DDS-3005 USB ManualV1.9
DDS-3005 USB Arbitrary Waveform Generator and
Frequency Counter
Operation Manual V1.9
1.1 Introduction
DDS-3005 USB Arbitrary Waveform Generator has one channel of
arbitrary waveform output, 8 Bits output, synchronized signal outputs, two
channels of Counter/Frequency Measurement inputs, 8 Bits input and external
trigger input. User can edit the waveform arbitrarily by the mouse or choose
the regular waveforms such as Sine, Square, Tri-angle, Saw-tooth, TTL, White
Noise, Gauss Noise, Trapezia, Exponent, AM and FM. The parameters, such
as amplitude, frequency and offset, are also settable. The data format of DDS3005 USB is completely compatible with that of Tektronix; it can directly read
the waveform data files produced by the Tektronix oscilloscope or Tektronix
waveform editor software and redisplay the waveform. DDS-3005 USB adopts
the DDS technology so that it has the advantages of high frequency accuracy,
high waveform resolution, high reliability, and wide software support. It can
be widely used in the various kinds of electronics labs and it offers complete
interface for second time development to be jointlessly inserted into other
auto-measuring systems.
1.2 Working Principle
The PC transfer the waveform data to the memorizer of the signal
generator via the USB bus, the ID counter cycles and send the period
waveform data to the DAC circuits, the DDS (Direct Digital Synthesized)
circuit produces the corresponding DAC refreshing clock. The waveform of
DAC is outputted through the Cache magnifier, Low Pass Filter, and the
Magnifier. The frequency counter can test the external frequency.
1.3 Technical Indexes
Waveform Output Channel
Frequency Range 0.1Hz(DC)~5MHz
Resolution 0.01Hz
DAC Clock 0~50MHz Continuously adjustable, in
step of 0.2Hz
Channels 1CH waveform output
Memory Depth 256KSa
Vertical 14 Bits

DDS-3005 USB ManualV1.9
Stability <30ppm
Amplitude ±10V Max.
Output Impedance 50 Ω
Output Current 50mA Vpeak=100mA
Low Pass Filter 5MHz, 1MHz, 100KHz, 10KHz, 1KHz
Programmable Control
Harmonic Wave
-65dBc(1KHz), -53dBc(10KHz)
Frequency Counter Channel 1
Range DC~25MHz
Input Amplitude 400mVpp~25Vpp
Coupling Mode AC, DC Programmable
Accuracy ±Time Base Error ±1 Count
Input Impedance > 50KΩ
Frequency Counter Channel 2
Range 25MHz~2.7GHz
Input Power ±20dbm
Coupling Mode AC
Accuracy ±Time Base Error ±1 Count
Input Impedance 50 Ω
Standard Frequency 25MHz
Frequency Stability 20 ppm max.
Aging Rate ±1 ppm/year
Digital Input and Output
Bits 8 Bits+ Synchronized Signal 1 Bit +
External Signal 1 Bit
Level 3/5V TTL/CMOS
Working Environment
0~70 Centigrade
Weight 0.7Kg
Installation and Set up
2.1 Minimum System requirements
PentiumΠ400M CPU or compatible PC, 64 RAM, 1024x768 VGA,
Windows98/Windows2000/WindowsXP/Windows VistaUSB1.2 or USB 2.0

DDS-3005 USB ManualV1.9
2.2 DDS-3005 USB Shape and Terminal Illustration
DDS-3005 USB Shape
Arbitrary Waveform
Front Panel

DDS-3005 USB ManualV1.9
Digital outputs
Working Status
Digital inputs
Rear Panel
PIN1 Bit7
PIN2 Bit6
PIN3 Bit5
PIN4 Bit4
PIN5 Bit3
PIN6 Bit2
PIN7 Bit1
PIN8 Bit0
PIN9 Synchronized Signal Output
PIN10 Digital Ground
Digital Output Port Definition
PIN1 Bit7
PIN2 Bit6
PIN3 Bit5
PIN4 Bit4
PIN5 Bit3
PIN6 Bit2
PIN7 Bit1
PIN8 Bit0
PIN9 External Trigger Input
PIN10 Digital Ground
Digital Input Port Definition
DDS-3005 USBV1.08 Software Operations