7Trail Tech Voyager
Frequently Asked Questions
and over-temp warning LEDs.
C. The ignition sensor tells Voyager when the
engine is running. This enables logging of tracks
only when engine is running and tachometer
display features.
D. The wheel sensor can also control when
to log, and provides a more accurate odometer
than GPS.
7. Do I really need a wheel sensor? My other
GPS unit gets along just ne without one. All
speed/distance data can be gathered from either
GPS or the wheel sensor. Voyager kits provide a
wheel sensor for several reasons:
A. When using a wheel sensor, Voyager knows
to stop logging when the vehicle stops moving.
When you start rolling again, the wheel sensor
tells Voyager which starts logging again (without
a GPS induced lag.)
B. The wheel sensor will track distance
regardless of GPS conditions. This is important
under several circumstances:
a. GPS cannot tell the difference between
a motorcycle moving under its own power or in
the back of a truck.
b. The GPS signal can be lost, especially
around metal structures or in tunnels. With no
signal, speed and distance accuracy is lost.
c. GPS cannot see small changes in
elevation (i.e. whoops and ruts.) Over time this
will create signicant odometer error.
d. GPS is accurate while travelling in
straight lines at constant velocity. However, tight,
fast corners will cause the GPS to skip over part
of your path. Over time this will contribute to
odometer error.
C. Trail Tech believes an accurate odometer
and hour meter are critical features. To maintain
this accuracy, kits are provided with a wheel
sensor included.
8. Can Voyager use GPX les? GPX (GPS
exchange format) is Voyager’s native format.
Import/export between the MicroSD and dozens
of software programs and web services.