reinsta lling interior panel s, carpet­ing, d ashboa rds or o ther co mponen ts of you r vehicl e, plea se call o ur TOLL-FR EE help line 1-800-445-1797 and our in-house technical service team will answer your instal­lation questions.
Before installing the se speakers, chec k the vehicle’s manual for locati ons of imp
ortant vehicle c omponents such as a ir bags, CO2 systems, fuel systems, & electrical system s installed in the vehicle. Accide ntal deployment of air bags may result in serious i njury.
Parts & Specifi cations
• Polypropylene Sprayed C ones
• 6 oz. Magnet per Speaker ±10%
• Foam Surrounds
• 100 Watts Maximum Peak Power Per Pair
• 20 Watts RMS per Pair
• 115 - 20,000 Hz Frequency Response
• Mylar Midrange spe akers
• Button Tweeters
• Quick Release Terminals
Tools Needed To Install
2.0 in or 5.1 cm.
Speaker Depth
If you are installing the R S525 speakers to upgrade/replace yo ur existing speakers, re­move the existing speakers f rom your vehicle, disconnect the spe aker wires and mark the polarity. Place the RS 525 speakers in the location you se lected in your vehicle and connect the existin g speaker wires. Make sure to keep the pola rity of the speakers and wires correct ( positive wire to positive spe aker terminal and ne gative or ground wire to negative ter minal)
Before you ins tall your sp eakers you m ust make sure you hav
e enough depth/space beh ind the mounting surf ace. You do not want the back of the speaker magnet to touch any pa rt of your vehicle, or interfere with the operation or function of any component in your vehic le. (ie. windows or trunk lid)
You should only mount your speaker s in factory precu t holes. We DO NOT recommend that you cu t holes for mounting the speakers. If there are no factor y precut holes con sider having the spea kers pro­fessionally installed.
1. Connect the speaker wires to the speaker. Maintain polar ity by connecting the pos itive wire to the positive speaker termi nal, and the negative wire to negative sp eaker terminal.
2. Slip the supplied sprin g nuts into place and align the hol es.
3. Screw the speaker into place with screws (provid ed).
4. Firmly attach the sp eaker grill cover.
What if ther e is no sound?
1. Your stereo may have a blown fuse. Replace fuse with th e same amperage a nd style. 2
. You may have improper wiring. Refer to the wir ing guide that came with your stereo/
amplifi er. Check all wires for a secure conn ection.
What if the so und volume is low?
Your stereo may not have enough power, you may have to install an am plifi er t
drive the speakers
Why do I have a whining noise coming from the speakers?
You may have poor fi lt
ering of your alternator. If that is the ca se then you
may need to add an alterna tor fi lter to the power lead.
Why do I have odd sou nding noises coming fro m the speakers?
You may have corroded battery ter minals and/or a weak bat tery. If the terminals on the b
attery are cor roded clean them, then check the so und. If the sound system is still
making noises che ck battery strength. If it is low, recharge or r eplace the battery.
Why does the sp eaker have sound coming from o ne channel only?
First make sure the bala nce control is set correctly. If the balance is se t correctly you
r stereo may be defective or th e speaker may be defective. To troubleshoot this problem you MUST cha nge both positive and negative leads of each c hannel with the positive and negati ve leads of the opposite cha nnel, if the same spea ker has no sound then the speake r is no good, if the opposi te speaker has no sound th en your stereo may be defective.
Maintain proper p olarity by attaching the Positive Wire(+) to Positive Terminal(+) and the Negative Wire(-) to Ne gative Terminal(-)
Limited Warranty
VIRTUAL REALITY SOUND LABS® products are designed and manufactured to provide a high level of trouble-free performance. VIRTUAL REALITY SOUND LABS® warrants, to the original purchaser, that its products are free from defects in material and workmanship for 30 days from the date of original purchase. As part of our commitment to product excellence, VIRTUAL REALITY SOUND LABS®and/or its affi liates routinely improve the designs, materials or production methods of its existing products. Because it is impractical to publicize all changes in every product, we reserve the right to make such changes without notice. CONDITIONS OF WARRANTY: If during the 30 day warranty period your new product is found to be defective, VIRTUAL REALITY SOUND LABS® will repair such defect, or replace the product, without charge for parts or labor subject to the following conditions:
1. All repairs must be performed by VIRTUAL REALITY SOUND LABS
and/or its affi liates in Eatontown, New Jersey.
2. The equipment must not have been altered or been damaged through negligence, accident, or improper operation.
3. The replacement of parts are exempted from this warranty when replacement is necessary due to normal wear and tear.
4. All warranty claims must be accompanied by a copy of the sales receipt or bill of sale.
Repair or replacement parts supplied by VIRTUAL REALITY SOUND LABS® under this warranty are protected only for the unexpired por-
tion of the original warranty.
6. In the case of car stereos, this warranty does not extend to the elimination of car static or motor noise; correction of antenna problems; costs incurred for the removal or reinstallation of the product; damage to tapes, speakers, accessories or car electrical systems.
7. VIRTUAL REALITY SOUND LABS® will not be responsible for any charge incurred for installation. OWNER’S RESPONSIBILITIES: VIRTUAL REALITY SOUND LABS will make every effort to provide warranty service within a reasonable period of time. SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT SERVICE RECEIVED, OR IF YOU WOULD LIKE ASSISTANCE IN OBTAINING SER­VICE, PLEASE CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-445-1797, 8:30am - 4:30pm EST. In order to provide you with the proper warranty service, we request that you adhere to the following procedure:
1. Include a copy of your sales receipt or bill of sale with your unit when it is returned for warranty service.
2. If it is necessary to return your product for service, please return it securely packed, preferably in the original shipping carton, and freight and insurance prepaid to the following address: VIRTUAL REALITY SOUND LABS, Service Department, 41 James Way, Eatontown, New Jersey 07724.
3. Please include a detailed explanation of the problem you are having.
4. If your product is found by VIRTUAL REALITY SOUND LABS
to have a defect in material or workmanship, within the warranty period, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge and returned to you prepaid. Where permitted by Iaw VIRTUAL REALITY SOUND LABS® liability shall be limited to that set forth in this warranty. This warranty shall be the exclusive remedy of the purchaser.
makes no other warranty of any kind, expressed or implied; and all implied warranties, are
hereby disclaimed by VIRTUAL REALITY SOUND LABS
and excluded from this warranty, VIRTUAL REALITY SOUND LABS® and/ or its affi liates, the manufacturer, distributor and seller shall not be liable for any injury, loss or damage, incidental or consequential, arising out of the use or intended use of the product.
©2008 Intell ectual Solutio ns Inc., All rights r eserved. All de signs, logos a nd images are the exc lusive proper ty of Intellectu al Solutions
Inc. and/or its a ffi liates. U.S. and Foreign Patents Pending. 072908 Printed in China 00000
2 Speakers
2 Grills
8 Screws
8 Spring Nuts
Speaker wires with fem ale disconnect s on one end are recomm ended. When conne ct­ing the speaker wires to you r speakers in a new installation, you sh ould follow the wiring instructions from your audio system’s manu­facturer. Attach the quick dis connect conne ctors to the speaker terminal s as shown. Maintain proper polarit y by attaching the Posit ive Wire(+) to Positive Terminal(+) and the Nega- tiv
e Wire(-) to Negative Terminal(-). For most systems the posi tive wire attaches to the positive speaker ter minal and the neg­ative wire attaches to the n egative terminal.