Voxson GPS350 User Manual

GPS User Manual
Navigation Software Copyright
1. Limited Product Warranty Destinator Technologies, warrants to the Client that the Products shall substantially conform to Destinator Technologies' specification for a period of one (1) year from the date of the original purchase by the end user (the "Warranty Period"). As Destinator Technologies' sole obligation and Client's exclusive remedy for any breach of warranty, Destinator Technologies agrees, at its sole option, to (i) use reasonable efforts to repair the Product with new or refurbished replacement parts; (ii) replace the Product with a new or refurbished unit; or (iii) refund the purchase price, provided Client returns the defective Products to Destinator Technologies with proof of purchase and Destinator Technologies' authorization.
Destinator Technologies' warranty hereunder does not apply in case of any damage caused by accident, abuse, misuse, misapplication or alteration of any kind performed by anyone other than Destinator Technologies. The Products are not designed or licensed for use in mission-critical applications, or in hazardous environments, requiring fail-safe controls, including without limitation operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, or life support or weapons systems. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Destinator Technologies specifically disclaims any express or implied warranty or condition of fitness for such purposes. Destinator Technologies' warranty does not, in any event, apply to physical damage to the surface of the Product or replacement. Destinator Technologies shall have no obligation with respect to any data stored in the Product.
Except as expressly stated in this section, Destinator Technologies makes no warranties or includes any conditions with respect to the products, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and no infringement.
2. Liability Limitation. In no event shall Destinator Technologies, be liable to Client, (and Client hereby waives any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with) for the transactions contemplated by this agreement, whether or not such damages were foreseen or their likelihood disclosed. Destinator Technologies shall not be liable to Client or any third party claiming through Client, for any damages of any kind in excess of the amounts paid by Client under the terms of this agreement with respect to the products giving rise to such damages. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of or limitation on implied conditions, warranties or damages, thus some of the foregoing may not apply to Client.
3. Intellectual Property Rights. Hardware and Software are proprietary to Destinator Technologies or its suppliers and are subject to copyright and other intellectual property laws. Client's only rights with respect to any Destinator Technologies software included with the Products shall be provided, under the terms of Destinator Technologies' software licence. The title to all Destinator Technologies Software remains with Destinator Technologies. Client agrees that Destinator Technologies retains ownership of all rights, title and interest in all intellectual property, works of authorship, trade secrets and the like in all aspects of the Product(s). Client and its affiliates and subcontractors agree not to reverse engineer any aspect of the Software and/or Products supplied under this agreement and further agree to pay assessed damages should such action take place.
4. Copyright and Copies. The Software (including any copy thereof) is owned by Destinator Technologies or its suppliers and is protected by United States, Canadian, European, Brazilian and Australian copyright and patent laws and international treaty provisions. The Software copy is licensed to you the client, not sold to you, and you (the client) are not an owner of any copy thereof. You may make one copy of the software for backup or archival purposes. You may not otherwise copy the software, except as authorised by applicable law, nor the written materials accompanying the Software. Destinator Technologies hereby reserves all rights not explicitly granted in this license agreement.
Copyright © 2007, Destinator Technologies
The information in this user manual is for general guidance. Images in the manual may resemble but not exactly match the actual product and navigation software. Some features described in the manual may not be available or the features described may be limited, depending on the navigation software and map region used. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this manual at time of printing however due to upgrades and enhancements the actual product appearance, screen images, and device operation are subject to change without notice.
Voxson and/or Destinator Technologies cannot take responsibility for the result caused by differences between the user manual and actual product.
GPS User Manual ii
1. Device Controls 4
2. Getting Started 5
Installing the GPS in your car..............................................................................................................................5
Charging the GPS...............................................................................................................................................7
Turning the GPS on and off ................................................................................................................................7
First Time Configuration Wizard..........................................................................................................................7
Demo ..................................................................................................................................................................8
Main Map ............................................................................................................................................................8
Map Views ..........................................................................................................................................................9
Route Overview ................................................................................................................................................10
Cancel Route ....................................................................................................................................................10
3. Select Location and Generate Route 11
Go to an Address ..............................................................................................................................................11
Points of Interest (POI) .....................................................................................................................................14
QuickNav ..........................................................................................................................................................16
Recent Locations ..............................................................................................................................................16
Favourite Locations...........................................................................................................................................17
4. Additional Destinator Features 20
Driving Directions..............................................................................................................................................20
Multiple Stops ...................................................................................................................................................21
Avoid Roads......................................................................................................................................................22
Detour ...............................................................................................................................................................24
Map Browsing ...................................................................................................................................................24
Pedestrian Mode...............................................................................................................................................26
Map Selection ...................................................................................................................................................26
5. Destinator Configurations 28
Settings Menus .................................................................................................................................................28
Prompts ............................................................................................................................................................28
Language settings.............................................................................................................................................29
Look & Feel Settings.........................................................................................................................................29
GPS Settings ....................................................................................................................................................29
Units of Measure...............................................................................................................................................30
Time Settings ....................................................................................................................................................30
Map Settings .....................................................................................................................................................31
Start Demo........................................................................................................................................................32
Route Recordings .............................................................................................................................................32
About ................................................................................................................................................................32
Help ..................................................................................................................................................................32
Troubleshooting 33
Resetting the device .........................................................................................................................................33
My GPS wont turn on........................................................................................................................................33
My position on the map isn’t being updated......................................................................................................33
My GPS doesn’t seem to hold charge...............................................................................................................33
My GPS keeps saying “Signal too low” .............................................................................................................33
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 35
How does GPS work?.......................................................................................................................................35
Why are the maps not up to date?....................................................................................................................35
How do I update my maps or load overseas maps? .........................................................................................35
Do the maps have truck routes for high or heavy vehicles?..............................................................................35
Can I connect my GPS to my PC?....................................................................................................................35
If I’m having trouble using my fingers on the touch screen, what else can I use?.............................................36
What is the difference between “Quick” and “Short” route options?..................................................................36
Where is the best place to mount my GPS in the car?......................................................................................36
Where can I get accessories from?...................................................................................................................36
Index 37
GPS User Manual 3
1. Device Controls
Item Description
1 Stylus Remove to use on touch screen.
2 Speaker Internal speaker to play voice guidance from navigation
software. Volume may be adjusted using volume key (6).
3 Reset Button Used to restart the device in the case that it becomes
non-responsive or unstable. Press with the tip of the stylus.
4 External GPS Antenna
Optional external GPS antenna available for applications where the internal antenna is obstructed from receiving GPS signal.
5 Power Button Slide upward to turn unit on or off.
6 Volume Key Slide the key left or right to adjust the volume. You must
release the key back to centre between each volume increment. You cannot hold the key to one side to increase or decrease the volume continuously.
7 Touch screen Used as the display as well as input device. Tap on the
screen area to activate corresponding buttons as displayed.
8 Battery Charging LED Indicates the status of the battery:
Red: Charging Green: Charged
9 USB / Charger Connector Plug in the supplied charger to charge the device. Device
should be connected to cigarette lighter charger whenever in use in the vehicle.
10 SD / MMC Card Slot SD card contains the navigation software and maps. The
card must remain in the unit at all times.
11 Earphone Jack 3.5mm stereo jack used to connect headphones to use as
alternative to internal speaker.
12 Battery Switch Disconnects the internal battery to completely switch device
off. This is only necessary if the device is to be stored for an extended period of time.
GPS User Manual 4
GPS User Manual 5
2. Getting Started
Congratulations on purchasing your new Voxson GPS Navigation System. The following manual will demonstrate how to install and use your GPS device as well as detail the operation, functions, and features of the Destinator navigation software.
Installing the GPS in your car
Please note that the GPS must be mounted in the vehicle such that is does not interfere with the driver’s view or operation of the vehicle’s controls. The device must also not be mounted in the deployment area of the vehicle’s airbags (if fitted).
1. To assemble your car holder kit, first attach the cradle to the suction-mount gooseneck bracket. To complete this start by orienting the bracket such that the lever at the base is facing upwards. Place the cradle onto the bracket ensuring that the tabs on the bracket align with the holes in the cradle (A). Slide the cradle downwards (B) until a loud “click” is heard.
2. Place the car holder kit in a suitable location on your windscreen ensuring that the lever at the base of the bracket is switched such that it is away from the glass. The area of the windscreen where the bracket is to be mounted should be cleaned with an alcohol based cleaner prior to attaching the bracket. The best location for the device is usually in the centre of the vehicle at the bottom of the windscreen.
3. Whilst firmly pressing the bracket against the glass, push the lever back into place against the base of the bracket. Once fitted, pull gently on the bracket to check that the suction mount is secure.
CAUTION: Do not place any force on the cradle itself as it can be easily broken.
GPS User Manual 6
4. Before attaching the GPS device into the cradle, ensure that the battery switch on the back of the unit is turned on. Slide the GPS into the cradle from the top. With the device in place, twist the gooseneck to adjust the position of the GPS so that you can see the screen comfortably.
5. Connect the supplied car charger cable to the USB / Charger connector on right side of the GPS and plug the other end of the cable into the cigarette lighter socket in the car. Use the power button on the top of the GPS to turn the device on.
The first time you turn on your navigation device it may take up to 10 or 15 minutes to acquire reliable GPS signal. Obstacles such as car ports, bridges, tunnels, and buildings will affect the navigation device’s ability to obtain an accurate signal. Do not be alarmed if the map displays your current location in another city when you first turn the unit on, your position will be automatically updated once reliable GPS signal is acquired. It is best to move your vehicle to a clear and open area free from obstacles that may hinder the GPS performance, and then remain stationary until the GPS has acquired your current position. If the vehicle is moving whilst the GPS is trying to acquire a signal, the acquisition time may be significantly increased.
Your Voxson GPS is now ready for use! Please read the instructions regarding navigation software to learn more about using your GPS.
CAUTION: Do not leave the device mounted in your car when parked. Exposure to extreme heat may
cause damage. Simply disconnect the charger and remove the device from the cradle. You may choose to leave the mounting system in place on the windscreen for easy installation when you return to your vehicle. Removing the device from view will also reduce the risk of theft.
1BGetting Started
GPS User Manual 7
Charging the GPS
Your new GPS should be charged for at least 5-8 hours prior to first use. This will condition the battery and prolong battery life. To maintain battery charge the car charger should be connected to the GPS whenever the device is in the vehicle (even when not in use).
To charge the battery:
x Switch the battery switch on the back of the unit to the on (left) position.
x Connect the charger cable to the charging port on the right side of the unit.
The charge indicator light will be green once the unit is fully charged.
NOTE: Connecting the USB cable to a PC will charge the unit however your computer may display an
error trying to connect with the hardware. This will not affect your GPS or your PC in any way.
Turning the GPS on and off
Use the power button on the top of the unit to turn your GPS on and off. Press and hold the button for 2 seconds and the device will turn on. Pressing and holding the power button for 2 seconds whilst the unit is on, will turn the GPS into ‘sleep’ mode. In sleep mode the battery may still run down over a period of several days when not plugged into a charger.
If the device does not turn on when the power button is pressed, ensure that the battery switch on the back is turned on and that the charger is connected.
First Time Configuration Wizard
This wizard, which automatically starts the first time you use Destinator, lets you easily configure the system settings by providing a step-by-step setup process. You can also configure these system settings by going to these system options from the Settings menu.
x End User Licence Agreement (EULA) - Please review the licence information and tap the Agree
button. The EULA screen appears each time you use a new map.
x Time Zone Setting - Set your current time zone information for accurate time and date
x QuickNav Settings - Specify an Address or Point of Interest (POI) that Destinator navigates to
when you tap the QuickNav button on the Main Map screen.
x Driver Warning - When you start Destinator, the Driver Warning screen appears. Please take a
moment to review the information provided before tapping the Agree button. Select the "Do not display this warning again" checkbox to skip this message in the future.
Figure 1 - Map Warning Screen
1BGetting Started
GPS User Manual 8
When you first start the Destinator navigation system, a dialogue box appears prompting you to view the tutorial. The tutorial will help you become familiar with the different navigation features available. You can view the tutorial any time by tapping the Tutorial button from the Extras menu.
The Start Demo button lets Destinator display a simulated route. Many of the Destinator navigation features are disabled when the demo is running. You can end the demo by tapping the Stop Demo button from the Settings menu.
Main Map
You can use the icons displayed on this screen to plan and view your route.
Figure 2 - Map Screen
Main Map Icons
1, 6
Zoom in or out of the map to view a larger less detailed area or a smaller area in greater detail
Tap the compass to change the map view display as follows:
2D map view with the forward direction at the top.
3D map view with the forward direction at the top.
2D map view with North at the top.
3 Tap this icon to adjust or mute the volume. This icon is hidden by default but
may be enabled in the map settings.
4 When you have calculated a route, the Directions
bar displays information about your next turn. Tap this bar for a complete list of turn-by-turn directions.
5 The GPS bar is a toggle button that displays the
remaining travel distance and travel time, estimated time of arrival, street name and address number, speed and altitude.
1BGetting Started
GPS User Manual 9
The red GPS receiver means that a reliable GPS signal is not yet located.
The green GPS receiver means that a reliable GPS signal is located and that you are ready to navigate.
8 These icons display your power source. The battery appears as green, yellow or
red depending on the strength of the battery charge.
This icon appears only when you have activated the TMC from the GPS Connection Settings screen. Tap this icon to open the TMC screen.
Tap this icon to set your QuickNav location. When set, you can tap this button to automatically calculate a route to this location.
11 Tap this icon to display the Go To menu.
Location Icons
Current location in Vehicle Mode or Pedestrian Mode.
Last known location when GPS signal is unreliable.
Generated route
Location Point on Main Map
You can drag the map to a specific point and tap the desired location directly on the Main Map screen in both 2D and 3D map view. This feature is useful when you want to navigate to a specific point on the map, rather than by the street address. When you tap on the map, the pop-up menu appears with the following options:
Figure 3 - Point on the Map Options
Go There - Navigate to the selected point on the map.
Save - Save a point on the map as a favourite destination for
future use.
Start Here - Designate the selected point as the starting point instead of your current location.
Map Views
You can choose to see a two-dimensional or three-dimensional map adjusted specifically for daylight or night time conditions.
From the Options menu, tap the Day/Night Mode toggle button to view the map for day or night time driving and the 2D/3D Mode toggle button to display the map view in 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional views for day or night driving.
1BGetting Started
Route Overview
x From the Route menu, tap the Route Overview button.
An overview of your complete route, the total driving distance to your destination, the estimated travel time and the complete destination address, are displayed on the Map Manager screen.
Cancel Route
x From the Route menu, tap the Cancel Route button.
The current navigation stops and Destinator clears the route. You can only cancel a route after a destination has been set.
GPS User Manual 10
Select Location and Generate Route
GPS User Manual 11
3. Select Location and Generate Route
Go to an Address
From the Route menu, tap the Route Overview button. The Address Search Mode screen appears, allowing you to choose how you want to enter address information. For example, if you select City First, the first address screen lets you select from a list of cities, the second screen a list of streets, and the third screen lets you enter an address number.
Select from the following address entry options:
x Town/City First - Town/City > Street > Address Number
x Street First - Street > Town/City > Address Number - You enter a street name
without having to first select a town or city. This is useful when searching for an address in a metropolitan area where there are many cities and towns.
x Junction - Town/City> Street > Street 2
x Postcode - Postcode, Street, Address Number - You can locate a street address by
entering the post code, without entering a town name, which is useful when you have no information about the town.
Note: Postcode feature is currently not available in Australian or New Zealand maps
Tap from one of the Address Search Mode options to display the first address screen.
Figure 4 - Selecting an Address
When entering an address, you can use the keyboard to enter the characters. The characters appear in the Address field. Destinator automatically searches the Address list for the first occurrence of the characters entered. After you have selected a town or city, Destinator displays the next address field, such as street and address number.
Instead of specifying a street, you have the option of selecting the Town/City Centre. If you don't know the address number, you can select the Street Midpoint.
Tap the Next button to move through the sequence of address screens.
Select Location and Generate Route
GPS User Manual 12
Go to Another Country
From the Address Mode screen, you can tap in Other Countries to select another country that you can travel to by vehicle.
This feature is available only when you have the following maps installed:
x Map of the country where you are currently located.
x Map of the country where you want to travel.
x The map of the major roads for that continent that connect one map to another (for example, the
major roads in Europe)
For example, if you are in Paris and you want to travel to Munich, select the map of Germany and designate Munich Town Centre as your destination. Destinator automatically displays the map of France when traveling on local roads in France, a map of Major Roads in Europe when traveling on a European motorway, and the map of Germany when traveling on local roads in Germany.
Destinator Screen Buttons
The following buttons appear on many of the navigation screens.
When you tap this button for a selected address, group or place, Destinator automatically opens the next screen in the sequence.
When you tap this button, Destinator returns you to the previous screen.
This button provides a list of command options available for the selected address or place.
The Save, OK or Done buttons confirm your selections and return you to the menu or map.
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