We are glad that you have decided to use our variable area flow meters and high-precision control
valves. Our instruments will provide you with high-quality long-lived products.
This manual contains important information for commissioning and/or designing equipment. Please
contact your distribution partner if anything is not clear.
We are committed to the continual improvement of our products and documentation. Your
experience from everyday use can assist us with this. We welcome your comments and criticisms.
We have taken great care in compiling this manual. However, we cannot accept responsibility for
possible errors.
Service and quality
We are continually improving the quality and provision of our products and services. In the end,
whether the right product was selected only becomes apparent once the product is in use.
Therefore we make every effort not just to preach but also to live by top quality and service.
The warranty for the products described in this manual is limited to defects in material and
workmanship. Warranty does in no case exceed product replacement free of charge. All claims are
null and void in the case of improper use:
Use outside the operating limits
Damage due to water hammer
Corrosion damage
Mechanical damage in general
Check the package for external damage and contact your distribution partner if the instruments
have visible defects. Check that the delivery is complete and corresponds to the delivery note.
This product is a precision measuring instrument. We would like to point out that you should take
due care when choosing the installation site and following these suggestions and instructions.
Before installing, check that the specification on the type label matches your application.
Please read through these operating instructions carefully before commissioning. Incorrect
operation, errors in comprehension and the consequences of these can lead to breakage of the
instrument or risk of personal injury.
Commissioning and maintenance must be carried out by appropriately qualified personnel. Proper
use of the products is a necessary precondition for their smooth operation.
Safety information
The instruments must not be used outside the specified operating limits
(See also section Technical Data)
Incorrect operation can lead to breakage of the instrument or risk of personal injury.
When using toxic media it is strongly advised not to use glass cylinder measuring instruments:
cylinder breakage and leaks can cause risk of personal injury
Shocks, e.g. caused by magnetic valves, should be avoided.
The measuring instruments must be used solely for the medium specified in the delivery note.
Media which differ from this may lead to impaired durability and therefore cause leakage
Using the manual
This manual contains information on the variable area flowmeters Q-Flow and V-100 and highprecision control valves M-Flow.
Sections and paragraphs which only apply to a particular product group are marked as follows:
Operating principle of the variable area flowmeter
The measuring instrument works according to the float measuring principle
The measuring unit consists of a tapered graduated precision glass measuring cylinder in which a
ball float can move freely up and down. The medium flows through the vertically-aligned measuring
cylinder from the bottom upwards.
The float positions itself so that the buoyancy force A acting on it, the form resistance W and its
weight G are in balance::
G = A + W
The flow rate can be read as the height of the float on a scale on the tapered measuring cylinder.
The value is read off at the middle of the float (largest diameter).
The instrument type label is attached to the inside of the left side panel in the V-100 and on the
back of the mounting plate in the Q-Flow:
SN: Serial number – Position – number of instruments per position
BE: Customer order number
07/08: Date of manufacture, month/year
Type: Specification in accordance with type code (standard instruments only) 1
Medium, measuring range, measurement unit, pressure, temperature and additional information.
Custom designed instruments are given a seven digit product code instead of a type code
(e.g. 137-1215).
High-precision control valve type marking
For the M-Flow the type label is attached to the valve cartridge housing.
An arrow on the body of the valve indicates the flow direction.
NS 2.5: Specification of valve size NS 1.0 to NS 6.5
L: Closing direction for valve (L = left / R = right)
V: Sealing material (V = FKM / E = EPDM / P = FFKM
Custom designed instruments can have additional details such as leakage rate.