After charging the batteries, you are ready to begin reading with the eMag 43. With the unit’s powerful
magnification features, you can read or view letters, menus, maps, photos, labels, bus and train schedules,
television listings, receipts, ingredients, and much more.
Reading with the eMag 43
To read by using the eMag 43, do the following:
1. Make sure that the unit is charged.
2. Press the
button to turn on the eMag 43. After a few seconds, the LCD displays the
current view as seen through the camera window.
3. If you are reading a book, letter, or other printed item, place it on a flat surface, such as a table or desk.
4. You can then hold the eMag 43 by its handle the same way as you would hold a normal magnifying glass,
or you can fold the handle under the unit and place the eMag 43 directly over the text or object that you
want to read or view. Anything under the unit is magnified and shown on the screen.
5. Adjust the zoom using the yellow magnification
button located on the left side next to the LCD.
6. Select a colour mode by pressing the blue colour select button located on the left side of the screen.
Five different video modes are available: Normal (full colour), White on Black (enhanced positive), Black on
White (enhanced negative), Yellow on Blue and Yellow on Black.
7. Move or slide the unit to the right to read to the end of the line. Slide the unit first to the left and then down
to read the next line of text.
For safety reasons, eMag 43 turns off automatically after 30 minutes if no button is pressed during that time.
Using the eMag 43