Please study this manual to completely understand how
your Volvo Penta manne engine operates and to enable
you to take full advantage of its many built=in features.
Boating Responsibilities
Most countries have reguJations controlling boating Always make sure you follow these regulationsI As a boat
owner, you have cattam responsibilities to others. Be
sure that all operators read this manual.
You are legally responsible for all occupants of your
boat Instruct at least one of your passengers in the be-
sic fundamentals of handhng your boat ~n case of an
emergency Show all hands the location of emergency
equipment and how to use it In the U.S. you are re-
quired by law to have one U S Cost Guard approved
hie jacket for each person aboard, plus one approved
throwable device for man overboard protecbon Other
countries may have regulations that differ, contact Boat
foundations in your country for detaded mformahon
Learn the waterway rules of the locality in which you
are going to operate your boat Navigable waterways
are controlled by Federal (national) regulations while inland lakes are controlled by local jurisdictions. Obey
these regulabons to protect yourself, your passengers
and fellow boating enthusiasts.
Thoroughly familiarize yourself with weather bureau
warning system sagnals and waterway traffic signs
in the U.S. contact your local U S. Coast Guard stabon
and take advantage of their seasonal boat mspecbens
and train=ng courses For other countries, contact Boat
foundations for inforrnabon.
Our Joint ResponsibUity
Volvo Penta continualIy invests considerable development resources to minimize the effects on the env=ronment caused by our products Examples of this continuous work are the improvements in exhaust emassions,
sound levels and fuel consumption
Whether your Volvo Penta engine is used to power a
pleasure boat or is used in a commercial application it
can, if used incorrectly or maintained insufficiently, disturb or damage the environment
This Owner’s Marque{ cove~ several servtca checks
that, if not performed correctly, can cause a deteriora-
tion of the engine a~ectlng the environment, Its service
life and operating economy Always follow the recom-
mended service intervals and make it a hab{t to check
for anything abnormal each t{me you use the engine
An example of this is excess=ve exhaust smoke Con-
tact an Authorized Volvo Penta Servtca Dealer if you
cannot remedy the cause yourself.
Remember that most chemical products used to maintain your boat and engine are harmful to the enwronmerit, if used incorrectly. Volvo Penta recommends the
use of biodegradable degreasing agents during all
cleaning. Always dispose correctly of used engine and
transmission eel, paint, degreasing agents and washing
fluids etc., so that they cannot harm the environment.
When using your boat, always adjust the speed and
d~stanca to prevent the wake or sound level from disturbing wildlife, moored boats, pontoons, etc. Leave the
waters and natural harbors In the condition you yourself
would like to find them.
We thank you for your choice of Volvo Penta marine
engine and we wish to continue to supply you with
maintenance and adwee to help you get the best possi-
ble performance from your engine. Contact your nearest Authonzed Volvo Penta Servme Dealer for assistance.
Record your engine and reverse gear model and senal numbers immediately after purchase. This w~ll enable you to
have them available for quick reference when ordering parts or literature.
Engine Model No .........................................
Reverse Gear Model .......................................
ignition Key No ............................................
Boat Model No ...............................................
Serial No ............................................
Serial No ...........................................
This shows the engine speed =n revolut=ons per mrnute x I00
It is important that the engine reaches the maximum speed
w=th a normal load The full throttle RPM range =s 4000-4400
rpmforthe74GL For models74G[and82GLthefull
throttle range is 4200-4600 RPM A recommended maxtmum
crutsmg speed is around 300-500 rpm below the maximum
speed achteved
NOTEI Growth on the hull reduces the speed
Temperature gauge
Dunng normal use, the temperature gauge should dtsplay 158195°F (70-90°C) Your boat may be equtpped w~th an audtble
alarm to alert the operator to an engine coohng overheat
if the engine overheats, reduce the speed and shift
into neutral. Find out what is blocking the water supply to the engine if the temperature does not drop.
Stop the engine if necessary and rectify the fault.
Oil pressure gauge
The oil pressure gauge should normally show about 40-45 psi
(275-300kPa) when the engine ts runnmg It [s normal for the
gauge to show a lower reading at low speeds Your boat may
be equipped wtth an audible alarm to alert the operator to low
engme o~l pressure
If the oil pressure is too low, stop the engine imme-
The voltmeter shows the system voltage When the engine is
running it should be 14 0-14 4 V The voltage is 12 V when the
engine ts switched off
Main panel fuses
The instrument panel has two replaceable 8 Amp fuses The
fuse protected circuits are System voltage and Starting c~rcu~t
WARNING! Always keep spareonfusesboard
Push button, instrument lighting
Control units.
Ignition switch
The tgnition switch has three positions.
6 = Stop position. Everything connected across the key ts
switched off. The key can be withdrawn from the lock
I = Drive position. Sytem voltage connected
II = Start position. Starter motor acttvated
WARNING! The tgmtlon key must only be in the drive po-
stt=on when the engine ts to be started and when the engine IS runmng Carry out the starting procedure in one
Single lever control
The Volvo Penta control is designed to operate the speed,
forward and reverse gears by moving the lever in the
desired direction, The engine speed can be controled wrthout
selecting forward or reverse by pressing the button m the center
of the control hub and moving the lever slightly forward
Release the button and only the engine speed can be
controlled When the lever ~s returned to the neutral poslt~on, it
comes out of neutral automatically and the speed, forward and
reverse can now be regulated
F = FORWARD. Simultaneous control of speed and movement
R = REVERSE Srmultaneous control of speed and movement
High performance boat driving
F-hgh performance rs not only defined by engine size, but by a combmatron of the engine power, hull des=gn,
and the stze and waight of the boat Your new engine(s) produce a htgh power output Depending on the
boat type. the top speed may be much higher that what you are used to
F-hgh speed operation requ=res an expenenced driver who has mastered handling of high performance boats
It is advisable that you learn the boat’s behavior before takmg passengers on board Inform your passengers
about the boat’s charactenstlcs and the maneuvres you Intend to do Use the boat’s performance with due
consideration and care~
When operating at high speeds remember that other boaters may not reahze the speed you are travelling at,
especially when you close in on another boat from astern or from ahead. Always keep a good distance to al13w for the unexpected1 Always be prepared for what other boaters may do unexpectedly High speed dnvmg
requires the driver to gtve a high degree of attention to boat operatton
A boat travehng at a speed of 70 mph (60 knots) covers 101 feet (30 meters ) durmg 1 second The faster
you go, the qutcker thmgs wt]l happen High speed driving requires a lot of water and good distance to
possible hazards. Always allow a 3 - 4 second reaction hme
When dnwng, make sure that all passengers are safely seated. Emphasize this espectally i[ you have a larg-
er cabin cruiser where one normally moves about dunng operation Reduce the speed considerably, or stop
completely if someone needs to move about m the boat
The driver should always use the safety kill switch! The sw~tch, whch is connected to the driver,
immediatety shuts off the engine(s) should the dnver be thrown from the driving position Even ff the risk
falling overboard ts practically nonexistent tn your type of boat, the risk of the driver falling and beLng dazed
~n rough seas can be even greater
Remember, even when the engine(s) is stopped in a high performance boat that is p~aning, it will
travel about 325 ft (100 meters) before dropping through the planing threshold and stopping.
Safety equipment and personal gear.
Equip your boat with all safety items required by law, U S. Coast Guard regulations or other national regulations Added to this, followtng safety equ=pment =s wtal in a high performance boat
Life Jackets of an approved make for all those on board Note: The life jacket should be designed for
the speed the boat can reach.
Helmef_ A helmet shoutd be worn for all advanced boat driving at h~gh speeds. Use an approved type for use
in boats
Wet Suit. When operating In cold waters
Eye Protection. If the boat ~s not equJpped wJth an adequate windshield, the drrver qeeds eye protechon of
approved shatterproof type
On inboard engine installations.
WARNING! Volvo Penta recommends use of a properly installed sea strainer or raw filter to provide
engine and reverse gear with an unrestricted flow of filtered cooling water Regular inspection and
cleantng of this strainer is required Operation =n areas where seaweed, sea grass, sand etc or other
foreign matter m=ght block intake of filter require more frequent maintenance.
I Check the o~1 leve~ Jn the engine
NOTE! High performance engines normally have
a higher o=l consumpttop, when compared w~th a
standard marine engEne of the similar displacement Apart from lubncatton the most important